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Most dangerous coastal city - Cherno or Elektro

Most dangerous coastal city - Cherno or Elektro?  

95 members have voted

  1. 1. Most dangerous coastal city - Cherno or Elektro?

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Cherno. Always someone on three yellow or two blue with a sniper rifle with a clean shot pretty much anywhere in town, at least in Electro you can stay in cover from sniper hill and the hospital roof pretty easily.

Edited by smasht_AU

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Elektro because the main loot route have a nice sniper hill for dickheads!

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Another vote for Cherno here.

More players and less cover than Elektro in my opinion.

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going the other way i say that elektro is more dangerous:

1-in cherno you can scout an area before moving to the next one, elektro is just a one nucleus town.

2-the big factory offers a better cover, splitting the city in two halves.

3-in cherno you can be fully geared looting less than 1/2 buildings:

a) apartments+hospital

B) tents+a couple of pubs

c) firestation+cornershop

yes, cherno can easy stimulate your greed and make you go from building to building in town until you die, but in elektro you are basicly camping until you get sniped by the hill

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Cherno. I've encountered atleast 5 people at the apartments today, another 5 or 6 just around the city. Mainly since it is the main place of interest for new spawns to get weapons fast. It can depend on when you're spawning in though and what you're looking for.

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Cherno. Was just there and some guy with a as50 was on top of one of the buildings. Got up there and he killed me, got in a nice 2 shots though one breaking his leg and the other hitting him in the chest :D

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I would say Elektro just because, me and my clan have a harder time defending fresh spawns, we camp on the buildings in Cherno but we only kill people who come up to our buildings or are seen killing other players, but in Elektro we always get counter sniped by people on the hills.

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Electro, so many people snipe there. Also generally seems to be more players there, all the main buildings are around the one area which makes it easier to get killed.

Would also like to say that Balota Airfields is also quite dangerous, usually always see someone there.

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From 2 and a half months of experience, my honest opinion is Elektro. Basically all the main loot areas are covered by hills for snipers and it's much more open unlike Cherno with those big factory buildings.

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I think that Cherno is more dangerous because of the snipers. It takes good sniper to hit you from the sniper hill but there is always someone there.

I just run thru like a headless chicken and hope for the best. Survived every time ;)

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Another vote for Cherno. Particularly the area around the church and supermarket. Over the past few days of play, I've been to Cherno and Elektro pretty much equally in terms of time, and Cherno was definitely more active. Everything was fine at Elektro except for one particular instance, in which a sniper was firing at me until I managed to hit the coast and run toward Cherno, all whilst another player was following me trying to a shot on me. I got away eventually though. Cherno on the other hand... I've been in a few firefights, and have encountered two hackers.

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Cherno. I've taken to hunting bandits lately (15 bandit kills, 3 murders) and I get most of my kills in Cherno.

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Electro on almost all the servers I have been on it seems Bambi's got to cherno and bandits go to electro. But at the same time if bandits have snipers then they tend to sit in the hills over cherno waiting for bambi's, so in all honestey ther prob both as dangerous as each other depending on time of day :)

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I've always had more trouble in Elektro than Cherno.

And what is it with all this Bambi nonsense?

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I've been killed a lot more in Elektro and the players there have seemed slightly better equipped.

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Been killed way more in Electro. Cherno has more cover, better routes and a grouped looting areas. Electro is more spread out, limited routes and requires more navigation to loot effectively.

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Cherno. Somewhy it's always full of looters and has a maze of structures, where an ambush can easily hide. In Elektro it's nearly always clear, if there is a survivor somewhere. I got so used to looting it, that I can always succesfully fight people. It's PREDICTABLE. Cherno is not.

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Elektro for sure. it's a lot smaller (at least the important bits) so if there's someone there, you will run into them. It's also easy to see common sniper spots compared to sniper hill and whatnot where you can never know for sure if there's a wookie hiding in the trees. Elektro attracts more bandits with the 2 firehouses, and lower geared bandits tent to have a easy time killing in town from spots like on top of the hospital and inside the pub, where there's clear views of the supermarket and the school.

I feel a lot more safe in Cherno, hands down.

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Less cover in Cherno...? Nah...

Elecktro is far more dangerous. Smaller city and limited access points make for higher traffic and more potential player encounters along the routes into the city, way less cover than Cherno, the good loot spawns cloesly together, far less ways to exfiltrate from the city safely. Thats why it's my favorite town.

Cherno has woodland right at its boaders, the coastal routes have tall buildings shielding snipers ontop of buildings, huge grey walls give you ample protection from snipers if you know how to move in an urban enviroment, it has good loot spread throughout the entire city. Cherno might have more players wanting to visit, might have more snipers at different angles but there is so much flexibility and cover for your approach it's a non issue.

Electro is a cluster fuck of players, who get funnelled into the city at choke points. Venturing due North from the town is suicidal and the eastern coastal line or road is not much better.

Edited by Trizzo
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cherno becomes more dangerous only if you want to loot the entire city, if you are lucky you'll barely enter:

if you spawn in spawn in kamenka

you loot every hell hole until you reach cherno(a lot of people do this instead of just heading north)

you enter from the apartments side or the cornershop side

you'll probably have a gun(you survived balota which is quite dangerous itself)

hospital and a couple of civilian spots or cornershop firestation church and you are out

if you spawn in prigorodky you have 5 barns where spawn only rifles(or shit)

you go directly for military tents, medical loot and some good weapon to improove your arsenal

check a couple of houses and you are out

all this without the massive probability of meeting someone that raises a lot if you decide to cross all the indistrial area to go for apartments or some pub.

obviously you could be very unlucky but this everywhere in this game.

in the end, peripheral dots.

if you are in the outskirts of elektro and you have a lot of them, they can be everywhere in the city, in cherno you can easily scout the industrial area and figure out if zombies spawned by others are in your area of the city or in another part of it.

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