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DayZ 1.7.1 Discussion - Others will be locked/deleted!

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I would like to state my thoughts on this update.

1. I too believe that it is really awesome to not spawn with a weapon, I like that idea but we should be given morphine as well as our bandage, painkillers, and flashlight because what if we break our legs in the middle of nowhere and get screwed. Just an idea though and NOT gamebreaking. Or swap the painkillers for morphine, you dont need to aim your flashlight steady anyways.

2. I agree with how it used to be really easy to sneak past everything, the new zombie sight ranges are acceptable they see you now literally how any other person would.

3. The damage changes are understandable I have noticed they seem to do around 500 damage to blood each hit, that is fine by me. And here comes my only complaint, you bleed and pass out WAY to easily, if a zombie slaps me I should not be gushing out blood. Maybe have different attack types one a type of hit with the zombies arm, another a bite, and only the bite would make you bleed. Although with the passing out I can see on how only running on like 50-75% of the blood in your body plus stress, lack of breath from running, and the mentallity (in your character) of "Oh shit! Oh shit!" can cause a person to pass out but it is unconfirmed if all those things have a factor with passing out, if they do then that is fine I will understand. But, if it is some formula of blood+damage=X% chance of passing out, thats bullshit.

4. The nights are nights. This is a very rural peice of land, I have family in pennsylvania and at night it is so dark I cant see my hand in front of my face. I have no problem with the darkness.

5. From what I have seen in chat on my playtime with the new patch alot of people are spawning in the middle of nowhere, it was told to them that they were not running the Arma 2 beta (which you will find in your Arma 2 directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 OA if you use steam). Optionally if you want steam to track time playing and such, follow the steps in this thread.


So to summarize; Spawning with nothing is acceptable, zombies seeing further is acceptable, nights are acceptable, zombie buff is acceptable, only bleeding and passing out needs to be changed. Overall, this is a good improvement on Dayz I await further updates eagerly to see what else is added.

P.S. if anyone wants to play together add me on steam: shredergenetix

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It seems the people saying "man up" are the people who started out with tons of loots and haven't died yet to experience what it's like spawning with nothing only to die 5 minutes later from zombies seeing you 10' date='000 kilometers away.


No, it seems it doesn't matter either way. All who are complaining about the zombies in the patch need to learn how to sneak. Including you.

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It seems the people saying "man up" are the people who started out with tons of loots and haven't died yet to experience what it's like spawning with nothing only to die 5 minutes later from zombies seeing you 10' date='000 kilometers away.


No, it seems it doesn't matter either way. All who are complaining about the zombies in the patch need to learn how to sneak. Including you.

I agree. Once again people are assuming ANYONE pro-1.7.1 must have had loot when they started. I did not and I have had no problems with zombies.. in fact I can't believe how much people are complaining.. people must barely even be trying. Calling it tedious to stealth is not an excuse.. that's how hard it would be irl. Yes, it's a game, but it's always a simulation of what it would be like. Great patch imo. I respect others opinions, but I really hope they don't revert.

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it ent that fact that you gotta be careful now, its watching other players, running around because they have pulled a zombie, i now know where they are, and where they are going, i was in kamenka and about five different players were sprinting past me with zombies behind them, all i would of needed was the Benny hill theme and i'd be set.

on a serious note tho, it ent yourself you got to worrie about, cause i can still move thru towns withy out pulling zombies, but now its the players cause there will deffo be more trains about the servers.

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It seems the people saying "man up" are the people who started out with tons of loots and haven't died yet to experience what it's like spawning with nothing only to die 5 minutes later from zombies seeing you 10' date='000 kilometers away.


No, it seems it doesn't matter either way. All who are complaining about the zombies in the patch need to learn how to sneak. Including you.

"Realistic "Zombies" with custom animations - These once human creatures will act and behave as if they have a heighten sense of hearing and smell but less sight, on top of that they use motion captured animations such as walking and eating from your unconscious body. If you look into any built up area you'll see them walking around waiting for their next victim which dares to venture in."

- dayzmod.com

I understand the need to make it harder to sneak by zombies, but 1.7.1 before the hotfix was absolutely atrocious and everyone here knows it. People saying that they could sneak past Zombies were straight up lying. Period. Some of the top leaders on the leader board right now who generally are extremely good at staying out of sight, sneaking around, etc. gave up and just simply abused the glitchy LOS mechanics, or just kited all the Zombies into a damn hallway and gunned them all down.

