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British Sergeants' Mess - [BSM] **Fully Admin'd** & Whitelisted - TAVIANA.COM

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And target practice on other servers is required due to having a white listed server? I think it lowers the player count too much and strangles the community potential development.

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Trojan do you know what difference between open and whitlisted servers? In open server much more players in Cherno-Electro area. Random people join and running to city to gear up. So if you need terget practice you can snipe from Cherno' industrial constantly.

For example on open server playing 200 random people (30 mins each). On whitelisted 50 regulars (3 hours) maybe. Regular players dont stick around Cherno, they are going up north. That is why you waste your time while camping in towns on whitelisted servers. Better to go to opens.

Other reason is PVP level. After few month whitelisted server got community. People stop to kill on sight, it really works. Regular players help each other, it is amazing.

Edited by Котовский
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No your the cunt we have a COMMUNITY on UK#10 not just a load of random hackers, and we are not kids and we ALL think your server is a peice "o" shit nuff said!

It's actually you're not your, plus using two 'and's' in the same sentence is not proper grammar and I very much doubt that adults use the phrase 'nuff said'

Panda, or Sgt.Hexstatic as we know him, was given Sgt status to our long standing community due to his involvement ie playing games as part of a team, using TS comms, getting involved with the forums etc, He chose to set up a Dayz server on his own with no involvement from us. Initially it was welcomed as we did not have the capability to create or admin a server of our own and a few of our community members used (and part funded) the server for a short while. Things have changed, we now host our own server which is fully admined by our own community members and has even been tweaked to improve the all-round gaming experience by bringing in more vehicles, care packages, better loot spawns and much more. It had been discussed that the two servers merge but this will not be possible due to reasons which I wont discuss on this forum. Anyway, to put the record straight we have not kicked him out of our community at all, his commitment lies with his own server and that is his prerogative, we wish him well with his endeavours and would welcome him back any time but, as we ask of all our community members they must be a committed community member (the clue is in the title).

Edited by Sgt. CrAzY LeGs
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I don't understand, myself, why there is suddenly a public smear-campaign against the BSM server, when it's strictly an issue that is between Panda and the BSM Gaming Community. This has nothing to do with Trojan, or any of the senior BSM guys, giving Panda an ultimatum of his UK#10 server or the BSM Community; it's strictly to do with his Admin responsibility, as far as I know.

I regular on the BSM server, and jump on TS whenever I play. The community is comprised of a stellar group of people, who actively administrate the server to deal with hacking as quickly as possible, offer help to nearly every single person on there, and actively look for ways to improve the gameplay, both in terms of server performance and additional scripting.

Hence, why I say...


All the slander that these UK#10 enthusiasts have drivvled in here is just null and void, outrightly... Not that the above comes across as the most rational of arguements.

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I think this whole subject needs dropping now in all fairness. It is not mine (or anyone other than BSM/Panda) to comment on this issue now. I can understand people being upset about the potential loss of a community, but all that has happened here is people are flaming out of hand on a matter that really has nothing to do with them (other than the server they play on). Flaming other servers/groups is also not a valid response as after the torrent of abuse that has been thrown at the BSM community I could then follow the other peoples lead and start throwing insults of my own. Instead, i chose to be mature about this and leave it to the people who really are at the center of the issue.

To cut a long story short. This is more than likely being handled in private with both party's (BSM/Panda) and as such, there is no longer a need to comment on this subject.


Anyone want to help me get those shite stains with the vodnics from last night? One git took 5 AS50 nato rounds to the front of it and it stil drove off with 0 damage done (minus popped headlights).

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We ambushed them two vodniks when they came across the bridge.. MK48 tracers all over the place! We didn't get them but it was fun as fuck : D they had to retreat across the bridge

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At the end of the day no matter what comments are posted we(BSM) will still be going strong. The community has been around for a long time and this will make no difference.

