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DayZ 1.7.1 Discussion - Others will be locked/deleted!

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I think its outstanding now. Really emphasises teamwork! Excellent stuff Rocket - Hopefully more to come!

I played for 4 hours yesterday, nearly 8 hours today.

During the 4 hours yesterday I killed zombies, died a lot, made friends, got betrayed, ambushed by bandits, found new weapons, new gear, new supplies, and explored the map.

During the 8 hours today I have killed 3 zombies, died 3-4 times an hour, have not met anyone who would stick with me or talk, found no weapons, barely learned the map since my face is in the dirt prone for 90% of the game now, and I'm being shot up by bandits more than ever.

Before: Oh, another player with a weapon, I need to talk to him to let him know I'm friendly, then we can use 2 sets of weapons, eyes, and supplies to gain an advantage in this wasteland... but I still must be on my guard for betrayal!

After: Oh look, dozens of other harmless idiots, they can't help me since they have no supplies or weapons, they are only a liability since they might steal the weapons I go scavenging for or draw zombies to my position. I need to get away from all of them quickly if I even want a chance to survive.

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make this update for hardcore players, but give us regular players a fighting chance i like getting on finding my friends and us searching surviving to together, not hey where u at im in... nvm im dead. constantly

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Alright' date=' I would just like to throw this out there, the new changes in 1.7.1 are glorious. The game is what it should have been. It forces people to cooperate and play together and the real threat now is the zombies (that actually kill things now). I actually made a friend in-game today and traveled with them for a very long time. I was pleasantly surprised when he didn't shoot me on the coast and actually gave me ammo for the makarov I found later while he was protecting my ass from the zombies.

However, I notice people complaining that it's too hard, that they can't stealth and the game sucks because they can't adapt to the new zombie behaviours. I would like to say, Rocket please do not listen to cries of the few. I think most of us really enjoy the raised difficulty and love the mod even more! (I could be wrong, but from what I see that seems to be the consensus.)

Though, I would like to point out an issue that has been amplified with this update, (you said not to mention this because its a known issue already but I'm going to say it anyways :P) the wall attacking. It's even more brutal now because of the zombies increased attack range. Now even in larger buildings like the apartments in Berezino and some of the larger homes the zombies are hitting you from everywhere. Once this gets panned out the update will be flawless.

All of you haters crying that it's too hard; I hate to say it, but learn to play.


Great so you found an amazing player who had a weapon and babied you until you got a weapon of your own.

What if you joined the other 99% of new players who meet armed players followed by the "you are dead" screen 2 seconds later. I haven't seen an armed player in the last 4 hours except for the sniper who killed me. Without someone babysitting me (like you did), it's actually extremely difficult to scavenge anywhere. I was recently killed by a Zed who aggro'd from 20 meters out while I was prone in tall grass with ONE VISIBILITY BAR (see attachment).

This patch is not an improvement and the only people who think so are those lucky dicks who found a nice weapon in an abandoned shed near their spawn or (like you) who had a guardian angel to come protect them. The rest of us are still taking dirt naps while praying that random aggro doesn't kill us for the 49308th time while we spend 30 minutes crawling to the nearest town with our face in the dirt.

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Alright' date=' I would just like to throw this out there, the new changes in 1.7.1 are glorious. The game is what it should have been. It forces people to cooperate and play together and the real threat now is the zombies (that actually kill things now). I actually made a friend in-game today and traveled with them for a very long time. I was pleasantly surprised when he didn't shoot me on the coast and actually gave me ammo for the makarov I found later while he was protecting my ass from the zombies.

However, I notice people complaining that it's too hard, that they can't stealth and the game sucks because they can't adapt to the new zombie behaviours. I would like to say, Rocket please do not listen to cries of the few. I think most of us really enjoy the raised difficulty and love the mod even more! (I could be wrong, but from what I see that seems to be the consensus.)

Though, I would like to point out an issue that has been amplified with this update, (you said not to mention this because its a known issue already but I'm going to say it anyways :P) the wall attacking. It's even more brutal now because of the zombies increased attack range. Now even in larger buildings like the apartments in Berezino and some of the larger homes the zombies are hitting you from everywhere. Once this gets panned out the update will be flawless.

All of you haters crying that it's too hard; I hate to say it, but learn to play.


Great so you found an amazing player who had a weapon and babied you until you got a weapon of your own.

What if you joined the other 99% of new players who meet armed players followed by the "you are dead" screen 2 seconds later. I haven't seen an armed player in the last 4 hours except for the sniper who killed me. Without someone babysitting me (like you did), it's actually extremely difficult to scavenge anywhere. I was recently killed by a Zed who aggro'd from 20 meters out while I was prone in tall grass with ONE VISIBILITY BAR (see attachment).

