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DayZ 1.7.1 Discussion - Others will be locked/deleted!

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To be honest, after thinking about it, I actually like what this patch did (i am sure i am one of the few on here not complaining).

It still need to be worked on though, for example:

Zombie vision range should be turned down slightly.

The flashlight/torch should take up MUCH less space in your bag. (two spaces would make more sense).. most people simply dump it when they start finding stuff, since it takes up so much space.

Zombies still run through closed doors.. this has not been fixed.

MAIN: Banditry has only been slowed, but not at all deterred. They have to find a gun when they spawn, which takes a bit or work usually.. but after that, they are back in action. They still kill others, even if that person doesn't have a gun. They never killed for weapons or beans.. they killed for the lolz and knowing they are making someone's life a bit more of a pain.. and taking away the starter weapon only makes their job a bit easier.

The only way to deter bandits is to have add penalties for being one. These are a few suggestions:

If they murder someone, the "blood" on them attracts zombies, and they must use a water bottle (or water from the see or pond) to wash it off.

Murdering someone sets a timer in which zombies can see you easier, while killing a bandit causes a timer in which zombies see you less.

Vision becomes increasingly burred if you commit 2 or more murders. (or have trouble holding the gun still)

Servers show who kills who and if someone is a bandit. If the person is a bandit, it shows their location. Example:

Phantom Vader killed Mazzeric

Phantom Vader is now a bandit!

so any other kill after that..

[bandit]Phantom Vader (Chernogorsk) killed Tyler Goran.

If the bandit is killed:

[bandit]Phantom Vader (Chernogorsk) was killed by a zombie.


GreyfoxUK89 killed [bandit]Phantom Vader

GreyfoxUK89 killed a bandit!

etc.. those are only a few off the top of my head.

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A few words on the current state of DayZ.

First of let me tell everyone that i got on the DayZ bandwagon a bit late, i did so hoping joining would let me end up with a more stable and developed version of the game. First of, this game is truly amazing. The engine lends it self so well to the idea of survival, that with the charismatic surroundings of Cherno makes for an amazing experience. Not to mention an experience made infinitely better by having friends to play with. So no, flamers and otherwise hardcore defenders of the realm of all that is DayZ, i do not find this a bad game, i have how ever a few gripes which are causing me to actually causing so much frustration i haven't even gotten to play a decent round since 1.7.1.

A quick word on the dark nights, because like 324223 have gone before. It simply is to dark, i love the idea of a really dark night but being unable to see a few feet ahead of you including your own hands is simply ... unnatural I'd say. No i don't want to be able to spot you at 800 meters in the pitch black, but not being able to see you when your already picking my pocket would be a little overkill. Also, the flashlight has refused to work on so many occasions i cannot under any circumstance navigate the dark no matter how hard i try. (IB4HC: No you cannot navigate with absolutely no light because last time i checked a black dot moving on a black floor with black walls cannot define its position.. also black dots!)

Not gonna say anything about spawning loot as its already been said its bugged and tables need turning, so fine! Though on a (player)spawn, again many have said it but i share there views. I don't have a bottle, but i do have painkillers and bandage. It seems odd, yes it increases the need to survive and with the additional removal of the gun eliminates some of the "i have nothing to lose lets shoot that guy!" how ever as soon as they find a gun it turns into "Look ... band-aids!". Aside from this i think a good portion of the issue of broken water and food spawns will be addressed shortly, and perhaps using empty booze bottles as refillable containers would help ? I've been trough a town not finding a single water bottle, but a whiskey bottle. (IB4HC: Many Hardcore fans will yell that i am pussy or some-such, please note that i don't want a gun, or an i win, but a flashlight that works, perhaps slightly less darkness oh and a water bottle at the very least, empty is fine with me, i was rather thirsty back there.)

And now a small note to the hardcore people, i understand that you feel the need to defend it because many mods/games have gone the way of the mainstream and turned into a steaming pile of grey excrement that neither tasted or smelled like the delischous cake that was promised! (Insert: Cake is a lie!) But, for game-play reasons if i cannot navigate at night, or find water-bottles/food and cannot defend my self against the now godlike "people who found a gun" then the first hour is tedious at best. Yes its thrilling, i get that, i love thrilling. It is how ever not thrilling to go by zombies galor, to finaly make your way to a town find 30 tank traps and a few gas tanks, but no food or weapons, having done all that "amazing deep game-play" (which it is realy :D ) and then to have absolutely nothing to show for it. I have played Roguelikes for a long time, where the point is literly to stave of death, i have no problems dying or getting shot by everyone that is life in DayZ i do have a problem with a game that has penalty's for success. For those unsure of what it means its simple;

"Congrats, you have passed zombies and bandits, you manged to get into town without being able to see a god$#% thing, here is your watch!!!" Great now i know what time it is, if i can see my watch.... hehe. (IB4HC: Do i really have to say it again, NO if it feels bad an unnatural, it is!)

