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Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

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funny how we only play on servers that ban for DC'ing now and have alot more fun. Sucks to dodge a ghosting little punk. I respect the owners/admins for doing what they do. Bitch all you want, bottom line is if you're not doing anything wrong you'd have nothing to bitch about.

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I support the OP.

Day 14, and the last 17 of my PVP encounters have resulted in the opposing player disconnecting to avoid death. No exaggeration either! On my first day I got a PK that actually went through and registered. The next 17 encounters were ALL DC'ers. Whoever says this is NOT the biggest problem with this game is either using this exploit or farming on low-pop servers where PVP isn't an issue. By all means, ban these fools, because they're ruining this game.

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I also ban for this when im fortunate enough to be the one encountering it (well.. fortunate in that I can verify it, unfortunate that it results in my death)

If you don't like it, np just host your own server.

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you can watch the web console for people who disconnect with error messages. look above them and you may get lucky and see damage notes on them in things like pelvis, left foot, etc.

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Word to the mother fucking shit yeah. Hate fucking logging faggot pieces of pussy pus.

[i have been warned for this post - Ubi]

Edited by UbiquitousBadGuy

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You should have the right to ban in accordance with the rules AND within Reason. EX: DCing. Of course Admins should not exploit players in or the game in anyway. While Admins should have the same exact rules apply to them as any "Players", seeing as they are "Players". Admins Should also have the right to make sure their Servers are running efficiently, correctly, and in accordance with the "Rules". In which case they may have to appropriate time for Testing setup, debugging, desyncing, etc etc.


Get over it. These guys, these Admins(including me) are paying upwards of $40-$160 a month so that you can play this for free. Calm Down with the "You have to cater to me" BS. If these "Admins" didnt exist, you would not be playing this game, You would be whining about how there are no servers to play on! EX April-May 2012. So play the game where you can, and be happy someone if floating the bill for you. Its not cheap or without hassle.

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I enforce combat logging bans on US295 - and only with proof of said combat logging using fraps. I hit record the moment I spot another player. All offending videos are kept, compressed, and available for upload to YouTube upon request. The server welcome message clearly states our policy on combat logging, racism, profanity etc.

Also, the posters trying to put some justifiable spin to the abject cowardice that is combat logging are obviously the aforementioned pansies afraid to shed a little blood or lose their precious gear. It's an exploit/loophole, not to mention completely gutless. So you lose a gun or a backpack - big freakin' deal. Find them again. That's half the fun. The pure feeling of satisfaction when dropping someone in DayZ is second to none, especially when it's a fair fight. Gear be damned, this is where it's at.

Getting the drop on someone, or clearly gaining the upper hand only to have them disconnect or 'Player coward is losing connection.' is just maddening. Half the time the only way they could pull it off without dying is if it's their first reaction - most encounters last seconds, at the most. It means said person logged out as their primary reaction, often without even contemplating fighting back. Gutless.

It's an acknowledged exploit, it's my server, I'm enforcing it. I support the OP entirely, and mirror his sentiments to the letter.


After reading my post over, I'd also like to add just how sad it is I have had to purchase and run fraps at all. Add to that the cost of running a dedicated server every month, as well as having to deal with every self-entitled bell end under the sun - it's draining, let me tell you.

Edited by Horus Lupercal
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I wish i had video of it, I had a guy DC on me the other day, and all i had in my arsenal (hands) was a damned yellow flashlight.....LOL He dropped behind his tent and "pulled his cord". Just at the sight of another player. Talk about ridiculous. I remember when I first played this game, I told myself I was going to DC if I had to. But, when it came down to it. I could not do it. I was too preoccupied with trying to fight back, I forgot all about it. Guess my first instinct was to fight back and not run. Its easier to try to shoot back than hit alt F4 or pull my CAT5 out of my computer. Anyway, it never crossed my mind since. I think if and when this game goes beta or production, the rules will change for the better for all players and admins alike.

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That feels like a threat to me.

I don't think the mod's like threats like that around here.

Was it more or less of a "threat" than yours ?

