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DayZ 1.7.1 Discussion - Others will be locked/deleted!

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The lack of anything to drink is getting ridiculous. Thanks to a seemingly increased animal spawn rate, I now have seven cooked meats in my pack... but nothing at all to drink, and I'm sure when I log in next, my red drink icon will be flashing and I'll be taking damage.

I explored two medium-sized villages today and found quite a few weapons, several tons worth of empty cans and old bottles, and no food or water at all. There was a well in one of the towns, but there doesn't seem to be a way to drink from a faucet...

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In case you really read these suggestions and care about what we play:

1 - Zombie damage increase was perfect and now zombies do a fair damage.

2 - For zombies to do such damage, they should have their other "skills" (smell, vision, hearing) a little bit reduced, just like before.

3 - Keep the "no weapon no supplies" spawn feature. There aren't enough bandits for every player spawning, and some of them will make it to the villages and be able to arm and supply itself ( provided that zombies are not smart, killing machines).

4 - I dont know what caused it, but since 1.7.1 the fps drop made it just unplayable. So please, in behalf of all those who suffer from fps drop, fix this.

Hope you get to read this,


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I hope this thread is still read by Rocket.

I have been thinking about this for some time. Not sure if anyone else had the same ideas.

1) Make the watch not an item. We all have it, it's not a tool or a lootable item. Same function that it currently serves, but it is not listed under tools or in any inventory. Just hit o twice to bring it up. I think most people having a watch in the zombie apocalypse sounds reasonable. Also, very few people actually utilize the watch, at least from my experiences. I know I dont get super excited when I find one.

2) Replace the slot that the watch held in the tool section with the flashlight. Currently, the flashlight takes up 4 inventory slots! That is crazy! Make it so that we can carry it as a tool and it won't interfere with having a pistol in hand. Having to swap to pistol while walking around with a flashlight is ridiculous, imo. I think we can all carry a gun and a flashlight at the same time in real life. This will marginalize the G17's uniqueness, but I think it is necessary.

3) When a main weapon is out, we can't use the flashlight. Risk vs reward here. It also makes guns like the Remmington 870 very valuable.

4) Revert prone visibility to before 1.7.1. Reason why I think it should be this way is that prone also makes you and easy target by players, coupled with the slow move speed. Prone crawling through a town takes a lot of time, it also leaves a player open to easy shots from other players, so it could now be rewarded by being very hard to detect by zombies.

5) Spawnable loot should be similar to the way it was before 1.7.1. Sub machine guns and the like should be rare finds. Also, uniforms should be rare too. Any kind of military grade weapons should make a player jump for joy when they find one. Currently, it seems like M4A1's are a dime a dozen. I could be mistaken, but that is what I have been hearing from everyone.

6) I liked the loot spawn pre 1.7.1, but just scale back the food and water finds a little bit, just not a lot.

7) Replace current bag with vest pouch or get rid of the vest pouch all together. As it stands now, nobody will ever grab a smaller bag then the current Patrol Pack.

My input, for what it is worth.

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+1 on watches. I found FIVE watches in the Cherno grocery store last night.

Oh, and, no food or soda. Let alone canteens, empty or otherwise...

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Yeah, at least give us some friggin pop. I don't know too many people who are going to set out to survive in the wilderness with only a bandage and a box of pain killers. More likely they'll have a can of beans and water and/or pop. Most people will have a weapon of some sort...even if its only a knife. Just give us something to fucking fight back with if we are attacked. I do not think that is too much to ask for.

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+1 on watches. I found FIVE watches in the Cherno grocery store last night.

Oh' date=' and, no food or soda. Let alone canteens, empty or otherwise...


Just did complete circuit of Elektro. Grocery store, Church - watches, compasses, binos galore. Fire station - chem lights.

Everything else, including the above mentioned areas - Empty cans, whiskey bottles, Lee Enfields, Dbl Shottys, Maks, and Revolvers.

Not a single source of food or water.

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Was it just me or did the spawn rate for the can of beans (food in general) dropped significantly.

