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DayZ 1.7.1 Discussion - Others will be locked/deleted!

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I don't know what's the idea of changing the night time brightness from version to version ( i guess now it's the time this being alpha and all..) But didnt the ArmA: OA beta patch try to fix the gammawarrior issue? Now it's back as you can see.

Default settings:




Makes no sense. Basically free nvg.

This is a bit bright, you should turn down your gamma.

But it's better than unplayable night. Some minor tweaks and nighttime lighting will be spot on.

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Quick feedback on

Only a slight inconvenience experienced before finding a side-arm, and had some nice friendly encounters and teaming-up which has been pretty much non-existent for me in 1.7.0. Some had weapons already, some not, but things generally seemed a bit less hostile around the coast. I like this new dynamic and focus on survival straight away.

Melee is fun, although I ended up with broken bones quickly after some zed swipes which resulted in long crawls to the hospital. Next time I hit the hospital first thing.

Night time seems about right, with moon/gamma I could make out enough to travel without light source (barely).

Zed aggro seems good, I could easily navigate silently through towns only aggroing them when I got up close to hatchet them. Easy to get them to de-aggro via LOS block, and I wasn't aggrod at all when crouch running inside a building like before. Like the new sounds.

I had some graphic glitches that I've isolated to (vs. 1.7.0), when looking at certain parts of certain building models (it seems). Other than that, had the bugs/issues others have reported regarding melee ammo and server crashes, but all in all I think the update is awesome. I don't agree at all with the suggestions to eliminate these changes. They add new depth, challenge and fun to the game. Thanks for letting me test!

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This is a bit bright' date=' you should turn down your gamma.

But it's better than unplayable night. Some minor tweaks and nighttime lighting will be spot on.


The point of my post was to show people how easily they are "cheated" in this game. And no, i personally do not play with high brightness/gamma, because it eats all the immersion out of the mod and there's alittle left in this mod to offer if you take that out. But as most of you propably know, there are people who will take and use every little advantage they can find, so this "new tone mapping" servers players with that kind of mentality more, than the legit ones.

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Post your thoughts and ideas on the patch. Suppress your assholian urge to belittle other people and/or their ideas because they don't agree with yours. You are no more skilled or hardcore or intelligent than the next person because you claim to "enjoy" the difficulty level of the game more than the last person who posted before you. It doesn't make you any kind of bad ass. Its a game and different people have different desires and tastes. You disagreeing with them is fine, but insulting people, implying or just straight out thinking that you are better than the next person because of your gaming tastes is just childish, immature and you come off as some kind of e-peening, pompus ass. I'm sure that was not the intended message you wanted to send, but that how it comes across.

This is a public forum and feedback is going to be all over the place. Show a little intelligence and maturity and discuss the pros and cons of ideas and stop attacking the people who post them.

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Alright' date=' I would just like to throw this out there, the new changes in 1.7.1 are glorious. The game is what it should have been. It forces people to cooperate and play together and the real threat now is the zombies (that actually kill things now). I actually made a friend in-game today and traveled with them for a very long time. I was pleasantly surprised when he didn't shoot me on the coast and actually gave me ammo for the makarov I found later while he was protecting my ass from the zombies.

However, I notice people complaining that it's too hard, that they can't stealth and the game sucks because they can't adapt to the new zombie behaviours. I would like to say, Rocket please do not listen to cries of the few. I think most of us really enjoy the raised difficulty and love the mod even more! (I could be wrong, but from what I see that seems to be the consensus.)

Though, I would like to point out an issue that has been amplified with this update, (you said not to mention this because its a known issue already but I'm going to say it anyways :P) the wall attacking. It's even more brutal now because of the zombies increased attack range. Now even in larger buildings like the apartments in Berezino and some of the larger homes the zombies are hitting you from everywhere. Once this gets panned out the update will be flawless.

All of you haters crying that it's too hard; I hate to say it, but learn to play.


Seriously, dude, think again.

Who enjoys crawling for hours and hours in cities, towns, next to deer stands or whereever a zombie is walking around, just to keep safe? Nobody does.

This huge zombie aggro range is inappropriate.