In all honesty, i do love where this is going, and like many games i have played in the past i look forwards to a bright future, i understand that its alpha and i am willing to put up with server errors and disconnects, wierd zombie spawns and even starving belly even though i just literately swept trough an entire town of 12+ buildings and 100+ zombies. What i think is more detrimental then all of the bugs and added features is the way people who voice there opinion are addressed. You are not funny posting Meme's you are not brilliant for using sarcasm, it is after all the lowest form of wit. Thinking before replying and support your arguments with facts, not anger.

I thank Rocket and the rest of the dev team who are doing an amazing job and wish them the best of luck, the engine lends it self to unparalleled realism/balance due to its ballistic engine etc etc, this might bet the best zombie/post-apocalyptic/survival-horror game of this (gaming-)generation, and lets hope it does exactly that!

For all who read the wall, i salute you! o7 (IB4HC: i salute you to! o7 be slightly nicer, not weaker!)

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The Z are to sensitive after the patch. Turn it down or give me back my Makarov...

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Personally, I think the update is awesome, but with a couple minor points of feedback:

We need a canteen. Whether this is due to some engine issue or what, I don't know, but we cannot drink directly from a water source. So either we need to be able to do that, or just give us a canteen again. Also, I could re-fill empty tin cans to make cans of water, quick usage.

Secondly, I rather like the food being ultra rare. I ran into a group of 3 survivors huddled into a market, waiting for food. I told them to follow me and we snuck through Cherno and made our way north "into the wild" (you said that in Aragorn's voice, admit it) where we hunted down a boar for food. I don't know if they died of thirst or not, but they kept hunting even after I left.

...they grow up so fast... *sniffle*

And then I died to someone throwing a grenade into Zub....

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I got a few problems with 1.7.1

You spawn with no guns or food and a left to go search in the nearby city village where you can crawl on your belly in 20 minutes and get nothing than empty tins cans (i know the spawn rate have been turned up, but i hope he would turn the spawn rate up for something useful and not tin cans, tank traps, flash ligts, watches and so on. You wil have to go cherno or elektro to patricipate in the big free for all to get the loot and guns. At the end you just dont give a shit about zombies and just go deathmatch mode and run and gun. The villages again is still shit and there is no enterable houes. maybe 1 or shed or 2. but no good loot, just a makarov. The newbs are lying all over the place and have nothing useful on them and there is barbed wire in evert loot house. You dont got any freedom to explore, only if you win the deathmatch in cherno that you dont because then you got 50 zombies after you. I am glad that this is just a test. And i dont know if any of these guys who is happy for it is serious but i am a gamer and i would like if the game had more fun factor and more freedom to travel. 1.7.1 is just like cod to me evryone is equal and want to have so many stuff they can get because the supplys is more limited than ever! maybe there is no bandits but there is more survivors killing eachother and it suck. but it still just a test ;)

(sorry my english. my english spawnrate is fucked up just like dayZ loot)

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What i dont seem to understand is how a simple patch can ruin so many people's fps problems.

I could run the game before 1.7.1 and now its just impossible, being it either constant breaks or 5 second breaks with 5 second normal play.

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Some feedback --

@ Starting with no gun:

I keep going back and forth with this one. The issue ultimately comes down to how does one defend themselves when they don't have a weapon?

Starting with a pistol with several rounds is likely unrealistic. But not being able to use basic melee against zombies with seemingly better perception isn't quite realistic either. From my perspective, the games unrealistic-ness tilts more towards the player being at a disadvantage.

Think of it this way...if I was pinned down or knew that running wasn't an option, then I would fend off the zombie as best I could with what I have. The game/mod doesn't support melee, so this is basically impossible for the player. There needs to be some basic method to kill a zombie in a desperate scenario, that can be available right off the bat.

It would make the game more realistic and more enjoyable at the same time.

@ Zombie perception/spawn

Definitely needs to be tweaked. I feel like zombies can pinpoint me better than I can pinpoint them, which is frustrating considering I have to spend 10+ minutes simply scouting just to ninja'd by a zombie behind a wall or something that spawned impossibly close to deal with.