I was previously finding cans in barns, warehouses, supermarkets etc. As of today (first time with i found literally no food spawns, and I have cleared towns Gorka, Polana, and a farm just south of Dubrovka. To me that sounded a bit overrated. I saw no players, and there were zeds in the cities, so i would guess, the likelihood of finding food should be there. (not cleared by other players that is).

Can you just please check that the spawn mechanism for the food was working correctly ?

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the Zombie spawning is kinda screwy

I keep finding groups of them huddled and 'stuck' together in buildings. They also seem to home in on your location magically with and without getting aggro. Its kinda annoying when you think you've spotted all the zombies, planned your route, and then they start popping up all around you. and obviously having them huddled inside buildings is no fun

another thing I noticed is when zombie's are 'dead' sometimes it randomly flashes a frame of them alive. it's pretty creepy, but I think unintended. I've seen it happen with dead players too

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I've found food and I believe drinks on dead zombies. I would kind of like it that way better. Like some things, like food and water, spawn less in buildings and more on zombies. That way, there's more of an incentive to kill them. Right now there is ZERO incentive to kill them if you can get around them. But if they were the primary source of essential items, then people would stop wasting their ammo on the first person they saw and maybe try to team up with that person in an attempt to kill some zeds and split a few cans of food.

Teamwork encouraged and mindless killing of everyone people see discouraged. Bam.

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Confirmed on the zombies in certain buildings in a weird sort of 'clump', a huge amount of watches to loot, a higher amount of camo uniforms (This doesn't bother me, they're still not exactly common, I hit up all of Elektro, and four other towns and only came across two of them, which I think is very reasonable, and much better than before), the weird zombie flashing thing where it briefly appears and thrashes about, then lies back down again, and a total lack of food or drink.

The only drinks I managed to find were super rare drops off Z's. I literally had to kill over 60 to get one can of coke, my water symbol was flashing dangerously red when it finally dropped. I'm just glad there were no players near the town I was shooting up, and that there seemed to be a metric ton of Enfield ammo lying around xD

The two buildings I saw clumped, indoor zombies were the barn just north of Topolka Dam, and also in the main red building in Pusta. In a few other central settlements I saw zombies trapped inside closed off outhouses and dog kennels (The latter I found somewhat amusing). I had a couple of slowdowns, and two different servers I've been on tonight crashed (But I don't know if that's related to the patch), but other than that my game didn't seem drastically slower than usual; still quite playable.

All in all, if you could adjust the loot tables back to how they were, or more or less anyway, and fix the manic zombie clumping thing, that'd be golden. Whilst crawling, I found the Z's to be quite dense and avoidable, it was as soon as I got up into a crouch that they seemed to ping me on their radar (From a rather terrifying distance, I might add). Looting towns and such is still doable, it just takes a lot of patience, and more importantly, a long time, and it's a hell of a lot riskier as a result.

Also, I quite like this whole 'not starting with a gun' thing, but if you could put an empty water bottle in the starting inventory, it'd be great. Still keeps that dangerous, 'Stranded and desperate' feeling going when you start out, but at least enables us to consume liquid without having to kill a legion of Z's for a can of soda.

Thanks guys, and keep up the good work. Still an amazing mod, I just daren't go back on until there's liquid available, my guy might die when I log back in as it is ^_^

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I would like to say well-done to the devs and really love where this game is heading. I started playing at 1.7.0 and I found the game incredibly easy when I started. Zombies weren't a threat. The mantra was 'If detected by them, just run to the forest and prone.' And it worked I didn't have to worry about thirst or hunger as soda and tinned food loots were so common. The game was getting dull and I can see why there are so many PVP happening. It wasn't becoming a survival game that it was designed to be, it was becoming a multiplayer deathmatch where players seek better weapons and go on a rampage.

