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:( It didn't hit me thankfully. You definitely would have killed me but I could understand. Two guys running out of the dark towards you with 20 or so zombies behind them doesn't look good haha

Glad to know I'm such a good shot lol

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Glorious encounter with bandit

I spawned in a small village north of Elektro. I started making my way down south, looking to get to Cherno as soon as possible. On my way I decided to raid few houses in Elektro. One red house was full of equipment, but also dead bodies. Ringed few bells, but the reward was higher than the risk at that point. As I was looting the house and corpses, I hear steps behind me. I turn around and there is a bandit aiming at me with his Makarov. He fires first as Im turning around, couple bullets hit me. I proceed to draw my weapon, unload a mag in his general direction while he falls back to hallway and I take cover in the room next to me. I notice Im bleeding, but I know some of my shots had to hit him too. I reload my Makarov and wait for his attack. Few seconds pass and he sticks his head out from the door frame, shooting me couple of times before he runs out of ammo. As he falls back and starts to reload I think "Fuck, its now or never". I stand up, run to hallway and pop a mag at him. He falls down, bleeding heavily but still alive. I walk up to him, teabag him couple of times and finish him off with two rounds straight to his head.

Shit lasted for like a minute or so but felt like an eternity.

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I may as well share my very short story with my first encounter with Day Z.

Hi everyone, btw.

So I spawn to the west of Chernogorsk, by the sea. It's daylight, and I look around. Lo and behold, roughly 100 meters to the west is a rubber dinghy, complete with engine and a full fuel tank, so I decide to take it.

I sail east, thinking about landing near the city and entering it, but keeping in mind that I'm a complete noob, I decide to try and find something smaller first. I see a zombie on that wave-breaker arm that shields the dock. I get closer, park the boat and kill the engine. I make my way slowly towards the zombie, and look around me to check if others are around, and I see none. So I drop the fucker, and make my way towards him to see if there's any loot on him. While I'm doing this I hear fence rattling. I think to myself: "Didn't I read something about rattling fences in the newbie guide on the forums?", only to be interrupted by screams.

Heart racing, I turn tails towards my trusty dinghy, and make a run for it. I jump in, and take off. I look back and see 3 zombies jump in the water, chasing me. I turn around and sail them over, one by one. To my surprise, this kills them.

I sail a bit away from the shore, look back and decide to log off, too scared to continue.

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Howdy all! Figure I would make my first post a cool little story

So I started out near Cherno and decided to link up with my buddy who was all the way up in Berezino. I went to some of the northern most buildings to see if I could find supplies, once I entered I found another survivor with a CZ who decided I was too close to his safe place. He fired a round that hit me pretty hard, and I emptied my 1911 into his chest. Of course, because I am such a lucky person, there was a zombie AA meeting going on just outside the front door. So they all started to pile in, much to my horror. I got in the prone and watched the only door in, and began popping heads as they entered. Once the wave was over I began to loot the place quickly to get out of Dodge. I took as much off of him as I could, stocked up on several blood packs, matches, hunting knife, some ammo. I had no food, and no pain killers left as I had to try and patch myself up after my encounter. But wait! I am in a multi-story building. There must be a stash in some of the other rooms. I have a look, find some useful stuff and start making my way back out. But now I hear footsteps in the room I had just defended myself in. I walk in slow, screen grayed out, vision blurred; and get a glimpse of a human shape bent over the bodies of the Zeds I had killed. Already just about dead (3000 or so blood) I decided to not take any chances. I fired fast and prayed I hit. The body fell over, and I realized it was another player. I had just murdered another survivor out of fear and panic. I had no time to really mourn, so I checked his pack and grabbed a few supplies. I didn’t take any of the “good stuff” because I hoped he would come back and be able to get some of his kit. I felt that evened me out morally.

Then I began walking East, crouching, crawling and avoiding everything I could. I got most of the way to Berezino and ran into a problem. I had a town in front of me. While this might not seem like a problem to most, you have to remember I am very low on health and can only make out the North, East, South, West, points on the compass I had acquired. I couldn’t see the mills that were keeping me heading to my buddy. After a few minutes of debating and questioning myself I decided to go for it. I crawled through most of the town and just as I was clearing the outskirts I ran into a Zed around the corner of a shed. Of course he yelled for back up so I stood and began to fire what I thought were my last rounds among the living. Surprisingly I held my ground and dispatched all those who wanted my brains. I turned around, spent 4 minutes moving my head up and down trying to get a glimpse at my compass (now down to 2400 blood) and decide I am as close to the 040 heading as I am going to get. I get all the way to Polana, and call my buddy up. I tell him where I am, and that I have taken refuge inside of a house and have begun to pass out at regular intervals. No food, no water, and no meds I sit and wait. 30 minutes pass and he still hasn’t left Berezino, and I can hear the shuffling and moaning all around. It is only a matter of time before they find me, so I decide to risk it. I leave the house and begin the slowest and most heart pounding section of my trip.

