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Non battleye server

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First of all I don't want to hack anything! I'm getting the "Battleye client not responding error" and I have tried everything and nothing has worked. I really want to play dayz but all of the non battleye servers are locked (with good reason) I was wondering if any one knew of any way I could get onto a non battleye server or any new ideas on a fix for battleye that worked for you (I have tried updating the game and battleye and my firmware etc. etc.) any thing would be appreciated.

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One of the biggest problems for getting kicked by that error is actually because you are missing something the server requires, a Perfect example is Rmod, if you try to join an rmod server without rmod, you will get that error(Or another one, but most likely the Battleye error) So make sure the servers you are trying to join dont have rmod installed/or any other mods. Or the smart thing would be to get rmod installed, because its just amazing, if you need a link, here it is: http://www.tunngle.net/community/topic/87391-rmod-for-private-servers/

Also make sure you have the Launch Paremeters, set correctly, thats always the biggest problem.

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OP being kicked for "BattlEye Client Not Responding" doesn't mean what you are doing is hack-related, so you needn't worry.

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Re-install BattlEye client dll if it keeps getting repetitive.

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Hello there

Also remember non BE servers are usually a hackfest. IMHO keep on with the BE fixes. Everytime I've had an issue, it's been something I have done incorrectly.

I know, its' hard to believe I'm not perfect.



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Yeah I saw someone fixed this problem by re-installing an older version of battle eye then joining a game and battle eye updated its self and that fixed it. Try that maybe if you havent all ready :)

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FWIW one of the regulars on my server gets kicked for "BattleEye client not responding" every time he joins but he just reconnects and it works. I'm not sure if that will work for you but worth a shot if you haven't been reconnecting to the same server.

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Do you alt-tab out of the game while it is loading? That's one of the causes of that error.

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Non Battleye servers are blacklisted. I suggest you go through official channels and try to fix your problem or just don't play DayZ at all.

blacklisted for the public hive...big difference.

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thank you all for the fix ideas unfortunately none of them worked battleye needs to be fixed or removed

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Hello there

BE *does* work and is "fixed". Have you made a proper search of the forums for solutions? Have you searched the BiS site for solutions?



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