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Dayz yarn , The Beginning

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Here's something i did way back in the beginning that i never posted, just found it on my hd whilst looking for nude pictures of Steak some metal tunes.

Dayz.. a mod for ArmaII/ Operation Arrowhead that has you as a survivor in the middle of zombie apocalypse. Will you keep your humanity and help other survivors or will you tread the bandit path, slaying all in your way in this open enviroment. 225 square kilometres to explore, find gear you will need for survival,go lone wolf,try and team up, avoid or join up with bandits, and of course, kill Zeds. The story is totally yours to make, where you go and what you do is up to you. Average life expectancy ..28 minutes, how long will you survive the Dayz experience..

I wake up on the beach, my head is pounding, vision blurred..sound comes rushing back ...zzzzzzzzZZZOOOMPH! Woah, that was wack, i can hear the surf mere metres away and see that dawn is just breaking. I stand up and shake myself down, pat the sand of my dirty clothes... my gear! I madly grab my backpack and scuffle through..water bottle, shake shake..full, painkillers, flares, bandages, my trusty Makarov pistol with a couple of full clips and ..beans. I polish my gold rimmed aviators, hey, a guy has to have some sort of style, and while thinking of a course of action for the day my mind wanders back...

I remember the first time we heard the news story of the crazy drugged out guy in Florida..naked and eating another mans face, taking a bullet round seemingly unaffected..then another chap cutting himself up in an apartment and throwing his skin and intestines at the local police, peppersprayed, unaffected. The net went crazy about the Zombie Apocalypse. As usual the assailants turned up as internet memes within a few days, twisted humour , but this was the instant cyber world we lived in, everything was fair game.

The news contained stories of a new drug derived from LSD, ' Bath Salts' . Making people turn into unthinking wild animals basically. A few more random incidents then it all died down and became just another piece of madness in our daily world. The zombie craze faded.

A few months later I found myself on a business trip selling outdated laptops and smartphones to a shonky retail chain in Chernarus , the infamous former Soviet state, when the big news hit. America had been overun overnight by madness, people attacking each other in the streets, major rioting , the civilian populace out of control, fighting the police, the government, each other. I watched footage on the plane flight over and could not believe what i was seeing, people on the streets were literally tearing each other apart ! Whole cities were burning, everything had broken down..overfuckingnight! It looked like all of those crappy zombie movies from the 70's. Madness.

We landed at a small strip in Balota, east of Chernogrorsk, by then i had seen that Europe , Africa and Asia was also going through the same hell.What the fuck was going on??!! This was no Bath Salts, this was something far larger and out of control, spreading like a wildfire. I needed to find out more, and desperately quickly it appeared.

A small group of people were gathered near the hangars all looking at their phones , a larger lady was crying and holding two children whose eyes were wide with fear. I recognised Ivan' one of the aircraft mechanics and noticed he had a small pistol strapped to his belt. Weird. He waved at me and i I was just starting to head over when i heard the sound of an aircraft in the distance off to my left.

Approaching the small airport was a light plane, looked like a Technoavia SM-2000. Despite the crazy news i caught myself watching it come in, i had always been a plane nut and the Tech was an odd looking single engined bird that i had only seen in books. She seemed a bit lively..crabbing in , then diving up and down randomly..all of a sudden its engine cut a few feet above the concrete runway. She bounced hard..once..twice, then, the front wheel collapsing , it plowed along sparking on its nose until it slewed to a stop not more than 20 metres beside me. Damn! An already mad day was getting monumental ! I ran towards the crashed plane..tilted up crazily on its bent prop, fuel and oil leaking from its engine. Just as i got to the wingtip the door swung open bashing violently against the fuselage and this abomination looked at me..what ..the..hell ?! His face was ridden with cuts and what looked like small boils or some sort of pox. The cuts were not fresh though, nothing that had just happened in the crash..weird, and his eyes, man his eyes..they were blackly bloodshot and the pupils were small and beady, an off colour i cant describe.

In the brief seconds i was rooted to the ground taking this in i saw the pilot slumped over the controls, his neck had chunks missing, one eye lolled out of his socket and on his cheek...i noticed movement in the rear of the cabin..at least three more of these 'things'. Fuck this! Turning and sprinting in the opposite direction, faster than i ever ran at track, coach would have been proud i thought! Bolting past the small group and the crash team who was just pulling up i did not look back until i heard the screaming, these fucked up things had waded straight into the small crowd, swinging ripping,biting, tearing. I saw Ivan draw his pistol and start firing, he offloaded his magazine into one of them that dropped and then was overcome himself. The thing bit into his face and blood spewed out of his forehead, that was more than enough, i hightailed it across the field and onto the outskirts of the small village of Balota, jumping a random goat that had somehow wandered onto the field.