I'm not familiar with spawn mechanics or smart enough to give suggestions on how zeds should spawn, but I may offer some thoughts on perception. If a Zed hears you, but can't see you...perhaps he should have to actually "find" you before he dead-sprints to eat your face off. Maybe that's how it works already, but I know that Zeds have pinpointed me based on hearing alone based on the areas where I have been moving in limited LOS areas.

Ultimately zombs needs to be less cunning and/or less perceptive than they are. As they are now they are impossibly good hunters that leave freshly spawning characters at a massive disadvantage.

@ Zed damage

It's a bit too much considering they are just blindly swinging at you. The "damage" is believable, but I think you should change how bleeding works. Make it less likely or change how Zeds proc bleeding. I feel like getting gushing wounds from a glancing blow is a bit much.

@ Loot spawns

If spawning with no weapons is really the direction you want to take, perhaps make pistol spawns more frequent. I feel like if you're spawning in a Zombie Apocalypse, there would be an abundance of basic protection lying around. I know food/drink is going to be fixed. I just think a buff needs to be given to the current risk/reward balance.

@ rocket

This is a great mod. You're putting a lot of work into it. +10 interweb kudos to you. I feel like this patch tilts the mod more towards frustration than anything else, but I understand the merits of experimenting in an alpha. I liked the previous patch more but if this is a step towards something better than so be it. But don't be afraid to revert if thats what it comes to. God speed and GL.

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Why do you spoil this day Z upgrade?

There are no weapons in the revival, it's stupidity, the entire beach is littered with the corpses of players who are themselves killed in the attack zombies, weapons, there is no .. on the server with the patch in 1711 may not play, FPS is very small, on the server with the patch 17'm fine, no errors appear ... this is normal or what?

Zombies have become smarter and become more even if the players on the server is small, why?

Sorry for my bad english, google translate)

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non murderer hear, who likes to complain about bandits(but thinks they add realism and should be in the game.)

I love the changes. I think it does slow things down on the coasts a bit and makes for interesting meetings. I dont think the goal should be to totally eliminate bandits though.

"Murdering someone sets a timer in which zombies can see you easier, while killing a bandit causes a timer in which zombies see you less."

that was an interesting idea though, still i think it would be a negative if we curtailed all the evil scum bag bandits. So I dont know i want to play a bit more as it is now but that is an interesting idea that perhaps they could try in the future to see how well it works out.

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Had tons of fun before this new patch, got myself some good gear and zeds weren't superheroes like they are now ,

Now after new patch came out here's my thoughts.

- no starting weapon , give us even makarov with 1-2 mags , no need for that god damn flashlight or atleast make it take less space in bag

- Zeds are crazy , i basicly need to crawl trough entire citys / villages and with bad luck some zed bugs and comes after me from 500 m away

-No items near beach , i checked like 5-7 houses and found uhhh hmm painkillers then i agroed a zed and died


- when i first time entered server with the new patch i was teleported to middle of nowhere and needed to respawn ( lost all my stuff nice nice )

- Crawling trough a door made my guy break a bone

-Spawning invisible and running front of 10 zeds without agroing them

- when i pick something up suddenly all of my other items drop to the ground .

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Ok firstly I am a huge fan of Dayz, its been great so far, i have learnt from my mistakes and gradually gotten better to actually survive for days at a time, I've loved it!

However, I read through the new update and thought great, they've improved upon what was simply awesome!

But sadly I have to say that I'm really disappointed by the behaviour of the zombies. For example, like i said earlier I had survived for days on end at times, When I logged in for the first time I wanted to see what was different, so I aggro'd 1 zombie in the woods and was impressed by their new running techniques.

When I needed some more supplies I decided to take a trip to Cherno, as I came close to the edge of the city I usually start to crouch (X) and walk slow (SHIFT) and I notice zombies to my right, I'm watching them, they are about x2 the distance of their range of sight when I notice he starts running towards me, so I took the zombie slightly out of the area to kill it silently without attracting more zombies.

I approached Cherno for a second time and decided to take a different route in, so I was this time crouch running just (X) and there was no zombies in sight, usually I could run around the city without alarming any zombies unless their within a certain range, with after a while of playing you know get used to..

But I was suddenly ambushed by at least 4-5 zombies charging from around the corner. at the time my sight was 3 bars and noise was 0. and if that's true how did they detect me if they couldn't see me. I was on grass.

