Reklin 56 Posted May 17, 2012 Here's my story.>dream game' date=' instant buy>have first character for 12 hours, meet up with friend>friend is laggy as shit even though we both have 15 ping but it's cool>step on rock>screen starts shaking then instadeath>after 30 mins of trying to log on I give it another try>cherno>zombies literally teleporting at 15 pingGG DayZ, maybe I'll play again in a few weeks once rocks don't kill you instantly.[/quote']I've never died to a rock. You probably got shot.It's an alpha, your 15 ping means nothing, it's still an alpha, and the HIVE server was still built for a handful of servers, not 100+ servers and twenty thousand unique logins.GG Furthermucker, this is not the game for you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Futhermucker 3 Posted May 17, 2012 I've never died to a rock. You probably got shot.It's an alpha' date=' your 15 ping means nothing, it's still an alpha, and the HIVE server was still built for a handful of servers, not 100+ servers and twenty thousand unique logins.GG Furthermucker, this is not the game for you.[/quote']It was the rock. I slipped into a small crevice and my screen shook for a good 10 seconds before I died. I've had other people report it happening to them too, consider yourself lucky. I know it's alpha, I just genuinely wonder how people can play with such unbearable lag. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DasMetzger 3 Posted May 17, 2012 Frustrated with my squadmates' plan to raid the NW airfield, I instead decided to head east up to Krasnostav to raid the convenience store that had become a normal stop for me. I creepy crawled straight into town with only a handful of zeds alerted as I closed on the front door and quickly dispatched them with my makarov, laying still and keeping quiet to listen for more of them. Feeling safe, I poked around the store and found some bandages and a 1911 with a few magazines, but nothing else of value. After stuffing the pistol into my backpack, I decided it would be a good idea to head up to the nearby lake to look for a cow or something to eat and to fill up my canteens. Navigating by hilltops, I made my way up to the ridge above the barn at the lakeside and quickly dispatched the roving undead with 3 rapid shots from my DMR. Eyeing every point I'd hide if I were gonna ambush someone at the lake, I creep my way down the hill and wait a few moments before dispatching and gutting a cow. I quickly build a fire and cook the meat, scarfing two of the steaks down to get my blood up. After snuffing the fire and moving down to the waters edge, I put everything but 3 mags for my rifle and my 2 canteens into my pack and shuck it onto the ground, dropping the DMR a few feet away. A quick drink swim and refill later, I find that my pack is gone. Cursing to myself I pick up my DMR and the three mags, quickly stuffing them into my pockets. I rub my face in frustration and consider my options... I just ate so I won't need to eat for a while, and I have enough water to make it all the way to Cherno if I REALLY wanted to. Ammo is going to be a problem, though, what with only three mags for both my DMR and 1911. I click over to my squad's radio channel and inform them of my situation and tell them I'm going to head for the NE airfield. They wish me good luck and I start trekking along, hugging treelines and always eyeing the horizons. I approach the two warehouse/barns just shy of the airfield and investigate quickly, crawling and generally being as Solid Snake as possible to avoid the local zeds. Just my luck... Absolutely nothing of value. I swallow hard and consider my options, finally deciding to hook my way around the lowlands and approach the airfield from the north, knowing a shack over that way that might hold something interesting. After working my way around, I am not surprised when the shack has nothing but a single car tire in it. Lovely. Undeterred, I crawl up the hillside and push myself into the edge of the perimeter fence, eyeing the ridges and control tower for snipers or prey. Seeing neither, I start to work my way down the fence line towards the security shack at the end of the runway. This is when things get interesting... I immediately freeze and stare between the hangars, grinning to myself like an idiot. A UAZ! It has a nice green camouflage paintjob, too. Giddy as can be, I radio to my squddies that I have spotted the truck, they warn me of its potential as a trap and I agree, asking for backup to sweep from the other end of the compound as fast as they can manage. They figure this is worth a shot and start heading my way from the NW airfield, having found minimal salvage there. I figure I should get a better angle on the UAZ to look for bogies behind it and continue to creep down the fence line, moving as slow as I can manage and keeping my head on a swivel. Just as I hit the end of the fence, I freeze once again, not believing my eyes. Of all things, I see a very salvageable looking Huey parked in the rear of the right hand hangar. I am shaking with excitement as I radio my squaddies again, requesting immediate support. They give me an ETA of 90 minutes. I frown to myself and consider my supplies... My two canteens are still full and I'm not really hungry, so I should be fine for that time. I settle myself into a comfortable position butted against a fence post in a feeble attempt to break up my outline and commence to scan the entire area until my mates arrive. They arrive a bit over their ETA and sweep in from the far side, the marksman with them moving to a vantage point that complements my own. After combing the entire area and figuring we're pretty well off, we set up a nice ambush position in the control tower and draw the zeds in, picking them off with our sidearms. The marksman knocks anything trying to sneak in from above off the ladder out front with a few well placed shots. Laughing and congratulating each other, we pick through the tower quickly, finding a new backpack for myself, an AKM with a few magazines, and some other knickknacks. We find a main rotor assembly and a wheel in the small building next to the fuel tanks and quickly use them to patch up both the UAZ and Huey. After an hour or so of scavving for parts, we get both vehicles in running order and start running fuel from the storage tank to