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I recently had the good fortune of finding an MP5SD6 at the Balota hangars. After using it to quietly loot cherno and tactically remove any zombies that were a potential threat, it quickly became my favorite gun. I want it again, and I want it's ammo. Please share where you have personally found the gun/ammo. I know it's random but I'll look high and low for that baby. Thanks!

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MP5SD ammo are pretty pretty rare. Can't really say where it spawns the most, but u should try all the military buildings.

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Well, its not random.

You'll find it:

In deer stands

In Stary Sobor military tents

In Balota airbase control tower/hangars

In Northeast airbase control tower/hangars

In Northwest airbase control tower/hangars

Firestations in Chern/Elektro/Northwest airbase

Locations you can find on here:


Loot cheat sheet to confirm any doubts you might have:


Any general military spawn has a chance of spawning one/its mags.

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I found mine in the Cherno military tents.

I've found the ammo in deer stands, and the NW airfield.

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Love the MP5. The military tents by Balota have 4 stands around, and the airfield tower is nearby, too.

I just wish the MP5 could have an M203.


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I just found one in the camp at balota airfield.

However I saw someone in the AC tower and shot 30 bullets into him with this gun, no luck. I died and he was still alive

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  'Paxicable said:

I just found one in the camp at balota airfield.

However I saw someone in the AC tower and shot 30 bullets into him with this gun' date=' no luck. I died and he was still alive


It's not the ideal pvp weapon. But it's a godsend when you're trying to stealthloot high risk locations like airfields or stary. I carry around an AKM in my backpack for pvp situations.

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It's fantastic for killing zombies. It's comically bad for trying to kill other players. I eventually got rid of mine just because I felt so vulnerable, you have no way of fighting back if any other survivor/bandit decides to start a gunfight. The M9SD works just as well for stealth zombie murder, while allowing you to carry a long gun that is actually threatening.

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Its got its pros and cons... range sucks.. power/damage/lethality sucks.. but.. close range its pretty awesome. :) Only once ive ever had I also found at Baloto.. never seen one in Stary or NW AF however its a military spawn weap so those are your only options to find it rest is just % and luck.

I remember I when I found the at baloto I took out a sniper in the balota twr from behind a destroyed car crouching in the dark was awesome :) fun gun but ammo is hard to keep up with.

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After a very cautious approach to the supermarket in Zelenogorsk, I began to crawl across the road between a couple of monkey zombies when I heard a strange tapping sound. Didn't even think it was an in-game sound. So imagine my surprise when I saw a survivor crouched behind the glass door in the supermarket shooting at me with an MP5SD6!

After letting off a dozen of his rounds, bullet holes/cracks appearing in the glass, I couldn't believe I was still alive. He quickly retreated into the back of the store, equally in surprise no doubt.

After 3 weeks of daily DayZ, this was the first player I had met face to face. Every other player encounter was either me watching them go by or them putting a bullet in my head from who-knows-where.

Expecting a fresh assault any moment, I sprinted into the supermarket, zombies now in tow, and dashed into the back to shoot the guy with my G17. I also had a regular MP5 but no time to switch weapons. I took him by surprise and killed him, then dealt with the zombies. Finally took his MP5SD6 before quickly leaving the area. I didn't want to kill that guy and I regret it, but I had no choice.

It's already helped greatly when I accidentally attracted a zombie in the middle of a crowd. I took it out with no further attention from the rest of the group.

But it seems the MP5SD6 can't shoot through glass, so that's something to bear in mind! Probably explains Paxicable's difficulty posted above with the player in the control tower.

I've only got 2 clips and doubt I'll find more, but that'll last me weeks (if I live that long). I'm not in the habit of killing zombies or players if I can help it! Most weapons I found were never fired...

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Since you already carry a glock, whenever you come across M9SD magazines pick them up. In the glock, they'll work as regular loud glock mags(-2 rounds). They also work with the MP5SD6(15 rounds), but they only take up space in the handgun inventory. If you're a lone survivor in the wilderness, just past a few deer stands, with a little luck you're find either M9SD or MP5SD ammo. Ammo also spawns in industrial areas btw.

Been carrying mine for a week now.

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The M4A1 and M4A3 SD versions are far superior. Even though they are only "suppressed" to zombies, they kill so quickly it likely won't matter for PvP. The nicest part about the MP5SD6 is that it can hold its ammo in the secondary weapon ammo slots.

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  'Dallas said:

Since you already carry a glock' date=' whenever you come across M9SD magazines pick them up. In the glock, they'll work as regular loud glock mags(-2 rounds). They also work with the MP5SD6(15 rounds), but they only take up space in the handgun inventory. If you're a lone survivor in the wilderness, just past a few deer stands, with a little luck you're find either M9SD or MP5SD ammo. Ammo also spawns in industrial areas btw.

Been carrying mine for a week now.


Thanks for the tips :) Should come in handy.

I actually ditched the Glock due to having no ammo left after the supermarket incident. I went back to the nearby deer stand where I found it and picked up my old Makarov, believe it or not :D

A poor gun with lots of ammo is worth more than an empty one for which I might not find ammo.

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Yep, it's underrated IMO. I carry my M107 during long distance travel, and then whip the silenced MP5 out from my backpack for towns. Can move in, take out any zombles in the way with a simple headshot, loot quickly without ever having to crawl or worrying about aggro, and get out before anyone ever realizes you're in the area. And if you do get in a gun battle, no zombie aggro doesn't hurt. Gonna be even better in the new patch with increased zombie damage.

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Better to get a normal MP5 and use SD ammo in it. Players will be able to hear it from further, but it won't aggro zeds.

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so you can use silenced ammo in a unsilenced gun? i didnt think made a difference?

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so you can use silenced ammo in a unsilenced gun? i didnt think made a difference?

You can. It works the same as far as zombie aggro goes, but other players will be able to hear it fine.

The normal MP5 is my fave weapon as a result, I just get that and a mil flashlight and carry tons of ammo.

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SD ammo in a non-suppressed gun just makes the bullets fly slower / arc steeper. Also, it won't cause the "Snap" sound of a bullet flying past your head. Seeing as they'll still be hearing the non-suppressed MP5 rattling away, it's not much of an advantage at all. And the zeds will still hear the non-suppressed gun, so again, no advantage there.

Personally, my suppressed MP5 is mah PvE baby. I run with an AKM out in case I run into players, but if I need to sneak into a town and maybe shoot zeds, the suppressed SMG in my pack is a godsend.

~ Ferrard

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