That was three days ago and it felt like a year. I had come to call the things 'Zeds' , short for Zombies, i mean c'mon..what else where they ? They ate people..they looked dead. Zombies. Crazy, but here i was..a character in 28 Days Later, The Walking Dead..Zombieland and not a twinkie in sight. Fucked up sideways mental. I was stuck in the middle of who knows what, i didn't really know what was happening outside of my little bubble of apocalyptica, but it was bad.Real fucking eat a dick bad.

I had worked my up the coast and roamed the streets of Chernogorsk for a day, raided a small shop and found the only weapon available, a small russian military issue pistol thrown on the floor casually amongst tinned food and a pile of watches, it had become my 'trusty Mak'. I had watched the Zeds become more and more numerous , chasing people through the streets, eating them as they lay screaming on the ground. Panick was rife and more than once i had seen people who had not been killed by the Zeds, full of bullet holes. It did not take long for some people to turn.

That same day i killed my first bunch of Zeds, chased by a bunch of them into a building while i was investigating a pile of tin cans randomly strewn with more tinned food near a house, standing back from the doorway blasting away as they filed in and had heaped them up on top off each other with round after round, emptying magazine after magazine. I didnt worry about conserving ammo, it seemed everyone here had had a Mak, i was constantly finding full mags in every second house or building i walked into too. They say America is gun crazy..after visiting Cherno, i beg to differ.

I sat on the top of a block of apartments and ate beans and pasta from cans. I scabbed through hotels, pubs, shops, hospitals. I was slowly getting supplies , bandages, painkillers, tins of food. matches and a bigger backpack to carry it all.. i had no idea how long i would be by myself. Would the military come and take these Zeds out? Was it an infection ? Was everyone on these Bath Salts? I suspected the government, one of their projects gone had gone balls up. They fed us crap all the time, fuel prices, needed wars, low pay rates, bad economy..blah blah blah..now Bath Salts ? Made by a couple of punks looking to make a buck and now the world was fubar? Yeh right. Fuck you politicians, i hope they eat you slowly.

After a fitfuls night sleep on top of the apartments i made my way via the forest and hills to Elektrozavodsk, one of the highlights of my former visits , the pubs were seedy and the ladies were generally seedier. As i approached i could see things had taken an even more downward turn, vehicles were burnt out in the streets and for some reason someone had taken a disliking to washing machines as what seemed like all of them were thrown recklessly and randomly outside. Strange people these Russians.

Then i saw someone ! He was moving slyly between buildings, a bandana of some sort on his head and large pack on his back. He stayed low and moved into the church ..alert, definitely not a Zed. I nearly flipped! A real live person ! He even had a pair those poofy looking red Oakleys on ! I watched him enter then looked around for Zeds, none i could see so i bolted down the hill through a field, stopped at some buildings to gather my breath, still no zeds. Quickly across the street and into the church, he was down on the floor, kneeling picking up a Mak mag, how surprising. In my excitement i blurted out..

' Holy crap dude, are you a sight for sore eyes! '

He jumped up, pistol in hand and started blasting away at me, FUCK ! I ducked and ran out the door, shots cracking plaster off the walls all around me ! Trigger happy little fella but he couldn't shoot straight for squat. Must have been his crap choice in sunglasses. The noise attracted the Zeds and i saw two bolting up a street to my right. Damn ! Three more coming from the left, running hard and grunting.Trigger's shooting would bring everything within a block down on me. I pumped my legs into a long gray nondescript three story building and vaulted halfway up a flight of stairs, checked my clip was full and placed three more down beside me, settled my breathing.

Half a minute later and i had seven deader than dead Zeds laying on the floor in front of me, i was starting to become a pretty proficient marksman. Five of the Zeds i had just dropped were headshots. Shooting like a boss as we used to say when playing crappy fps games. I loaded a fresh clip , waited for my heart to stop racing, made sure Trigger was not coming in and then headed up the stairs. Checking five trashed rooms i added four more Mak clips to my backpack and a can of sardines, sweet, they would taste like a five star meal later.

The last room i looked in had an axe on the floor..shiny and new. I had given up wondering why i continued to find weird shit laying around, i simply jammed the small Mak into my pocket and hefted the axe..good weight, and the wood smelt nice, reminded me of my pops place in the mountains where we used to spend weekends fishing and cooking fat trout on an open fire. I used to pretend it was just me and pop, the bush and the wildlife. nobody else in the world , now it seemed nearly true.