Eventually I died and lost all my things because the zombies have increased attack now, which I'm not complaining about too much. but its the fact that if the zombies have such a powerful attack now, at least keep their detection range the same, they are was too sensitive to survivors now.

I decided to keep re spawning to get back to cherno and looted myself after many attempts of running off from zombies, going back to how sensitive they are..

but I ended up crawling my self out the city, which I know is the only way to get around now..

I don't think I'm the only one who is concerned about this, i feel that I am a patient player and even I get agitated at times

I hope you take all this into account and get back to me soon.


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at first i thought the changes were awesome, adding difficulty to a game whose premise is 'maximum difficulty' seemed like the greatest thing. but now the game is too slow. the zombie sensory range is enormous, so i am walking at a snails pace for 2 hours to probably not even get the gear i need to head north. crouch walking and going prone through entire cities just takes so long (and it's not as fun as being able to go faster for short bursts), and then that one zombie who saw you on the road from a mile away regardless comes running. without a weapon, right there, loses the whole game. you either escape well into the distant mountains skipping all loot, or respawn. but either way you are starting over.

it is also extremely frustrating that not a single one of my friends wants to play anymore because it is too hard for them.

i think the game stopped being fun.

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I would like to comment on the changes, they sounds great, but since the update I've had a huge issue. My friend and I switched up the files completely to the new files and now we can't see each other in the game, DayZ objects don't appear (army tents, car wrecks), zombies don't spawn, and we can't interact with the items in our packs. Is there a thread dealing with this specifically? Maybe there's something else I should be doing to the mod files or the game itself but the mod is literally unplayable for me just because most of the mod doesn't work anymore. Yet I see that obviously other players got it working fine. What the hell went wrong?

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I love the changes so much! Seriously, I had the biggest grin reading the patch notes and after getting the latest beta and, I logged in and found out my expectations were exactly right!

Dangerous zeds! Yes!

Bleak, harsh startup! Perfect.

Magical invisible crawling mode? Gone.

Thirst increasing faster than hunger? Check.

Dying of hunger now a possibility? Yep.

Actual stealth required around zeds? Booyah.

Let me say; I'm not a great player. Really, I'm fairly new to Arma2 and while I've clocked about 65-70 hours in DayZ since the 1.4.x era, I've never gotten the best gear, played in a clan, killed the most zombies, or anything like that. In fact, the only way I've ever died is by being flanked, surprised, or outplayed by another player. But not one single time since the latest patch have I aggro'd a zombie that I didn't intentionally attack.

Stay out of their line of site, keep your head low, sit back and watch their wandering paths and wait for them to walk away. Like you would have to do in real life.


I've seen two new (to me) bugs lately.

One, in barns, I see a lot of zeds standing in the exact same spot. Like five all clipping inside each other and just... standing there. Specifically, I see this in the two-level barns and I've seen it in multiple barns on multiple servers in the US.

Two, filling a water bottle sometimes gets me stuck in the filling animation and never gives the confirm message until I try to move away, and then it fills up and adds the full water bottle(s) to my inventory.


One, I once suggested a random starting weapon (since that does add an element of realism), but I realized that's a horrible idea since players would suicide over and over again to get the weapon they wanted. Maybe a death timer would curb that. Maybe 60 seconds until you can respawn? Might not be a bad idea for any kind of death.

Two, some sort of survival equipment would be appropriate for spawning. Matches, knife, or watch. People carry those kinds of things around with them in day to day life, and it wouldn't be implausible for a survivor to start with one/some. I like not starting with food or soda/water.

Three, please keep the no-weapon spawn. The enjoyment I find in this game is the magnitude of death, and not getting a freebie pistol (that can do some serious damage to zeds and to players) really adds to the game. If Rocket listens to the people who hate the change, I hope at least the starting magazines are severely limited.

Fourth, I have a feeling the pitch-black night is going to stay, at least until Arma3, so until then, let's get rid of all NVGs. Then if we want to play at night, we all take the risk of running around with chemlights and flares. Because, sure, the NVG ownership percentage may be small, but those are the very people who are MUCH more likely to play on a nighttime server since they have a significant advantage. It makes them quite safe. A concept I see a lot in this mod is "you are never safe." Let's remind them of that.

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I have to speak out in favour of the new patch post hotfix, I think it's gone someway to improving co-operation and made the mod far more enjoyable in my opinion.

Quick question - anyone know what sort of time zone Rocket's in? Just so can work out when "tonight" roughly is!