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At least add melee weapons (make it AoE like the zombies if you have to) and have the player spawn with a MAG-Light' date=' at least you could crack some skulls if you had to. The totally-helpless-on-spawn idea is.. well, I respectfully disagree with its implementation and would recommend some manner of self-defense, even if the idea is to prevent initial offense.

Yes, you can technically "survive" if you play it careful enough. But in its current implementation, its just not fun.


The addition of hatchets and crowbars (even if bugged atm) is certainly welcome, and helps offset being totally helpless once out of ammo. Lack of melee just makes no sense if the aim is "realism".

On that note, I still feel that flashlights should be made to act as melee weapons, especially if survivors spawn with no firearms.

I can't stress enough how NOT fun the game is when you're forced into hyper-stealth mode right at the start, and need to sink an entire night's worth of play into entering one building, only to get eaten if a single mistake is made.

Give the starter pistol but restrict ammo. Maybe affect its accuracy so its only good for very close range. Give a melee weapon. Reduce the zombie sight radius, power, speed, agility, movement patterns, etc.

I'm fine with it being difficult, but as is, you're catering to a crowd that fits Chell's tenacity profile. I fully understand that this game isn't intended for 50% and below, maybe not even 75%. Pulling it back down to the 85% mark will help pull in more players IMO.

I guess that's a decision only Rocket can make. What is the "sweet spot" between the difficult simulator he wants to make, versus being playable enough that enough people will want to play it to make it a worthwhile enough project to continue with? My opinion is that its too hard right now for new spawns, and zombie behavior needs to be tuned down a smidge. Other people seem to enjoy it being as difficult as possible, and actually enjoy spending their entire play session crawling through a single field. Some of us have jobs and limited play time at night. I dunno. It is what it is.

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I agree with Brew78.

....with the exception of unrealistically altering the ballistics of the weapon to serve the game.

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I have some ideas on the "Starting Pack"

firstly, I think that instead of spawning with the "coyote" I think its called, you should start off with the Czech pouch, which is smaller and gives people more excitement to go out and look for more items.

Or if anyone's looking for increased difficulty, people should have no backpack at all. Because the inventory room is enough to start off with I think personally, its not like you going to fill it straight away, if you are experienced enough to know what you actually need to carry and what is a waste of space, it would be a good test to see how people react to thinking, "hmm, I need this but I need to drop something to take it" that will also keep the levels of loot in towns slightly higher because you cannot carry such items.

This will also slow down the pace of the game, because out of experience I know that within 30 minutes you have nearly everything you need to survive outside the towns for a while, so it would be a good test to keep people in towns. those more "rare" weapons will be a further distance away, its going to take more time to get them.

Secondly, In your inventory, You should start off with an Empty water bottle, so you have the resource, but only half, so you have to fill it up at either lakes or water pumps or something like that.

Now I know many people have issues with this "no weapon" dilemma but, in a way it is good. I have an idea with this, i think you should be spawned with the Makarov, its a good little weapon but you should start off with: 2 ideas here, either;

No ammo and just have the gun.

Or only 1 magazine, so you think about when you really need to use your weapon.

But the No ammo situation would influence more people to team up, it would make the game more co-op. because at the moment, usually people don't kill you because they feel like it, they are generally scared because all they are thinking is, "If I don't kill him first then he might kill me", so in which this just means, ANY moving target is a threat really.

I believe that spawning with no magazines means people cannot kill each other straight away, they have a chance to get close and decide to team up, increasing co-op play.

I agree with 1 piece that you should start with is a bandage, but keep it to 1.

Get rid of the painkillers you don't use them straight away, or is a life threatening item, it would just encourage people to look for them, as with bandages, they are life threatening if you don't have them.

No morphine, that's a think you should be looking for in army tents next to the hospital or something..

No flares, if you believe that you need them, to say if you start off in a night server then put the chemlights, maybe 1 or 2. because I'm not totally sure but I think they light up a smaller area? but if they do then that's a good thing, because flares light up a massive area which should be an item to look for.

There was probably a few things which I have forgotten or missed out, anyway this is what I think should at least be tried out because I think many people will agree.