I could see myself causing some serious carnage with this axe and not having to worry about alerting the whole neighbourhood while i hacked away silently. It seemed i already had the mindset of that freaky Michael Myers fucko from the Halloween series..fuk yeh, come at me bro.

From the top floor i surveyed the Church , five minutes went past and i never saw Trigger, he was either laying low inside, being dined on or had already left while i was plugging Zeds. I exited on the opposite side i had come in and worked my way up past a bunch of houses stopping at the corner of one and looked across into a field. Before me was what looked like a power station about 100 metres away, a large hill behind it, looked like a perfect place to overwatch the town. Something moved close by.. what do you know, there was Trigger, cautiously crouching along with his back to me, not five metres away he exited a small grove of bushes.

I made a snap decision and started stalking him..4 metres..3.....2.....now! I axed him a question, directly into the base of his neck. Down went Trigger with a small grunt and a large amount of spurting blood. I hefted the axe once more and split the back of his head wide open. Before i even knew what i was doing i was pulling the axe out of his flesh and bone and rifling through his small backpack..compass, a crumpled map and some more beans. I stripped him of his watch and also scored a knife he had hitched to a small toolbelt, sweet. I then dragged his body under a tree out of view.

I stood up and nearly keeled over as my vision darkened, my heart was pumping like a locomotive, i could feel it busting against my ribcage, hands shaking so badly that i had to grip the axe until my knuckles were white for fear of dropping it, blood was all over me, still warm and mixing with the sweat that was draining out of me. I was a killer. Every detail in the woodgrain handle of the axe stood out as i looked down at my hands, every hair on my arms seemed as if under a microscope and i could see how badly i had been chewing my nails unthinkingly during the day. I had killed. Staring at my victim i thought it was strange how things look when they have no life, you can see the finality, as if they never where.

I felt as much remorse in that moment as i ever had in my life. Like the first time i shot a small bird, winging it with a small calibre rifle and then having to chase it for nearly two miles as it hopelessly flitted from tree to tree getting lower and slower, life draining out of it but needing to stay alive. Finally hitting it again and then sitting down by myself with this small animal needlessly shot. The excitement of shooting a gun gone, the weapon feeling like lead in my hands, knowing i would never kill again. I knew what i had just done was different, and that i would do it again if need be, it could be me laying under the tree..and i wasn't ready to punch out just yet.

Looking around from under the cover of the low branching tree i could Zeds dragging themselves along the ground, not appearing to see me, it was like the highschool prom all over again, the zeds were the hotchicks and i was the guy shuffling quietly in the corner invisible. I moved low and slowly past them. At a distance of about seven or so metres they seemed nearly blind if you were quiet and not moving fast. I worked my way up into the treeline a small distance from Elektro, the Zeds did not seem to like the wooded areas, congregating instead close to man made structures. Maybe they still had some sort of instinctual humanity left, nobody liked the woods when alone and especially not in the dark, possibly even the Zeds. I on the other hand loved it and felt at home when surrounded by the forest and the inky blackness, maybe it could offer a safe haven.

From what i did know of the region i was in there was a major airfield further North but i did not have the provisions to make a journey that far, yet. I wanted to head up there eventually , try for a working set of wheels first, and hopefully get my hands on some better weaponry, there was an airforce prescence at the airport so there had to be some serious deathware tucked away. For the moment though i would head along the coast, have a look around and see if i could get any more goodies for my trip. I would also like to make contact with some people and form a group, watch each others backs and fight the Zeds instead of each other, every passing minute in this new world tells me to stay alone and observe, but would i go mad by myself ? Should I just stay a loner ? at least i know where the Zeds stand, people are another matter.

For now i head down to a pond, fill my water bottle, head across a small heavily forested hill and make my way to the beach near a lighthouse that splits the two towns, i decide against spending the night in the concrete walls of the tall structure, it seems a far too obvious place. On the edge of the beach under a thick grove of bushes i dig down in the sand so i can sit with just my head in view, thick grass pulled out to conceal my body. I eat my cold sardines and start drifting off as the sun disappears ...wondering what the next few dayz will bring.

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Hahahaha. That was a great read.

PM me. I know you have those nude pictures of Steak.

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Holy smokes het. All that text and only 1 reference to naked steak! Great story.

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Hetstaine,,, you know there is a Stories Topic, why do you do this to me ?

Go on then,..........

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"I dont care who you are, where your from, what you did, as long as you love me" -Backstreet Boys


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