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New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

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No because that irresponsible drug dealer wont check his fiends......playing other games now anyhow :(.....

Dont like getting treated like shit this early in development feels a bit like EA......Im sure im not alone when i say not everyone gets time off at christmas, especially someone

on the precipice of something great.....seems soft as shit for an army man.

Note: If its BI or Steam shutting you down right now, apologies and fuck them for being greedy standard game devs.

If not read above.

I actually don't insist for the standalone's release ASAP, I just want to hear some news and more info about it. And wait, I think that's not only me...

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I actually don't insist for the standalone's release ASAP, I just want to hear some news and more info about it. And wait, I think that's not only me...

Thats all i want to, just a message to help reset my brain....anything.

Rocket says:"We are a while off ,no deadline as yet, but the zombies look fucking awesome".

Thats all i need :)

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Thats all i want to, just a message to help reset my brain....anything.

Rocket says:"We are a while off ,no deadline as yet, but the zombies look fucking awesome".

Thats all i need :)

He gave an update last week:

"At my Army Discharge medical this week, they noted I now have high blood pressure. Some things in life just aren't worth worrying about.

I've been getting hammered by a massive amount with requests for information about DayZ release, interviews and my reactions to this and stuff and such - but for my own sanity I retreated and have kept to myself. Right now I'm just at home doing bits and pieces on the DayZ development. The rest of the DayZ team is doing the same.

I realize that I went back on my word about releasing an update, but went back into my shell for a bit last week, and I'll come out when the dust is all settled."

To be honest it's understandable for peoples' demands for updates not being met when someone is thinking about their health first and others second. I'm sure most would behave in the same way and trying to appease people will only lead to more stress.

Edited by piggeh
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He gave an update last week:

"At my Army Discharge medical this week, they noted I now have high blood pressure. Some things in life just aren't worth worrying about.

I've been getting hammered by a massive amount with requests for information about DayZ release, interviews and my reactions to this and stuff and such - but for my own sanity I retreated and have kept to myself. Right now I'm just at home doing bits and pieces on the DayZ development. The rest of the DayZ team is doing the same.

I realize that I went back on my word about releasing an update, but went back into my shell for a bit last week, and I'll come out when the dust is all settled."

To be honest it's understandable for peoples' demands for updates not being met when someone is thinking about their health first and others second. I'm sure most would behave in the same way and trying to appease people will only lead to more stress.

This^, I'm not joining the union of rocket fanboys but the game is just a game and your health is so much more important, regardless of what promises have been made to contrary. A game on average has a lifespan of a few years (at best - discounting a few noticeable exceptions) your health has to stick with you for life. News and updates can wait IMO

Edited by goofsta241

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Rocket's behaviour is becoming more bizarre, and his exuses for not releasing anything resembling regular updates less and less believable. I would not be surprised if at the end turns out he has nothing. Unless he has the worst time management skills in the world one can always find 10 minutes a week to release a small status update.

Edited by ZlobaRUS54
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Don' you celebrate Christmas in Russia?

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The game will be released when it's ready..END! All you kids moaning are nothing more than selfish individuals who don't care about other people's life. How many developers release frequent updates? Rockets has done more than all the dev/publishers that I know.

Edited by Play
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The game will be released when it's ready..END! All you kids moaning are nothing more than selfish individuals who don't care about other people's life. How many developers release frequent updates? Rockets has done more than all the dev/publishers that I know.

Many commercial developers stay engaed with community, for instance Blizzard. And small/indie develoeprs are always much better. Wasteland 2 developers provide regular updates, check it out http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/inxile/wasteland-2/posts

People would not be moaning about release date if Rocket was wiser and provided updates, staying in touch with community (which incidently made the mod popular) would buy him a lot of good will.

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I see no problem with the asking for more information - he stated he would be giving us a update if the game was delayed right away, and that the game would be out before the end of the year. So if his would be customers get upset if it doesn't come out before 2013, and hes yet to at least say "Hey guys, not this year" ...

Thats a pretty big fault in my own opinion. I hate checking every day for a game that I really want to play. I ain't gonna lie - every day for at least the last month I've visited this forum when I've woken up, and before I go to sleep.

With a few days left in the year, and your last true statement about the production status of the game being a riddle, a shade of grey... when he said he'd inform us if its delayed... is just bad. So with that said I'm still checking - unless I failed to investigate the internet enough for the answers... I haven't seen him say himself, that its delayed, and last I heard DayZ was coming out in Dec of 2012...

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I would rather want DayZ SA to be finished before it's released. If they release a buggy Alpha, everyone will start complaining and you would get another WarZ! Let Rocket atleast finish the core features

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I would rather want DayZ SA to be finished before it's released. If they release a buggy Alpha, everyone will start complaining and you would get another WarZ! Let Rocket atleast finish the core features

don't say some kind of dayz/warz shit. DayZ is not WarZ and will never be like WarZ.