This patch is not an improvement and the only people who think so are those lucky dicks who found a nice weapon in an abandoned shed near their spawn or (like you) who had a guardian angel to come protect them. The rest of us are still taking dirt naps while praying that random aggro doesn't kill us for the 49308th time while we spend 30 minutes crawling to the nearest town with our face in the dirt.

Pretty much, the only reason why I am still playing is because me and my friends have gear and can make runs in and out of military areas like Stary Sobor and such for ammo and supplies. Otherwise, probably wouldn't be playing.

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The 2 major things right now is the stupid spawning system, and the insane range of vision.

I could understand it if running around like a lunatic but when crounching/crawling around there are some very weird times when you get spotted from soooo far.

The other is the constant spawning zombies on your location, you think your safe sneaking away from 2-3 zombies and boom 4 more pop infront of you.

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i dont think any of you devs play this game. It looks like you read the top 3 biggest threads on what they ( cry babys )want changed in the game. Takign the starter gun away has onyl made bandits want to get a gun and run back to the coast to kill people spawning in and there is nothing they can do about this. What are you going to od when i fire my dmr at you flash your lights then dc? Wake up devs get off the forums and try the game for once in your life.

What exactly did your Mak do against a DMR wielding bandit pre update? The nothing it did before? I agree on some levels as someone who voted yes on removing the guns I think that with how hard it is to currently sneak past zombies and the lack of gun spawns in the small towns it is very hard to get started, and that's as someone who has previously "gotten started" a number of times. Cant imagine what its like for anyone who just bought the game. This is ALPHA though, and I'm sure rocket is currently working out the best way to balance these new changes.

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i just crawled in and out of NE airfield, i crawled in with a winchester, left with M4 ad tons of ammo, plus 1911 , I PLAY LONE WOLF SON, and i didnt disturb shit, LOS = DONT CRAWL DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THEM. this aint shit.

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This was my playthrough today:

1. spawn at castle agro one zombie, sound agroed another 10ish, get out, agro 10 more seemingly endlessly respawning, get shot by accident by friend.

2. restart, run with hidious HDR and 3 fps inland agroeing 8 zombies, finding no weapons. Checked 2 dearstands once i got rid of some zombies, but only a few mags. Tried to check a barn but there were 2 zombies outside and 2-3 inside it.

3. Met with friend, but most of my gear had disappeared from his bags since we switched servers

4. get one AK with 1 mag from a dearstand but a random agro zombie breaks my legs (due to lag making it impossible to kill anything that's not hitting you)

5. we have 3 mags left the two of us combined now. Since I have no morphine im forced to crawl for literally 20 minutes to the nearest supermarket. As I crawl away from the deerstand I count 13 zombies. THIRTEEN ZOMBIES AROUND A DEERSTAND!?

6. I scour two houses for supplies, but only magazines no weapons and definitely no morphine.

7. friend loots supermarket, I crawl to it, but somehow some agroed zombies somewhere in the darkness hears/him and attacks me on my way in. Im still crawling, but kill around 6-10 zombies, my friend does the same... but there were probably over 20 and we don't know how we agroed them.

So that was my experienced with 1.71. I think it's shit. I did not see a single weapon. I wasn't able to enter barns and only barely deerstands. Long range agro combined with quadroupled zombie numbers, lag and no morphine means that the game has gone from fun to very unpleasant.

YES ZOMBIES ARE A THREAT NOW... but it's more fun to play fearing players than lagging, hitting through walls, respawning, rangeagroing zombies without any weapons

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i Totally agree... ppl keep on bitching about being stealthy. but I'm no noob and have died numerous times now to bullshit zombie aggro... fortunately I'm completely helpless since i dont have a gun! this new patch sucks!

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First things first, I will wait for the hotfix and see what will be changed regarding the Zeds and their behaviour.

But in my opinion it is now moving away from being an Open Sandbox game, it looks like it is becomming harder for the solo player who has no intrest in killing other players but only want's survive while still being able to explore the country and its villages and cities for loot and better equipment. Deerstands where (to) easy targets in 1.7.0 but now they are impossible if you are on your own.

There is a fine line between "difficult but fun" and "near impossible and frustrating" and I wonder what BIS thinks about this because they are spending resources on this free mod wich could help to attract more buyers to Arma III apart from the hard-core of Arma players that will buy it anyway.

One lesson I learned from difficult games was years ago with a game called "Batz 'n Balls" for the Sam Coupe (A souped up Sinclair Spectrum clone). The demo version was frustrating difficult, even with the inbuild cheat mode (Infinite balls) it took loads of time and therefore frustration to clear 5 levels of that demo, I mean if these 5 levels are this frustrating, how must it be with the other 145 levels? needless to say that almost nobody was intrested in buying the game or for that matter even pirating the game.

Oh who remembers the mission "After Montignac" from Op Flashpoint (the orginal one by BIS)? The first time it was terrifiying, but after xx times it was just frustrating.

