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Bruin (DayZ)

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About Bruin (DayZ)

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  1. Bruin (DayZ)

    Dayz yarn , The Beginning

    That was awesome.
  2. Bruin (DayZ)

    DayZ 2017 - Day 0

    The mod is awesome if you're looking to get away from the spawn sniping boring shit in regular Day Z, I played for about 3 hours this morning and I've managed to get 5 bandages from the hospital on Elektro, a bear trap, some raw meat and literally as I was finding a place to log off I looted 1 last barn near Cherno and got myself a Winchester, saw about 4 people, 1 killed me with a hatchet after lying about being friendly, that was after the first hour playing, then I thought I'd gear up and hunt for him, didn't really get past gearing up though lol. Playing this is like when you first started playing Day Z, really enjoyable twist on the mod.
  3. Bruin (DayZ)

    DayZ 2017 Mod Released

    Just installed this, can't play it though... 2 servers, 1 says I have the wrong version and the other is full 40/40 and 170+ ping :( I JUST WANT TO LIVE THE HOBO LIFE!
  4. They need to add Pawn Shops into the game where there is a chance of spawning all random kinds of stuff, like literally anything. Samurai sword. chainsaw, baseball bat, all stuff like that... Yes I got the idea from Pulp Fiction lol.
  5. Bruin (DayZ)

    How many hackers nowadays

    Earlier today a whole server (50+) all got teleported to the coast and raped by a light machine gun, had no idea what the hell was going on at first, just cutting through a forest with my CZ550 and then I'm on the coast with 50 other people getting sprayed at. First time that's happened to me ever on a Cherno server though but I've only been playing a few weeks and that's been switching between Lingor and Cherno.
  6. Only a small suggestion but one I think could add a bit more realism to the game, different footwear... So instead of clumping around everywhere in big military style boots you spawn with maybe you could loot a store and get a pair of trainers which would also be quieter when moving around.
  7. Bruin (DayZ)

    How do you decide to kill somone?

    Disappointing to read most of you are just shoot on sight guys, I always find out if they're friendly first. Hit up Cherno hospital tents earlier, saw a guy. declared I was friendly, the guy freaked out and ran away and about 1 minutes later got had by zeds, the funny thing is I had like 8 blood bags and was gonna give him a blood transfusion and a spare blood bag and morphine shot to take on his travels, always tomorrow for me to go on a healing spree I suppose... 1 more thing I have to add, Cherno is harder to play than Lingor, everyone seems to be friendly on Lingor, had a lot less aggro on there, on here I got shot at (and missed... A lot) by 4 snipers tonight whilst running through Elektro and on the outskirts of Cherno. Was quite obvious the guy was a bad shot so just trolled him a bit and made him waste all his ammo trying to hit me, funny shit.
  8. Bruin (DayZ)

    Weapons you want in DayZ?

    Basically everything weapon that's picked up here should be in game as a melee option.
  9. Bruin (DayZ)

    Mountain Dew

    Found some on Lingor literally on spawn, spawned on a heli crash. Since then it's the longest I've been alive haha.
  10. Bruin (DayZ)

    How do you play? Controller or Keyboard/Mouse?

    It's actually not too bad, no button for gear though so to get your inventory up you still need to press G on the keyboard, D pad up and down is the same as the mouse scroll wheel, LT zooms, right click get's the iron sights up, RT shoots. I'm gradually using the mouse and keyboard more and more though, really weird though, I usually game exclusively on Xbox and only use PC for Football Manager, this is pretty much the first FPS (kind of) I've played on a PC, taking some adapting, I've pretty much been killed by every player I've come up against in a 1 v 1 lol.
  11. Yeh... Basically what the title says. I started off playing with my 360 controller, quickly realised that it's no good when coming up against a guy close quarters who's using a mouse, not accurate enough. Also what mouse/keyboards do you guys use if you do use them? Gaming specific one's? If so what model?
  12. Bruin (DayZ)

    DayZ Stand alone ideas / suggestions

    Saw someone suggest about 'survivors haven' or some kind of trade building, think it's a really good idea but you just know you'll get some people trying to shoot it up/'nade it, maybe have it so as weapons are disabled in this/these (maybe multiple camps) trade camps/buildings, really interesting idea though.
  13. Bruin (DayZ)

    Seperate slot for melee weapon

    Me wanting a samurai sword is purely from this tbh: Pet zombies with no arms FTW B) It was more a suggestion about the seperate slot though to be honest, so as you can just have the axe or bat on your belt as a 3rd weapon separate from your primary and secondary.
  14. Had a thought whilst hatcheting up a zombie, there really should be an extra slot available for melee weapons, you could maybe have it on a belt or something or on your back because there's not always a need to use your gun, sometimes you want to keep it quiet to not attract other zombies, also I'd like to see more of a range of weapons rather than just a hatchet, maybe add in sledge hammers found at building sites or factories, the odd rare samurai sword and baseball bats found in houses or a shop. Thoughts and opinions from anyone's welcome.
  15. Bruin (DayZ)

    how to get geared up in an hour?

    Your sig has just made me realise I missed out on looting a whole building yesterday... Barbed wire all at the bottom of this stair case in this building, couldn't get around it so I thought it was just there by design and you can't go up the stairs <_<