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If you could make 3 specific changes what would they be?

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To dayz? And you just can't say "improve all weapons", for example. You have to be more specific. :thumbsup:

For me it would be:

1) Increase the water bottle to three drinks (like the chemi-lights have more than one use). Seems pointless being the same as one can. It'd be worth carrying more if they have more than one drink inside.

2) Improve power of the pdw, as I think more rare weapons need to have a reason to bother hunting them down.

3) Make night easier to see. If I join a game and I'm off in the middle of the woods, I'm stuck. I really can't see anything and it's impossible for me to play. Of course, I'm sure others will say they find it easy but this is MY three things I'd genuinely want to see changed in DayZ to improve my enjoyment of playing.

So what are yours? :)

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1. Set up occasional zombie-spawns in the woods.

2a. Have magazines spawn partially-full

2b. Have ammunition spawn sans-magazine (Oh yeah, handloading)

3. Have attachments spawn separate from weapons

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The quiver is a very sensible idea. Carrying all those separate arrows is just silly, isn't it? :thumbsup:

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1. Police stations with a car or 2 parked out front/back, an armory inside with kevlar and police issued weapons / riot gear ect

2. RPGs and IEDs. Shooting down choppers / setup vehicle ambushes

3. take out thermal and NVGs / we should rely more on flares, chemlights, flashlights, camp fires ect

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1. increase the ranges of food/drink available to you, with some providing more nourishment than others.

2. Make zombies harder with less bugs.

3. Improved weather. For example, the rain in DayZ should vary in strength, altering how much it affects your vision, temperature and perhaps your movement due to grip. Hot weather would make your hydration levels go down faster, but keep your temperature higher.

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Ingame missions/content.

Make hunting&killing zombies "worth while" If zombies dropped items (even more % of simple survival items. food&water, kit-items, first aid, ammo) perhaps there'd less murder (random pk with no robbery)

Gunbag. Either found snowboard/ski bag, diy (two back packs stitched together). Carries only guns or ammo. Slung on shoulder around backpack. Speed reduced by 25%~50%, increased visibility/noise. Perhaps needs to be "dropped" from inventory to access. (portable tent anyone?)

Though Rocket commented that it'd be 'hard'. I'd like to see survivors that have been killed by zombies..to turn into a zombie (high %) (even if it's just the 'killed' 'skin-id' pasted on top of a normal-z. Those shot&killed, not looted or buried have a small % to become zombies.

Switch ability to "improve/upgrade/modify/create" items (homemade scopes? revolver that shoots all 6 shots like sawn-off "shottie"), vehicles (again, imagining MadMax B) ), objects ("base" items being able to lay wire/tank trap/sandbags that toolbox cant disassemble, even if it's only for hours, days. Locking gates with a key or 'pass-phase'-on-paper in inventory to lock/unlock for clan/base leaders),..umm, tow-behind campers, trailers for atv/bike/dirtbike..hatchback? lulz @ imagining a construction-trailer towed to into the woods as a command-structure, ala Red Alert.

Maca's idea for the axe/gun combo, I believe is ace. Doubt anyone would not want this.

Hello there

A complete overhaul of player movement and interaction with objects.

Should only take 10 mins to fix...



EDIT: I'll think of a hard one for the third suggestion.

Orlok, why would Forum Team ask wants&wishes just to have Forum Team act condescending in reply? :rolleyes: Now, cross your arms and say "As you wish Master" :P jokes

Edited by Blunt_Zephyr

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1 - Add some kind of in game player recognition system - http://dayzmod.com/f...hey-i-know-you/

2 - Reduce amount of military grade gear (guns, ghillie suits, heli etc) and completely remove NVG's/Thermal scopes.

3 - Make wilderness survival more challenging and rewarding by improving hunting, adding foraging/fishing/snaring.

Edited by Rastamaus
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1) Zombies running straight

2) Night vision removed or nerfed (uses batteries)

3) No AS50 and less high tech guns

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1) Animation for eating/drinking

2)Snowland with snow particles

3)Loot spawning on tables and such instead of on the floor

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Which reminds me, I used my first chemi-light yesterday. I've never picked them up, as they seem too dangerous to carry if you want to avoid being noticed. I can't say it did much to improve the light around me though.

