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DayZ PC vs Console

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I agree , but I'd trade the duechbags that drop me 300 ft from the sky or teleports me 5 miles out in the ocean for the 8 year old shit heads any day of the week.

Maybe you should go check out the console section in the BF3 forums and have a read through about all the child-admins who automatically kick/ban players who kill them. I mention BF3 on consoles because it shares a common interest with DayZ; that being players can rent their own servers.

For me, I'd take the douche bag hacker who'd get himself banned before I'd take the console-kiddies who automatically ban you because they wanted the bicycle they just seen you on.

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One of my first experiences on DayZ was watching some players trying to 360 no scope. Then I have since spent every other game trying to avoid hackers.

Seriously? PC gamers are more mature? Get over yourselves.

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By the time this game is ready for a real release, the 360/PS3 will be dead. When it comes out for consoles it will be for 720/PS4.Those systems will have no problem running it like the PC version with the added bonus of playing with a more mature gaming community.

sorry but you living in a bubble of lies

heres why how many xbox 360s is there and ps3? you really think they will only cater for the newer consoles you in dreamland son pass the bong man that some heavy shit :lol:

what will happen is it will be on the xbox 360 for sure the amount of money microshaft would give alone for this would be scarey !! tbh it would dewarf pc sales x100 . so if you think they gunna turn that cash down you must be retarded . no company would do unless they head of it is brain dead. the console version will be the same less players on it and maybe sections in map and look slightly worse.

might be a closer to pc verison for when the new consoles do come out but the xbox 360 will deffo get this game.

what im worried about and i saod this to my mate last night

when console nabs get this game and start taking over (dont say its pc bla bla ) will the game start catering more towards them as the money being earned from consoles is so much bigger than pc and make it worse for us lot. thats the only thing im bothered about. so many games do this now and then when it starts the spin doctors at the companies involved start telling porkie pies trying to convince the pc crowd we still real bro your our favourites :rolleyes: . fingers are crossed and i do await rocket and co comments wouldnt do that cause they got mad love bra for pc :lol: but at end of day its all about the dollar bills hommie .

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You have no idea what you're talking about. What hackers can do in a game is not limited by the hackers themselves, it's limited by the company that makes the game. ArmA was a game that was made to be hacked, most games aren't made to be hacked though, which is why you don't see these kinds of hacks in any other games, and you won't see them in the standalone.

If DayZ ever came out on console, there would be the same hacks on PC as on console.

Haha, right. Please, again... give me instances in console games where players have the accessibility to do the things they do like in PC games. Players don't have the easy accessibility to access game files on consoles like they do on PCs. Game files on consoles cannot be modified like that on PC games.

I have never experienced any "hacking" other than exploits of game design which generally get patched in consoles... unlike the deliberate security flaws of hacking while playing PC games.

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Haha, right. Please, again... give me instances in console games where players have the accessibility to do the things they do like in PC games. Players don't have the easy accessibility to access game files on consoles like they do on PCs. Game files on consoles cannot be modified like that on PC games.

I have never experienced any "hacking" other than exploits of game design which generally get patched in consoles... unlike the deliberate security flaws of hacking while playing PC games.

You never experienced it so that must mean it doesn't exist?

Maybe you should read up about jtag and reset glitch for the 360. Read up about the PS3's security key being public knowledge and it being used for custom firmware. Read up about hacked games, matches, lobbies on the console.

If you want to say something doesn't exist, maybe you should first make sure that it actually doesn't.

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One of my first experiences on DayZ was watching some players trying to 360 no scope. Then I have since spent every other game trying to avoid hackers.

Seriously? PC gamers are more mature? Get over yourselves.

Well, they don't call them console kiddies for nothing you know. I have never seen anyone refer to PC kiddies.

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You never experienced it so that must mean it doesn't exist?

Maybe you should read up about jtag and reset glitch for the 360. Read up about the PS3's security key being public knowledge and it being used for custom firmware. Read up about hacked games, matches, lobbies on the console.

If you want to say something doesn't exist, maybe you should first make sure that it actually doesn't.

Couldn't find anything about those programs when used on XBL, other than being banned from XBL. Kind of solidifies my point? The point I made about never experiencing things like that on consoles is because it is almost certain you will experience it when playing a PC game.

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I'd hope DayZ wouldn't try to make the jump to consoles until the next gen systems and I hope they go exclusive for the Steam Box (if it becomes a reality). Partly because Sony and M$ have failed gamers again and again and maybe it's Steams turn to take a shot at not dumping on their consumers.