After a bit of time I manage to make it to the wood line over looking Berezino and I tell my buddy my approximate grid. We begin walking towards each other but he still can’t see me. As the screen was as grey as it could be, vision so blurry I couldn’t tell tree from Zed I decided it was bright enough outside that I could get away with lighting a flare. At least he would be able to find my body. I threw the flare and I then I hear the most amazing thing. He says he can see it and is close by! He runs up and puts the flare out, and walks me into the wood line for cover, I don’t care I’m just happy to not be alone. I give him a bag of blood and we each give the other a transfusion and then begin our own little quest to lookt Berezino.

Had the most amazing time last night! Love this mod.

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It was me and three mates just wandering around the countryside near Zelen. We were looking for supplies in a long warehouse looking thing, killing Z's as we progressed. After a fruitless quest through the warehouse we noticed a barn nearby so we decided to check it out. As we approached we destroyed any Z's we saw nearby. Once at the entrance of the barn we noticed a lone stranger in one of the haylofts. We clearly outnumber this man but we're friendly people. His gun is raised and is aimed at one of my buds. We demand he lower his gun and ask if he is friendly. No response, we ask again. In the middle of the second request I just felt I couldn't take the risk and put a slug in between his eyes.

He doesn't die immediately, he just falls and is incapacitated. As he bleeds out we discuss what to do...

"Can we save him?"

"Should we?"

"What should we do?"

We still have no idea what this persons intentions were as we never got any sort of response. As one of my mates begins to bandage this guy up a rift forms in my squad.

"Lets just end it."

The bandages being wrapped around this barely surviving person couldn't help what happened next. As he lays there no longer bleeding but still incapacitated our navigator takes out his revolver and loads it. He walks, slowly, to the near dead man. He whispers...

"I'm sorry."


A single bullet escaped the barrel of the weapon and entered the nameless strangers skull. It was our first collective murder. He never fired a shot but to me it just seems like he was contemplating it. He was acting like a person who would've shot if he wasn't outnumbered. Does that justify taking him out? Maybe... probably not though, but that's how things are in the harsh world of Chern... You have to survive. He was a risk and we eliminated it.

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I demand to see comic strips of the stories!

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I ran up to a guy and shot him in the head with gun after saying i was friendly. I took his ALICE bag and his rifle and headed to the closest tower. I threw flares around me and began searching for curious people. If people approached me I would shoot them. Got about 9 people killed when I noticed someone below looting my victims. I shot one bullet which missed and he ran behind a wall saying "I'm friendly" at least 20 times and even yelled out on his mic. I responded to him saying he could come up and join me. We killed many people for a good hour and we took turns going down to loot and scavenge for items. Until it was time for me to sleep, I told him it was good playing together and he had a sick aim. I was ready to disconnect from the server after I gave him a salute, but I stopped for a second and went back into the game. He was already down on the floor, prone and looking for others. I grabbed my revolver and shot him 3 times in the head, leaving the loot there. Had good dreams that night.

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I were running from a horde in Elektrozavodsk. I decided to go in the downtown office building as its easily defendable and has usually lots of ammo. Apparently my gunshots lured 4-5 guys, one of them being a bandit (No idea if they were going to kill me/just wait for the zombies to kill me or help).

I heard some footsteps downstairs, took good position and asked if they were friend or foe. Suddenly a bandit shows up, he is not responding to my calls so i shoot him. Then i hear way more footsteps, i think its more bandits and take the dead bandits AK74 (Winchester isnt exactly good for fighting multiple guys in close quaters). Then 3-4 survivors show up and tell me politely i killed their mate and if i could give his AK74 back.

I agreed and ran the hell out of there.

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I started on the coast completely new to Dayz, outside a town on the coast. Zombies are everywhere. I knew they were blind, so I began slowly making my way through the village. The moonlight periodically cast a shadow of a zombie, then another, then 5 more. Eventually I found myself crawling through the town, zigzagging through groups of zombies. Shitting my pants.

Finally I saw some flares and then, just for a second, a flash of movement as another player ran past about 100 meters north. Suddenly I heard 3 shots, and saw at least 5 zombies running towards the sound. Minutes later the shots stopped and all I could see was a group of them, eating what was left of the guy.

I ran in the opposite direction, eventually stumbling onto a road. "This is good," I thought, so I ran down the road until I saw someone tossing out flares. Bern. I try to call out to him, but he doesn't say anything. Just salutes and runs down the street, tossing flares recklessly. Suddenly 3 zombies run out of the woods and take him down. I checked his body, and apparently he'd used his last bullets on them.

Before long, after crouch-running for what was probably 20 minutes, I came to a house. After taking a second to figure out how to work my flares i tossed a couple out to find one solitary zombie walking down the street in front of it. *pop* *pop*. 2 shots from the makarov and he's down. I start walking slowly towards the house, hoping for a new weapon or maybe some food, when suddenly my vision goes red and 5 or 6 bullets hit me. I turn around and return fire -- but it's too late, I die.

It all took about a half hour, constant paranoia and nervousness and it was just some random PK who I was trying to tell I was friendly. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

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My faith in the community of Day Z has been restored.