Thanks, Brandon :)

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personally i dont like the change to spawning with no weapon, i wouldn't mind it if the spawns were literally anywhere on the map instead of a small area of the coast.

imo the people promoting the item spawns are more then likely the same people with assault and sniper rifles giddy with joy they have less chance of dying and almost nil from the person that they just killed.

but hey whatever if i dont like it, i dont have to play it ( and for the record i have not played CoD style games since 2007, and dont like CoD in general, so dont bother telling me to go back to CoD since i never came from it to begin with, it blows )

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Just played Short version: Zombies oversensitive, bad FPS issues.

Zombies are back to hyper-sensitive. Crouch moving is of no use, crawling is of limited use. Zombies detect you from a very long way and often aren't too fussed about LOS, maybe just on corners.

Was in the offices at electro, zombies piled up outside and shrieked every time I made a move inside. Fortunately this had the effect of clearing the streets, so I went out the front door leaving the horde on the other side of the building, and was safe to crouch-run down to the church and the nearby firestation. Got an akm.

But outside, zombies again spotted me from a block away when I was crouched, and soon I was swarmed and killed.

Can't tell if this is intended or not, but feels broken. At the very least, it more or less removes stealth from the game.

Frames per second were terrible for most of the game. Felt like it was running 10 to 16 fps, on nVidia SLI GTX 560s (and only 1280*720). Made it pretty difficult to dodge or shoot zombies.

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To be honest, they need to nerf down the zombies to how they were in 1.7.0, me and all my friends who have been playing Day Z a lot all agree to this.

They're infected, their limbs are rotting off, how are they able to run faster than humen? I know that this is a video game, I know that there are different people, some want it to be more realistic while some want it to be as far from real life as possible, but we feel gameplay wise that it was much more fun in 1.7.0. Zombies can detect you really easily, and if they see you and you have no weapons, you're fucked. Trying to lose them? Nope.

Also regarding the spawning with no gun thing, we noticed that there are barns with like 4 guns and tons of ammo, is this to make up for not spawning with 1 shit pistol?

I know I will get many replies saying "Don't whine", people who are trying to defend the game by using this argument are ultimately only destroying the game, we bought Arma 2 to play this mod solely, we have the right to give consumer feedback.

Slow down the meele combat and other new mechanics, focus on the things that need to be nailed down correctly.

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Don't know what your intention was, but DayZ now really sucks... It's almost inpossible to get a gun at the beginning. Loved this Game and recommendet it to ALL my friends, now I have to make a callback on my statement. I'm really sorry to see that the game evolved like that, even if it is technically a lot better! No more major lags and so on...

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It's made the game too much of a slow starter IMO. But once I find that first gun it's pretty fun just running up to survivors I see have no weapon and shooting them point blank. Then I just run through buildings till I shake the zed and go back to see if player I just killed had any loot.

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Question for 1.7.1.X and melee weapons: if Hatchet takes primary weapon slot now, how I am supposed to keep Hatchet for collecting wood?

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Loving the mod, but the insane spotting of the zombies feels worse and worse the more time go by.

It's come to the point, today, where I just put the mod down and wait for the patch that will adress this.

Except for hatchet and zombie spotting, everything is top notch and getting better and better.

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Don't know what your intention was' date=' but DayZ now really sucks... It's almost inpossible to get a gun at the beginning. Loved this Game and recommendet it to ALL my friends, now I have to make a callback on my statement. I'm really sorry to see that the game evolved like that, even if it is technically a lot better! No more major lags and so on...


Totally agree with you. I was in love with this game until this update. It's gotten to the point where if I start to get chased by a zombie I just respawn. No point in even trying. And since the aggro of zombies has been upped to ridiculous levels, that is happening more than ever.

I think I'll just stop playing this. I wish I never would have bought ArmA 2 for this.

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Aggro is insane now, but i think it's more fun playing like that, I just don't like how much noise I make when running. I don't know about anyone else but I can run just as quiet as i can walk in real life... At the moment I'll be running and zombies will aggro around corners etc, or facing away because of the noise.


I like the visual aggro, If a zombie sees prey it would obviouslly run to it. however the sound aggro makes this aggro pointless atm.

Don't like sound aggro (perhaps make them investigate noises such as gunshots, drastically reduce the noise from moving around etc.)

