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British Sergeants' Mess - [BSM] **Fully Admin'd** & Whitelisted - TAVIANA.COM

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It could be because the g36 is not supposed to be in the game yet.. so well.. you lost it. We had another player who picked it up and he lost it as well.

Edited by brynje
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Very strange. I can think of nothing that would cause this to happen.

I don't think this has happened to anyone else. :/

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i'll be back on tonight. Yeah i lost the G36 as well, got replaced with a Lee enfield with no ammo..... good trade -_- (could have picked up a CCO but went for the 36 because it had 3 mags )

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Zelengorsk is party town. I can do vehicle repair runs, coastal pick ups, medi drop, gun supplies. I am top slut from Baku

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We are in the middle of our first ever PvP weekend.

The database is saved and so is all your stuff.

Currently you will spawn in cherno with a full load out ready to fight and survive with your GOLDEN AK47!!.

This is the chance for you to drop the goodie two shoes attitude and hunt to kill. You won't have to look far, the gun shots are cross hair magnets!!

See you there!

The Mayor is off duty. :lol:

Edited by Sgt.Trojan
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Nice1 :D no post about it in our forums. I did'nt know :(

Some good scraps to come then :D

Edited by Sgt.Ganji

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My first full evening on this server yesterday, and what a find! My squad and I where welcomed and had a great night. Here's a summary of the action so far .....

Well where to start? An action packed and eventful evening full of laughs, tears and general good times!

Myself, beatstv and joe logged in. Myself and beats met up while joe was at NWAF. He quickly spotted a chopper crash and covered it until we got there. Beats found a GAZ mon the west side, n,y needing a wheel, great stuff. I found one and hiked to him. Turns out he's a tit and it needed two.

All of a sudden we where inundated by defiantly the most helpful clan server members I've ever come across. They helped us fix up the car, lent us a little bird and some gear and we where set to base up by end of play.

Then dickhead here landed the hell too hard, it needed loads of parts, some we already had found, again the BSM members where there to help, driving up with the gear.

There was then a friendly fire incident, Hampus. Joe headed off in the Heli and picked him up. We refuelled the Heli and where finally on our way!

Then as I was helping to fuel Ali g's UAZ, he glitched on a zombie and it blew up. ARGGGHHHH!

The Heli picked me up and Trojan kindly grabbed most of the gear and stashed it safe. We geared back up and decided to grab the car just before the server restart. We landed the Heli and after restart fixed the GAZ with the help of yet another BSM member. Then, as we went to leave we realised they Heli was out of fuel and royally fucked! Ahhh, it must have bugged on server restart. We set about fixing it and cannibalised the GAZ. But we where still short on parts.

Then a 3 hour night op followed, south to cherno, found everything but the main rotor. Bah.....headed further east towards factory. Then all of a sudden the GAZ caught up on some garbage. No problem we thought, then it exploded!

To be fair I was about to give up then, but we found our bodies in the pitch black and headed north east on foot! We managed to get all the parts again, except that damn rotor!

Again another BSM member stepped in to help, mentioning he had seen one right on the north seats coast, after we scared him in elek .

Off he headed, but at 3am we still had not found it and the server was about to restart again to enter PVP weekend. The search will continue on Monday! The Heli will be fixed!

Great server, made great by the people in it. See you all online again soon!

O and yeah, I'll be practising my Heli skills .

All in all, brilliant play dayz at its best. The PVP weekend is great fun, but watch out these guys are sneaky buggers!

See you on the field!


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i shall be about later too, be nice to get a bit of PvP in ^_^

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I must admit i'm waiting for monday to get back to my current tasks lol, but a bit of PVP makes a welcome change!

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pvp weekend deffo need some adjusting... get a bit boring tbh.. but was a good experiment : D

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Due to popular demand we are now running the map TAVIANA.

New start, fresh places to explore, new feet to find.

Let's go, go, go.

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Smashin job. Somewhere new to mooch :D sooo sick of Churnarus

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the chernarus mission file is backed up though so we can load it back in and you will still have all your stuff

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Due to popular demand we are now running the map TAVIANA.

I'm defo jumping on tonight, then!

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Loving the new map :D general loot is plentifull and a shed load of vehicles are now spawned and decent vehicles at that. Loads of red golfs, Bi plane's n choppers. I've got me a military humvee :D

The only problem is hiding the thing but theres plenty other vehicles anyway and being able to strip cars for parts makes it tha much easier to repair vehicles.

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We visited the prison island and the oil rigs out at sea yesterday! epic map!

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150 additional vehicles were spawned in yesterday. All contain starter kits with at least one rifle within.

Good luck!

Now the mayor has to find somewhere to re-locate :l

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BSM Server Update V4

Added the action to refuel vehicles at petrol stations while you're in a vehicle. Helis can land on the roof. Takes ~2mins for all vehicles probably.

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BSM Server Update V4

Added the action to refuel vehicles at petrol stations while you're in a vehicle. Helis can land on the roof. Takes ~2mins for all vehicles probably.

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Lots of carnage to report:

Tunnel mugging: the tunnel was used to trap an admin in an he was killed for what seems like fun.

Another admin was killed on a the bridge while audio off in an SUV. The killer stole a vehicle from another admin so when it arrived back he saw no threat and died to a rifleman.

A ural / uaz combo was spotted and a player was KO'd. He revived and opened fire but was killed. The admin murderer then shot another admin thinking he was with the first guy. Lolz yes, all admins mentioned are individuals.

A steal attempt was made on the above but was outflanked and killed. He logged out with his dead body. Git.

A random player with a cross bow was kidnapped and taken away. On route to the destination they took fire from two survivors but escaped. The random was handed the fully laden ural to take off on his adventures. GL vendetta.

Word came in from a secret passenger in the boot of the VW golf who was using direct chat to freak out he driver.

Couple in numerous halo jumps. A crashed c30 due to easing off the gas. 3 crashed choppers due to player disconnections. It was an eventful evening.

Must get those choppers back in. Oh, the plane is back at the northern airfield.

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We visited the prison island and the oil rigs out at sea yesterday! epic map!

This sounds absolutely amazing. Does loot spawn on them? High yield loot?

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This sounds absolutely amazing. Does loot spawn on them? High yield loot?

sadly no... you can enter the buildings and cells though. Maybe we can add loot spawns there... im not sure though... have to ask the coder-monkeys :D

Edited by brynje
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