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What do i do !!!!!!

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@OP: when you key got banned because of a cheat (that was hackers normally do with hacked keys) you won't get you key unlocked by anyone. It was your fault to install such software and so nobody cares what you will do now.

getting a new account a rebuy the game will be the fasted method but will kill your dayZ-chracter, too ;) get over it

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Hello there

It may not sound "fair" but unfortunately the facts are this:

If you, your mother/uncle/friend/dog/cousin download any software that compromises your key, knowingly or not, it's your fault.

You have a responsibility to ensure your PC is secure.

This means although you may have downloaded a program in good faith and lost your CD key Steam/Battleye/etc will not refund you or remove any ban.

Harsh but true.



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Either you guys a way to stupid to understand that my arma 2 is all clean again. AND FFS UNDERSTAND I downloaded a Performance booster to arma 2 not a fucking hack you morrons. how many times do you want me to say i'm against hacking and report everyone that uses it. I got a guy to close his Freaking youtube becuase of the program he provided to be a performance booster.

i got it. Not download anything from a not trusted source or whatever. This thread is done now (FUCK OFF) but if i could get my freaking arma 2 to run better i do it. in the comments people we're saying it worked and so on. i trusted it. i failed thats it now everything is back to normal. My god you guys are S-T-U-P-I-D, And if you want more !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then there you go.

Listen the fuck is you guys problem i come here all Friendly. and you write all this crap to me. The fuck is your problem. Try being a liitle more friendly instead of this shit. once again *IT WAS NOT A HACK IT WAS A PERFORMANCE BOOSTER FOR ARMA2 . I ALREADY PROVIDED THE LINK TO THE VIDEO BUT HE DELETED HIS SHITTY ACCOUNT.

(DO YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN NOW >.<. stop saying this like,. That's your fault stop download hacks etc etc etc.. cuz i wasn't. believe me or not but stop saying this shit.

Comming all friendly and what do i get back ?? a garbage bag thrown right in my face. -.- what a stupid comunity. tsssssh

The only guy actually being friendly to me is

Ratsmon. +1 to you for trying to help me. :)

Edited by tereith2050

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Chill out mate.

i was chilled out. untill people keept saying these things. it's so annoying. specially when people keep saying things like provided in my last post.

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Hello there

As fraggle got here before me and didnt give you any warning points I shall refrain from doing so.

I dont believe I gave you anything but truthful advice. I did not accuse you of hacking or downloading a hack. I gave you facts.

Please take the time to read replies before ranting.

You seem to have an "insta-response" which is probably the thing that got you in trouble in the first place.



Edited by orlok

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Also, please bear in mind that hundreds of other new players will be reading your thread so the info Orlok posted is not just for you, it is to help the many other new players that may be having issues. Think of it more as a public service announcement and less as a personal attack.

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i know orlok. but instead of writing names of each person who did nothing else than not helping me would take far more time. than just point out the thread. I'm not accusing you directly.

i am reading everyones replies. and so of em piss me more off than others. many of guys came with advice wich i already know off. but people in comments we're saying it's cool. i wrote for the 3rd time now everything is back to normal. but still people, won't stop....

I'm not mad at you Orlok. but now look at it from my Pov

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Also, please bear in mind that hundreds of other new players will be reading your thread so the info Orlok posted is not just for you, it is to help the many other new players that may be having issues. Think of it more as a public service announcement and less as a personal attack.

that's why i wanted to post the youtube link but the forum wouldn't allow me. it still don't. now alteast i got him to delete his u-tube or youtube did it for me idk.


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AND FFS UNDERSTAND I downloaded a Performance booster to arma 2 not a fucking hack you morrons.

Thank you so much for this. Your vast intellect shines through like a beacon of hope for all mankind.

Edited by Bansidhe

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You should consider this a very cheap lesson in how much you should generally trust people on the internet and how much you should trust people who offers you something too good to be true, simply by clicking their link. Next time it can be your credit card information.

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Thank you so much for this. Your vast intellect shines through like a beacon of hope for all mankind.

Now once again (a stupid comment).... and i don't really know what you mean by that other than pissing me more off than i already am.

Now what is this for ?. i was just telling people i wasn't downloading a *hack but a performance booster now *(IM SAYING IT AGAIN) 5TH time already/ you wan't me to write more or do you understand it now?.

Imature dude !

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You should consider this a very cheap lesson in how much you should generally trust people on the internet and how much you should trust people who offers you something too good to be true, simply by clicking their link. Next time it can be your credit card information.

I know dude thanks for the advice!.


i knew i shouldn't have trusted it from the start but took the risk. sadly it went wrong. avg was too slow to detect anything. now everything is fixed. plz let it be for now.....

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OP - I feel your pain but please bear in mind that we try and let everyone speak their minds here, the good and the bad. The only alternative is to have a highly censored forum where we act as Nazis deciding who's opinion is "right", and that would suck.

Also bear in mind that telling the community that they suck will never end well.

If you've made your point/have your info you can always request us to lock the thread.

Edited by Fraggle
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Hello there

People are slightly trolling you due to your outbursts. Don't feed the trolls and they wont follow you.

You need to not take these things as a personal attack.



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I downloaded a thing saying that my arma 2 will go just fine after it was download. when i downloaded the program my avg told me it was a Trojan horse and i removed it quickly. just now i woke up too my account getting hacked. i can't login my DayZ commander says i need Combined operations.. tho first later that night i read in the forum about software. and i was like. -.- darn it ......

So what can i do ??.

I wrote a letter to the guy on youtube. reported him etc. ??

help out here plox...

Be happy it's a $20 game and not your $20,000 bank account, you've learned a very important lesson in the world and that is not to be so gullible

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Orlok or Fraggle. can you delete this post....

Thanks for being this kind to me. i appreciate that. also i do know about these *Trolls* . actually i don't wanna start anything anymore just delete it for me.!.

+1 to Orlok and Fraggle. and the other guy :D!

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Done! As already said, just ignore the trolls in future for they thrive on attention ;). Ignoring them crushes their very soul.

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Before this thread dissappears, remember there were others trying to advise you as well, although it may not have seemed like it to you.

Worth reading all the replies again.


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Orlok or Fraggle. can you delete this post....

Thanks for being this kind to me. i appreciate that. also i do know about these *Trolls* . actually i don't wanna start anything anymore just delete it for me.!.

+1 to Orlok and Fraggle. and the other guy :D!

Who's the other guy? I wanna know!!

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