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I have to say the first thing i did was Find a winchester in a barn and headed back for the beach where the new spawns are defenseless. I got 10 kills in a matter of maybe 20 minutes in electro because no one had anything. I was hardly a bandit before but with Zeds being the harder more annoying kill now i Will just kill defenseless people with beans from now on when my supplies run low.

And seriously No gun or anything to start (Not even a melee option) Im not sure why my avatar has arms at times.

No water bottle even an empty one is better than nothing.

Zeds agro even crazier through buildings.

Are food and water spawns broken? ( i searched all of electro not a can of food but many other spawns

All in all my experience today i was killed by hunger. That was the avenger of the countless players on and around electro beach this morning. I know where stuff spawns and now it is alot harder to scope things out i have much more of an advantage on anyone new. Does that make this game better NO Does harder zeds make the game better? not really Just discourages new players form even trying i have seen more empty servers today than i have in the past 2 months. I'm really not sure how realistic it is to start with next to nothing Even i own a pistol in real life. I just want Harder Targets again when im a bandit i really don't want players running around with not shit on them because i will still kill them outright and then they are even more discouraged not even being able to defend themselves.

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I for one love the new patch. Sneaking through cherno with nothing but a torch with the threat of dying at any moment? Yes please, this is what survival is about!

Managed to get everything I need to survive by killing animals fairly quickly. Only thing I need now is a water bottle, but I understand this will be addressed in a hot fix. Keep up the good work :)

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Addendum to my comments:

Low food spawn rates = brilliant. Makes the knife/match/hatchet combination so much more important. You -would- have to hunt food instead of relying on leftovers, especially since other survivors are slowly eating through a finite supply of canned goods. With the zed apocalypse, I doubt there are many canning factories still running.

And I'm sure others have said this before, but it reminds me of The Hunger Games a lot more. Which is a really nice touch.

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Have to say most of my clan members are not really enjoying the new changes. I have not had to experience them to badly yet because I have not had to spawn without even a pistol and try to find one.

The no weapon = zombie attack higher + zombie see/hear better combo is a killer for getting new players into the mod. I think the combo could have been tweaked some, but I think taking away the pistol at the start was a killer for new players coming in and trying to learn. At least from what I am hearing.

I see reading the thread people are on both sides of this topic.

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As of updating from 1.7.1 to my framerate has dropped considerably. Anyone else having this issue?

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100% sign "Ski"!

I play with some friends and we have the same oppinion! We patch down and use Version - it's not always good like in 1.7.0 or higher but a lot of better like the new patch.

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I love the fact that when people come on here complaining that they arent going to play any more, their friends arent either. lol.

Instead of saying your imaginary friends arent going to play, how about posting something constructive?

Obviously some trolls may have friends...

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I have to say on top of the major fiasco that has to be dealt with in order to connect to a server for each update, the latest update has two major changes that I do not think do DayZ any favors.

Zombie AI: Zombies are half rotting, non intelligent entities that wander aimlessly feeding off each other and the flesh of the living. How is it that they are (in this update) able to detect (hear, see, smell) you from ridiculous distances now? The LOS thing is not working because they seem to still be able to detect even though there was no LOS. This makes getting into areas to scavenge for gear nearly impossible now.

Lets not mention that you start with next to nothing now so you cannot even defend yourself. Its already fucked up that zombies have super human running speeds so out running them is not an option. Even if the LOS "feature" was functioning correctly, it would only really work well in city environments....assuming you can make it into the city.

Now you will have players going back to the coast just to hunt newer players that now cannot even shoot back. WTF?

I'm sorry, I have say that those two changes need to be seriously tweeked. I think if even just the zombies with super sensory detection was fixed, we'd be ok

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I do enjoy the difficulty increase on the zombies, it brings back the fun of trying to escape them and the actual fear of when they catch you.

1.7.1 and both have caused horrible drops in my frame rate, I've tried everything to increase it, I had sacrificed frame rate for beauty in 1.7.0 but I was still sitting at a smooth 40 in electro with plenty of zombies and loot. Now when I'm in an empty field staring at the ground on low everything I get 20 fps, less than that in a town with any number of zombies.

This update is good for increasing zombie difficulty, but there is absolutely no penalty to bandit players still shooting on sight. KOS players are the main reason I die and still the most annoying, and no zombie difficulty increase is going to stop them.

I can't even play at 10 fps, so I guess I'm waiting for a beta update or a patch that removes this awful lag.

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