them, one can at a time. The marksman frenetically radios in about movement on the ridge behind the hangars and the three of us on the tarmac hit the deck and crawl into defensible positions. He tells us there are two survivors there, both of them with AKs of some type. One man stays in the hangar with the chopper and myself and the other guy creep our way out and around, crawling through the grass. We open fire on the two men from a classic pincher formation and drive them off without taking any counter fire.Worried about our trophies, our fuel runner gets back to it and the rest of us warily eye all approaches. With the UAZ now filled to capacity and the chopper with about a quarter tank, our marksman spots a man coming up the flat field at the end of the runway. He reports the man is armed with an AK and we assume he is one of the men from before, flanking us or somesuch. A round to the chest from the marksman and he hits the dirt, incapacitated. Paranoid gits we are, myself and a rifleman roadie run up to the man and dispatch him with a few pistol shots. Quickly relieving the corpse of anything useful, we rush back to our defensive positions and wait for the second man to show up. After fifteen minutes of nothing, we quickly fuel the chopper up to one third tank and then get ready to flee.We gather in the hangar the now repaired chopper sits in and distribute weapons and ammo, giving the marksman the ammunition for his weapons we had found and giving one of our riflemen the dead man's ammo. Satisfied with that, we stow excess gear in the chopper and we move to defensive positions, our pilot jumping into the Huey and doing a final check, the marksman moving back to high ground, and the other rifleman squatting by the UAZ outside, ready to take off. The chopper roars into life. We are both scared that someone will hear the rotors churning, and extremely proud that we brought this machine back to life.Our pilot said he used to run medevac missions. After he scooted the Huey out of the hangar without taking it more than a few cm from the tarmac, I believe him. The rifleman jumps into the UAZ and thunders down the runway, headed to pick up the marksman and I sprint over to the chopper and hop into the crew chief seat, leaning in to yell over the roar of the engine spooling up. DUSTOFF! And off we go, screaming into the sky and edging the valley before rocketing away, radioing to our squaddies in the UAZ the coordinates we plan to rendezvous at. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nicraM 137 Posted May 17, 2012 I ended up waking up on a small, what seemed to be a port town, called Balota...It's been days since I remember anything... all I know is, the world is eating itself. Literally.I was saved by a good man named Patton... we nicked named him GoodPatton. Good people! I told him I had a map of the area and we were just outside of Chernogorsk, a major city in the area. When I was better, I told him we could set out together if he wanted. He once again obliged and said something about always appreciating the company.Before we set out we had acquired another in our group... a tan kid, with sharp features and a strong will named, Jru. He was a good shot and wasn't dumb like most people you run into these days... can you really blame them though? They don't understand what is going on... I don't think any of us do.I told Patton about an airstrip that might hold valuable goods to the north. I was feeling better now, and it was about high time we left the comfort of that steel hangar we had taken refuge in overnight. We set out north, and as we got closer to the airpo...airpark, we started seeing lots and lots of bodies. Normally, I wouldn't mind seeing all those dead Zack everywhere... fuck em... but that meant one thing... there were already people here... 50/50 on how that would go.While searching in the airpark, we ran into two more individuals. Never caught their names, but they seemed like decent folk. I swear, even with this whole zombie thing, people still have decency. It is rather touching.With this new found group, we decided it was time to clear out Cherno. So, we set out to the east. We got to the hillside that is NW from the vantage point, when you are facing east in that area. When I was about to suggest to get to the tree line but another person, I think Patton, beat me to it. I agreed and followed him.We got inside the trees, about 100 feet, when I heard the first shot. Muffled, hollow, Whinchester shotgun. And, depending on what ammo, it could be used for longer range shots. Then I heard another shot, then another, this time I heard auto fire and there it was, SNAP right next to my right ear. It was evident they were shooting at our group. From the gunfire, it was heavy caliber, auto and multiple enemies.My heart instantly jumped to an excessive bpm... I ran up the hill, parallel to where I thought the bandits were. And, let's face it, these were bandits, cold blood killers. I then dove and started barrel rolling in a circular manner around to where I thought they would position themselves. It worked.. my fucking god... it worked. So much so, that I got cocky, and started to hurl obscenities at them, telling them I was gonna kill them all.This gave away my position and two out of the three turned to me. I dispatched the two, seeming as one didn't have a clue where I was at, but the other hand an uncanny knack for pinpointing sound. He was hitting me left and right but I put on into his head so fast even I was amazed. I then killed the second and third placing equally accurate shots, but I emptied clips into them, just for good measure...I would have had tons of awesome stuff too... but, sadly... I sat there forever looking at my spoils and was sniped by someone. HEH 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SamStrife 1 Posted May 17, 2012 This night' date=' I was wandering alone in the woods, when I saw a group of 5 bandits. I began to stalk them from a safe distance, just to see where they were going and if I could profit from it, or eventually attack them when they wouldn't expect it. During 20 minutes, I followed them without anyone noticing it. It was easy as they would stop a lot. Eventually they ran in a group of like 8 other bandits, in a village. Things began interesting so I grabbed my binoculars to watch