Tonight, about 2am, I logged in after bugging through the tower of firehouse at the Northwest airfield and breaking my legs. To my surprise, not having any broken bones, but I digress. After logging in, I continued my expedition of the airfield, heading north, crawling and snaking my way through the hordes of zombies, upon arriving to the top two hangars furthest north, I noticed a player walking along the side of it. To my dismay, I dropped my glowstick and extinguished it as quickly I could, not wanting to get killed. I crawled my way back to the other side of the building I was next to, only to be greeted by the player I had the chance of getting to see beforehand. We both stood there at the opposite ends of the wall for what seemed an eternity before we both darted back in cover, I heard him shout out, "Woah, woah, hold on... are you friendly?" I replied in direct "Y-yes yes I'm friendly." (which he probably did not hear on account of direct being broken as of now)

In the panic I had apparently stood up and sprinted for cover, alerting a nearby zombie to my position. I panicked and unloaded on it. Over my gunshots hearing him say, "Woah!" I had no choice but to sprint away from the building I was on, exposing myself, but to my surprise, he joined in, helping me kill the zombies. By the end of the whole ordeal we were both wounded and bleeding, I apparently contracted Parkinson's from one of the said zombies that struck me in the firefight. After it was all said and done, we both sort of stood there and looked at each other. I didn't want to take any chances and took off farther north from the direction he came, and he went down south, the direction I had come in.

Fast forward about 15 minutes, including some friendly chat in side. I scouted the rest of the airfield, with no luck in finding painkillers. I was weary to ask such a thing, but did anyway. "Do you have any spare painkillers, I can trade for them." He replied, "No, not currently." Another few minutes pass and he says to me, "I've found some painkillers." Some more chatting passes and I let him know I didn't even have any ammo for my AKS, we ended up meeting at the same spot we first had our encounter. I was sure to be on my best behavior, not wanting to give him a reason to fill me full of his buckshot, standing with my main weapon lowered as he approached, he gave me my needs, I asked if he needed anything in return and declined. He then proceeded to lead me to a building he had come across that had an m4 (i think) with an m203 grenade launcher on the bottom, along with quite a few stanag rounds and a smoke for the launcher.

Long story short, after my friend had some bad luck earlier in the same server, we vowed to kill anyone on sight. I have since changed my mind thanks to a true saint in the zombie apocalypse.

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You are hilarious. In your first post you complain about lack of teamwork and senseless killings, then second post is this story.

Don't you work at politics IRL? :D

Nice story though....

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(which he probably did not hear on account of direct being broken as of now)

Direct is broken? Is that why i was talking to someone and they didn't say anything? Or is the fact that he "Saluted" indicative of him not having a microphone?

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(which he probably did not hear on account of direct being broken as of now)

Direct is broken? Is that why i was talking to someone and they didn't say anything? Or is the fact that he "Saluted" indicative of him not having a microphone?

From my experience, it seems to not work, rebinding the key, etc..

Didn't even see the chat I typed out in direct.

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I was making my way across the map when I stumbled across an unmarked airfield. I cautiously moved around the outside of the inner wales, being sure to keep trees between me and any potential bandits. Suddenly the silence was broken with a loud "CCCCRRRAAAAAAACCCCCKKKKKKKK whiz..." of a high powered rifle. I saw a nearby zombie drop to the ground. I immediately went prone and rolled to cover and waited. In the background I could distinctly hear a low "chop-chop-chop-chop" I hadn't yet heard in dayz and recognized it immediately as a helicopter. Sure enough this helicopter comes landing near the hangars of the airstrip and the pilot jumps out. "CRRRRRAAAACCKKKKK whiz...." the high powered rifle fired toward the helicopter. I slowly moved toward the gunshot and waited. Sure enough a bandit comes low crouched out moving to a better position, needless to say I dropped him with 4 winchester slugs at 25 yards. He had a CZ and an AK with 5 mags.

I'm doing my part, how about you?

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This morning while playing in the awesome first person, no third server. I had a pretty elite character. For some time I was cautious with my actions and used some military scouting (I'm an arm-chair soldier :D)

I lost interest in scouting and thought "why not go to that cool NW airport?"

I went, and I was killed.

I didn't care. I had the best adrenaline rush at the time.

So, I start over again. No compass, no map, etc.

I been 'navigating' on Arma for such a long time. So I knew my sun location and shadow hints. I Ran North and ignored the zombies. Why bother shooting them when you can play SNAKE with zombies? :P

I ran and ran with a horde of zombies following.

By the time I ran up to Devil's Castle, I already had 30+ Zombies chasing me LOL.

I knew where I was at!

All I had to do was run N, NW. And boy! 20 minutes of running I approach that damned NW airport lol.

I ran across every known hiding point bandits LOVE to camp. And on the bottom of the screen, loads of people were like "wtf?" "Did you see that? lol" but they didn't explain what they were so awed about lol.

I knew they were talking about my zombie trail. LOL.

Every now and then I see people disconnect as I approach him or her.

I think I cleared the majority of bandits on the server? For a limited time only at Taco Bell!