Read. Before the hotfix, Zeds were unmangable in the open field. If you were caught (of which it was very easy to occur even when proned because of the secret nerf in 1.7.1 before the hotfix) you got absolutely murdered every single time.

After the hotfix, the Zeds are much more managable now, and proper timing, tactics, and just smart play are rewarded. Pre-hotfix, this was not the case, and everyone and their mother knew it.

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Having died, respawned in to test out the patch fully I spent a few hours playing.

During my time I never once found a can of soda or tin of food inside a building. I found two cans of coke on zombies corpses and one tin of sardines.

I also never found an empty water bottle and never once found a box of matches.

I died with 7 raw meat, 61 zombies killed and 1 murder (player was AFK and unresponsive in direct seemingly and I really needed food, he didn't have any)

In the same session I found an AK Kobra, M1911, Winchester, Lee Enfield, Binoculars, Double Barrelled Shotgun and plenty of other weaponry so that's fine. I'm okay with starting with no weapon.

However starting with no food when empty cans are spawning far too often makes this a glorified hide and seek for food.

Bandages weren't spawning either, I found 3 from zombie corpses.

I think the ideal change would be no food, no drink, no weapon.

However a box of matches as starter equipment and an empty water bottle (would force people off the coast essentially, even partially).

Searching for a weapon is very fun, having to trick zombies by losing them in towns.

Searching for beans unsuccessfully really isn't fun.

I shouldn't have to kill 61 zombies every time I have to eat.

This happened over two different servers by the way because I was unsure about the loot spawning.

First time I've ever actually used tin cans and whiskey bottles as an item.

edit: Worth noting too, zombies spawning inside lootable buildings and not moving. Even with smoke grenades and distractions. Zombies just do not move in towns unless they spawn on a field. They're totally broken and it's horrible to attempt to find food without a weapon.

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I am really enjoying the new patch apart from a things, there is not enough food or drink spawning nor bandages. empty cans and bottles are not useful and spawn way to often. Another issue i have is if i shut a door with zombies behind me the run straight through it so there is no real point running in a building and closing the door. other than that its been a pretty good update besides me losing all my loot when it went to 1.7 and the zombies never stopped spawning -_-

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After playing for a while, I have established my findings on this current patch.

First of all, the new zombie stuff

Detection: This was a very, very bad buff to give the zeds seeing as they already were aggroing to gunfire from things as simple of the makarov. I personally was a huge fan of the crossbow for silent kills from a decent distance, however now the zeds can agro me FROM that distance rendering my weapon of choice utterly useless.

Hiding : This is a feature I think was a good add for a buffer. Previously you wouldn't ever lose a zed, however this offers the chance to outsmart it, however with the new detection radius it's moot and useless as they'll simply aggro a player easily after.

Attack Range + Damage : These were needed buffs to make zed's more of a scary force and to help buffer the times when they'd be nomming on the air.

Attack Animation : The new spazzy attack animation rewards players whom take down the zombies prior to aggro, but once again new detection ranges make this moot, rendering the zed's terrifyingly hard to kill with the new head jerking.

Summary of Zed's : Zed's are far too powerful now and it's really just tied to the new detection range. Everything else is a benefit that if applied to 1.7.0 build would make the zed's much more deadly, especially if you include the 1.7.1's no weapon spawn.

Beta Patch Darkness: The Beta patch has made it nearly impossible to play at night, and this is another thing that ties into the zombie's new aggro radius. You can't see them before they see you, At all, meaning you'll be running for your life or tossing more flares then you can count just to transverse a single building. Overall, The darkness is good, but the zombie detection makes it too much of nerf for night players.

Chem Lights: Chem lights no longer offer any sort of light worth while with the new beta patch. they honestly are the worst item you can add to your inventory in terms of light, the best thing they can be used for at the moment is self lighting to allow a friend to follow you in the dark. I'd heavily suggest increasing their light yield.

Food Not spawning: I've noticed that soda, watercans and food isn't spawning almost anywhere, and other players in several servers have claimed the same, this means even the most experienced players are dying to something they could combat easily prior. This makes PVP 100% at least more enticing to steal food. If this is a feature it's a bad one, if a bug , needs fixing asap.

