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Try this! Head Tracking (FaceTrackNoIR)

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Does this actually work in Arma II? I've tried versions 1.4, 1.5, and 1.7, but Arma II doesn't detect it once it's running. Options show Freetrack as available, and it's enabled.

FaceTrackNoIR works perfectly and tracks my head at a steady 30fps.

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I am interested if others are using this for DayZ and any opinions on the viability of the program.

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The PS3 Eye webcam seems to be recommended for tracking use, and it's dirt cheap on Amazon/ eBay.

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hello there,

This software works fairly well with Arma (and other RV based games), but it really shines only when airborne, with infantry use, whilst novel, it *can* be offputting and put you in "deadly" situations.




PS Track IR is groovy as well, but a lot of cash to most of us.

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I installed this and could never get arma to recognize it.

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Bittereinder, I read through all those 52 pages when trying to get it to work, but no luck. Thought Comodo was blocking the process, but even after uninstalling it, it wouldn't work. Going to find some other game/simulator to try it on to see if it's Arma 2's fault, or something I'm doing wrong, generally, with it.

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Bittereinder' date=' I read through all those 52 pages when trying to get it to work, but no luck. Thought Comodo was blocking the process, but even after uninstalling it, it wouldn't work. Going to find some other game/simulator to try it on to see if it's Arma 2's fault, or something I'm doing wrong, generally, with it.


I had to install FaceApi first, then FaceTrackNOIR. Load the arma2.ini and select Freetrack protocol and setup your FaceTrackNOIR.

Then start up Arma 2 and activate the FreeTrack protocal somewhere in your options (controller options for what i read). I read you can uninstall the FaceApi demo afterwards

Yeah there's no install guide and you kinda have to find out everything for yourself. That sucks.

You can always register on that forum and ask for help.

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You might also check on Freetrack. Uses IR like TrackIR but it's a DIY solution = free. Works pretty well, even for infantry (if you play with the config curves and sensitivity and deadzone). Being DIY it means the quality will depend a lot on your webcam quality and ability to attach/solder LEDs to your headset/cap, though.

I have tried FaceTrackNoIR a good while back, didn't work for me so much (obviously it needs good lighting and clean background), but heard they have made a good progress as well.

All those solutions are great, even for infantry play, if only for being able to easily look behind you.

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I set this up last night. I have a Microsoft Lifecam Cinema, and it works well if I have my overhead light on or it's daytime. I have a few more adjustments to play with tonight after work.

For those having issues; I am on Win 7 x64 and got it to work using the following -

Uninstall FaceTrackNoIR

Install the faceAPI > http://www.faceapi.com/Download/register.php (You have to register first)

Install v1.6 FaceTrackNoIR (Make sure you load it up and you can see your face on the left)

Close both programs completely

Uninstall the faceAPI in Control Panel

Right click the FaceTrackNoIR.exe and set it to "Run as Administrator"

Right click the ArmA beta exe and set it to "Run as Administrator"

Load ArmA, go to settings, controls, controllers and enable the Facetrack

Load FaceTrackNoIR, load the ArmA preset, and click "start"

You SHOULD at this point get some kind of movement in the game, from here just tweak your settings accordingly.

I have some issues where sometimes I have to start ArmA FIRST, if I leave the FaceTrack crap running it screws up, but only with the ArmA beta.

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Firefall, i need your help :-)

Bought a logitec c310 today, which is working pretty good, but ithink i need the right facetracknoir setup. Maybe you can help me. Are you using "fake trackIR" ?

What are the other settings, to get it smooth?

Thx in advance.

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Also - if you're of a DIY bent - free track is a pretty decent alternative to trackIR. You'll need to break open a webcam and remove the IR filter and replace it with a visible light filter and make your own head tracking LEDs, but it should be more accurate than face tracking. Haven't used it myself with arma, but it always worked very well for flight/racing sims.

E: read the first page and assumed no one had mentioned freetrack yet. Ninja'd.

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Firefall' date=' i need your help :-)

Bought a logitec c310 today, which is working pretty good, but ithink i need the right facetracknoir setup. Maybe you can help me. Are you using "fake trackIR" ?

What are the other settings, to get it smooth?

Thx in advance.


He is using FacetrackNOIR, version 1.60 he said.

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Firefall' date=' i need your help :-)

Bought a logitec c310 today, which is working pretty good, but ithink i need the right facetracknoir setup. Maybe you can help me. Are you using "fake trackIR" ?

What are the other settings, to get it smooth?

Thx in advance.


He is using FacetrackNOIR, version 1.60 he said.

??? DId you get my question Bittereinder?!!!

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Played around with it a little bit, but it seems a little slow in response. (May just be my web cam, though.)

It's an interesting little toy, though, if somebody can get it working really well, they might be able to have a pretty valuable asset for hella cheap.

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It may cost you a few bucks, but using TrackIR has been awesome for me. The facial recog is ok but using a trackIR with the IR lights on my headphones has been WAY better

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I wanted a trackIR until I read this:

NaturalPoint have been supplying developers of popular game titles with a secretly encrypted version of the TrackIR head tracking interface since 2008, rendering these games incompatible with the standard TrackIR interface used by TrackIR 1 & 2, FreeTrack, FaceTrackNoIR, linux-track, GlovePIE, NewView and others. TrackIRFixer disables encryption in games to restore compatibility.

That's like a move out of Creatives book. =\

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