the scene. They all took cover and pointed guns at eachoter, everybody, from both groups was yelling something like "DONTSHOOTOMFGMOTHERFUCKERSDROPYOURWEAPONSFRIENDLYDONTSHOOTMOTHERFUCKER" etc on the local channel. At this point I had a brilliant idea, and shot one bandit of the biggest group with my little winchester, until he died.At this point everybody was batshit and they went full auto at eachotehr while still yelling something like "OMFGOMFGMOTHERFCUKERSTOPSHOOTING" at the same time. Everything went to shit and I was doing my best to not wet my pants out of laugh, as those guys were totally going insane on eachother. It was a bloody violent battle, with the voicecom spamming and the dead guys raging over the group chat. I think that at some point one of them totally freaked out and killed almost fucking everybody - including his own friends.There was only one survivor. Many zombies also attacked (and many got full-auto'd) and the guy was still totally freaking out, shooting in the corners, running and shit. I finished him.Then I came to take the loot. There was a lot of drama this night.[/quote']That is aboslutely awesome! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sparklespice 1 Posted May 17, 2012 All bandits are sinners in the eyes of the lord. They must be purged. I was on my way to Cherno because i heard so much about it. So much violence. So much debauchery. It needed to be purified. However, i was naive. I was going to run in there with a flare in my hand and probably fall prey to a sniper. Then i met Bran. He was a bandit but he said he was attacked first. I didn't believe him. So i looked at him and shot. However i had my flares equipped and so i just threw a flare at him.But he seemed nice. He said he would take me to cherno and show me all the places where loot spawned. We went in together. I followed him as he led me through the streets. We talked, we joked. He even quoted Gurren lagann my favorite anime. I grew to like bran in that short time we spent. He then climbed up a super glitchy ladder to look for loot for me. As he was climbing down, i knew what i had to do. Right before he hit the ground, i unloaded on him. He was able to recover briefly and shoot me a couple times, but I finished him off. That bastard. He asked me "why?". "why'? i replied. "because a leopard can't change its spots, you bandit scum." I didnt touch his gear. It was unclean. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
worbat 13 Posted May 17, 2012 It's a crisp morning in Electro, a man shivers slightly as a brisk wind whips through his drastically inadequate coat, he sits here half crouched half huddled on the edge of a bush, watching, waiting. It's oddly quiet, way too quiet, the only other human contact was a bandit that fled into the town. Shifting position the man groans involuntarily, he's wounded, a bandage is wrapped around his left leg stained red. *CRACK* gunshots, the man's head twists to where the sound is coming from. More cracks and pops, the shots are intensifying, it sounds as if three others are fighting over something."Maybe it's beans" The man says to no one but the air around him. His stomach growls."It had better be beans" he states gruffly pulling up his scavenged rifle from the man that gave him his leg wound.He sights in, from this position he can see all the exits bar the main windows, but no one will break the windows, causes too much attention to whoever might be nearby.The gunshots have stopped now, a small voice in the man's head pushing him to go in closer, to check out the bodies, "They're probably all dead or dying down there, all you have to do is put a bullet in their heads as they cry for aid""Nonsense" another voice states, this ones stronger and more confident. "It's far more likely that there's one survivor left picking over the remains of his 'friends'"."Quiet" The man snorts pushing the voices back into the depths of his mind. "We wait, we watch, we see."Minutes tick by, the only noise is the dull clicking as the man makes adjustments to the range. Suddenly there it is, movement, but slow from the pain, the man misses his chance.More time passes."We need to move to the top of the fire station if you're going to get him" The stronger voice states.The man nods in agreement, takes one last look at the store and breaks into a run.His feet pound down the hill causing a family of rabbits to cower in their burrow shaking.He's through the gate past two dead men on the floor, one has a crossbow bolt sticking out of his throat the other has bite marks all up his side. "Amateurs" The man mutters as he rounds the side of the building.Grasping the first rung of the ladder, he hauls himself up the side of the building. Only two more to go He thinks to himself glancing at his leg, It seems ok, no sign of more bleeding.He glances in the tower window, more death, a bandit this time halfway down the stairs blood still dripping from his broken leg.One more to go.The man reaches his destination a perfect view of the rear of the grocery store.Movement."He's seen you!" The quiet voice is back, but this time it's spitting like a snake. "You're going to die up here just like everyone else!"The man pays it no attention, and merely focuses on the task at hand, there, in the far right room a flash of black on the gray stone walls.He exhales, the only visible part of his prey is the lower leg and knee cap, this will have to be a two shot kill.The man inside the room sits there going through his ill gotten gains he has no idea what's about to happen.*CRACK*An explosion of pain shoots down the man in the stores leg, the bones shattered and it's bleeding, hard. He rolls over.