No Spawning with Weapons : I personally am a fan of this, it gives bandits no real benefit save some cheap painkillers and bandage, while also buffing the zed's due to the lack of a good silent take down weapon for players (meaning they might have to use revolvers, m1911 or enfields to take down a zombie, drawing in the hoard).

Total Summary : The patch fails in that it nerfed stealth play for players. going prone and crawling around town does work, but it also leaves you vulnerable to other players from a further distance due to the drastic decrease in speed. I'd suggest reverting the Zombies detection and see how the other buffs work out for it. Night time is now much more rewarding to players using flares and such, although chem lights probably need a minor buff to act as a good alternative during the new pitch black darkness due to the beta patch.



- Hiding from Zoms

- No weapons/ supplies at spawn

- New darkness defeats brightness/gamma exploit, gives road flares (And chemlights?) more priority as loot.

- Zombie attack animation, range and damage makes them far more terrifying to aggro.


-Chem lights no longer give enough light. (Minor)

- Food/Drinks not spawning. (Major bug?)

- Zombie detection heavily unbalanced. (Serious issue.)

Edit: instead of zombie detection being out through the roof, making players stay logged in 15 seconds after DC with the new changes to zeds easily makes them a huge threat to anyone using a very loud weapon, or trying to combat log against other players.

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Girls and boyz.

less food and water is acceptable, same as starting without gun, without medicine etc. New eyes for zombies are fines too, its just harded and make u to keep thinking instead of just looting DMR's around Airfields.

In last patch game was a WAY too easy to achive all stuff u need (like 2hrs gameplay) and i always like'd a hard games.


For F#@! sake, FIX ZOMBIE SPAWN. Thats thing ruined whole game, now even when you'll get a WEAPON, AMMO, FOOD, and everything, and want to clear out a small village (3 houses) with friends its just IMPOSIBLE, literally a HORD of a zombie will spawn next to you and - is some1 gonna deal with this - they gonna spawn on your escape rout too, even in FOREST, its sensless, and thats only bad thing in this patch.

And of course as i mention, they can spawn NEXT TO YOU - like 3m from you, and gonna get agroo instantly, thats bullshit ... i road a changelog and saw "six zombie spawn - not less than 50m from player" guess what - ITS NOT WORKING.

We need something as hard as 1.7.1 but not so much sensless.

Soz for terrible english.

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1) Ridiculous amount of weapons/ammo is spawning compared to food/beverages. You're better off gunning down a hoard for food and water rather than actually finding it.

2) Zombie vision is still wonky as shit; it's much more manageable than before, but they still got crazy range.

3) Sound detection still needs work, Zeds from 50m+ still don't get aggro'd in the city by a Makarov going off when they should.

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Hey Rocket......

First things first, Nice update, great game, Excellent Ideas :D

Now, Rocket please read this.......

There is noooo Beans haven't seen one tin of beans/food spawn in over 8 hours of play, fair play to those who got lucky i guess

Zombies now make me bleed Everytime they hit me which is not realistic if i was to be punched a few times sure i may get a nose bleed or summat but really nothing i would die from and i sure as hell would not pass out from a slap on the head and my legs would definatly not break from a slap.... albeit this is an alpha and yes i will stick with it for now however please sort it out, i appreciate that your making the game what it should be but i dont appreciate Bleeding/Legs Break/Pass out for 5 mins/Die as quick as that in-game which has happened on two occasions so far. And it isnt realistic in any way on the pass out/ bleeding side of things please look at this and think again.

Also I would like to ask why i have had to re-register on these forums as apparently my username and password was wrong tried resetting and it tells me my e-mail wasnt recognized? gee you got bugs on your website too now :(

Great Mod, Great Potential, Excellent Idea and please keep up the good work

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This new patch release (1.7.1) is good for some reasons and really anoying and unplayable from the other side.

Good changes:

- spawn without weapon

- better zombie's line of sight

- torchlight from default (spawn)

Really bad change (it makes game unplayable for me):

- incresed spawn rate of the zombies - i play yesterday on the new patch and it really makes this mod unplayable for me and my 4 colleagues.

Pls in case of this spawn - back to the recent version/settings.

P.S. I also have one short question for all of ya - what's the problem with finding matches? It's really rare to find, isn't it?


