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If you could make 3 specific changes what would they be?

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1a. Add a recurve and compound bow w/ the option to equip a quiver on top of having a backpack (or just have it so you have to choose one or the other). I feel these would add authenticity to the game as well as new play styles. (Please do it right if you're going to do it at all because the crossbow is a disappointed for the most part).

1b. Add more weapons! I think people get scared when others say profound things such as this but if it's done correctly, it'll add a lot to the game. Much like the recurve or compound bow, those promote different play styles that were not really available before. We need location specific weapons. We're in a Russian controlled piece of land in Czechoslovakia correct? Well most of the guns need to by mostly based out of those countries. M4A1's and M107's are nice and all but doesn't seem realistic. Now if there was a map made based in the USA or UK for example, then those weapons can exist.

Here's a list of weapons that are Russian based (taken from one of my suggestion posts):

  • Makorov
  • TT-33
  • Saiga-12
  • Ppsh-41/43
  • PP-2000
  • Mosin Nagant
  • SVT-40
  • SV-98
  • SVD
  • VSS
  • AEK-971
  • AN-94
  • AK family
  • AS Val
  • SR-3
  • A-91
  • PKP
  • RPK
  • Flamethrower

Many choices here.

2. Have the ability to form groups prior to actually spawning in to the server. This one is a tricky one. I don't think it should tell you exactly where your teammate is through a HUD item or on the map even...at least not at all times. Perhaps add a tiny dot on a teammate if you look at them directly, otherwise, you don't see anything. I'm not sure how this would get implemented to be honest but there needs to be somethings I think.

3. Better controls/settings/UI - This involves such things as the ability to set your mouse sensitivity by a numerical number instead of the ol' unlabeled sens bar. Simplify the video settings as well. Remove 3D resolution and other bloated settings. Simplify player controls. When I first saw the key bindings for Arma 2 back in the day, I was impressed yet overwhelmed. DayZ simply doesn't need 300 different key bindings. Obviously the gear system needs revised as well and it is so they say. The issue of losing gear because you didn't take something out of your bag right needs to vanish.

While those were technically more than 3 things, they all fit in the same category for the most part. I would love to see some type of interpretation of these ideas. I would be filled with glee.

Edited by kmach1ne

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1) Child zombies.

2) Child zombies.

3) Child zombies.

Is it immoral? Maybe.

Is it scary as shit? Yes.

Edited by A_Typical_Noob
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1. Remove the ability of zombies to run/hit through walls.

2. Wipe the hive (Chernarus hive), months of duping and hacking have made putting effort into finding gear on public servers pointless. Until this is done, I will remain on private hives where gear is worth more.

3. Distribute loot, especially military loot, more evenly around the map. Areas such as Kamenka and other towns with virtually zero lootable buildings are pretty much pointless, and deer stands will be empty 50% of the time, not because someone else has looted them, but because of this game's loot spawn mechanics.

Scratch all that.

1. Make the M1911 and Revolver a 1 shot kill again until zombie animations are more reliable.

2. Make the M1911 and Revolver a 1 shot kill again until zombie animations are more reliable.

3. Make the M1911 and Revolver a 1 shot kill again until zombie animations are more reliable.

Edited by Mad Z

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1) Better magazine, bullet, and storage tracking. (a mag in my gun is no longer in my gear) (two half full mags equal one full one) (Crossbows are useless without quivers)

2) removal of peripheral dots (the Zombie spawn distance is easy enough to exploit as it is)

3) Increase in Zombie numbers, randomization, and difficulty. (and maybe some visual fixes wouldn't hurt)

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i cant help but these extreme realism changes people want would be game breaking. how would having 3 bullets in a low tier rifle running around for hours starving to death be remotely fun? especially for people with lives and other commitments....it would become tedious. just my opinion...i think its wishful thinking but hindsight will be a bitch

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1. Additional options in terms of ammunition, being able to combine a few low clips into a whole one, as well as being able to throw together magazines of identical calibers to form whole clips (PDW clip with 13 shots + full g17 mag = full PDW clip)

2. 3 of the 5 food groups, nutrition, and afflictions such as scurvy, protein deficiency. Grains, Protein and Fruits/Veggies must be balanced in order to achieve the highest possible blood rating of 12000. if you fail to maintain a diverse, plentiful diet you cannot avoid the negative effects of reduced maximum blood rating, lower blood regeneration, and the debilitating effects of nutritional imbalances like scurvy (slower run speed, less inventory capacity, unable to steady gun effectively, coughing)

3. 2 and 3 are kinda the same suggestion but for the reader's sake I broke it up. Blood must be linked to food, and it must regenerate!, but if I had to make another suggestion I would speed up the day/night cycles about 3.5x to force people to experience every kind of time of day rather than when they can play most.