The DayZ-Com can live with bugs and not finished things but WarZ selled themself as "FINISHED GAME"(!!!!!!!) So you bought "full"price and got a shit but at DayZ we know what´s comming in front of us so don't talk sth like that that´s just weird shit.

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.. I hate checking every day for a game that I really want to play. ..

Then why don't you simply Follow this topic and the board that it's on (with your desired Notification settings), then you'll get an email notification when something happens without the need to visit the forums. :)

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So have my e-mail spam'd with a post about waiting for a good notification...? I already have my phone set to follow his twitters, have to check his reddit, check the DayZ offical website (which has been updated with a kool xmas video) and also check on the forums because so far hes not had a single, main place for news input to his people. Thanks for registering just to tell me to use pending notifications to fill up my mail box...

I think I'll keep doing the follow that I am currently doing... which is... check forums, check reddit, check twitter, check DayZ Offical website... which is a pain.

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at the end of the day its patience vs quality , do you want to wait a week or 2 and have a better more stable product , or have it now with possible bugs and exploits that can have major negative impact .... ?

honestly i dont see the mod going standalone this december as theres just 2 days left , i am looking at a late january release in all honesty .

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We are already used to buggy ass DayZ Mod. Standalone can't be any worse... btw... your signature picture creeps me out...

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Then why don't you simply Follow this topic and the board that it's on (with your desired Notification settings), then you'll get an email notification when something happens without the need to visit the forums. :)

I love "clever" people like you.......tosser.

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at the end of the day its patience vs quality , do you want to wait a week or 2 and have a better more stable product , or have it now with possible bugs and exploits that can have major negative impact .... ?

honestly i dont see the mod going standalone this december as theres just 2 days left , i am looking at a late january release in all honesty .

Thing is no one is demanding that the game be released right now we just want some word on whats happening with the game to let us know that things are still moving forward and progressing towards an eventual release. I mean FFS his last public statement was about being depressed and considering cutting his losses and about high blood pressure and some things not being worth it. Hes giving off a real Dave Chappele type of vibe like hes gonna just crumble under his success and disappear and hes got us all here waiting holding our breath because hes gone dead silent for no damn reason. Its really irresponsible when you have this many people following you to simply ignore them like they aren't there.

Edited by Firenzey

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hes got us all here waiting holding our breath because hes gone dead silent for no damn reason. Its really irresponsible when you have this many people following you to simply ignore them like they aren't there.

Last time I checked, your health and sanity are pretty good reasons.

I think you just need to learn to be patient and to control your own hype. I can't wait for the standalone either, but keep in mind its only going to be an alpha. The only things you can expect to be different on day one of the Standalone is anti-hacking and possibly the inventory system, new enterable buildings and pooping. Besides it would be more irresponsible to release a game that is substandard (even for an alpha), it has happened before and look at the shit from that.

Honestly if you are that excited maybe you could think of a way to meaningfully contribute?

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I just want to hear the truth. Rocket. Tell the truth, because silence is much worse. The pressure is increasing, and when it will blow up? Think about the project, finally, this explosion will be counted as the "poof" by many people. For example, Project Zomboid releases news every Monday. Not much, but still.

You either got nothing or work 18hrs a day (remainders for food and sleep).

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at the end of the day its patience vs quality , do you want to wait a week or 2 and have a better more stable product , or have it now with possible bugs and exploits that can have major negative impact .... ?

honestly i dont see the mod going standalone this december as theres just 2 days left , i am looking at a late january release in all honesty .

You're certainly right but I still remember when rocket was on the forums/reddit almost everyday and the mod was updated weekly, it was good times he would come by a random suggestion topic and discuss specific mechanics, was great for a dev to do that. Well I thought it would stay that way at least til beta, but now we have standalone and his attitude towards community seems to have changed for the worst. It's not the end of the world, but it's kinda sad you know.

Hopefully the team will be more open and share more information with us after foundation release.

I just want to hear the truth. Rocket. Tell the truth, because silence is much worse. The pressure is increasing, and when it will blow up? Think about the project, finally, this explosion will be counted as the "poof" by many people. For example, Project Zomboid releases news every Monday. Not much, but still.

You either got nothing or work 18hrs a day (remainders for food and sleep).

Yep the PZ devteam is so open with community, but they still have angry people who are like "wtf where is RC3??" so I guess there will always be this kind of forum guys, and yet being open and sharing even the most random uninteresting fact about dev is really pleasing and make the wait less frustrating. It gives a sense of progress.

Edited by Bat
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I think, the big thing is, to come out of this creepy situation.

How would you change the situation if you was rocket? He is so silenced so it´s a heavy thing to come and say "hey guys,.." cause than it´s flame war like "now you can say sth blablabla"

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