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The only issue I have at the moment with the mod is the food/water spawn "bug?". If this is the way it is to be permanently, I suppose I'll just have to adapt...

Other than that, I'm fully content with rolling with the punches as this mod evolves. It's a phenomenal piece of work, and I have already gotten my $30 worth in the 4 days since purchase.

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new update sucks played yesterday for 6 hours found a torch and lots of food you cant kill zombies with beans!!it got to the six hour mark found a old rifle but could i find any bullets

i like the fact that its harder now but i dont like the fact theres no guns to pick up!

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'Shit just got real' and 'sorts the men from the toddlers' (previous post comments above) guys are we playing the same game?

Zombies are laughable now!! They used to chase me for miles, now I can run round a building and lose them. Also, if in the wild, its possible to climb steep hills and either just run away while they're stuck on the hill, or if you go at the right angle you can kinda 'bounce' them off the hill, I killed around 25 in that manner on one occasion. Further still as someone said above, running into a barn and waiting for them to come in a while, then run out again, you're scott free. Zombies were tricky before 1.7.1, now they're just stupidly easy. My request would be - make the Zombies tougher again! I mean harder to shake off! All the other increases to their potency are welcome imo, but they're too easy now!

People on here saying the new update is 'Sorting the men from the toddlers'? ridiculous. Make it harder like it used to be, please. The only reason I ever die now is cause there's no (extremely few) food or drink spawns. But I guess I shouldn't complain, I'd rather see it made harder than easier, even if it is made harder in ways I don't agree with (i.e. nerfing the spawns of water canteens/soda, it seems). It just means I have to kill other players to get a canteen I guess. Although a drinking vessel shouldn't be that hard to come by, even in a post-apocalyptic world.

But please - imo the thing which makes DayZ so amazing is that the zombies were Scary, and it was hard to survive without getting eaten by them. Please make it like that again!

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Love this new patch. Being able to hide from Zombies is excellent, and also means i dont need a gun to survive those early encounters. If someone else feels they need to shoot me for my bandage then thats fine by me, i`ll just spawn again for another epic adventure. Havn't seen the double barrel shotgun yet so i`m interested to see what thats like. Ive noticed a lot of players teaming up now, ive even been rescued by random strangers without them shooting me in the back afterwards. This patch has added a whole new lease of life to this MOD which is sapping even more of my spare time now, thanks Dayz Team!

But if there was one thing i would add while keeping the whilst keeping the Bear Grylls starting equipment would be some sort of melee.

Initially i was against any type of melee, but i could see this being useful from new spawn. I saw someone posted a video of a simple melee system for Arma 2, implementinng a simple gun butt or punch if unarmed which stunned on the first hit then knocked out with the second. Means thats with all the new challenges added, players would not feel as helpless at the beginning. I dont think it would be something you could spam like in L4D2, but something that could buy you some more time when faced off with a single aggro'd zombie.

Or none of this.

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Just updated to, the hotfix.

MUCH better than 1.7.1, mainly because zombies are no longer super-senstive, so old stealth methods are on the table again. Also not gettting ridiculous numbers of zombies.

Spawning without a weapon is better now. I even managed to evade and escape some aggro zombies while unarmed. Kinda hard to find a weapon at first, all closest areas are picked clean, but eventually got hold of makarov and lee enfield.

Food and drink was another matter. Couldn't find any anywhere. Would probably have died of hunger/thirst fairly soon if a zombie hadn't got me first after I ran out of ammo.

Worst thing: Zombies with increased attack range hitting me repeatedly through walls. Entered Elektro power station with 6000 health but was down to 1600 by the time I left due to zombies detecting and attacking through walls. The combination of increased attack range and buggy wall detection leads to very bad situations.

On a final note, it really goes to show how absurd the fanboy "hardcore" brigade are, at the least the ones who attacked everyone who pointed at the flaws in 1.7.1 with shrieks of "Go back to CoD, pussy!"

We were pointing out the OBVIOUSLY broken nature of the update, the various bugs. And yes, they were bugs, it says so right in the changelog. (Or changes that just were not working at all.) But the "hardcore" were so utterly incompetent at recognizing the difference between a working game and a seriously bugged one, they were actually going around saying how great it the update was! Talk about a laugh.