Your here saying you are deliberately going to go against the rules as set out and agreed to upon becoming a server admin. So you had lied when you agreed to the terms then ?

Dc'ing is an "exploit", it's an exploit that currently you are not able to ban for, it is being "fixed", and will be resolved all in good time.

In my mind, if your going to go against the rules and ban people then if someone else goes against the rules and hammers your server then isn't it just desserts ?

All this thread has done is make yourself a target, and it is admin like yourself that will push this game to a dev only run server situation where you pay a monthly fee to play.

Yes it is annoying, but at the end of the day all it does is result in you either getting killed (no big deal), or you not getting a kill (again no big deal). To go against rules and just ban people because they do something that upsets you is an indicator that you would also ban for other reasons that are not so "legit".

Rules are rules, we may not like them, but you do agree to them, otherwise you wouldn't have a server, so again unless you blatantly lied, and that's also telling of character, then you are not able to ban for this reason.

Remember it's alpha, no-one is supposed to be attached to their gear, or get upset because they are killed / bested, regardless of how cheap the other player acts.

Exploit does not equal hack, it would be good if the devs came forward and said "Ok, you can ban for DC", but at this stage they have not, so you cannot. It's just the way it is, I'd suggest you deal with it and not break the agreement.

Edited by Psyl3nt

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my first post woot- but i cant help myself here..

Just WTH is going on ?

I've never dc'ed from a firefight, and have had ppl dc when i pin them in houses/hangers, however i dont care because this is an ALPHA.

stop crying about your gaming exprience in an ALPHA please, i can understand its frustrating but if you dont let devs work this out and just ban every dc'er then the whole point of the ALPHA test goes tits up.

Be patient let the devs work out a fix and then support them by testing it.

Also Ander clearly states that you should not be banning for this offence.



Its an alpha wait for a fix and test it, stick to the rules for server hosting to support development.

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Altho i 110% agree with this threads op on the topic of baning pvp dcers, however it is in CLEAR violation of the DayZ rules to do so.

So person 1 breaks rules and exploits by PVP DCing.

Person 2 (server admin) bans person one for pvp dcing, thus breaking rules himself to bring order to his server.


Again i AGREE we should be able to ban for more than were allowed to but unfortunately we cannot.

Just because other servers do it and havent been blacklisted doesnt mean you can do it, it simply means the dev are too busy to deal with the 100's of reports daily, 80% of which are bullshit "/cry my pussy hurts, he axed me and stole my loots" threads

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Until the devs come and specifically tell me not to ban for combat logging, I will continue to do so. PvP and player interaction as a whole is what make makes this mod. Without it, we'd be gear farming and shooting extremely dumb zombies. It's been acknowledged as an exploit, and while this doesn't make it a bannable (or non-bannable) offense, I'm going to take the initiative. Such behaviour has a hugely negative impact on my enjoyment of this mod.

People can spout 'it's in the regs' or 'it's not in the rules' until the cows come home. The truth is, I don't see a definitive answer to this yet.

I think the debate is a moot point until a dev can clarify either way.

If you're a combat logger, go find a server where they'll put up with it. If not, you've got nothing to worry about. Either way - you have 1000 servers to choose from.

And to the combat loggers - what's the point? You're petrified of losing your gear - that's all there is to it. So I say to you, what on earth is the point of playing the game and having the gear if all you're going to do is shoot zombies or other people (only if you have the drop on them)? Where's the fun? Challenge yourself. Take a risk. What's the worst that can happen?

I've lost everything and started again dozens of times. I've lost NVG's, L85's, NV FAL's, Coyote Packs, the works. There's actually a demented sense of liberation after being killed whilst being in posession of amazing gear. You don't have to worry about losing it anymore. You respawn on the beach, naked as the day you were born and not a care in the world. Then you start again.

It's fun.

People need to learn to start letting go of their attachment to gear, and find they'll enjoy the mod a lot more. Sure, gear is a fair portion - but don't let it govern the way you play, Don't let it become everything.

Spend less time clutching your precious gear and shitting your pants at the mere prospect of losing it and start playing the game.