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that's dedication


Kleiner and I didn't get off on the best foot, so to speak, but we're good friends now. After a series of death and near death experiences, and a quite impressive collection of reasonable rifles (none of the uber-loud military shit), we decided all we needed at this point was some medical supplies for our friend we were planning on meeting soon (who was hanging on by a thread, tripping over his own feet and passing out every two minutes, traveling up the coast for a good hour). So our next location was the hospital. After raiding a few warehouses on the way there (and figuring out was the map marker "299" meant) to stock up, we made our way down the hill, coming in from north west west headed south east. Both fully equipped with maps, knives, bionics, and every other possible item you can think of (other than NVG!) we made our approach, eventually reaching the last treeline before the plains that lead to the city. From here, we found a tree stand, climbed up, and Kleiner took out his binocs to check out the city. As I picked up the SMG on the ground, he groaned. Apparently, the place was swarming with zombies.

"They're going insane over there!"

I pulled out my own bioncs to see what he was talking about. I didn't see anything.

"Move a bit so I can stand where you are."

I still couldn't see them.

"Between the fence in the building."

To my dismay, he was right. That was the hospital, and it was absolutely surrounded by enraged zeds. With a sigh, we both climbed down, eventually deciding to at least get a better look at the situation. As we came to a warehouse on the outskirts (taking out a few Zeds on the way), we noticed someone over the radio shouting for help. He had actually been doing so for a good hour or so, but neither of us had been paying attention. I took out my own binocs, and spotted someone on the roof of the hospital.


It appeared he had some sort of high caliber rifle, and had attracted the whole damn horde. The last building we needed to hit to finish our supply run before setting up in the woods and helping our friend, and it was covered with at least 30 to 40 zeds. Eventually we decided to give it a shot anyway (Kleiner having a sniper), and radioed we were coming to help. From a hill in the distance, we took shots, and immediately drew a crowd of zeds. We retreated back to the warehouse, picking off the trail from there.

This repeated three or four times.

Eventually we got the crowd down to 10 or so zeds, but in the process we had only ten or so bullets between us (my SMG mag had somehow fallen out of my bag). That's when I remembered I had picked up three grenades. I was mad, I was mad this guy was so stupid to fuck up our last trip into the city, and I was mad he was wasting our ammo.


I ran towards the hospital, Kleiner in tow. We ran through the windows, shouting for the Duane, the man on the roof, to come down to help us. Eventually, after taking a shot or two, all of the 30+ zombies were trying to get through the front entrance. This was it. I threw my grenade.

The whole crowd dropped. So did Kleiner.

I ran across the room to him, and more appeared. He was down, and I was doing everything I could to stop the bleeding. It wasn't enough. I shouted.


I took as many blood packs as I could, tossed another grenade to get rid of the new crowd, and got out, tears running down my face. I removed my hat, and took a moment of silence for my fallen comrade.

I convinced Duane to take Kleiner's ALICE pack and get out of there, and pick up any more blood packs to give to me. He ran towards the barn, another ten or twenty zombies behind him. It was ridiculous. This guy was a complete idiot.

"How do you think I feel?!" he moaned. What a stupid prick.

Even when he showed up, he didn't have the ALICE pack. Aggravated, I went back to the hospital to get it myself (which was now clear of zeds), to find someone had already looted Kleiner, and went as far as to take the body. It was a disgrace. I turned to Duane, punched him in the face, took everything I could find, and went on the roof in a huff. Duane would go to live another day, despite how tempting it was to kill him myself. The bastard got Kleiner killed, and for what?

I sat down, uttering one word;


-Fyodor "Guts" Vyhor

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This one happened over the weekend while I was playing under the name "Grim" :

Back pressed to the dinning room wall of a dilapidated residence, they just kept coming. The house filled with low groans, creaks, and tortured footsteps. I shoved the last of my shells into my old winchester, I say it was "mine," in so much as the grass, birds, and waves could be "mine." It was obvious that the original owner took great pride in its care, even going so far as to meticulously clean every inch of the decorative finishing of the barrel. The hunk of mud and powder could barely be mistaken for the art it was before as the barrel erupted painting the entryway a deep red. Pictures lay about the place, there appeared to be a family photo featuring a tender smiling young woman in the embrace of a serious looking man, standing over two rosey cheeked children. There were 5 placemats set about the enormous dinning room table scrambled around. Clearly the family was expecting a guest when the outbreak occured, now only myself and half of the town’s undead visited. I dove through a broken window out itno the street, shaking the glass from my hair I sprinted towards a lone factory. I dispatched the last of them with my revolver and the quietness of the wilderness set in. My head pounded, and my hands shook as I fumbled through my bag.


I was out of painkillers.

I put out a call for medical help, and within minutes I got a response. He said he could see me and that he was on his way. I sat surveying the treacherous field of undead he’d have to navigate on his stomach. “This is crazy,” mumbled “surely he’ll be torn apart.” 10 arduous minutes later he made it to the factory. We exchanged greetings, and I promptly downed the offered painkillers. He said he didn’t normally help survivors in a bind because of unwanted attention, but was feeling a little adventurous today. “Thanks, I really can’t thank you enough man” I would find myself repeating. We decided we’d team up for a short while to make a run to a nearby military camp. Jackpot! Assault rifles, medical supplies and all the food we’d ever need could be found just lying about the open. During our expedition a can of beans had accidentally fallen out of my bag, and with a loud “CLANNNGGGGG” it hit the pavement. We both stopped. Suddenly loud cries and footsteps shambled towards us. “RUN, GET THE F- OUT OF HERE” he said. We ran back towards the only landmark we really knew, the factory we had met in and sprinted up the stairs. We immediately took up positions on the second floor, picking off our undead assailants as they clambered over their dead comrades towards us.

