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Are we having a new forum for the SA?

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With the impending release of the SA will we be getting a new forum for the SA?

Please notice the web address for this forum is dayz mod. Com.

When we have a new forum can we have a faster and better one? Or on that note, do you remember the presentation Mr Hall had with the new graphics and user account? Does that represent the shape of things to come?

User accounts all tied to a new forum and user information, deaths, kills and such?

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25

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I hope not. I don't want to have to go around lookin for more beans, it took a while to stockpile what I've got.

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Don't know if it's my imagination or poor long term memory, but something about game stats being integrated with the game/forum accounts.

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That would seem somewhat insufficant for the cause of mod players transitioning to the Standalone.

This forums will obviously have to be DayZ-directed, no matter what.

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When we have a new forum can we have a faster and better one?

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Pretty sure it will be the same forums, with a section for the mod.

What was shown at Rezzed was just a concept, I don't see any reason why they couldn't add some function to link your forum account to an in-game profile in the future though, allowing you to see some of your stats on your profile etc. I expect that wouldn't be for a while though.


They could always point both domain names (dayzgame.com and dayzmod.com) to the same place or have dayzmod just telling people that the mod has become a standalone game and both discussions have moved to dayzgame.

Agree with the sentiments on the websites speed. We nag Matt about it a few times a week at least.

Edited by smasht_AU
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Just buy a new domain like DayZ.com or DayZGame.com then have DayZMod forward to that address.

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It's pretty simple to migrate a forums content over, so there's no reason they can't just migrate the domain and change some titles etc.

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Hello there

Theoretically, it is *simple* to migrate a forum or transfer the domain to something new, but knowing sods law something usually goes wrong. I certainly wouldn't want to be in Matt's shoes. (for one thing he's got smelly feet)

TBH, I've never noticed the actual forum URL.

I'm sure the chaps have thought about their Google ranking and all other SEO type shennanigans, so I wouldn't worry too much.



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