*CRACK*Another shot, this one enters under his chin exiting out of the top of his skull.The man in the store feels pain no longer.Back on the tower the man feels bad, almost evil, this was the first human he'd killed that wasn't in self defence, but the feeling only lasts for a moment. He spits and makes his way down the ladder."He'd better have some bloody beans" 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tartauris 0 Posted May 17, 2012 Nizhnoye.Knew from the very beginning this trip would be hell. One of those crawling bastards chased me all the way from the previous town, decided to chance it and put a round in its head ALMOST too close to town. Thankfully nobody else heard. I managed to crawl my way through the last town and figured it'd be just the same, stay low, move slow, and keep your head on a swivel. Boy was I wrong.I manage to crawl my way into town no problem. Same as usual, wait for zed to walk past before crawling on. But it seems fate's got it in for me today. I notice the crawler too late as I round the fence. For a moment I don't move hoping it doesn't notice. My luck's not that great. I hear a shriek from behind me and jump to my feet. They'll chase me all day down the coast. The only way is through the city. Second hardest that I've ever run in my life. Over and through anything I can find that might slow them down. I spy a ladder leading up to the roof of the warehouse. Last chance to live.I take it. Veering off from the tracks I grab hold of the ladder bars and climb for my life. Thankfully Zed doesn't follow me up here...Only now what? I take inventory. One can of sardines, One can of Coke, 9 flares, and three clips for my Makarov, two of which have one round left. Old habits die hard. A quick headcount confirms my fear. Twelve Zed, Ten rounds...I'd have to pull some crazy ninja shooting to pull this off. I take aim, got plenty of time to line up the shots. I may as well do it right...Needless to say things didn't go as planned. The count is now eight as I load the next mag; One round. It's not like I'm saving it for someone...What I would give to be trapped up here with a girl. I take aim, squeeze the trigger, and another one falls. Seven. I eject the clip...Load my last magazine. One round.Decide to try the radio, maybe someone around can help. The lack of the normal radio chatter isn't very inspiring though. "Screw it, let's give it a go.""Anybody out there? I'm trapped up on the roof of the Nizhnoye warehouse, please respond."...No response...Okay, Plan B. Not knowing what else I can do I start tossing flares about madly. Panic briefly sets in and I start tossing flares left and right.After regaining my sense, I leave a few flares up on the roof, down to three. Hopefully someone will see it and come to investigate. After a few minutes I see movement on one of the other rooftops. Another survivor. I wave, salute, anything and it looks like I do have their attention. My broadcast wasn't sent out that long ago, they MUST have seen me. Maybe they've come to help!The stranger turns around, walks back into the building and is never seen again.Several more minutes pass. Zed's call is maddening. I reload my last magazine. Looks like more Zed coming into town. I chamber my last round and survey the horizon once more. Still nobody. Setting my Makarov down beside me I whip out my tin of sardines and a can of coke chuckling at my last meal. Not even hungry but hey, if I'm going to kick the bucket I may as well do it with a full stomach. Painkillers and Morphine? Thank you very much. Really takes my mind off the fact that there's now something like 30 Zed waiting down there.With a content sigh and still riding the high off the pills and morphine I sit back and take in the sea air. I light up and toss my last two flares...The light is pretty...I stand up, woozy from the drugs...I put the gun to my head......Bang......Bangbang...For a few minutes I'm just standing there on the roof, gun still at my head. Until I realize...I can't hear them anymore. I stare on dumbfounded, gun still held on myself as two survivors sprint past my roost and into another warehouse firing off rounds like crazy. I look down and to my surprise...One left.Here I stand, one round, one runner. I pull the gun away, still not entirely sure how to do this. I can't get a clear shot without falling off the roof. Seems the only way out is down.I slide down the ladder, jump down the last few rungs, take aim and fire. Of all the times, NOW is when I miss. "Lady Luck you WHORE!" I spit as I duck through warehouse the other two survivors ran into. Emerging out the other side, I catch a glimpse of them running off towards the shore. One of them wore a mask so it's time to get some distance. Just when I thought I was free, Zed's scream comes from behind and that same zombie is sprinting after me with a buddy.I run for my god damn life. "Uphill...Gotta...Get up-...hill." Repeating this mantra I sprint on finding my second, third, and fourth wind...The morphine helped a bit. I spot a barn in the distance, open at both ends, time to take Zed on a little detour. They crash into the bales of hay, flailing about inside while I book it out the other end and into the forest, ALIVE... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 17 Posted May 17, 2012 I went north ,up on the hills, over some really tussocky grass, a style, then a drystone wall next to a bubbling stream...Sorry, I'm rambling... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Virfortis 111 Posted May 17, 2012 I wash up on shore and make a run inland. I make it up the hill and see a very nice barn. I sneak in very carefully, crawling and feeling pretty awesome as I sneak right by the zombies. I get into the barn and HOLY MACKERAL! The place was a goldmine. Winchester, CZ, Crossbow, all with plenty of ammo. I pick up the CZ and sight it for 100m (quick use) when I hear someone crawling. I'm already at the top of the barn so I wait it out. Another survivor came running in, bringing the Zeds with him. I didn't really have time to argue over who's friendly, so I put him down with the CZ. I then take my Mak and carefully headshot all 5 zombies. Feeling accomplished, I try to put the Winchester on, only for it to dissapear for some magical reason. I decide it's time to leave, so I carefully make my way out the door, only to get stuck in the door and fracture something because I was sliding along the open side. On my way out I see another survivor rolling across the grass. He didn't see me, but I took him down anyways...or so I thought. He continued to roll and roll, so I put one more CZ round into him to make sure. His body then vanishes, only to be replaced by a magic pop-up survivor which sprays me down with Mak shots, breaking my leg and then spraying a second mag into me to kill me.This, of course, pales in comparison to the time I was on a hospital roof and somehow ran off the edge. I wasn't pushing any keys to move, dude just decided it was time to die. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sj_marcl 4 Posted May 17, 2012 Nice one, MetzgerGood read. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cluis 9 Posted May 18, 2012 Ok, So I decided to give this a go. I am always looking for an excuse to doodle and write. Take a look, lemme know what you think.Cheers,Cluis[attachment=191] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vicriv8282 4 Posted May 18, 2012 I just entered a small farm next to a steep hill. I went into the 2 story hay barn to look for loot. As soon as I left I ran into another player trying to get in. We stared at each other but didn't shoot. "friend or foe?" I asked. He said "friend" so I let him go in the barn. I felt more calm when he turned his back to me. A bandit would never do that. Suddenly, we hear "I see 2 guys entering the barn. We need something to drink really bad. Our water meter is flashing red". I told him there was a water fountain next to the farm house. " Dont shoot. We're coming in". My new found friend and I took up defensive positions around the fountain. We didn't even have to tell each other to. It was instinct. Suddenly, My hands on the keyboard and mouse tensed up as 3 strangers wearing bandit skin entered the barn and walked to the fountain. We just watched each other. No direct chat, no text. 1 by 1 the bandits filled their bottles. As one filled his, the other two watched us. When they were done rotating, they slowly left the barn. They never turned their backs to us. I like to think we all breathed a sigh of relief. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Redrick (DayZ) 72 Posted May 18, 2012 Great work Cluis, twas a good art and read!Got my first bandit kill, down to 3k of blood I logged back in Chern. Found some stairs to the factory, a dead bandit sits at the top, I turn to find another prone to my right. He fires off a round, missing me, I aim and pop a round into the fuckers head. He dies, I win beans. A small but good victory, fucking asshole bandits. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpiritSharD (DayZ) 1 Posted May 18, 2012 Yesterday I was playing with 4 friends and we were communicating over Skype. After messing around for about half an hour trying to find a server we could all join, we ended up spawning quite some distance from each-other. Myself and a friend spawned at Kamenka (sp?), albeit my friend joined the server later; one friend spawned at Cherno and the other at Electro. We decided to beat up at Balota, and when we got there we spent half an hour prone outside the traffic control tower as we had seen a bandit and two other survivors inside; the half an hour consisted of them fighting off seemingly wave after wave of zombies, before we finally decided to enter the building and kill them off whilst they were in a weakened state. Unfortunately we must've drew a lot of attention as another bandit snook into the building and killed me before being killed himself.We then met up in Cherno and spent some time getting equipment before our journey North. We were beginning to leave the town when zombies randomly spawned all around us, blocking our route. We spent 15 minutes navigating zombies whilst prone, which was intense. We finally managed to head North and loot a few buildings on the way. We didn't encounter much resistance until we decided to head West to Zelenogorsk; the entire town was crawling in zombies, and some other survivor all on his lonesome was keeping them occupied by running around like an idiot. Again, we had the misfortune of zombies randomly spawning right by us, which unfortunately resulted in the death of two of us (ironically the server crashed at this point saving my life and one of my friend's).Most fun I've had playing a game in a loooooong time. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SamStrife 1 Posted May 18, 2012 All bandits are sinners in the eyes of the lord. They must be purged. I was on my way to Cherno because i heard so much about it. So much violence. So much debauchery. It needed to be purified. However' date=' i was naive. I was going to run in there with a flare in my hand and probably fall prey to a sniper. Then i met Bran. He was a bandit but he said he was attacked first. I didn't believe him. So i looked at him and shot. However i had my flares equipped and so i just threw a flare at him.But he seemed nice. He said he would take me to cherno and show me all the places where loot spawned. We went in together. I followed him as he led me through the streets. We talked, we joked. He even quoted Gurren lagann my favorite anime. I grew to like bran in that short time we spent. He then climbed up a super glitchy ladder to look for loot for me. As he was climbing down, i knew what i had to do. Right before he hit the ground, i unloaded on him. He was able to recover briefly and shoot me a couple times, but I finished him off. That bastard. He asked me "why?". "why'? i replied. "because a leopard can't change its spots, you bandit scum." I didnt touch his gear. It was unclean.[/quote']God damn that's cold! I was expecting a story of how you learnt not to judge people by their looks but wow that's harsh dude. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SquirrelPants 1 Posted May 18, 2012 It was my third or fourth time playing, so I still didn't quite have the mechanics down, but I think this game turned out amazingly anyhow.It was the daytime, and so I moved out. I couldn't find any roadsigns and I had no idea where I was, but I wandered about for a while, when I met another guy. He offered to help guide my way to a major city where a mutual acquaintance was scavenging, though I can't quite remember which. I followed him, mimicking his movements: crouching where he did, sprinting after him, and the like. We found a little village, wherein there was a small house to look through. Since I was hungry and had no food on me, we went in.The kitchen was full of corpses. Not a good sign, but upon searching them we found a decent amount of canned food and filled our bellies. There was a noise outside. We both crouched down and pointed our guns to the door. Neither of us had many bullets to spare, but we had to defend ourselves. One zed ran through the door, then another, then a dozen more. We managed to get out alive, low on ammo, bagging something like ten