With the horde finally dispatched we agreed it was best we head our separate ways, wishing each other luck I turned to survey an adjacent field. The last thing that went through my head, before the bullet fired from a bandit, was "that was a close one..."

Upon respawn someone found the bodies of me and my new friend. Anyways a drink to the bro who lost everything just to help another survivor out. I’m sorry I don’t remember your name, but I can’t thank you enough for your kindness, it was fun. Also, sorry about all that :P

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I apparently contracted Parkinson's from one of the said zombies that struck me in the firefight.

Fucking Lol'd

Yesterday i was meeting up with someone up in cherno and it was literally in my view.I'm running about 10 feet away from the coast when i see a bandit that just spawned.He sees me and we both pause for about 10 seconds.I show that i'm not a hostile and try to walk slowly around him,then the bastard takes 5 shots at me with his makarov.Two of them hit me and i run behind a fence a few feet away.I bandage myself and peek around the corner and he empties his clip into the fence and at that point its now or never.I come around the corner squeezing off 5 shots before he goes down.I slowly walk up to his body and see that there is a (check pulse) prompt,i check it and it says his pulse is strong.I walk over to him,crouch and put the makarov to his head before putting two more rounds in the bastards skull.

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A couple dayz ago me and a member of my team were around the NW airport with a couple of sniper rifles. Myself an M24, and my friend a DMR. We were hunting for survivors hoping for a nice score at the ATC or firehouse, that we hoped could potentially have some high end gear we were in search of at the time. We had set up in a location most would never think to setup in, to help avoid detection. There was the typical chatter on side chat, and some of it had piqued our attention. Somebody was talking about the NW airfield, and possible bandit activity. We had been in position long enough, to know that nobody had spotted our infiltration, and were unconcerned with the warnings that were more general in nature than specifically regarding us. First man in line was known as Hartman, who appeared to have a team of 3 or 4 with him. We knew only for sure of one other team member, but side chat eluded that he may have had 1 or possibly 2 others with him as well. Hartman had positioned himself in an over watch position and was patiently observing the entire airfield attempting to spot any blood thirsty bandits moving around the buildings in search of kills. He was smartly cautious and observed a group of 4 men entering the airfield nearby his position. The one name I recall from this group, was John Doe, and so I'll call the group his. john's group quickly identified themselves as friendly, and that they would do him no harm. They had a sniper with them, who had positioned himself in a tower for over watch as well, and Hartman let them know he saw it. The sniper dismounted the tower and moved with the group up towards the northern side of the field. We estimated now at least 8 men in two groups on the field, and decided to reposition ourselves to a more defensible position. En route to our position we observed John's group up at the hangers on the northern end, and took a quick maneuver to get a better look at what they were doing. Not a few seconds later they all grouped up in one spot, looking at a pile of gear, it was too juicy to pass up. I called out targets to my team mate, and we prepared to engage. I counted down and at the same time we fired. BAM BAM! Two of John's group sprung a leak. The unsuspecting survivors, still in their gear menus, were more than surprised. They had no time to react before the second volley was in the air. BAM BAM. The first two guys go down, as the other two begin to scramble. One survivor tucks into the nearby corner for saftey smartly. However confusion had set in for the other survivor, he scrambles to move across the wide doorway for cover, but halfway across changes his mind. He must have seen the error of trying to cross the long way to get to the other corner, or felt he should attempt to save his buddies. Either way, it was his mistake to own, along with two rounds of 7.62. We fired simultaneously, and the rounds slammed into his chest, blood spurting everywhere. Down he goes in the middle of the doorway, to lay in a pool of his own blood and die. The last of John's group sitting in the corner witnessed it all, and remained tucked in the corner, fearing for his own life. Amidst the carnage another man enters the airfield, presumably another Bandit looking for some prey. He rounds the corner of the hanger and takes fire from Hartman's group. Hartman is desperately attempting to find where the shots are coming from and whats going on. In the confusion, the Bandit is wounded in the legs and is attempting to crawl away. Hartman doesn't finish him off, because text chat between his group and John's last survivor makes Hartman think the Bandit is one of John's guys. They quickly leave their positions to come help bandage the guy, but they are too far south, but don't know it yet. All the while my team is rapidly repositioning to get an angle on the guy in the corner. When we finally get to our next spot, we see him and the wounded bandit attempting to get away. Countdown, BAM BAM! The bandits head now rests on the weeds. Shift target, BAM BAM! The remaining survivor of the John Doe party freaks, "Should I move? I'm bleeding, should I bandage? My screen is black and white, and shaking, WTF do I do?" BAM BAM, too late buddy.... shoulda moved, have a nice nap. By now Hartman's party is near the ATC, and gets word that John's team is all having a party on the beach, with new pistols and all. They quickly get distracted by shiny objects and begin looting the firehouse wholesale to the amazement of my friend and I. We contemplate if the text is a lure or not, but can quickly spot Hartman's team moving about the firehouse. We reposition to get a good shot on the area. During our move, one of Hartman's guys dime him out, and ID exactly what weapon he is carrying. This now becomes our priority, since he was the self appointed Sheriff of the NW Airport. once in position, we quickly ID 4 survivors milling about the ATC and the firehouse, one is carrying the weapon identified in chat. Its not long before Hartman stops in the open, Firing, BAM BAM! My friends round drops just short, mine sparks of Hartman's weapon. SHIT! He turns and runs to the firehouse just a meter or two away, ans shuts the doors, leaving one of his sidekicks in the open. Fall behind, left behind, lol! Dude runs to the ATC for cover, as we scan the windows of the firehouse for Hartman to show himself. Nothing appears for a minute or more, until the guy at the ATC pulls a genius move. He climbs to the top of the ATC, and climbs the ladder up to the roof. As he reaches the top, and slowly takes his weapon off his back, a 7.62 round lands squarely in his mouth, sending him to meet John's party on the beach. We wait for a few more minutes, and suspect that Hartman has snuck out the back door. We reposition and spot some slimy survivor belly crawling towards the fence. BAM! 7.62 right in the brown eye, thats gotta sting. One more for good measure, and his slither to freedom screeched to a halt. We wait a few more minutes, still no sight of Hartman. We decide to go in for the kill. We approach the firehouse, pistols at the ready and enter the back door. I go in first, and see a survivor foolishly standing in front of the now open bay doors, peering through a set of binoculars towards no area we were previously at. He must have heard a foot step, because as I entered the room, he lowered the binocs and went for a weapon. I aim and furiously hammer round after round into his body BAM BAM BAM! Blood begins squirting everywhere, and he attempts to evade and twist to return fire. BAM BAM BAM! Blood everywhere, he falls limply to the ground, small fountains of more blood spewing out of the several holes in his body. One more down, but he wasn't carrying the weapon Hartman had. We search the tower quickly and clear the building. No sign of Hartman. We leave the building and search the perimeter, still no sign. We search the common paths leading away from the airfield, and still nothing. He got away. Well played Hartman, well played.