Edited by Sansculotte

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That's a great idea, I really like it. :beans:


Its a common failing in all games really. Once you learn a 'skin' and its related characteristics you can't help but react to them in certain ways, i.e: You know which ones you can ignore in small numbers and the ones you need to drop as a priority, I'd like to see that certainty given a bit of a shake. We'll never be totally free of it, but the added edge of you never know if that one is a hopper cos it might but get up and sprint at you.

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1. euphoria physics - for great physics and dinamic animation

2. better user interface

3. woman and child zombies)

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1. More clothing options. Also along with that, a skin past bandit and hero on either side of the humanity spectrum, something you need incredibly high or low humanity for.

2. Some off the unofficial maps to be officially incorporated with connections between them; like you access a tunnel on Chenarus and then you can load that character into the other side of the tunnel on a different map. Never realistically gonna happen I know ;p

3. Have wilderness survival be more challenging, like with occasional zombies spawns and a more dangerous temperature gauge (like Namalsk).

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1. i really agree with the water bottle they are like 500-1000mls compared to a can that is 330 also maybe the caned drinks could give some blood as they have alot of calories! mabey add a sugar rush or something so you move faster if you drink a few cans :P

2 defiantly a quiver for bolts and maybe a sight on the crossbow it certainly isn't a pvp weapon but very good if your going lone wolf/ survivalist bear grylls keep it 1 shot zombies and same player damage

3 make zombies harder maybe have them alerted to snipers as the snipers make insane noise so they could only take 1 shot before they had to move from the area

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I only have one for now, and it's probably a little late in the day.

How about a novel way of beginning the standalone?

Maybe start the game with a brief single player mode which allows a back story that you have some sort of control over (moral/physical choices etc).

This mode could also determine the area of the map you spwan in for the' real game' and maybe also determine the equipment/resources you begin with. Again, all detemined by the choices you make.

Great thread by the way.

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a bit like starting TES 3 morrowind where the guy asks you questions etc ?

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1. More melee weapons.

2. Slower zombies that are slightly harder to kill and don't sprint in zig-zags.

3. Customizable weapons and attachments.

Zig-zag sprinting zombies are so annoying amd the two melee weapons in the game suck. Customizable weapons and attachments would just be awesome.

(Edit) If I could have a fourth choice, it would be for there to be more vehicles in the game. I mean, come on, not all of the vehicles would have been blown up or burned. As far as I know, it wasn't a nuclear blast that started the zombie apocalypse, so why would most of the vehicles be burnt out husks?

Edited by dudethesmasher

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1. 'Hardcore' servers for the people who don't have a life.

Lower chance of military gear spawning, lower food spawn rates. Zombies are faster and have more health. Animals are rarer. Vehicles are pretty much non-existant, ammunition is exceptionally scarce and even regular guns are rare. Spawns are randomized completely (so no whoring out the barracks looking for military loot). And the hardcore servers have their own HIVE.

2. a 'squad' ability. The squad leader makes the squad, and then uses the context menu while next to someone else to add them to the 'squad'. They get their own radio channel that works out to like, 500 metres or so (to simulate radios), and there is a hud marker/some other form of identification for the squad.

3. a method implimented during all DayZ installations that allows every user to punch the other person in the face if they're found to be using scripts.

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1/ More and better zombies, and more models of zombies, bored of always seeing the same

2/ More and better buildings

3/ More and better character models

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a bit like starting TES 3 morrowind where the guy asks you questions etc ?

A bit deeper than that, possibilities are endless.

BTW I think using the word 'novel' was a mistake, clearly lol

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