Anyone that doesn't think a console can push a big map needs to get their head out of the sand and take a look at GTA IV, which has 50 player multiplayer, the soon to be released GTA V, or get into your time machine and fire up the PS2 and take a look at San Andreas. Rockstar is probably the only one that could put out a massive multiplayer persistent survival-ish zombie game and they could do it in a heavy urban area that they've already designed. Hell, they already have a huge head start over anyone that's taken notice of what Rocket has done with DayZ and they could bring it to the console pretty quickly. If Rockstar puts out an arcadey survival-ish zombie mode for GTA V, expect it to be a massive fucking success (on top of what GTA V will be anyway). It wont quite deliver what I think some of us like about DayZ but it'll be pretty kick ass.

As for controllers, there's a lot they can do with 15 buttons (excluding xbox/home buttons and start) and two analog sticks. Most game companies don't go all out with their controller layout because the industry is focused on making easy games for quick money. Pretty much everything we use in DayZ could be mapped to a controller very easily.

There's a huge market of hardcore gamers waiting for a DayZ on consoles. Most wouldn't know what they were looking at if they opened up their Pentium III's that they use to check their email but don't discount their ability to rip us a new one with an analog setup if given half a chance. These people prefer their controllers the way we prefer keyboards and mice. To them its second nature. Some of the Uber-pc-gamer fanboys here probably have just as much trouble moving to a controller as the console guys have moving to keyboards.

There's a lot more glitchers and lag switchers on consoles than traditional hackers or scriptkiddies. Glitchers are a problem in most competitive console games but only if the developer doesn't bother to fix the glitches... which they usually don't. I imagine its the network architecture that allows lag switchers to dominate but I can't really say. They're far more prevalent in fighting games but you'll see your share in shooters. Players use identical hardware so the imbalance we see in PC isn't there. I guess that's a bonus for consoles but it comes at the price of being able to actually upgrade so it's not really a plus after all.

Basically, a lot is possible on consoles and you fanboys shouldn't discredit the hardcore console warriors. Boats n hoes.

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PC, for sure. PC allows a much wider range of customization, control, and performance than a console could ever hope to provide. Plus, no matter how terrible the DayZ community is, I know from experience that the console crowds are much worse.

Of course, it would be years and years before a console was released that could even handle ARMA II's engine. The consoles ran on decent tech seven years ago but now it may as well be a toaster, at least compared to the demands of most true PC games. I doubt the next gen consoles could handle ARMA II, but perhaps the Xbox 1440 or the PS5 could.

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Haha, right. Please, again... give me instances in console games where players have the accessibility to do the things they do like in PC games. Players don't have the easy accessibility to access game files on consoles like they do on PCs. Game files on consoles cannot be modified like that on PC games.

I have never experienced any "hacking" other than exploits of game design which generally get patched in consoles... unlike the deliberate security flaws of hacking while playing PC games.

You literally have no idea what you're talking about. A console is a fucking computer you idiot. The only thing stopping it from being a PC is the DRM shit they chuck over the top of it, and 99% of hackers jailbreak their consoles anyway because it allows you to open up the files and do what you would do with a pc, minus the operating system of course.

Please, tell me about the various amounts of hacks you see on console games ported to PC? You don't, you see the same hacks, because it's the same game that only allows certain thing.

You also clearly have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to hacking. ArmA II is setup so that you can inject scripts into the server, and tell it what to do. This is something that was built into the game to make it the awesome game it is. They could have never foreseen dayz and the mass hackers it brought with it. ArmA II was made for on the go mission editing (Trust me, I do it several nights a week), and to do that you need to 'hack' the sever.

Scripting is, as I said, telling the server things, and it will believe everything you tell it. With most games, you cannot tell the server what to do, it is impossible, and that is what the standalone will be doing. Scripting will be 110% impossible. Hacking will not be impossible, it will eventually come along, but it'll be the same hacks you see in COD on Xbox, that's aimbots, wallhacks...etc.

Stop flattering yourself and get a little more education on the subject before you start dribbling your console crap.

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I honestly don't believe the beauty of the Arma Engine can be captured on a consle.

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controllers remind me of rc cars, rc cars remind me of childhood, childhood reminds me of losing my virginity backstage at an ice skating show to twelve men with figure skates on...dont lose your virginity backstage at an ice skating show to twelve men with figure skates on.

===THE MORE YOU KNOW====+ Edited by DanielTy88

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Let me guess, the whole DayZ part of this thread hit the trash bin around post #2? From there on out it was PC vs Console debates?