After I got by sniped by a player at version and had to respawn with almost nothing except for bandages and painkillers, I started to see the 'survival' element in the game after playing for a few hours. Zombies are harder and definitely a threat. I lost count of number of times when I was mobbed by zombies which detected me from inside a building. And i have also encountered clumps of zombies which is definitely a bug, i thought it was amusing at first as they look like some kinda 'zombie-centipede' until they detected me through the walls somehow and all gave chase. It was a hairy experience nonetheless. And oh, zombies still seem to be able to walk and attack through walls.

Weapon loot are less common than before but have yet to find any food and water. I did however encounter floating weapon loot which I can't interact. The only serious problem with this patch is since there is no way of drinking from pumps or lakes without canteen, and the rarity of food and water loot, I can only play to a point where my character slowly dies from thirst.

I say, stick to the formula of having tough zombies and no weapons at the start. But at the very least have a full or empty canteen, box of matches and hunting knife. If players should start without food and water, implement some method for them to work for their hunger or thirst, eg. hunt animals for food or quench their thirst in lake or pumps. And thirst level should also drop during rain. It doesn't make sense when I'm crawling in the grass in the pouring rain and still slowly dying of thirst. This way, there is another use for the rain rather than making you cold and sick.

That is all I have to say.

Thanks guys and keep up the good work

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not gonna read this thread, gonna say this is a terrible patch, and all you masochistic idiots that think you are bigger men because you play a less fun, more poorly put together video game can bite me. take your e-honor and shove it.

i should have known that this would be a disaster when i had to buy arma II of all things to play it.

live and learn...


if you want to make it better, start people with a weapon, and don't make zombies faster than people. add more zombies and more ammo - make zombies be a threat through volume, not individual superiority. it's fun killing zombies, not running from them until you can maybe find a way to lose them - that's just boring (hold down w, huuuuurrrrrr).

many of you won't agree with that, good for you, nobody cares. the question rocket and the terrible people at whatever studio/developer/collective of human filth made arma II need to consider if they want to put food on the table to continue their miserable lives is "who is gonna pay money for this shit?" and the answer to that needs to be the largest audience possible (hint, not you pussies).

i am mad at this game for being presently terrible.

alpha or not, a bad idea is a bad idea.

i mean, it's great!

i love it!

thanks to everyone who has put so much effort in!

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Thank you for the great update!! I'm loving it!

I too, was devastated to find out i had no gear and the zed's were all over me.

But after 2 hrs of playing and mostly dying, I started to get the heck of it.

Now the game play is much more fun and the feeling obtaining items is great!!

Love you man!! Love you!!

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pointless bullshit

Nobody will miss you. If you were dumb enough to buy something you were gonna hate so much then I'm glad Bohemia took your money.

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I love the changes - certainly makes it a lot more intense. I don't like the log out > in bug which gives you the lowest health you've had (I think) - which was nice to experience; starting off with 9000 health when I first logged in, then getting into a stupid zombie fight, down to 4000 health, then healing back to full, then having another completely screwed up fight where I got knocked on the floor by a zombie that spawned on me, then proceeded to eat my legs for the next 45 seconds. Then by the time I'd bandaged I was on 318 health. For about 2 hours.

I'm back up to full now, and am looking forward to seeing what happens tomorrow. I hope I'll not be on 318 health again, though :(

Aggro range of zombies is a little weird. Sometimes you can crouch up to them about 50m away (near deer stands) and then crawl the last bit and you'll be fine.

Other times you can crawl up to them from about 100m away and they'll see you at nearly that distance.

I haven't actually died, miraculously.... so I'm not sure what I'll think of starting with nothing, but hey ho :)

Best mod of the best game I never played. Thanks Rocket & Co.

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pointless bullshit

Nobody will miss you. If you were dumb enough to buy something you were gonna hate so much then I'm glad Bohemia took your money.


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I don't know what's the idea of changing the night time brightness from version to version ( i guess now it's the time this being alpha and all..) But didnt the ArmA: OA beta patch try to fix the gammawarrior issue? Now it's back as you can see.

Default settings:




Makes no sense. Basically free nvg.

