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Horses for Transport

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As you might of guessed this is about having horses as a transport around DayZ. Essentially horses a found at farms and barns, you need to feed them and look after them if you want to use them. Horses are silent transport and would be like a bike no noise and fast.What they eat would be hay at barns. You would need to stop near a haystack and the horse will become full "like fuel" and then it needs water you will need to feed it with a water bottle or go near a pond, then it wont be thirsty and go fast as it can. Horses have health and one shot usually would kill the horse. The horse could be spooked by shots and would be harder to control and would make noise so zombies could hear you. That is it hope you guys would like it.

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You would get better support for your suggestion if you had chosen Ponies instead of horses.

Pygmy ponies.....

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At those times, people would rather eat the horse than ride them I think

Newsflash: peta members & Bronies march on Bohemia interactive's main office with pitchforks and cattle prods.

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Do you think one day there will be a tool on forums where you type the word and it will automatically link to similar subjects?

Don't be a fool man! That way lies.......madness. You just can't think of things like that! Oh, wait...

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I want horses that gallop, trot, and walk.

To "repair" a horse requires a saddle and bridle. The saddle has a few slots; maybe 16 or 20.

They refuel by grazing on grass or at hay bales or stacks., and need water (not sea water)

You'd find them out in fields like cows and sheep and would have to catch one and saddle it to ride it. Maybe to catch it you'd need an apple :) or the bridle in your immediate inventory to represent lassoing it. (catching a horse can be easy or hell depending on the horse but there's no need to get into all that in DayZ)

Don't need to shoot from a horse - a caught farm horse wouldn't stand still for gunfire off his back to be of any use. It would be great to wield the hatchet as there's no swords in DayZ :)

There would need to be some mechanism to picket them when "parked" tied to a tree, fence, post, or they might wander off with any gear you have on them.

Horses should be able to jump waist high fences, hedges, and walls when approached at a trot or gallop automatically, without needing a key-press.

I want to form a company of cavalry! http://mainecav.org

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Horses would be fun. They could add hay bales as loot that you could find and something like corral fence parts to build a corral to keep them in. I wouldn't think it would be all that hard we already have wire fencing and tank traps. Perhaps a water trough to fill with water and big water tanks to go fill with water to fill the trough. Having more fun things to do besides just surviving would be a good thing.

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It would be great to wield the hatchet as there's no swords in DayZ :)

There had damn well better be in SA !

And steel pipes , blocks of wood ( hockey sticks ? ) and the other crazy stuff that is lying around .

I doubt ( intelligent ) people would eat a horse unless they really had to , and since cans of beans are still to be found , that day is not quite upon them .

Once the beans run out , anything and everything is fair game .

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OP is comedy gold.

Now I want to see someone trying to get a horse to drink water out of a bottle,

I'm all for adding horse banter. I've probably said so in a few of the millions of other topics about them.

But after a little more thought, if they're ever added, they better not just be automaton "horse-bike" vehicles.

A horse is a creature with a mind of its own, but every time I've seen these equine scooters in a game, they just blindly run off cliffs and do stupid, game-ish things.

The only well done example I've seen is Red Dead Redemption.

With authenticity being soup de jour, I'd expect Rocket to want to bring a lot to the table.

I look forward to seeing if the guys can bring dogs to life properly first. Horses are a different kettle of fish.

If you try to run your pony off a mountain, it should resist, while shouting whatever is horse for "Pffft. Don't fuckin' think so, buddy."

And outwith their vehicluar responsibilities, general animal AI will have to be considered. (for other beasts too)

Any half-assed horse addition would make for serious facepalm fuel. And any full attention to detail serious addition would take a lot of time and effort to implement.

tl;dr - It's a major task and the DayZ team doesn't do things by half-measures. If horses are added, it won't be any time soon.

Edited by Chabowski

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1 huge flaw with horse...*horse is running* gets a pistol shot to the leg horse can no longer run*

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I like the idea of horses, for more reasons then just riding. It would require food and inventory management and require new types of food in game. You could also put a bookbag on the horse to increase your inventory space.

Horses would require more maintenance and you could 'upgrade' it with adding different things to it, i.e. settles, bags, horse shoes etc. Horses could add a great deal of gameplay

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We also need cowboy outfits and lasso's! Oh, and the ability to fire from horseback. Then I can turn into the 1800s style cowboy zombie slayer I've always dreamed of :D

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