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Im not that good at writing long stories so this will be pretty short.

So i had just died at the hands of a bandit who shot me in the back and spawned near the lighthouse west of Cherno. i decided to look up there since there was nothing better to do. to my surprise there were two dead survivors and a dead zed. i got binoculars, baked beans, 4 makarov mags, a bottle of water, and a watch. i had just finshed sorting the gear when i see someone bolting down the road. i follow him for about 50 meters, then he stops to get a look around. i have a mic and direct communication works for me so i say, "FRIENDLY, dont shoot!" i talk to him and he says hes going to cherno to collect his gear from his body.(his name is PVT.Donica i think) i decide to follow him and help him get his stuff. on the way there, between sprinting and crouch running, we get a third member, IAmTheCheese. He seems nice so we let him come along. by this time, im down to 4 mags, and we are making our way past a wall when the distinct scream we all know rings out. Donica shouts "RUN!" and we all both bolt. someone who i forgot isnt so lucky.

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[align=center]-My Ongoing Adventure-

Part 2[/align]

When I woke the next morning I checked on my gear. Most of it was still there, but I was missing my spare glock, and a couple of magazines. I suspected some sneaky ninja had dug around my tent whilst I was asleep, so I abandoned it in the woods. I continued my journey North towards the best airfield Chernarus has to offer. I figured if rescue was coming, it would be there.

As I neared Sosnovka I noticed quite a few zeds wandering in the open. I ducked into the forest and pulled out my binoculars. After a few moments I noticed another survivor sneaking about. He went inside a couple of buildings and was doing a pretty good job of sneaking around the zeds. I made a couple of attempts to contact, but with no response I decided it would be better to bypass the town entirely. No need to foolishly approach someone who may or may not have good intentions. Chances are these types are so scared shitless that when they see another human being they don't know what to do except murder them outright.

I arrived to Pustoshka and it was relatively quiet, save for the birds and my footsteps. It was a bit eerie, a song began to play. I assume it came from one of the abandoned houses, but it didn't really help my mood as it was a pretty dark sounding song. During my rummaging I heard a twig snap. Quickly, I ducked under the window sill. Footsteps were drawing nearer. Slowly I peeked over the edge of the window. A zed was meandering about. He was within 15 meters of the house I was in, and a couple more were wandering in the distance. "Shit!" I thought to myself. I packed the cokes and pork -n- beans cans into my bag and crept to the door. As luck would have it, the moment I peered out to find him was when he was looking directly at the door. With a loud groan he charged me. I fell back into the house and kicked the door shut. I pulled my revolver out and watched in silent terror as the dust on the door was being pounded away by the enthusiastic monster that wanted more than a can of beans for lunch. Suddenly *BOOM*. The door flung open, slamming so hard into the wall it jammed itself in the hole it created. The zed lurched forward and with a quick exhale I squeezed the trigger. My battle had begun, and was about to get a lot worse. The round found a home in his left eye socket. His head popped back so far I thought I had blown it clean off. The first shot alerted the other undead freaks in the area. I decided to work my way into the dining room, hoping the table would be enough of an obstacle to slow them down. There was about five of them, all trying to get in a small doorway. They jammed themselves up a bit on their way in. I managed to keep cool and methodically raised the sights on my revolver. Each round needed to find their mark precisely, and they did. In all, six dead zeds with gunshot wounds to the head. I emptied my revolver and the jingle of empty shells reminded me of Christmas. For the first time since this started I gave thought to what was happening. These used to be actual people, with their own lives. Now they are hollowed out shells of the former selves...more hollow now. I had to snap out of it. I reloaded the revolver and stepped over the corpses. As quickly as it began, the fight was over. I had to get out of town and continue my travels.