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I just wanna support admins who are banning Disconnecting noobs.

We are banning every single DC noob also.


If you use exploits, you will get banned. As simply as that.

I'd rather stop running the server than let exploiters to have party in there :)

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I just wanna support admins who are banning Disconnecting noobs.

We are banning every single DC noob also.


If you use exploits, you will get banned. As simply as that.

I'd rather stop running the server than let exploiters to have party in there :)

It may be an "exploit" but if you ban for it and they report that to the Dev team you will get blacklisted. I banned a few who were "combat logging" and about 10 mins later I had Devs in my TS3 telling me I couldn't do that.

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I should also note, that it's the server owners that are footing the bill. They are the reason you and I have a place to play this fantastic mod. If a server owner can catch a dc'er red-handed and ban him all the power to him.

Yes this game is an alpha but people are paying REAL money to host servers, and to keep their server free of cheaters they have to deliver these bans.

I think the people in this thread who were so quick to quote the server admin rules are much more detrimental to the advancement of DayZ than the server owners trying to restore order on their server. No I do not run a DayZ server (yet) but I have ran dozens of game servers since Quake 1, as well as ran a game server hosting company in 2010. The whole 'micro-management' of servers by either devs or hosting providers has it's ups and downs, and a balance needs to be found.

So you get banned on one server? Go play on another. It's the same for every other game out there. It's not like admins are handing out global bans for these offenses. Server owners should be given the right to protect their server from cheaters. Period.

Why in god's name would I purchase a server only to have to turn a blind eye to cheaters and exploiters. It's stupid.

How many of the hundreds of DayZ servers are actually paid for by the dev team?

Besides, it has been stated in many places that banning or kicking for pvp disconnecting is allowed, I don't see why all the defensiveness is happening.

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Besides, it has been stated in many places that banning or kicking for pvp disconnecting is allowed, I don't see why all the defensiveness is happening.

Here's a post from Dev Team Member Ander just yesterday in the thread "Need clarification on bannable offenses"


Edited by ebianbluefox

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Here's a post from Dev Team Member Ander just yesterday in the thread "Need clarification on bannable offenses"


Throw another item to ever-growing list of reasons to not run a server.

That is insane.

We can't lock a server because people will gear farm, but we're perfectly OK with people exploiting a loophole to help them keep their precious gear?

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Being a server admin I strongly pushed for banning for disconnecting during PVP and Zombie aggro. After we had gotten a few people who we knew did it and were trying to blame eachother, we blanket banned the two individuals who were saying "No he did it" and "No my friend did it not me."

Not even five minutes later we had a Dev inform us we can't do that, despite he knows its an exploit and its just so rampant they can't do anything about it or prove that they really did it with how Arma2 works.

It sucks, I know. Its a bitter pill to swallow.

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Then I'm just waiting for blacklisting. Because I wont accept using exploits in games, not in my servers.

It will give wrong signal to people about cheating and I will flag for fair play.

Edited by Soppa

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Then I'm just waiting for blacklisting. Because I wont accept using exploits in games, not in my servers.

They DID say if you catch them on FRAPS and if they can prove it, they will global ban them

Basically, its an all or nothing deal.

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I say do it. If Rocket doesn't like it tell him to shove it up his New Zealand ass.

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They DID say if you catch them on FRAPS and if they can prove it, they will global ban them

Basically, its an all or nothing deal.

Oh really? Then I'm OK then. I've only had to hand out 3 bans so far, and they are proven with a video that shows them lobbying and disconnecting. I filmed my friend shooting at 3 guys checking a heli crash in the middle of the airfield.

I won't ban anyone without definitive video evidence.

I'll continue as such.

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I'm an OFP/ArmA veteran but new to MPing and DAYZ. I first want to thank all Free Server Hoster and Rocket for this great free Mod.

It's just great that i get totally free servers and a brilliant free Mod and having so much fun. And we should let some stupid kids ruin this for everybody ? I stand up and applause all server admins banning these people to let the real players enjoying this game.

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