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Serious Stan

DayZ Radio broadcasting, fresh news and hotzone alerts.

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Lets say the radio gets back in the game. Would be cool to put it on some kind of radio broadcast channel where you can hear about whats going on in your server like:

1-2-55: huey spotted 055107

4-4-11: shots fired 105081

But where would the signals come from?

the answer is a question unanswered. where the helicrashes come from.! or the crew for what it matters.

Any openions?

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Do you mean like if you own the server or for everyone? Because I think it would bug me hearing 'Shots fired (Grid reference)' how about we make it appear in chat perhaps but I wouldn't like this said in a sound clip because its quite annoying.

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Do you mean like if you own the server or for everyone? Because I think it would bug me hearing 'Shots fired (Grid reference)' how about we make it appear in chat perhaps but I wouldn't like this said in a sound clip because its quite annoying.

I mean that if you find a radio, you can set it to "radio" or somthing,

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I think the radio should simply allow the Side Chat to be enabled for those with a radio.

And then have the multitude of different channels so you can set them with your clan mates. So even if a bandit - for me it's a bandit hunter... - has a radio as well, he would have to be scanning a lot of different channels to try and stumble across our communications.

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Radio with many different channels is what I vote for. Let the information flow through the radios, for anyone to listen if they get the right frequency. That may be a chat among clan members, or just a couple of strangers who happened to reach each other while searching the frequencies.

No need to give that kind of information so freely to everyone. Let luck, or foolishness be the motor on this mechanism.

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There´s few limits on how advanced this could be made. I mean, we could make radios have 9 channels which only work 500m within eachother´s range, etc, but it´s kind of pointless making it very advanced.

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I believe a normal range for radios would be around 5km, considering all the geographical obstacles there are. 500m would be ok if we talked about PMRs (though lots of them are advertised to be able for 2-5km ranges, I know for sure that it's not true. As for the channels, for such an idea to be implemented successfully it would have to include more than 20 different channels (not sure if it's possible though).

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Any radios should have enough range to speak to (almost) the whole map. Otherwise it's kinda pointless.

Maybe the closer your buddy is to the Green Mountain tower, the less static their voice sounds? So from Kamenka to Black Lake would be pretty badly distorted forcing you to speak clearly.

I support having 10(give or take) channels, but news/messages? I don't like the idea.

The pre-recorded Morse code, deerstand co-ords made in-world sense, becuase everyone is dead AFAIK. And that's the point.

If there was a way to track a transponder for heli crashes etc. within a certain range, that would be better than the AI straight up announcing it on the radio.

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While some interesting ideas here, all that would be done is mic spam and bandits surfing channels to find survivors to kill, and really, no ones gonna stop using TS3 or vent cause those are far more secure

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I have thought of something like this before. I thought maybe you would be able to go to the tower at Green Mountain (just for example) and you could record a message to broadcast with your own mic. This message would play to anyone who had a radio on the broadcast channel. (if channels were implemented the first channel for instance). Anyone could record a message or even go there and cancel all the messages. I think it would provide a tool for some very dynamic game play.

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I have thought of something like this before. I thought maybe you would be able to go to the tower at Green Mountain (just for example) and you could record a message to broadcast with your own mic. This message would play to anyone who had a radio on the broadcast channel. (if channels were implemented the first channel for instance). Anyone could record a message or even go there and cancel all the messages. I think it would provide a tool for some very dynamic game play.

If you go to Green Mountain the only thing you will be able to broadcast is your imminent death....

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