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Pending Hotfix: Build

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General question to Rocket regarding vision ranges and zombie view mode.

Is it possible to have two methods of visual detection on Zombies? Have the zombie be able to see based off of where the body is aimed, and have that be a good reasonable distance(I have more playtesting to do once the hotfix is out to see if the current range is reasonable or not). However, also have it detect based on where it is eyes are at, but have it be a much shorter range?

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I love it, good job on the Patch :) And Guys, ALPHA is for TESTING so maybe you get your guns back, just be patient

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Rocket please gives us our guns back.

Just give us a gun with 1 clip of ammo or something.

Its needed and its basically unplayable without them at this point.

Especially since pistols are like hen's teeth for rarity in loot piles suddenly.

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Rocket please gives us our guns back.

Just give us a gun with 1 clip of ammo or something.

Its needed and its basically unplayable without them at this point.

Ahaa you're still whining about that? L2P.

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Take away everything but an empty whiskey bottle and a tin can ffs, the whining is making my ears bleed..but the tears give you power I guess.

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Hey Rocket, today I was atacked by some zombies through the wall at the Starysobor supermarket, I was at the backroom of the building and some zombies atacked me through the wall, wasn't that fixed already?

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The balance is fine as it currently is, totally playable. The Makarov increase should "solve" the no-gun problem. Hopefully.

I managed to survive with the starting kit for 4 hours. After that, at night time, I saw a guy with a Makarov getting zerged by Zeds. He died, I sneaked up and looted, now stuck up at a catwalk with 6 bullets.

I love the rarity of guns to a certain point, makes finding one into the feeling of discovering the holy grail. But the other side of the coin, is that it's really frustrating to start over, but also adds tension while having something to lose.

So yeah... What was I saying again?

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Code changes locked. Going into a closed test now.

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Rocket please gives us our guns back.

Just give us a gun with 1 clip of ammo or something.

Its needed and its basically unplayable without them at this point.

Ahaa you're still whining about that? L2P.

Why not :P

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Thank you for the changes. I didn't think I would like the No Gun on spawn, but considering you have increased the drops, I am liking it much better. It is challenging but not hopeless. I would have been sad to have no gun and had the usual empty houses I commonly run into.

I did notice that some zombies are spawning inside buildings and sort of glitched. They will aggro after I get in the building, but it seems they get hung up in buildings pretty easily. I think I also might have experienced this heartbeat thing with humanity. Not completely sure but i started hearing my heartbeat pounding for no reason. I couldn't quite figure out where anyone was, but it was an interesting effect.

One thing.. my friends and I are struggling with the update and beta. It took me about 4-5 hours this morning to get it to run correctly and also launch from Steam. My friends have also experienced similar difficulties. It would be nice to have an official FAQ with a step by step walk through. I ended up doing every walk through I could find in forums and maybe finally the conglomeration worked.

Thank you for responding on a Sunday. <3

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Post bugs in bug reports.. holy fucking bat shit hard concept to understand.

Nice patch & hotfix Rocket

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Is it possible to fix the "pick up an item like hatched/hunting knife etc (the lower slots of the inventory) and discard half of the upper inventory" bug?

And the same for "take a weapon xy and ammo for this weapon (if there is some on the ground) and discard the old weapon and all the ammo that does not match weapon xy even if there are enough slots for everything"

And maybe lower the cool down time for being unconscious after a hard zombie attack or a bullet - as of now it is impossible to stay alive after getting in such situation - makes it kinda useless feature. Or do not lower the cool down time but give a reasonable chance to wake up early (like 15% chance every 2 seconds or something like that)

Thanks for the mod anyway.

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FYI, for some reason when you pick up tools (hatchet, watch, compass, etc), the game drops nearly your entire inventory on the ground (but not your backpack items). Very strange.

Also, I had issues with the flashlight where it would not turn on.

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Sweet! So when is the hotfix coming out to fix *trollface* j/k Thought I wouldn't get to play any DayZ for a day or two, but wow... Kudos.

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Post bugs in bug reports.. holy fucking bat shit hard concept to understand.

Nice patch & hotfix Rocket

Chill Bro.

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i just figured out the problem! these must be "White Zombies" because they are "More human then human" lol.

and before anyone says it, that was NOT racist. Its a reference to a band from the 90's. damn it, you just made me explain the joke, now its not funny.

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Omnomnomnomnomnom.... If you steal my sleep rocket, I will steal your flesh while I wait for this hotfix. What am I gonna say to my boss tomorrow? "sorry boss, was waiting for the zombies to get their old vision back" lol

Thanks for all the work rocket. we ruv u for the emotional roller coaster you put us on.

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