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Buy Arma 2: CO again or wait for standalone?

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I recently got banned from the game for trying to hack, (simple script, messed up in execution, not trying that again, go ahead and flame me if you want), but my question is simply the topic, wondering whether I should buy a new copy of the game or just wait for the Dayz standalone, Dayz has been the only game I've been interested in the past month. An opinion on the subject would be appreciated :)

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If you really enjoy playing DayZ and it is the only thing you seem to be playing at the moment, you should buy a new copy of Arma II: Combined Operations as they are only around $20 on Steam until January 5. I was going to just wait for the Standalone, but since it seems it won't be coming out for a bit, I went and bought Arma II: Combined Operations.

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If you really enjoy playing DayZ and it is the only thing you seem to be playing at the moment, you should buy a new copy of Arma II: Combined Operations as they are only around $20 on Steam until January 5. I was going to just wait for the Standalone, but since it seems it won't be coming out for a bit, I went and bought Arma II: Combined Operations.

Alright man, thanks :)

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Don't get either. Cheaters aren't welcome in this community.

Edited by smasht_AU
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Buy another copy and then the stand alone when it comes out, but never play any of them because you obviously can't handle the game, but I want you to give them money :)

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Buy them and come back. People deserve a second chance cept for Sergey and Kewk For the Crap that is War Z.

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Hello there

No flame or sarcasm intended, but if you felt the need to script then the game is simply not for you, as obviously there are aspects of play you cannot deal with and therefore you decided you had to script your way through those issues.

I'd recommend moving to a different game.



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I'd say just sell your computer and pick up a nasty drug habit or something. Whatever keeps your kind out of wonderful games like this. You'll probably get the same kind of instant gratification as you would from cheating, since that is apparently what you're after.

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I would say if you feel like you've learned your lesson then wait for the SA. Bear in mind though that if anything it will be tougher and even more unforgiving. If you resorted to hacking/scripting simply because you wanted cool stuff and found it frustrating trying to survive the hard way then maybe don't bother at all.

DayZ is about enjoying the journey and enjoying/hating the experience you have trying to survive the harshness, not taking short cuts to show off how cool your latest gun is and pwn people, there's plenty of other games out there that'll get you your quick fix if that's what you like.

Edited by Fraggle
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Fraggle speaks the truth. Have my muffins.

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All this hate. I get the beef on hackers but all of you make it ridiculous, especially on a dude that already stated that he didn't disturb any other players and have learned his lesson. I've heard that DayZ standalone is being delayed so it's up to you.

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All this hate. I get the beef on hackers but all of you make it ridiculous, especially on a dude that already stated that he didn't disturb any other players and have learned his lesson. I've heard that DayZ standalone is being delayed so it's up to you.

The reason you get so much hate is because script kiddies, like you once were, ruin the game for us who like to play legitly. Just a few days ago I was scavaging Elektro when everyone on the server got teleported to one location and the hacker started shooting everyone. A guy with end game gear and I ran into the woods to wait till everyone was dead in hopes of getting what gear we could. Moments later everyone got teleported a second time and the other player and I weren't lucky this time. We both got killed. I didn't care because all I had was a makarov but I felt terrible for the other guy because he just lost everything.

That story and many more is what makes us hate hackers and why you get so much hate.

Edited by Skat3rat

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All this hate. I get the beef on hackers but all of you make it ridiculous, especially on a dude that already stated that he didn't disturb any other players and have learned his lesson. I've heard that DayZ standalone is being delayed so it's up to you.

The reason people hate skiddies so much is simple. At one point they nearly destroyed the mod.

Many of us here work hard for our money and value the little amount of time we have to relax and enjoy a bit of escapism. To have that ruined by a jumped up little shit that used him mums card to buy some scripts that allow him to ruin the game for everyone else makes me angrier than anything. They are also the reason most games cost much more than they should.

Luckily the OP got caught and banned before he was allowed to destroy the game further. Because of skiddies many of us now have to spend a lot of time running private servers and dealing with the hacker issue, this is time that could be better spent enjoying the game.

I hope you understand now.

Edited by Fraggle
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The reason you get so much hate is because script kiddies, like you once were,

That story and many more is what makes us hate hackers and why you get so much hate.

Uh, I'm not OP.

The reason people hate skiddies so much is simple. At one point they nearly destroyed the mod.

Many of us here work hard for our money and value the little amount of time we have to relax and enjoy a bit of escapism. To have that ruined by a jumped up little shit that used him mums card to buy some scripts that allow him to ruin the game for everyone else makes me angrier than anything. They are also the reason most games cost much more than they should.

Luckily the OP got caught and banned before he was allowed to destroy the game further. Because of skiddies many of us now have to spend a lot of time running private servers and dealing with the hacker issue, this is time that could be better spent enjoying the game.

I hope you understand now.

Well, it does seem understandable now, thanks for replying.

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Buy ARMA 2: CO again, then <snip>

The standalone won't be so easy to cheat in and expectations are that gameplay will be significantly harder and more complex then the mod. Since you couldn't hack the mod in the first place (pun unintentional - but brilliant) don't bother with the standalone.

Edited by smasht_AU

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I'm puzzled as to why he thought we'd just accept the fact that he's a script kiddie. There's a reason why you got banned and that is because you tried to ruin everyone's experience and didn't play fairly. Don't buy the game again, don't even come to the forum anymore because you clearly aren't worthy. Sorry for being so harsh but that's just how I feel about these kind of people.

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Uh, I'm not OP.

Well, it does seem understandable now, thanks for replying.

Oh sorry. My bad. I didn't read your name.

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