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In my opinion. The new starting load out with no gun or anything of value is great, it makes it vital to not get seen by zombies in the beginning, makes your first move to have to scavenge supplies (not kill the first person you see and steal their stuff) and it makes that first trip into town to get supplies nerve wrecking, it also makes bean hungry bandits rethink killing noobs on the coast. Love it!! But the changes to the zombies LOS makes the game almost unplayable, (what is the point of stealth if you can't sneak past zombies anymore) getting into buildings and much less searching the building without alerting the zeds is damn near impossible now. As stated on the dayz website “These once human creatures will act and behave as if they have a heighten sense of hearing and smell but less sight”.... Well now they see everything!!!

To everyone saying that the zombies were to easy, i guess, you have never made a mistake and alerted a horde when you were low on ammo or out of bandages (or maybe you just forgot the last time you died by a zed). Sure if you have full ammo and a gun they are easy, but isn't that the way it should be? You can play a little more lose when your stocked up but the second you fire your last shot with your sweet gun it becomes a paper weight and you have to run for your life or never get caught. Basically what im saying is the zombies shouldn't be a problem to a stocked player but you should be able to sneak past them when you have nothing (or just want to avoid them). I find it a lot of fun getting in and out of a town safely (the whole time on the edge of my seat avoiding crawling into a zombie). The way the game is now with this patch the zeds are way to threatening to starting players (making it unenjoyable to start a new game), and fully a stocked player never needed to consider them a major threat anyway.

The way i see it, the beauty of zombies is they apply interesting pacing to the game, giving you a stealth sequence to have to play through and plan for. If you make a mistake or play the game badly they get alerted (not because one 20 m away looked in your direction). Remember these zombies have less sight. I like easy to fool zombies, I guess thats the way I always imagined the mindless infected to be!!!

I saw some people saying they were happy zombies were the major threat again. Really, I think the game is much better when other players are the major threat. That is the most interesting dynamic about this game (kill or be killed, find friendlies and kill bandits on sight). If you want to hunt zombies and have its be the biggest part of the game, go play Left 4Dead 2 on hard, your playing the wrong game. A suggestion to make the zeds more intense, maybe make the them fallow the path you just took if they walk over it (you know they fallow your scent) but don't give them sight!!! (It kinda ruins the game)

just my 2 cents...

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Okay so if you say it sucks you are marked crap, if you kiss ass your awesome?

Me and friends are trying to understand if rocket is trying to destroy his mod.

To be honest, I'm more meh about the mod anyway, but have the ability to have some fun with it. More so the friends tend to do more bitchin and whining. But now it's gotten kinda stupid.

1. Food and drink, drink wasn't so hard to find, but food was no where. Fix that first and foremost (do you have people that play this before you even load it up?)

2. Lets take away a starting weapon and leave you on a beach with a patch and pain meds BEFORE we give you some form of even slightly tested melee ability. This is beyond wonder in who thought this was a good idea.

3. Fix the chat, beta seems to take that away, whats the reason for player co-op when you can not talk to no one.

You want to make the game have a better co-op turn off player killing BOOM done, game is more co-op, then ramp up zeds, and leave original spawn pack alone.

show hate cuz you know its right.

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All new is pritty good, but why the arma2 betha version? After i installed it, my game crashs. Sound was gone, textures destroyed... im looking forward to an installer that couldnt fail.

A little question: is it normalthat you have no gun, eating and drinking at the beginning now?

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Tone down the zombies sensory detection to more zombie like parameters. (Most of us are familiar with zombie lore enough to know that these zombies are a bit out of whack.) The increased damage is fine. Zombies are no longer intelligent beings so while they should be pretty fast they should not be super humanly fast or be running an evasion pattern while coming at you to eat your goodies....nor should they aggro from halfway across the field because you stepped on a pebble or stood up once to get a look around. As mentioned previously, the danger factor with zombies should be their numbers. The only way one or two zombies should be a real threat is if they catch you not paying attention and get in close or if they catch you unarmed and you can't get away.