The moral of the story is, the "hardcore" are completely and utterly clueless, and though you'll see them swarming every thread attacking every little criticism, their opinions are not only worthless, they're hazardously dangerous to the development of the game.

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Love the mod! So much potential to be the bar to measure emerging survival genre in gaming. (Survival genre is going to be the next thing in gaming I promise you. We already have MineCraft)

Spawning without a gun is TERRIFYING!! Not sure if I like it or not. But nothing is more relieving then finding a fire arm and a mag nearby or digging through your back pack and finding a matching mag for the gun you just got.

The night plays nothing like I thought it would. Chemlights do not bask the players in light to those of us who spend their time on rooftop with assault rifles.

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Okay played for six hours and managed to not get killed. I searched all of Cherno... literally. I found a lot of weapons.

A ridiculous amount of watches, compasses, and the like... five watches in the grocery store? Really?

And, a SINGLE can of pepsi. No food whatsoever...

I really hope that gets fixed...

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I love everything, the only thing i just hate is that when u hide from zombies inside a building that only haves 1 exit, the zombie will be in the exit forever, until you DC or die (if you have no weapons, that sux, just that). Other things are great

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I love the update(s) and how they keep coming! All changes are for the better so far.

There are a few exceptions, though i'm sure this will be optimized in the future.

I consider myself quite a tactical gamer, maybe even close to a hardcore gamer. However, with the new insta-kill by zombies of the new update, it has become quite impossible to survive alone for enough time to get a proper weapon. Personally, i may be able to come up with tactics, together with a team, to avoid this. However, you need to seriously consider what group you are catering to. If you want only the hardcore gamers to stick with this mod, then by all means, continue with these improvements. Just keep in mind that you will loose a very large playerbase that is not engaged in hardcore gaming 24-7. Believe it or not, the majority of the current players are your average joe, who plays to enjoy every now and then, not to get all serious.

I am pretty sure i will receive little agreement on this topic here, since almost everyone who has bothered to sign up here is most likely a hardcore gamer in the first place.

To make it very clear to you: You are less than 10% of the players that play this mod.

How do i know that?

Take the number of registered forum users and divide it by the number of unique players on DayZ. (24,211 / 244,350 = 0,09)

Substract the amount of registered users currently disliking the hardcore aspect of the update from that statistic and you will be left with the number of people who will be willing to keep playing.

Be considerate.

My suggestion on this part: Split up the database in two: Hardcore and Regular. If you create an account on a hardcore server, it would not save across regular servers and vice versa. This way, people have the choice to play the game as realistic as possible, with hardcore tactics and real challenges. Those, who prefer regular fun, will be able to play on regular servers. Win-Win

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Right, so I've previously posted (on page 21). I pretty much agree with myself shockingly.

Zombies new attacks and being able to hide from them is cool though they're at the stage of where you'd consider them enough of a threat to not even bother sneaking past them, instead just aggro them in to a barn, gun them all down or as many as you can and just run out.

There are no food or water spawns. I'd be okay with this but there's also no canteen or box of matches spawns either. Both times I've played this patch tonight I've found military grade weapons in the strangest of places (visited two deer stands and found binoculars in both. Visited a barn and found an AKS74u and an AK74 Kobra I believe.

So many weapons and yet no food.

I think starter gear should consist of Water Canteen, Morphine, Flashlight, Flares, Box of Matches.

If you don't have a gun, why the hell would you need painkillers on spawn? Seems redundant. However being left to crawl from kamenka to morphine because of broken bones is pretty ridiculous.

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I've waited to give my two cents so I could try a few different things out and can now comment with an educated response. It seems to me the new mod has not increased friendliness, granted, this could just be the servers I'm playing on.

The problem isn't really zombies anymore either - if you happen to get swarmed, just run for a hill and then get them to run down it behind you, I've literally cleared about 20 Zed's by doing this.

The main issue is the lack of survival gear you have directly at the start of the game now. The average life for myself has gone down from a good few hours to a day, right down to probably in the hour region, if that. It really does come down to spawning locations these days and I'm on the fence each time i spawn to try for a better location I know well and can get a gun from quickly. This typically is no fun. Changing something simple like starting with less ammo or something similar would resolve this problem greatly or even implementing a way to de-aggro zeds or even go hand to hand would help.

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