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DayZ Standalone Discussion

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Mods promoting their server in Standalone Discussion, epic stuff.

Opposite of not making money is making money, just sayin.

Btw. i found this posted by Admin on those forums:

You've been trolling me and latching on to my posts for a while now, I suggest you find another hobby.

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This discussion has veered WAY off topic. There is no evidence of a conflict of interest of the sig. And said mod would have been demoted had BI or Rocket or the team considered it to be one no?

This isn't WarZ mods folks.

Eh, we've been scraping the barrel for quite sometime now so there's nothing more to say or discuss. We are waiting for them to release an unfinished game which has already broken several deadlines, no new news for nearly a month and people are starting to get agitated.

Edited by Frankenstein's Monster
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You've been trolling me and latching on to my posts for a while now, I suggest you find another hobby.

Dude are you Paranoid with every person, this is the 3rd member i've seen you say this to. Learn to be quite and observe, so far all of your assertions have been wrong from what I've seen. Maybe this thing is'nt for you. Like I've said never in ANY game have I seen a MOD promote a Site in a SIG, you justify it that Rocket thinks it's great, and then think I have never done anything or others for DAYZ, Ohh dear. What has this become.

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A good solution would be arranging a team deathmatch on a certain server for the bored folks out there. One US server and one UK, Two sides: the angry "where are the updates" faction and the "be patient guyz" faction.

One helicopter will be designated cameraman overlooking a field near NWAF. Soldiers line up on the field oldskool style like the first musket battles. When the starting pistol or flare is fired, both sides open fire. Which side will win?

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One of these days Rocket will post a new update.

And one of these days that still wont satisfy some people.

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Dude are you Paranoid with every person, this is the 3rd member i've seen you say this to. Learn to be quite and observe, so far all of your assertions have been wrong from what I've seen. Maybe this thing is'nt for you. Like I've said never in ANY game have I seen a MOD promote a Site in a SIG, you justify it that Rocket thinks it's great, and then think I have never done anything or others for DAYZ, Ohh dear. What has this become.

It has become off topic and you aren't helping things by continuing this. The topic is about SA not any delusions you have about conflict of interest.

One of these days Rocket will post a new update.

And one of these days that still wont satisfy some people.

"Development continues. Sorry about the silence and the delay! More info coming soon!"

If he said that it would be great. I don't think many will still be disappointed after that in my opinion.

Edited by Zachstar
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It has become off topic and you aren't helping things by continuing this. The topic is about SA not any delusions you have about conflict of interest.

"Development continues. Sorry about the silence and the delay! More info coming soon!"

If he said that it would be great. I don't think many will still be disappointed after that in my opinion.


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One of these days Rocket will post a new update.

And one of these days that still wont satisfy some people.

Because the longer they leave it, it's more justified and won't leave people with higher expectations <_<

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Well... I can't hide my amusement.

Some time ago at twitter BI asked for brief @ to Matt Lightfoot about sites that are about DayZ.

I run a site from May 2012, translating patchnotes, adding posts about DayZ, searching for a interesting/funny vids... with hard work building a Polish community and today I got an info that Matt picked other site... that was created in december 2012 which have no community at all :(

Sorry for this sad post but I'm just shocked and amused. I feel like all my work went in vain

Brainz aka. Shador

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So anyway, is everyone looking forward to Chernarus Plus - lots more enterable buildings and new locations?

One of my hopes is that Green Mountain is fleshed out a bit more. Underground area anyone?

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Hello there

The enterable buildings will vastly change the way the game is played IMHO. I do hope that the vast majority are fully exploreable without sacrificing framerate too much.

IFL (another game on the Arma engine) has maps with many small towns and villages, also with mainly enterable buildings, but it *does* suffer from some quite severe FPS drops now and then.

Fingers crossed they've optimised the fluff out of C+



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Not sure why so many seem to be feeling so irate at the percieved delay of the release and/or lack of info from the devs.

The longer it takes them the better, the more polished the initial release will be and we will have built up such a heightened sense of anticipation that the day it does eventually arrive will feel all the more satisfying.

The less information we recieve about new features and general progress the greater the amount of surprises we have in store when it finally arrives.