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Might have already been discussed - although I like the idea of just starting with a torch, until the player can easily switch between a torch and a pistol I don't think it should be part of the game. Currently (as I'm sure most of you know) to pick up a pistol, you 1st have to move your torch to your backpack. Not that it matters though because once you are holding a pistol any attempt to move the pistol to the backpack so you can equip the torch results in the pistol being dropped.

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In my opinion the new zombie aggro is terrible, not sure how a zombie could tell the difference between other zombies and humans from 600 meters away in tall grass and the night time. The old system was tense and exciting when the zombies would slowly close in on you.

At the moment it isn't tense, you know they will see you and you know no matter what you do you are going to have to kill them. I would like the old system back but that's how I feel.

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Just got home and got a chance to play.

Last night, a friend and I were playing on and - everything seemed fine, and we liked the fact that there's no starter weapon. Zombie aggro was slightly increased, but manageable.

However, I just logged on and played, and it's nearly unplayable. The only way to get through a town is pretty much to crawl, sight and sound aggro is ridiculously high. I was crouch-running through Cherno (on grass) earlier, and a zombie (on the other side of a wall, about 50m away) aggros to me. Without a weapon, the only way to get away from the first zombie is to run - this attracts more zombies, and you need to be super lucky and creative in order to break LOS and get away. The game does become easier to survive after you get a gun, but it doesn't change the fact that zombies will aggro from half the town away even if you crouch-run over grass.

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I have to agree that I am not enjoying this nearly as much as I used to. Even when I wasn't playing, I used to very much look forward to my next play session. That desire has been significantly diminished and I almost dread even attempting to live long enough to find anything good because stealth has become nearly pointless. Starting with no weapon makes one a sitting duck to anything more threatening than a cow.

What really needs to be included to foster a little more co-operation is a faction system which can be honored or not (given there should be consequences for not honoring it), not unrealistic limitations such as being spawned without what even the minimum of what a sensible person would bring along.

Here is an idea: How about randomization (within certain limits) of what you start out with. Now that would be a little more realistic in that not everyone is going to bring exactly the same thing to start their trek. So even the limited chance of starting out with a weapon would be nice.

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I really, really miss DayZ 1.6. Was such a fun game. Ever since 1.7 has come along, I've had a hard time enjoying DayZ. It's become more about constantly shooting zombies until you run out of ammo and then just dying. You spawn in new and rather than going slow, watching zombies and sneaking around them, you're just constantly running likes its the opening of 28 weeks later.

Nothing about starter weapons or any of that stuff bothers me, its the zombie aggro that has pretty much ruined the game for me. Rocket seems more intent on adding 'stuff' than developing the core gameplay; such as Zombies warping through walls, smacking you through walls, seeing through walls or even the zombie movements being so unpredictable to weird that it actually takes you out of the game, because they can run faster than any human ever could.

I really love this mod, but right now its tedium makes me not want to play.

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I'm gonna keep this simple.

You make way too much noise right now.

Seriously? Three bars (or whatever) of sound when you crouch on soft terrain? That's ridiculous! I spawned in Elektrozavodsk, walked not even 5 STEPS and I already alerted 3 zombies to me. What the fuck is that?

It needs to be toned down.

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My only complaint is that zombie's still aggro a bit too far, and that they still spawn too close and far too often. As I was walking by the Northern hangars at NW airfield, 8 zombies insta-spawned and insta-aggroed onto me. I killed them, and as I was doing so more kept spawning. Other than that the updates are awesome.

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After playing a bit more, I have boiled down my opinion of the current build to this:

Although I dislike it and still think its very unlikely that someone will set out for survival without some sort of weapon, I can deal with that.

Zombies need to be toned down seriously. As mentioned above: spending most of your time running around like a chicken with your head cut off trying to get away from a zombie that should not have even sensed your presence....only to aggro more zombies as you are trying to get away from the original zombie is not my idea of fun or excitement. Sure, navigating a zombie infested world requires some stealth but the ability to utilize this skill has been mechanically hampered to the point that unless you are some kind of Ninja (of which your average or even above average citizen is NOT) with a serious lucky streak, you're not going to survive long enough to even get to the loot, let alone survive long enough to put it to any use.

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