Don't make it near impossible and frustrating.

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I've been in and out a supermarket w/o and zombie aggro issues (1.7.1). BUT there is a LOS issue which is being hotfixed NOW. Normal Alpha patch/hotfix issues. Don't panic.

"Hotfix inbound +/- six hours to address a line-of-sight issue and performance issue relating to zombie and loot spawning. -Rocket"

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I was all for having less at the start...so you have to avoid the zeds but with new system you can't move without angering them. I know crawling but even that gets you spotted as well.

I crawled across a field got inside a building and was walking crouched inside got a knife and axe. Then I hear aggro zeds coming for me. So I get to the roof and look out 12 zeds running for the building, they come up the ladders I just jumped off I had no chance. I spawned again got a chased by 5 zombie tried the running through a building didn't work so laid down and took it.

Before the patch I had a my player 3 days with 1 bandit kill and 5 zombies as I dodged them most of the time. I don't mean to sound like I'm moaning as I loved the mod before this patch...I like the damage zombies give now make its a bad move just to go shooting them and the new zombie monkey movement is fantastic, but the aggro and predator vision is ridiculous I was fine when you could crouch walk past them 200 meters away from them and when really close go behind them so not in eye line or crawl.

I'll be prone in a field waiting for next version I think.

Hope you can even things up a little Rocket and quick I want to play the mod but like this it no fun for me any more.

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I read all posts on the first 6 pages, so I'm not sure if anyone has had the problem I have.

My friend and I were scoping out the NE (Krasnostav) Airstrip, and while he was way in the distance prepared to save me from whatever danger, I sneaked my way up to the communications tower.

I noticed while climbing the ladder to the top, my visibility went all the way up to 5 bars, which I found to be a bit ridiculous. Anyway, after I had checked out the loot inside, I was making my way out the front door, while crouch-walking (which I only consider crouch-walking to be the slowest version of mobility while crouched) and somehow attracted 2 walkers on the opposite side of the building. There was no possible way for them to detect me from noise, so they had to have seen me through the walls. I went back inside to kill them, and of course had to deal with a few more after that.

Once I had killed them all, I started walking out again, when 2 infected (a walker and hopper) literally popped out of the wall and started attacking me. I did hear them before, but I simply figured that they were on the other side of the building.

Since then, while looting cities such as Berezino (which, by the way, I can still sneak through, as long as I stay prone the entire time), I've been afraid to go near the entrance of buildings because I feel like infected will pop out of the walls again. I suspect this has to do with the new fix of infected not spawning in buildings, since it did not ever happen before 1.7.1. And while infected popping out of building walls to attack me has happened, I have not yet encountered any zombie spawns inside the actual building (the parts a player is capable of being in).

I hope this can be fixed soon, because I hardly want to go inside a building anymore if I hear any zombies near the building.

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I feel like zombie aggro range from crawling position is fine. The eye icon used to be 0 lines, now it's 1 while crawling in grass. This changes the player from invisible to stealthy. However, moving in a crouch position in grass now produces 3 lines. It used to be 1. I think this is the main problem with the change. It forces players to drop prone much earlier when approaching zombies and looting becomes more of a hassle though not that much more of a challenge since crawling is still quite effective. I suggest dropping crouched visibility by one line. This will not make the player invisible again, as crawling remains as it is, but it will reduce the random aggros from 50m away when traveling and reduces the boring downtime from crawling everywhere.

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For all of the people out there calling everyone against or giving the patch criticism cry babies/noobs/etc, did you just completely ignore/not read these two posts:



I just think they were well thought out and actually have some valid points and I didn't really see any reaction or rebuttal of any kind to either of them.

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Ok my second post on this 1.71 patch. I still like it however it is a little tedious because it is so so much harder to sneak around the towns. The zeds seem to be able to spot players too quickly. I still prefer to spawn without weapons but would like it if the line of sight distance was lowered A LITTLE and give us the ability to go prone and hide easier. I really liek the idea that it is way more dangerous to fire a weapon in town this make the pvp action a little more risky. All ia all I can,t tell you how much I appreciate the hard work that is going into this development process. TAHNK YOU!

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i dont think any of you devs play this game. It looks like you read the top 3 biggest threads on what they ( cry babys )want changed in the game. Takign the starter gun away has onyl made bandits want to get a gun and run back to the coast to kill people spawning in and there is nothing they can do about this. What are you going to od when i fire my dmr at you flash your lights then dc? Wake up devs get off the forums and try the game for once in your life.

What exactly did your Mak do against a DMR wielding bandit pre update? The nothing it did before? I agree on some levels as someone who voted yes on removing the guns I think that with how hard it is to currently sneak past zombies and the lack of gun spawns in the small towns it is very hard to get started' date=' and that's as someone who has previously "gotten started" a number of times. Cant imagine what its like for anyone who just bought the game. This is ALPHA though, and I'm sure rocket is currently working out the best way to balance these new changes.