Zombo - loved the zombies running straight thing. I agree! :thumbsup:

I just died 3 times on the same server after trying to get away from a crowd of zombies while trying to get onto a quad bike. The new Get in/on vehicle buttons seems to have been derped. When I click my mousewheel on the seat image I don't get on/in the vehicle, my avatar crouches down instead, as though picking up something. Maybe I should change my third option to improved quality control? ;)

Rage, I would like steak to last longer than tinned food considering the effort you have to go through sometimes to get it. But harder zombies? Hmm they get the better of me whenever I'm fully kitted out. :huh:

Edited by Sula

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1 Remove Night vision and thermal

2 Add melee/bladed weapons

3 Hunting enhanced, fishing added, nuts/berries etc to add depth and realism to survival away from the towns

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Hello there

A complete overhaul of player movement and interaction with objects.

Should only take 10 mins to fix...



EDIT: I'll think of a hard one for the third suggestion.

Edited by orlok
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1. proper anti-cheat that permanately bans across all public servers.

2. make it so clients cant run custom scripts.

3. votekick

I know these are a bit unrealstic for the mod, but absolutely nescessary for standalone.

Edited by shazbot!

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Change 7.62 damage

Find a way to fix loot farming (I don't care what anyone says, it's an exploit)

Be able to combine magazines

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Rage, I would like steak to last longer than tinned food considering the effort you have to go through sometimes to get it. But harder zombies? Hmm they get the better of me whenever I'm fully kitted out. :huh:

Because they are buggy. Their movement is dodgy and robotic, they walk through things, and start biting at midair randomly. If you removed those, they would be too easy to kill, so why not allow them to run indoors, but they can't walk through walls and doors, and can't hit you through them either?

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1. Revert the patch where they changed spawning items. The old spawn items and old zombie detection / following was better.

2. Revert the pistol damage changes. It was better when civilian pistols vs military pistols was preference.

3. Make ammo that normally only spawns with a weapon also spawn seperate from them. (AS50, PDW, and SVD mags)

Edited by Castle
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1. Remove all forms of side-chat or in-game communication other than direct.

2. Drastically decrease the amount of ammo and general amount of everything in loot spawns. I would love to desperately run around searching for food with three bullets for my low-tier gun not really wanting to waste any since they might save me later.

3. Complicate the vehicle mechanics so that everything is more difficult to drive/fly. Gears for cars, manual shifting obviously. Instrument panels you have to keep an eye on in first person (no HUD at all showing vehicle health and such crap) to check oil, fuel and whatever.

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1. New melee.

2. New zombies.

3. Smoother/faster animations.

I'm not including some bug fixes, if I wanted to make 3 changes it would be something that actually changes the game and improves it a lot.

Edited by Sutinen

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Much things i would like to see but here some i would liek most

1. Seperate Clothing - Chest, Leg , Boots, Hats, gloves...

2. Add Theme Clothings - Like Farmer, Fireman, Police Officier, Pilot and so on (In combination with Nr. 1 it would bring an new reason for Trades and too loot specific areas)

3. Remove the one shot killer weapons AS50 , M107

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1. Replace the zombies with aliens and predators.

2. Add Arnie skin.

3. Get to the chopper.

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1. Possibly brighten nights slightly, if gamma exploiting can be solved.

2. Hunting gear/weapons in deer stands, no military equipment.

3. Rework reloading/decrease ammunition. Ability to load single bullet in chamber, unless you find empty magazine.

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1. Having the ability to be able to use the flashlight with the sidearm.(Hand over hand).

2. If you need to change to the hatchet, you should be able to put your primary weapon over the shoulder and not into the backpack.

(So you can quick change when a hatchet will not hack it) <----- See what i did.

3. This one is just for fun, the ability to (Cable Tie/Duct Tape) someone you hold up at gun-point, then rob them in safety.

(Leaving them bound ingame for 3 minutes, from when you first "Cable Tie/Duct Tape" them).

Edited by Maca
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Sorry my bad, double post.....

Edited by Maca

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1. Having the ability to be able to use the flashlight with the sidearm.(Hand over hand).

2. If you need to change to the hatchet, you should be able to put your primary weapon over the shoulder and not into the backpack.

(So you can quick change when a hatchet will not hack it) <----- See what i did.

3. This one is just for fun, the ability to (Cable Tie/Duct Tape) someone you hold up at gun-point, then rod them in safety.

(Leaving them bound ingame for 3 minutes, from when you first "Cable Tie/Duct Tape" them).

Tie them up and rod them!? You dirty basterd! ;)
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