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Worst day ever and this game is still the shit

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I was going to trade my mk 48 mod 0 for some NVGs. I'm pretty hooked up on everything else. I've got 5 tents spread across 4 different servers just holding my pimp shit for whatever I need it for. Assault rifles, snipers, vehicle components, ammo, med supplies, clothing, goat porn, what ever it is that I needed it was there. Except the porn, that was for my teammate.

My guy was stacked: ghillie, GPS, all the tools of the trade, m4a3 cco, g17, and a beautiful coyote backpack.

But, "nah man, fuck you" replied the servers. On the same day (yesterday?) 2 of my servers decided to wipe their ass with my tents. 3/5 of my tents were gone. Specifically, the ones with 90% of my weaponry. My ural that I used for transport/storage? Gone, bitch. The tents weren't run over, they simply weren't there. Still weren't after multiple server restarts.

"No worries, breh", I thought to myself. So I started regathering supplies. Hopped on 3489 to get some of the good shit. Shit-stain scriptkiddie and his buddy teleported me and killed me. Left me out in the middle of the ocean. You can watch part of the fun I posted on the cheat forum ( http://dayzmod.com/f...-caught-on-vid/ ).

"All good, mane", I retorted to the naysayers. I started to rebuild yet again. Found some kickass aussies on au 117 and rolled with them. One of them even gave me an m4a1 cco sd for no reason other than because he was logging off and wanted me to use it. We fixed up a chopper and burnt the roof down like it was 1969, bitches.

Then I logged onto another server which had one of my remaining tents. Found 3 hacked helis chillin' next to my tent. "Fuck, whatevs", I snorted. Then I killed a goat... with my nipples. Logged off and back onto another server. "What's that? You just rebuilt...again?" Fuck that shit, I was magically back at the coast. No, it wasn't a private hive. No, it wasn't a short-term hiccup. Every server I tried after that - I was back at the coast with starter gear.

Then one of the admin's of the only aussie server I use got on TS and accused me of being a "naughty boy" (or some equally homoerotic shit). After some prodding he told me my name had shown up on some of the warning logs for scripted items...

dafuq? I've never even investigated a script site let alone downloaded that shit. Turns out if you get in a hacked heli your GUID gets tagged or some shit. At least I was with one of their other admins at the time and he could vouch for me.

All of that and you know what? Dayz is still the bomb diggity shit in my book. Haters gonna hate.

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Stop playing then!

Expect stuff to happen, have the grace to be gracefull.


Do u even lift read? Come at me bro.

Edited by fathairybeast
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Stop playing then!

Expect stuff to happen, have the grace to be gracefull.


You didnt read his post eh? :D

Nice to hear, I had pretty much the same experience just without tents.

edit: Never post while being at IT School - ninjas everywhere.

Edited by Testnewbie

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Do you even read? Come at me bro.

Yes I do, and I had admiration for the attitude of not letting it get to you? I always advise people stop playing games when they get crapped on!

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Yes its the "Shits"... Couldn't tell you the amount of times i've set up base on servers and things have just ceased to exist, all you really can do is roll with the punches.

You got me with the title at first glance.. Haha.

Just sing my sig might help in these circumstances.





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That's why I only keep what I can carry on my back.


I've had enough tents disappear that now I either don't pick them up or set them up outside the first military loot point I come to so folks can ditch their old loot for anything new they find. Saving loot in vehicles is hit or miss too because to properly hide one, you usually have to go pretty far from the cities, meaning if you do spawn back in and your vehicle is gone, you are in for quite a walk.

As long as you have an alice or coyote pack you should have plenty of room for everything you need. Further, the few times I have setup a working camp, I found the thrill of the mod lacking because I didn't care as much about death knowing I could just spawn, run to my camp, and be geared up again within 15 minutes.

Great original post though. Like others I began reading assuming it was a rage post about losing your precious gear, but it's refreshing seeing someone lose dozens of hours of gear, simply shrugging your shoulders, and moving on.

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To the op, perhaps the cco that you were given was a scripted item? Might explain the ease with which it was given,

Kudos on keeping' on gettin' back up for more punches.

Dayz, it's not about if, it's about when ;)


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people still do tents ?

Too many bitches and not enough nipples.

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To the op, perhaps the cco that you were given was a scripted item? Might explain the ease with which it was given,

Kudos on keeping' on gettin' back up for more punches.

Dayz, it's not about if, it's about when ;)


I wondered that myself. They assured me it wasn't but.... yeah that could explain why they didn't give a fuck.

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Beans to the OP, really if this is the way you deal with loss, then you have nothing to worry about. I have lost TONS of gear in the same manner. Although, I came on here and complained like a bitch. It was a sad day for me, hangs head in shame.... Good work mate

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"clothing, goat porn, what ever it is that I needed it was there."


'scuse me?

(written on mobile phone)

Edited by Derp_The_Stewpid_Goat

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Same thin happened to me yesterday, more less...

Me and my buddy left base to find a helicopter, we had 3 helicopters already, and our camp was sitting there for about a week.

We needed to repair one of the heli's we found on the island. Went next to Poland factory, and landed on top.

As we were about to leave, an admin by the name of 'big sexy' warns us he is restarting the server, which is odd because server auto restarts every 24 hours.

The server restarts, and we are near the helicopter that we were flying earlier, but the thing was trashed.

Everything that could be broken was, and there was no fuel...

Assuming it wass bug, we got jn a car, and decided to drive back to base. Once we got there, we found all of our belongings gone, and our whiles blown up.

After I se this, I flipped out at the admin, And he claimed it wasn't him. The we said,"how would someone find our base so far north?" he the. Replied, "maybe ou should hide those two helicopters better."

We led that server, because he most likely did all that on purpose :/

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Gawd! First, there's Green Mountain, then there's this? Goat-slaying nipples? Nooo!!

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Yeah, I just lost a URAL completely full of the most valued weapons and items in the game, to some server side bug that made it exploded.

Oh well.

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