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JimJam (DayZ)

Musta been a good game before the Hackers got here

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Just started this game a couple days ago. My first two times were the usual shortlived failures, got eaten by zombies pretty quick. I can handle that, part of the challenge.

Before the third time I did some research, read the newbies guides, and when I spawned in,found out where I was, looked at the map, had a plan of action, knew where I was, where I was going, and the tactics to use. Just had started to head out when suddenly I was teleported to the middle of a pile of dead players, one getting shot just as I arrived. Around them were a couple players in ghillie suits, aiming at those spawning in, and the voice comms were them laughing about all the good equipment the dead players had lost. All of the dead players were well equipped, lots of goodies, sniper rifles etc. I had nothing, and maybe for that reason, they didn't shoot me immediately. I started to crawl away, hoping they'd spare me, but just as I was about to crawl behind a hill, one of them teleported over and shot me in the head.

Wrote that off on the fact morons will be morons and started a 4th time in a different server.

Was doing the best I yet, had lots of food, a water bottle, axe and crossbow, and a skinning knife to use for killing game. Was getting good at killing zombies, dancing around them and wacking them on the head with an axe, or making them run downhill and kill themselves by falling.

Only problem was I had a bad cough, health going down, and had to get to the hospital for anti biotics. Well, I was within 200 yards of the hospital, with only one zombie in front of me who was hanging around, was about to plug him with a crossbow bolt, when suddenly I am teleported into the inside of a helicopter. Again, all kinds of other players there, and the hackers are laughing again, one of the players gets thrown out of the chopper. I exit as quick as I can before I am next. But when I go to restart, I am not near the hospital, I am way out in the boonies, I know I am not going to make it all the way. So I go suicide against this house with zombies, kill four of them with the axe before a fifth one finally breaks my leg and stops me from dancing. Then I have to wait while he beats on me...

Game musta been fun before the hackers decided to show what pathetic individuals they are....

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A couple of things. First, the cough won't kill you. It just drops your blood down to around 6000 over time. A couple of hours later you can start to eat food to rebuild your blood again. Second, try and find a good private server with active admins to help with the hackers. You just have to remember what server you play on as your toon doesn't transfer from private servers unless they are part of a private hive.

The game can still be fun if you find the right server to play on.

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A couple of things. First, the cough won't kill you. It just drops your blood down to around 6000 over time. A couple of hours later you can start to eat food to rebuild your blood again. Second, try and find a good private server with active admins to help with the hackers. You just have to remember what server you play on as your toon doesn't transfer from private servers unless they are part of a private hive.

The game can still be fun if you find the right server to play on.

Thanks for info. I thought the cough was fatal, I was watching my health drop and didn't want to have to wait a day to die with all the fainting. Another time I survived a zombie attack barely, and was so weak I kept fainting every five minutes. I finally got to a barn with all kinds of goodies including a shotgun, just picked up the shotgun and I died....

The only problem I can see with waiting to heal is that you can't do a lot active, the cough alerts zombies, it took me forever to sneak up close to the hospital without getting swarmed.... that was what was so frustrating about being teleported by the hacks.

How do you get the passwords to the private servers?

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No, no, no. Private hives. Go here : http://dayzmod.com/f...er-listing/ to find them. Find a good one near you, go into DayZ Commander, click favorites, enter the Ip, and join.

Some of which may well be password protected.

Find out the name of the group that runs it, find a website, register etc. to get the password.

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So I got hacked again tonight.... after a reasonably successful day.

But unarmed, an unloaded shotgun, and in middle of hunting up some ammo, bingo I'm teleported out to some location then shot.

Had to laugh actually. Someone is actually taking all this time to do these hacks, gotta be really lacking in a life.

Edited by JimJam
We get it, you don't like hackers. No need to ramble on.

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So I got hacked again tonight.... after a reasonably successful day.

But unarmed, an unloaded shotgun, and in middle of hunting up some ammo, bingo I'm teleported out to some location then shot.

Had to laugh actually. Someone is actually taking all this time to do these hacks, gotta be really lacking in a life.

Have to think they were abused by some priest when they were kids...

...or maybe Mommy didn't love them AT ALL.... :lol:

Imagine spending ALL that time in a computer game just trying to make others unhappy...

Glad I'm not these guys. :huh:

But I kinda feel sorry for their dog or their wife... if anyone would have them.

Sad thing is m8 it's mostly 10 year olds doing a simple copy paste, it's all over the fkn web how to do it ffs.

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Most of the old players I know are waiting for standalone before they start playing again for this very reason. We have a dedicated server and a few maps we like to play on free from hackers. Problem with that is not a lot of activity and once you learn the game, its pretty easy stay alive. Its the other players you have to be concerned about, and what makes the game challenging. Not the zeds. But when you connect to the hive you open yourself up to the hacks.

But yea, find a server with active and fair Admins and dont get attached to yer shit.

And to answer your original question, the first few weeks this Mod came out was utter epicness!!

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