Yeah, I don't even have to read it to know.

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Let me guess, the whole DayZ part of this thread hit the trash bin around post #2? From there on out it was PC vs Console debates?

Yeah, I don't even have to read it to know.

The thread title was "DayZ PC vs Console", I think it's safe to assume that the thread is indeed, about PC vs Console.

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Stop flattering yourself and get a little more education on the subject before you start dribbling your console crap.

You are 100% correct. I am no expert on hacking, with no desire to hack. As a console player I have experienced 0 hacks. As a PC player I have experienced countless hacks.

To me, the term hacking is more than just doing what a game allows you to do. It is about manipulating the system into doing something it isn't supposed to do. So "scripting" isn't exactly a hack, if the game is designed to do that? No?

I could be wrong, please enlighten me with your greatness.

I'll be amazed if the standalone has 0 hacks, but even Rocket said himself and as you pointed out its impossible.

As far as consoles, and possibly because my experience in not dealing with a hacker is because it's a relatively closed OS compared to a PC OS. I would be interested in knowing how many people who "hack" their Xbox are actually playing games on XBL using those hacks.

Edited by Dreygar

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Console peasants do not deserve the greatness that is dayz. In pure speculation Rocket has been pretty steadfast in not increasing accessability to increase sales so would he be willing to jump through all the hoops Microsoft and Sony make developers jump through, pushing to make one or the other an exclusive release first, skins as DLC etc etc I dont see it happening.

To the guy who mentioned "hardcore analog stick users", I nearly spat my drink all over my monitor you made me laugh so hard, do some research on when they let PC users with mice and keyboards play against controller users. On that note I would be all for letting consoles share our servers, so many easy kills.

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You are 100% correct. I am no expert on hacking, with no desire to hack. As a console player I have experienced 0 hacks. As a PC player I have experienced countless hacks.

To me, the term hacking is more than just doing what a game allows you to do. It is about manipulating the system into doing something it isn't supposed to do. So "scripting" isn't exactly a hack, if the game is designed to do that? No?

I could be wrong, please enlighten me with your greatness.

I'll be amazed if the standalone has 0 hacks, but even Rocket said himself and as you pointed out its impossible.

As far as consoles, and possibly because my experience in not dealing with a hacker is because it's a relatively closed OS compared to a PC OS. I would be interested in knowing how many people who "hack" their Xbox are actually playing games on XBL using those hacks.

Just one example of hacking on XBL.

Took two seconds to find through Google. So just how hard did you try to research it?

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You are 100% correct. I am no expert on hacking, with no desire to hack. As a console player I have experienced 0 hacks. As a PC player I have experienced countless hacks.

To me, the term hacking is more than just doing what a game allows you to do. It is about manipulating the system into doing something it isn't supposed to do. So "scripting" isn't exactly a hack, if the game is designed to do that? No?

I could be wrong, please enlighten me with your greatness.

I'll be amazed if the standalone has 0 hacks, but even Rocket said himself and as you pointed out its impossible.

As far as consoles, and possibly because my experience in not dealing with a hacker is because it's a relatively closed OS compared to a PC OS. I would be interested in knowing how many people who "hack" their Xbox are actually playing games on XBL using those hacks.

I on the other hand have run into cheaters on consles. So it is possible. It occured over MW2 on PSN, the whole lobby got hacked and everyones rank, etc was reset back to 1. Needless to say if you're going to be a douch online a consle isn't going to stop anyone form cheating.

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Just one example of hacking on XBL.

Took two seconds to find through Google. So just how hard did you try to research it?

Best I could find was people who have been banned from XBL found a way to play on XBL but could only play with people who also did the workaround; IE other people who were banned. (Which your video suggests)

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it doesn't suggest anything of the sort.

Edited by Dankine

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it doesn't suggest anything of the sort.

What it suggests to me and you may be two entirely different things. I have never played that game so I do not know what is actually being hacked/altered/etc. What I can assume is the automatic looking grenade launcher and a part where one guy flies up in the air (and not rag doll physics) ... and it appears there is a lot of things going on with some pretty bad video quality.

To me, it suggests there is a lot of hacked/altered things happening which would tell me that it isn't just one individual but many and thus a server allowing hackers to play on over XBL as a workaround.

With any technology there will be people out there that can find a way around things. All I am saying it is much more unlikely using an Xbox than a PC, and more difficult. My opinions, again... and you're welcome to disagree with them. I'm not a subject matter expert in regards to hacking and I doubt any of you are either, but going from my own experiences that is the case.

Edited by Dreygar

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