During my walk I tried to hum the theme to ducktales, but for some reason it wasn't coming to me. Kind of unusual considering once that song is in your head it's stuck for a week. My stomach started to grumble, so I grabbed some shade underneath a nearby tree. I forced open the pork -n- beans and practically drank it like a milkshake. "I knew I should've packed some silverware...or salt and pepper at least" I said aloud. Sometimes talking to yourself is the only way to get through times like these. I popped open a coke and lit a smoke. This would be most relaxed moment on my journey. I dropped the butt into the empty coke can and left the scraps. I needed the room in my pack and who was gonna complain about litter in this new world? I packed up and continued when suddenly I remember the ducktales theme. I hummed the first two verses before I saw it. The empty towers and dull, grey walls surrounding the airfield.

I crouched and jogged towards an opening in the fence I found. Evidence of others before me. I hugged the ground and crept forward. Hoping for the best, fearing the worst, I crested the hill obscuring the runway. Empty. A cow had made a new home of the once proud facility. I peered through my binoculars and saw evidence of the fate of those that were here before. Broken down humvees, and dead soldiers littered the hangars where planes used to live. I stayed in my spot for awhile. The sun was starting to set when I saw movement. A group of survivors were scavenging the remains. They were dressed differently though. Wearing camo and head wraps, they looked fairly organized. They had some decent firepower as well. I thought it best to not alert them to my presence. Now would be my best bet to find a place to take refuge in for the rest of the night. I crawled into the trees nearby and noticed a few barracks. When I was completely out of sight I propped myself up to a crouch and walked into the nearest one. I shut the door behind me. I rummaged around a bit and then I found my most valuable possession. An almost new AK with a green dot sight, complete with four magazines. I found a bunk to nestle in. I shut all the doors and propped a chair up against the door to the room I was in. That night I slept with my new AK by my side in a somewhat comfortable bed. I thought to myself how lucky I was to have made it this far.

-End of Part 2-

-End of Part 2-

Stay tuned for part 3

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This might not interest anyone but here I go;

The moonlight is shining down on me as I slowly creep through Vybor, Silenced M9 in hand. I've logged back in after, foolishly, leaving myself in a shop whist at work. The shuffle and murmur of zombies is soothing as my ears and eyes slowly adapt to the darkness. Everything is still and calm as I leave the town toward the North East.

However the silence is broken and red fills my peripheral vision, hitting the deck and slowly crawling into the shadow of a bush I watch as 5 survivors perform a fighting retreat to their North into a barn. It looks as if they have alerted the warehouse area to Vybors East and bitten off more than they can chew. I follow the group from afar, trying to gauge their inentions and see if it would be safe for me to provide assistance. Preparing for the worst I ready my M4A1 CCO and calculate the rough range now that I have moved closer to the barn.

What proceeded was a tense conversation where the group informed me they had one critically injured man and needed assistance, however the names of those involved were unknown to me, and as always night-time brings out paranoia. I refused to meet and treat the casualty directly, however I did have supplies they could use. A simple demand was given, stay in your barn or else I will shoot, wait for my signal to move on.

Slowly and methodically I moved to a small shack not more than 5m away from the barn, dropped a range of medical items and rapidly pulled back keeping my eyes on the barn at all times. They did not see me, and once away I informed the group where they could find their items. It felt good to hear the casualty was stabalised however without blood packs of meat he was ineffective, I had neither, but proceeded to watch the group incase they ran into trouble.

They split into 2, 3 Hunters went out to the East checking for animals, 1 man stayed with the casualty to keep him secure. They were sitting ducks for anyone in the area, a beacon of light atop a small raise, in an open field, with nothing but a wooden barn to keep them from the elements. I approached the barn and offered to take a look at the wounded whilst I had the advantage, the group was far away to not disrupt me and I had superior firepower incase they decided my gear was to be theres. Checking the casualty I administered an Epi-Pen and more Morphine which seemed to wake him up before pulling out. Once into the darkeness I yet again moved into overwatch just as the hunting party returned.

At not one point did they know where I was, and I had perfect visuals on them throughout. It was an amazing feeling to see them run off as a group ready to cause more noise and mess, and I hope the appreciated the risk I took to help a stranger.