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We ambushed them two vodniks when they came across the bridge.. MK48 tracers all over the place! We didn't get them but it was fun as fuck : D they had to retreat across the bridge

yeah, they chased silver last night so he lead them into an ambush me and creepz had set up. sadly though, they seemed to be immune to my AS50 despite me 2 shoting the PKM vodnic the night before 0.o

Can u PM me what island/area they were last seen please? ;)

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Pros and cons of whitelisting.


Tighter community

Increased collaboration between whitelist members.

Access totally under admin control

Hackers are less likely to enrol but there is still a risk of known players hacking.


Harder to develop a community from new joiners.

Everyone is friends thus eratidicating bandit element.

Sharing a TS channel creates an issue when wannabe bandits and friendlies are together/ ghosting, etc. This itself threatens the community development.

I have seen the player count decline on another server when whitelisting was added. Although one could argue that quality is better than quantity we have to remember that DayZ can be brutal. The fact that more danger is present enhances the very experience and enjoyment. That feeling. It comes when you see an unknown. It comes when you coordinate an attack against another group or bandit.

A server of friends is an ideal but the enjoyment/ risk element is reduced because of it. You lose a large percentage of that by adding whitelisting.

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And whilst we have a solid admin interest in DayZ we can ensure our server population is protected via our inspection and control.

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Servers got great potential, having some good banter with folk yesterday in the midst of accidentaly killing someone

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We will be running our second PvP weekend starting this Friday. The Taviana database will be saved for you to pick up where you left off on Monday.

Spawns will be all over the map and everyone will spawn in with Gucci inventory and weapons.

If you have never had a PvP game it's just a bit of fun to break the tension by spawning you in kitted out thus removing your need to find and protect your gear. It also provides you with that all important combat experience thus improving your chances of survival in the real DayZ.

Slots will be in demand so join our TS for a VIP server slot.

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Guys.... :facepalm:

Any problems? You still act like we owe you something or we force you to play here.

We have more than enough players who enjoy our server setup so we really don't need more pricks.

Go to your precious UK#10

Edited by brynje
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OP updated with minor changes. Loading screen added (click thumb).

It is with great unhappiness that I must say to you that we have had a huge increase in bans due to racism. The majority of those we are banning are very apologetic and claim they are not racist, they just came out with it in a fit of rage. We have a zero tolerance to this behaviour and feel that if you let slip once, you will again. Bans are permanent. We have updated our loading page to reflect our stance (as if we need to point it out).

Please consult our Sgt Code of Conduct so you know what to expect from us as a gaming community.


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OP updated with minor changes. Loading screen added (click thumb).

It is with great unhappiness that I must say to you that we have had a huge increase in bans due to racism. The majority of those we are banning are very apologetic and claim they are not racist, they just came out with it in a fit of rage. We have a zero tolerance to this behaviour and feel that if you let slip once, you will again. Bans are permanent. We have updated our loading page to reflect our stance (as if we need to point it out).

Please consult our Sgt Code of Conduct so you know what to expect from us as a gaming community.


AMEN to that m8. You might want to add children with racist usernames is also a ban hammer worthy target ;)

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We will be running our second PvP weekend starting this Friday. The Taviana database will be saved for you to pick up where you left off on Monday.

Jokes! Never played one of these. I assume you just load in (strapped like a mawfucka) and just unload on anything with/without a pulse?

Should be able to jump on Sunday for that!

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Reminder that for this weekend we are running a PvP set up.

Normal service will resume on Monday with your last known location and kit on friday being your spawn.

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Great for british pepole like me well done looks like a dashing server but if day z standalone was a bit like the mod wastlelands vechiles would be nicer not all fixed mostly broken but they have alot of vechiles spawned

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Great for british pepole like me well done looks like a dashing server but if day z standalone was a bit like the mod wastlelands vechiles would be nicer not all fixed mostly broken but they have alot of vechiles spawned

Sorry but you have totally lost me here.

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