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Reason behind your username?

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My username is usually "Your Pain Brings Me Joy" in game because the best part about the game is the gunning down of a well-equipped opponent. (Sorry about the above posts, it posted the message 3 times for some reason.)

Edited by awakestrach

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Mine is from a Russian cartoon by the name of Neznaika. I liked the cartoon, and the name, so I did Znaika. :D

I chose it 'cuz I'm Russian.

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In game I am LowKey..not just a name but a playstyle.  I try to stay out of poeples way and just servive.  I also like a little chaos now and then like 700-800m shots at someones feet to watch them panic.

Amodo is my name in DnD and when playing MMORPGs but LowKey was already taken here.

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Almo is my in game name. People started calling me it, taking the first two letters of my first name (al) and combining it with the first two letter of my second name (mo), to form Almo. 

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My last name irl is Nagy, so my buddy called me NagsterTheGangster one day and I couldnt let that shit slide.



That is a kick ass surname dude :P

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Evra is a character from the Cirque Du Freak book series. He is half human, half snake. Its one of my favorite series.

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Evra is a character from the Cirque Du Freak book series. He is half human, half snake. Its one of my favorite series.



Thats quite cool, how many books are there in the series?

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Around 8 years ago I started playing Quake3 online. I had the basic name Killer written in green, so after some time I started using GreenKiller as full name. I kept it until now, since most people I know online just call me Green. Another variation I use is green-K- which I mainly use for Counter Strike only though, it also looks more "serious" than GreenKiller.

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Mine comes from a challenge amoungst my L4D buddies to come up with 2 words that have your name in somehow. My name is Mat, so i ended up going with Karmaterror, unfortunatly this leads to my friends continuously calling me Car-Mat-Error......to there never ending amusement lol :)

Edited by Karmaterror

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WBK is short for William Butler Keats, which is a reference to the poet W.B. Yeats. The pronunciation is different, but hey... it's only a username. I changed it to Keats because it's a bastardisation of part of my name. I thought it kind of sounds cool and I decided if I ever have a rap career that would be my name because I am a poet and a wordsmith. I do not intend to have a rap career, but always plan ahead, kids!

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Mine comes from a challenge amoungst my L4D buddies to come up with 2 words that have your name in somehow. My name is Mat, so i ended up going with Karmaterror, unfortunatly this leads to my friends continuously calling me Car-Mat-Error......to there never ending amusement lol :)



L4D was such a good game.... nice challenge for a name :P

Edited by Guest

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Octarine is a reference to Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. It's the color of magic. I also use Octarinefire, both are fairly uncommon so I can usually get them when I register.

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Back in 2005 or 2006, I found out about a game called "Navy Field". Now, I've always been a fan of the second world war,..more primarily, the Naval aspect of it. Be it from Pearl Harbor to Iwo Jima, or the U-boot happy times (Silent Hunter 3 GWX 3.0 Gold anyone?), I love the stories.


So, natrually, I enjoyed Navy Field....even if it has crap for graphics and the learning curve rivals DayZ,..perhaps even is harder. So, when I made my account, I wanted to reference some WWII naval unit, and being from the US, I wanted it to be a US unit...


 I had remembered reading about the first American ships to encrounter the kamikaze tactics, "Taffy 3", and that Taffy 3 was the first (or among the first) group of ships to come under kamikaze attacks, thus I named myself Tabby, quite by accident....For, at 4 AM, the mind does not look up facts. I had thought Taffy 3 was either "Tabby" or "Tappy", with "Taffy" not even in my mind. I chose Tabby.


 Being the type of player who tries to avoid all others, friendly and hostile alike,...I picked "Illusive" because I try to be illusive and never found.

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Because I like this spirit

Edited by Bushmills

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Back in 2005 or 2006, I found out about a game called "Navy Field". Now, I've always been a fan of the second world war,..more primarily, the Naval aspect of it. Be it from Pearl Harbor to Iwo Jima, or the U-boot happy times (Silent Hunter 3 GWX 3.0 Gold anyone?), I love the stories.


So, natrually, I enjoyed Navy Field....even if it has crap for graphics and the learning curve rivals DayZ,..perhaps even is harder. So, when I made my account, I wanted to reference some WWII naval unit, and being from the US, I wanted it to be a US unit...


 I had remembered reading about the first American ships to encrounter the kamikaze tactics, "Taffy 3", and that Taffy 3 was the first (or among the first) group of ships to come under kamikaze attacks, thus I named myself Tabby, quite by accident....For, at 4 AM, the mind does not look up facts. I had thought Taffy 3 was either "Tabby" or "Tappy", with "Taffy" not even in my mind. I chose Tabby.


 Being the type of player who tries to avoid all others, friendly and hostile alike,...I picked "Illusive" because I try to be illusive and never found.



Thats cool, i remember plaing a naval gme on ps2 where you controlled both the planes and boats, you could either play as US or Japs, It was good!

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Well, I've always loved forests, I have a ghillie suit and some other camouflaging stuff, and I feel comfortable just hiding somewhere in the woods.

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There's an old saying.. "I'd rather be dead than red.", meaning I'd rather die than be a communist. So, BetterDeadThanZed just sounded right. :)

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There's an old saying.. "I'd rather be dead than red.", meaning I'd rather die than be a communist. So, BetterDeadThanZed just sounded right. :)



Putting a zombie twist on it, appropriate :P

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