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Didnt know whether to write this in character or not, but i felt it would be more entertaining as a short story, explaining it in context of the game would spoil it i think. so.... (im a bit of an writer, so indulge me)

The brush in front of me gently swished back and forth in the wind, from my perch behind an old cobblestone wall on the hill i could see down into the town, the last rays of daylight grasping at the myriad windows of homes, shops and the large industrial complex to the west. I settled the binoculars on my knee as i reached for my pack; plenty of food, slugs and water, but i was sorely lacking in meds. A spasm of pain rolled through my arm, bringing into sharp recollection the afternoon is stumbled through Stary Sobor.

I had to make it to the hospital if i was to stand a chance back in the wilderness. Packing the binoculars back into my pack i hauled it onto my back and nestled my grasp back into the grip of my winchester and pulled the stock to the crutch of my shoulder, the pressure eased the pain in my forearm slightly as the hard wood pressured the blood back into my cramped nerves, and i set off down the hill towards an unfinished office building. Skidding the last few feet down a gravely slope i flopped against the wall, pitted with small calibre gun fire, and edged my face through the windowless aperture. It was darkening, the sun was a smoky pink on the distant horizon, throwing the city shapes into high contrast shadows on the inky backdrop threatening to envelop the twilight countryside.

Quiet, the eerie moans and shuffling of the infected couldnt be heard, even at this proximity to the town, Chernarus was one of the hardest hit when the virus spread, to be this close and not hear any sign of life was both a comfort and a disconcerting feeling. Pressing off on the balls of my feet i sprinted across the main rail line and into a line of large cargo containers, serial numbers marking the last day goods were delivered before the docks were closed and the continent quarantined, shortly after the rail lines would stop operating too. Still nothing, no signs of life, not even the dim red glow of a flare from another survivor that could usually be seen at dusk, thrown by some poor soul trying to illuminate his path attracting the usual bands of villainous wolves who preyed on them, you learn quickly to move in the darkness, or you dont.

About thirty yards away was the entrance to a cafe, door was open, so it might not be as empty as it seemed. Reaching the front door i poked my muzzle through, empty, and hauled myself up the stairs. The glass in the windows was clean and offered a decent view onto the green below and the train yard adjacent to it, sitting here for a bit would let me watch and see if i was followed. About half an hour passed and from the same tree line i sprung from came a half dozen blue lights, chem sticks, and they spread out into the city, their confidence in their numbers emboldening their approach, covering the ground in half the time it had taken me. Two of the lights split off and started in my direction, it would be too late now to run from the building to the docks so i checked the chamber of my winchester and settled in behind a bed in the western most bedroom.

They reached the cafe in a few minutes, i could hear both men mumbling to each other, they clearly werent looking for me as they made no effort to conceal their being there, i skirted round the room and stood at the doorway, the first man poked his head through and i pressed the muzzle of my rifle to his temple and told him to lower his weapon, an M4 a versatile and highly lethal weapon, but too loud for my taste, if he fired that thing we'd soon find out if there were any infected. He pleaded his case to me, i assumed, he spoke only in russian, and i lowered my rifle and allowed him to back away, he barked something to his friend but before he could finish his next word, the window opposite him split as a sniper round found his neck, his comrade immediately dropped fumbling with a field dressing and a transfusion kit, i pressed myself up against the frame of the door shielding my eyes as four more rounds buried them selves in the wall, another finding the other russian's skull as he tried to bandage his comrade. I edged slightly to the frame and saw the other four blue light heading to the hospital, stopping as rifle rounds were fired over their heads. I took this chance to get out. I sprinted past the two dead men, picking up the blood bag and chem lights as i ran.

I made it to the back of the building and pushed myself into an alley, the shots were coming thick and fast now, the shooter either had friends or the blue lights had close in sufficiently close to return fire. My answer came as a round chipped the plaster in the door way opposite me, a second shooter, not as good a shot, i stepped back and lobbed one of the chem lights into the open and ran in the opposite direction, i heard the rounds thud into the dirt as the marksman fell for my gamble. One chem light left, id need it to identify myself to the other blue lights in the hope that theyd recognise me as one of the two men returning. I was in a position now to see the street the hospital was on, it was clear, for now, but too dangerous to approach. I took advantage of the gun fire to shatter the glass on the hospital front and ran to approach from the front via a line of buildings. The fighting reached a point here, as the blue lights, which i could now see as other survivors, were climbing the ladders now to the roof, i signalled my blue light and approached, but instead of climbing the ladder i went for the meds. Plenty of supplies, i took a handful of morphine shots and painkillers and turned round.

I turned into a wall of infected, they must have flooded through the western side of town towards the gun fire, i fired all my slugs and pellets and hardly dented the horde, i pulled out my sidearm and waited for a break, when it came i headed south towards the sea, hoping i could lose them at the docks, as i reached the middle of the road i felt an incredible pain in my spine as one the marksmen saw me and dropped me in the street. As i bled out on the floor he used one final bullet to spare me being eaten alive.

i love this fucking game.

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Observed a lone survivor at the north east airport. He was alternating between sneaking and running around, and eventually had too many zombies on him. He killed most of them, and then ran away.

I made my approach, collected all the loot from everywhere, and left. My only violent encounter was a frag + single-tap on two military zombies. The bozo before me had done all the dirty work ;)

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