Bug or not, food and drink should not be nearly impossible to find. And I'm still appalled with the starting "equipment". A bandage and a box of tylenol? What idiot in their right mind wouldn't bring some minimal food, water and protection? That's not even remotely realistic within the fiction of the scenario. If this is part of the solution to discourage PKing then this is the completely wrong approach.

Please also do not decrease the spawning of loot. I don't know about you, but I don't play this game to simply wander around the wilderness with zombies. I play to find tools to improve my chances of survival while walking around the wilderness. (I guess as a side note, what this game needs is a reason for survival.

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Alright, I think this patch is a step in the right direction, but somethings need changing.

A.) Starting Equipment

-The starting equipment is really good actually. Not having the gun really makes more of a bond with other players. I have 2-3 people I met and now am friends with on the server. But, not having at least a water bottle is a bit Under powered. I don't know about the rest of society, but I have plenty of water bottles in my home, and I normally carry one with me anyway. Food can be found easy, but water is important. That is really the only tweak it would need, and its not even that bi of one.

B.) Zed Detection range

- The increase in range I think is actually more realistic. I don't know how many of you guys have read the Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks, but it does say that zombies have much better senses than humans. But having Zeds able to hit you through a wall is really annoying. It was annoying in 1.6, 1.7, and now its just gotten worse. As long as that is changed, it should be fine.

The game is no where near broken, in fact, its been fixed a lot. But just some minor tweaks could make it that much better. You all should just learn to play.

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I don't get some peoples feedback.

The latest patch is great.

Some ask "how are we supposed to defend ourselves?". Well, with your wits? I very rarely have trouble on a newly spawned character. Neither does my friends, finding a weapon and food is easy enough.

You claim that the game has been slowed down too much. To be fair, this adds gameplay value because before you just ran back and forth between places not even paying attention to the zombies. Now you have to actually have some sort of strategy before raiding a place and pay attention to the Z's before you make your entrance unless you're the run&gun kinda guy. And IF things go south, you can lose the Z's quite easily.

Some still argue that bandits should be punished, but why? Why is playing as a bandit wrong and a survivor is not? How you survive and what you do during your time alive is up to each and every one. Even the people who mindlessly murder other people for the fun of it actually makes a bit sense. Without the restrictions of our normal society there are actually people who'd enjoy inflicting pain and suffering on other people, persons who would kill without much remorse simply because of the lack of legal consequences. Just look behind the scenes of many war scenarios, in particular raids of civilian targets that happens quite frequently in some unfortunate countries. Asking to implement game mechanics to prevent a behavior that is just as normal as simply trying to survive without being a douchebag, is a selfish way to secure a form of security that we would find in our functioning society. Newsflash: there is no social infrastructure left intact in dayz, it's the freakin' apocalypse! So stop asking to punish everyone who's not playing the game the same way as you are, with silly in-game mechanics that would make no sense at all.

"Lets make bandits have higher aggro range and good guys have lower aggro range" I mean what the hell, seriously? You know this would result in a lot of people who wouldn't dare attacking people because they are afraid of the game mechanics punishing them, and a few real assholes who would exploit this fear in people and basically run up to people with newly spawned characters and mess about pulling Z's or waving a gun around, only to force them to kill you because you get to close, and as such exploiting game mechanics to mess with them. I can't describe in words how much I'm against game mechanics prohibiting or discouraging a certain behavior. If it ever needs to be implemented its simply because of bad game design, but this is not the case here. You can defend against bandits and murderers, and you can avoid them. The fact that you are too lazy to pay attention to your surroundings or that you simply get raped by other survivors who are nastier than you, doesn't justify changing the game to make it easier for you to play the game your way, and harder for other people to play it their way. The way it is now, it is perfectly balanced. The new heartbeat mechanic should give you an idea if a person can be trusted or not, that is punishment enough for bandits imo and the most intuitive one I can think of, my rep is ruined and I can live with that. Nobody would trust me initially when they aim at me and all they hear is "bo-bom bo-bom bo-bom bo-bom" :P

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PLEASE, leave it up to the server owners to set global/side chat as on/off

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