Agree on some points but you missed the point about bandits. It's not that our Makarovs were amazing bandit killers, but rather they let us bounce back from all the random death this game throws at us just a little faster. Now a random bandit death = enjoy spending the next 2 hours trying to get a weapon and get out of town alive.

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I got a fifty dollar steam card just to play this mod. After an hour of playing the new patch' date=' catching aggro from a zombie through a wall, him attacking me through the wall, losing the one zombie, looting one building to find nothing of use, and making it into a building I could actually loot, I get shot in the face by a random guy inside. He got nothing off me except one painkiller.

If this is how the game is going to be played now, I'm done. It's not fun any more. Fifty dollars down the drain.



You bought the voucher to purchase arma, dayz was free. You really shouldn't be spending £50 dollars on the components to play a mod if you cant afford it though. I would feel worse for you but this in alpha and issues are to be expected. Many more to come.

When did I say I couldn't afford it? I only said I'm not happy with the money I spent. To make sure you understand, it's not fifty euros. Fifty dollars is a lot less. I only spent thirty on the game, but I had to spend fifty to spend the thirty.

The mod is drastically changed from the way it was before. I don't understand why it has to be so restricting. It's a mod, after all. Server owners should be allowed to change what items you spawn with. The mod is being more restrictive than the actual game is at this point, and that's just stupid.

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is anyone having fps lag with the new update before i start up the game to see for myself

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Been playing 1.7.1 today for several hours. Quickly found out that, if you are near towns/buildings, the only reliable way you can avoid detection is crawl around everywhere.

Yes, I can do this, and yes, I can avoid detection, but the functional result of the new patch is to make a game that already had very slow gameplay and make it even slower. With 1.7 I found the balance to be very enjoyable, but so far with 1.7.1 it's crossed the line into being just boring.

Yes, I can "cope" and "survive". I can scavenge, get gear, and travel around. The only real difference i see is that all those activities just take a lot longer to do then they use to, and, IMO, DayZ's gameplay did not need to be slowed down.

Old joke was that DayZ was the world's greatest walking simulator. 1.7.1 just turned it into the world's greatest crawling simulator. I actually quite enjoyed it when it was a walking simulator, but 1.7.1 is to slow for me.

Personally, I hope the next patch strikes a balance where you can at least crouch walk/run a fair bit and still be able to scavenge in towns.

That's my own personal opinion. I'm not offended it you feel otherwise.

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Played an hour or so on my own, it really does step things up in the built up areas. I did manage to get in and out of a couple of towns okay apart from being seen through a wall but I know that's being fixed so that's cool.

I was looking over some buildings from the treeline, saw the number of Zeds and just couldn't bring myself to go in, I chose to head off into the country and kill a sheep instead, the fear has been stepped up and it's the right way to go, just need to continue finessing the play experience the way it has been happening already.

I think people have maybe gotten used to avoiding the Zeds rather than dealing with them which is what you need to do now, throw stuff, use smokes and flares and hide in buildings.

Love it.

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Between the secret nerfing of prone and the ridiculous zombie super view directions being reverted, along with some tweaking on kneel walking values, I think DayZ will be heading in a more realistic and logical direction. I think everyone including Rocket knew that the current 1.71 is not even realistic at all; you're better off literally running into buildings, quickly picking up loot, and getting out the back door to glitch LOS on Zombies then actually utilizing a careful and tactical approach.

I have no qualms about the removal of the Makarov early on as long as the tweaks make sense. Sure, there will be a heavy increase of bandit activity along the coast, but there's nothing Rocket can do about that other than arming survivors with Rifles of their own to compete against Bandits (which would only be a bad thing), but at least survivors will now at least have a chance against the Zeds with careful planning. Right now as it stands under the CURRENT 1.71, it's absolutely idiotic trying to sneak into the town, as your better off making as much noise as possible while just trying to avoid everything.

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OMG. I DONT LIKE THIS PATCH. I found a Revolver with 3 mags and an MP5SSD with 1 mag in a firestation at the top floor, i picked it up and then went down the stairs but my character ran through the wall and i fell and broke my leg and lost 2000 blood approx. and since u dont spawn with freaking morphine anymore i had to CRAWL all the way to the nearest hospital, but i was seen by a zombie like 40 meters away while crawling and with 1 HIT THAT STUPID ZOMBIE MADE ME PASS OUT AND I DIED. I WAS AT 10000 BLOOD APPROX.

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played some night hours. 1.7.1 at night is spot on, during the day towns are so unapproachable the game becomes kinda boring unfortunately.

night time is amazing though.

funny how more more willing to cooperate everyone gets.

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