We are not expectant fathers pacing the maternity ward waiting to be told how the birth is going, what sex the kid is and whether or not it has 10 fingers and toes, whatever happened to good old fashioned patience, we have the mod with all of the maps and variety to keep us busy for now,

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So anyway, is everyone looking forward to Chernarus Plus - lots more enterable buildings and new locations?

One of my hopes is that Green Mountain is fleshed out a bit more. Underground area anyone?

I wish it have subways Chernarus.... Think of a underground world, completely dark, and lots zeds

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Somebody else mentioned this probably, but I would love to see fixing up trains and getting them running again.

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"Development continues. Sorry about the silence and the delay! More info coming soon!"

If he said that it would be great. I don't think many will still be disappointed after that in my opinion.

No it would not, because that's what he already said December 20th.

And people were still demanding new updates Christmas eve and if they weren't they were writing is off as company bullshit. The main problem is that he can't deliver what some of you demands, he can't quell your impatience, no matter how many times a day, he posts: Everything is going fine.

You guys are also asking for a new deadline and seeing how absolutely terrible you guys handled the delay, which he warned us about long time ago, Rocket would be absolutely insane to tell you anything, before Steam has received the files. You gotta stop driving yourself nuts and try stirring up controversy, just because you can't eat, sleep or think, without Rocket telling you everything's gonna be alright.

You gotta kill that entitlement attitude and manage your impatience yourself.

Edited by Dallas
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Hello there

Whilst trains might be fun, would a "survivor" be able to repair/fuel/run a locomotive? I have issues suspending my disbelief with our A-Team skills as it is.

Saying that though, It would be interesting to see.



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You gotta kill that entitlement attitude and manage your impatience yourself.

well said, there is a kind of madness sweeping certain segments of the community and they are piling useless pressure onto the devs.

some folks really need to remember that we are talking about a video game here, rushing things always ruins the end result.

they remind me of spoiled kids with thier whinging and whining.

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Looks like people need news just to prove that the dev team isn't dead.

I myself would be glad to see it too. To see that the connection that we saw during the mod times isn't lost. It was one of the most pleasing things in DayZ - that you could post something and it could be seen.

About the delay.

It was clear from the very beginning as no game is made from scratch in such a short time. The deadline was used to keep the community, to give us a hope so we don't go away because nothing is known. But looks like rocket has even believed himself and hasn't got a plan what to do now. He is getting torn apart, because it's very hard to predict how ppl will react on any tweet now. It needs decent planning so I think that's what he is doing now.

Edited by Kpekep2

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Looks like people need news just to prove that the dev team isn't dead.

I myself would be glad to see it too. To see that the connection that we saw during the mod times isn't lost. It was one of the most pleasing things in DayZ - that you could post something and it could be seen.

the mod came out of nowhere, there was no community, no forums, no nothing.

Just let the devs get on with making a great game and stop diverting their attention, their time and their resources by clamouring like demented paparazzi for 'updates' and demanding to feel some ethereal connection with the 'team'.

Edited by wabbit

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the mod came out of nowhere, there was no community, no forums, no nothing.

Just let the devs get on with making a great game and stop diverting thier attention, thier time and thier resources by clamouring like demented paparazzi for 'updates' and to feel some ethereal connection with the team.

@Wabbit. Fair enough comment, but the reason people wan't an update was because we were told we were getting an update and then nothing materialised. I think people are well within their rights to come on here and ask when we might get some communication back from the PR team.

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You got an update, it just didn't or couldn't deliver what many of you guys demands.

So you wrote it off as too little or bullshit.

hey guys maybe a stupid question but dayz would be a standalone yes but the people wh are playing dayz now are they going to have discount on the standalone or what?

Last official information was that the standalone will be sold at a discounted price for anyone who buys it as soon as it's released. The standalone is a game under constant development and the added value in future major update patches will increase the price for people buying the game later.

Edited by Dallas

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@Wabbit. Fair enough comment, but the reason people wan't an update was because we were told we were getting an update and then nothing materialised. I think people are well within their rights to come on here and ask when we might get some communication back from the PR team.

i'm sure that, when there is something to announce then they will announce it, i guess that no news means there is nothing new to report, also we are talking about the holidays, xmas and new year, maybe they are spending time with family and friends and just not thinking about fanboys hunched over their keyboards tapping their fingers, impatiently awaiting that promised fucking update

edit - not aimed at you squirrel, just the rage monkeys

Edited by wabbit

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