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I would love to join somones group, this solo game is near impossible for me, and i just end swimmjng for my life or zombie food lol...

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I would love to join somones group, this solo game is near impossible for me, and i just end swimmjng for my life or zombie food lol...

Replied to your PM dude :)

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I have a small group, I'll ask em if they don't mind joining a large one, I'll PM you Dez.


Hit me with your PMs guys!

(I'm going to regret saying that!)

Edited by Dez.

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Dez, i have broken bones and im in Kamyshovo to the right of Electro


Sorry about not being able to get to you that night mate. I was having alot of problems with hackers throughout that day and ended up having one pop on just as you came on our server :( So i had to get back to log reading!

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Love these guys. Don't know if I would be still playing DayZ if it weren't for them.

So the story goes:

I've had been playing DayZ a little less than a week. A personal friend of mine got me into the game so we'd frequently jump on skype and play together. Over the course of my first week my character never survived more than a few hours of playtime and on only one occasion did I find another player willing to team up (and not betray me later mind you). After we died somewhere northeast, I respawned at elektro one evening. I was running solo and hit up a red residential building. It was the first time I found an ALICE pack and I thought it was the greatest thing ever. I continue looting the town without any encounters with another player. At this point I had my ALICE, a sidearm, food, drink, and all my necessary tools. I start to head toward the north fire station in elektro and as I'm crouching up the ladder a military zed pops out and smacks me unconscious. Fearing for my life and not knowing I could Alt F4 to save it at this point, I wait as the zombie eats chunks off of me. I wake back up and unload my magazine into the zed, bandage myself, and log out with <1000 blood. With the fear of dieing to lose my new ALICE pack I didn't log back in and instead hopped on the forums hoping to find a group of some sorts. I stumbled across this thread, got the TS3 info from Fishmitts, and he moved me down into a channel with four other guys. After giving them my location, I waited as this small rescue force came half way across the map just to help out an inexperienced player that they didn't even know. Volun Shade and his crew cleared out the fire station and gave me the all clear to log back in. They promptly fixed my broken leg and gave me a blood transfusion. I was recruited into his squad and ran countless missions with him including base location, town raids, airfield raids, and other rescue missions. I soon became the second in command to Volun's squad and a leader of my own squad in the weeks that came.

It's nice to have people you can count on if things go south. People you can play with consistently and trust. People that wont shoot first and ask questions never.

=FTS= Sgt. Lyrebird, Leader of Squad Three

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Yes please. I keep getting raped by zombies right off spawn because they can see me crawling from across Cherno.

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I've been riding with these guys the last month or so and i can highly recommend them if you want a helping hand, organized ops and last but not least, shits and giggles :)

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these guys are bitches, terrible people, and in general just suck

jk! u guys are awesome.

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Love these guys. Don't know if I would be still playing DayZ if it weren't for them.

Blah Blah Blah Jeez thats all i ever hear from your Bird. Just remember pimps and whores.

Anyway in =FTS= we do help a lot of members I've been with them for a small amount of time nearing 2 months or so. I originally just joined to get help learning the basics then i started to lead some squads around to try and get some stuff done. One day Fishmitts drops down into the channel i was in and told me there were a few people on the south coast that were new to the game and could use some help. So being the good natured person i am i run all the way from the North down to help out some new guys i don't really know. 2 hours later (or so it seems after running for ever) I me and the group start heading back north. Then comes Fish again saying he had a guy that needed a Med Evac from near Elecktro. Now we weren't that far out maybe just 3k from Bird. I asked my group and we all agreed yes we were gonna rescue this guy. Made it down and back without a real problem unless you count a party memeber running off a barn balcony.


We help those that ask, even the stupid questions we answer ( And yes there are stupid questions ;) )

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Never understood what TL;DR; means.. nope.. still don't :(

Edited by Dez.

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Love these guys. Don't know if I would be still playing DayZ if it weren't for them.

So the story goes:

I've had been playing DayZ a little less than a week. A personal friend of mine got me into the game so we'd frequently jump on skype and play together. Over the course of my first week my character never survived more than a few hours of playtime and on only one occasion did I find another player willing to team up (and not betray me later mind you). After we died somewhere northeast, I respawned at elektro one evening. I was running solo and hit up a red residential building. It was the first time I found an ALICE pack and I thought it was the greatest thing ever. I continue looting the town without any encounters with another player. At this point I had my ALICE, a sidearm, food, drink, and all my necessary tools. I start to head toward the north fire station in elektro and as I'm crouching up the ladder a military zed pops out and smacks me unconscious. Fearing for my life and not knowing I could Alt F4 to save it at this point, I wait as the zombie eats chunks off of me. I wake back up and unload my magazine into the zed, bandage myself, and log out with <1000 blood. With the fear of dieing to lose my new ALICE pack I didn't log back in and instead hopped on the forums hoping to find a group of some sorts. I stumbled across this thread, got the TS3 info from Fishmitts, and he moved me down into a channel with four other guys. After giving them my location, I waited as this small rescue force came half way across the map just to help out an inexperienced player that they didn't even know. Volun Shade and his crew cleared out the fire station and gave me the all clear to log back in. They promptly fixed my broken leg and gave me a blood transfusion. I was recruited into his squad and ran countless missions with him including base location, town raids, airfield raids, and other rescue missions. I soon became the second in command to Volun's squad and a leader of my own squad in the weeks that came.

It's nice to have people you can count on if things go south. People you can play with consistently and trust. People that wont shoot first and ask questions never.

=FTS= Sgt. Lyrebird, Leader of Squad Three

But whats the fun of logging out whenever you're in danger of dying?

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I've only joined just today, but the way they talk about what they do, I have a lot of confidence that I'll be learning a lot more about DayZ soon :)

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"To Long : Did not Read

Thanks haha. Now I know.

I've only joined just today, but the way they talk about what they do, I have a lot of confidence that I'll be learning a lot more about DayZ soon :)

Glad you like it :)

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I've sent you one instead :) you should have a notification on your top right.

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hey Dez send me the ts3 info plz,ive jsut signed up an app at the site,,thx alex

Edited by ajakz

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hey Dez send me the ts3 info plz,ive jsut signed up an app at the site,,thx alex

I accepted your App so it should have been emailed to you. But ill PM it to you anyway.

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