headshots apiece. We searched the corpses, but when he looked out the door, he realized there were many more zeds out there. We had to run. We were both fairly low on blood and there wasn't much to be done but sprint the hell out of there.When we ran, we both realized, much to our chagrin, that there were more zombies out there than we initially thought. We tried to fight while running, killing what we could, but one managed to snag me and break a few bones, causing me to fall into a heap. I emptied my gun into them, and we managed again to kill them all, coming out with quite a few broken bones each, with less than a clip of ammo between our makarovs, and less than 7000 units of blood between the two of us. We continued on through the forest, breathing heavily, occasionally passing out.We got into an abandoned airbase. There were a couple zeds there, which we used the last of our ammo dispatching. Someone was nearby, and he offered his help, but there were more zombies coming. My companion was killed within the minute, but I managed to run around, hiding behind closed doors and diverting them, when, suddenly, they just kind of lost interest in chasing me. I hid in a hangar, when I heard the voice of the man coming to help me. I ran out, so much relief washing over me.I heard the sound of a gunshot from somewhere behind me. I couldn't take a bullet, this couldn't possibly be happening. The friendly coming to help me dived behind cover, and I was limping my way toward something.Another crack, and I fell over, the last of my blood leaving my body as I passed out. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cluis 9 Posted May 18, 2012 Here is a new journal entry. Hope you like.[attachment=208] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vordreller 0 Posted May 19, 2012 I had made my way from Rog to the east. Finding a compass really helped to navigate to the small settlements in the woods and finding the roads. I finally found the coast in the small town just under Solnichniy. I followed the railroad tracks all the way to Kamyshovo. When I tried to refill my water bottles, I got attacked from behind by a zombie I did not hear coming. I tried hiding in a house but as usual, they walked through the doors. Shooting them was a mistake, as that just alerted the rest of them. A horde flowed in and I had to empty all my M4A1 magazines to fight my way out. I ran up a steep hill and they couldn't follow me.As I walked further along that hill, I saw another survivor being chased by zombies. I ran past him, but the zombies split up and came after me too. So I ran all the way back to Kamyshovo, in order to run up the steep hill on the other side of the town. And finally, I outran those zombies too. I was feeling real good about surviving that when suddenly -BOOM-... headshot. I'm dead. Never found out who it was. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fecesreturns 6 Posted May 19, 2012 The botched helicopter job.Our plan was to go to electro to take the hele on the fire station. It was a mission that seemed impossible. A group of 8 or so of us load up the right kit get in the bus and off we go. We get to the dam just north of electro and park our bus. Me and another member head to the hills to provide over watch on the fire station. We get into our positions and settle in overlooking the city. Minutes later I call out "Bandit on fire house roof". I take the shot and wound him. He jumps off and kills himself. The rest of the team start heading to the fire house in the pitch black when they are ambushed by zombies. only a few make it up the ladder of the fire house and start repairs. After a while we realized there is fuel on one of our dead comrades body at the bottom of the ladder. Every body else being too scared to leave the roof and or working on the chopper I said to myself screw it and head to the fire house to get the zombies attention. I am half way there when a bandit goes into the firehouse and shoots a couple of our comrades on the roof. The other sniper providing over watch kills him and another running through the streets. Dead bandit count is at 3. I attempt to climb the latter at the fire house with my pistol in hand and as I realized when I got to the top of the ladder that it was a bad idea. I pull our my pistol and plummet to my death.I respawn just out of town and start heading toward it. Others in the group waited to go to the ladder since it was surrounded by zombies. I run by it and fire off my makarov to distract them. Another team member grabs all the essentials to get the bird in the air and starts repair again. I am running through town when I hear gun fire coming from a house on the south end. With 20 or so zombies behind me I decide to run to the house so they go after the two unsuspecting gunmen inside. They do so as planned. I run around the house using the other zombies around as a distraction to cover my footsteps when I finally come up to the window. Two bandits inside shooting at the zombies coming in picking off the last couple. After they do so I unload my makarov into their heads and kill them. Looting their bodies of all their gear. Which was good gear too. Coyote pack gps M16 maps another cz and other items. Now all mine and out of their repulsive hands. As I am doing this I hear over coms "the chopper is not repairing". "crap" I immediately leave town to the north and link up with 3 fellow survivors. See across the chat "what does save bus mean?" Crap! they are at our vehicle! I sprint through the woods and see a flare at our bus. It was a noob of course. We tell him to get out or be shot. He turns on the lights and tries to drive off. We kill him. While this is happening 2 of the other survivors die from getting eaten by zombies. Me and the team leader get in the bus and drive it up the road and park it waiting for our sniper to arrive. He comes shortly after and we head back to our camp. One of the guys that died spawned by Solichney and headed west. He asks for us to come pick him up and we head his way. We get to a link up spot and park and wait. He cant find the bus so the driver honks his horn and turns on the motor. He hears it and heads our way with a zombie behind him nipping at his heels. As he is running to the bus I take the shot with my newly aquired m16 and dispatch the zombie. He gets in the bus and we finish our trip back to camp. Even though we did not get our desired chopper and lost a few guys I left town with better gear than I came with and 3 bandit kills. I will definitely sleep well tonight. Now our search must continue for another chopper somewhere else on the map. And I will continue hunting for sub humans. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Prophet 6 Posted May 19, 2012 Serves you goody-two-shoes survivors right:My first time at the NW airfield, i hear a lot of DMR and AK fire so i come in through the north grabbing some pretty good loot. I decide to go and loot the other side of the airfield after I discover that other people had been coming from the south and cleaning the hangars out, yet somehow we missed each other.On the way over to the other side I manage to agro 4-5 crawler zombies but i decide to ignore them rather than fire my revolver, i might aswell put a big sign over my head telling the guy with the DMR to shoot me.However as I approached the clustered buildings I see two survivors coming my way although as I hit the deck they hadn't seen me, however they noticed the zombies following me and they typed into the chat: "There's a player here"Naturally I crap my pants as I notice one has an M4 and I presumed my Winchester to be no match at that range as I was outnumbered. I get up without firing a shot and zig zag for my life as bullets hit the ground all around me and both survivors start chasing me across the airfield.After about 300 meters, one M4 bullets clips me in the shoulder and I keel over bleeding badly. However as they fired some pretty loud weapons the crawlers zombies bought me some time for the timer to tick down.As soon as i'm conscious again I load the pellets into my Winchester instead of the slugs as I had no idea how close they were, then just stood up to see them running towards me about 50m away and I drop one of them with the first shot and finish off the other one quickly through spam of shotgun pellets.I bandage myself and leave the airfield with a shiny new M4 and 1900 blood cackling to myself. Why they even bothered chasing me i'll never know but those survivors got what they deserved for trying to hunt down a bandit who was trying to run for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SteveZGaming 6 Posted May 19, 2012 All started at 10:00p.m. I was starting my travels through the forest. I had a flashlight at hand with several flares and a Winchester with 4 mags. My Makarov also had 3 mags. I had set my way out and suddenly in the distance was a village from what I had seen. From the village gun shots roared for 2 minutes. Using my binoculars I peaked down to see what was happening. All I could see was one man and the flash from his gun. Soon he was gone, but I had gotten a glimpse of 5 walkers. I moved in for the village to scavenge for beans. Suddenly a walker runs forward! I unleash 3 rounds of my Mak and he was killed, but soon what was one walker became 10. They all began to run at me and 10 seemed to be to small of a number. I paused for a moment in shock and then began to run toward the treeline. Looking back I had seen the village, it was a very large town. Almost 50 maybe 60 walkers appeared. I run until I see an open field with a road to somewhere. I rush to the road and turn around and here they come. I load up my Winchester and begin to unleash fire upon them. One hits me and another follows. I had finished off maybe 26 of them. Soon I was out of ammo now to the Makorov. Soon it was my final stand. 24 rounds turned to 1 round in seconds. On my final 2 rounds the horde got closer and a sound from behind came closer. I heard beeping, almost like a car horn. Then from behind me a light appeared and gun shots raged at the remaining horde. I turned around and it was a car with three other humans. All carrying higher class weapons they approached. One pulled out a pistol and aimed it at my face. I loaded up my last mag and screamed as I was shot down and killed. I was shot in cold blood and that character will be avenged. TO LEVELUPTIME! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted May 19, 2012 I was thinking i've started to understand this game pretty good, i even found it easier in towns after the patch since the zeds start waltzing away as soon as they spawn so you won't end up finding 5 of them inside somewhere that you need to shoot to get the loot.Cocky after having crawled through 3 medium sized towns and been able access all lootable areas I was skulking around the woods and came upon some sort of huge construction site, 3-4 stories tall but few walls and no windows, crawling with zeds of course, counted maybe 30-40 around but most of them shambling away from where i wanted to go.Once inside the gates i don't see any zeds at all, thinking they've all gone outside I, against my better judgment start crouch running and almost immediatly i hear the all too familiar detection moan from a zed close by, rushing into the building I do a quick check of possible loot only to see empty cans and the odd tire as i scramble to the top floor.My measly armaments consist of the old "favorite" Makarov pistol and CZ i found earlier.I look over a wall nearby and see that i've not only allerted one zeds as i thought but all of them, they keep pouring through the gates and i can hear them shambling up the stairs.When the first group appear i start popping them with the makarov but quickly run out, I turn to the CZ which in turn draws an even bigger crowd to the site, soon i'm completely out of ammo but refusing to be eaten alive I take a good run up and soar through the air to find peaceful death 10 meters below.Moral: Don't get cocky... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonythetiger (DayZ) 0 Posted May 19, 2012 So it finally happened. This little place finally got FUBAR and they left me behind. The land is ominously peaceful, the sounds of wildlife non existent. I remember few things from my journey, mostly the sound of the ocean as I washed upon the beach. Hearing the roar of a helicopter overhead, screaming at the top of my lungs "DOWN HERE, DOWN HERE!" to no avail. In my pack, a nine millimeter and a few mags, some cans of baked beans, and some pain meds. Enough to keep me afloat for a day, if I manage. Unfortunately, it was fast becoming dark. With the water on my left, I started jogging. I thought, not a bad idea, to just run towards the west. I'll surely find civilization. Instead, I arrived at what appeared to be a small town, hardly a civilization, with darkness looming overhead. In the grim greyness of early twilight, I first heard it. The sound of a moan, or was that a choke. Narrowing my eyes to see, I spotted it a hundred meters off. Looked like a drunk man, shambling outside of his house. I needed a place to stay, maybe this poor sod would let me in. My run didn't halt, my approach hastened by the hope of warmth for the night. Within ten meters, the bastard gurgled again before screaming. I thought, maybe he'd soiled himself in his stupor. Well, if he had soiled himself it had given him superhuman speed. The man turned and came right for me, and thats when I saw it. Chunks of brain and flesh in his mouth, oozing out uneaten. His limbs were rotted and his flesh, dead. Of course, this at first disturbed me. I found perhaps I would make a similar brick in my pants and take flight as he had, but I think I would have been eaten before then. When he was within three meters my instincts kicked in. Pop pop pop, my pistol clipped three shots into the running man. He fell at my feet with a gurgle, missing the back of his skull and his left leg. Satisfied he was alone, I gave a triumphant whistle which was cut short by more groans, but they sounded very close. The first one that jumped on my back surprised me, taking a bite out of my shoulder before I flung him off. He earned a similar fate as his friend, and in the muzzle flash I saw them. Another six...things, all wanting a piece of me. I let the remainder of my magazine fire to where I thought they were, before I was forced to reload after a "click click click" sound from the gun. At this, speed was on my side, the groans sounded weaker, and with the last glimmer of visible light I killed the final threat to my life. Memory kicked in, I made my way into the man's house, bleeding from the festering wound on my shoulder. Inside, he didn't have much at all. Just an old shotgun and some shells I thought surely wouldn't work. After taking the time to bandage myself, eat the beans and get a sip of water in my system, it was time to leave. The stench of death was overpowering. With my new shotgun and loaded slugs, I set off once more. This time, I would go to the woods. There at least among the forest, I could manage to find sleep without getting eaten, I hoped. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sheepdawg 278 Posted May 19, 2012 I bought this game yesterday. I died a few times trying to get to civilization. I once encountered a person creeping up on me, to which i stated i was friendly. I then asked. Never coming out of prone nor responding, i fired wildly at them. Turns out the barrel i was lookign down was a shotgun with slugs. I died.However...night fell upon me soon enough.First let me say that holy crap its sooo dark at night but without the way it is this experience would have been a lot less exhilarating.So i spawn on the coast(to my left) and i spot a light house in the distance. Vaguely familiar from a video on youtube that i saw. Anway, its dark and i heard flares are ridiculously bright. I am new and have no choice but to be that noob carrying a flare down the coastline. I set the flare down as i thought i heard some walkers near me. While i sneak out of the light of the flare some blue text pops onto my screen. "On the beach with flares...friendly?" I turned to look at my girlfriend and said "OMG someone is stalking me, holy crap holy crap holy crap". I answer yes but hear nothing in response. Im going to die, i just know it. I chuck a flare into the distance to see if i can spot them...nothing there. I run using zero caution and restraint into the thickening woods ahead of me.Feeling 'safer' i start to duck walk throught the forest where i can JUST make out some buildings. I stop moving to check the horizon against the night sky to see if i can see any safe havens. I slowly scan the horizon when what do I see. A flare suddenly lights in the distance. They are behind me, possibly stalking my every move. "OMG do you see it?! They are following me!" i said laughing and getting as excited as a school girl. I havent felt a rush liek this in a game since i played Amnesia, or the first time i fought a tank in L4D. I go prone as i see the flare extinguish. I start my army crawl to the buildings i could barely make out. Another flare appears, brighter and closer than the last. "Do a barrel roll" i hear Peppy say in my mind. So i did. I roll over to this fence, army crawl in and post up next to a barn.All i can hear is the moans and groans of zombies, but what else is out there. I know im not the only living around here. I cautiously wait for 10-15 minutes for any signs of the stalker, but nothing. "Screw this, im throwing a flare" i said to my GF, who agreed. I pull the cap off, strike the top and hurl it into the distance. Zombies everywhere in the field. 7-9 of them. Some walkers, some hoppers. Hell theres even one crawling in prone. Wait a minute. No there isn't. The stalker has been spotted. Crawling around the outskirts of my newly tossed flare i watch him with curiostiy as he army crawl weaves in and out of zombie hordes. He thinks im near that flare. Does he want me dead? Why is he so carelessly moving around a field. He slowly fades to darkness to the right of my flare. "Screw this guy, if anyone is going to get eaten, its him." I pop the cap off the flare once again and toss it to the right. Damn near hit the fellow. Hes done for, zombies have spotted him, or at least my flare. Im going to watch this stalker slowly be ripped apart by the undead. Or was I?Just as i thought this person was dead i hear a dull roar. "What is that, its getting closer". Suddenly to my left i see it. One lonely jeep with an unknown amount of passengers goes wailing by. Full speed, head lights on and about 10 zombies behind them. I nearly lost my shit when i saw that. That made this mod so visceral and so real that i was hooked right then and there.I hope my story was entertaining for you all, and i apologize for my lack of grammar etc. Im no english major. Just a guy with some flares, trying to survive the apocalypse.:Please note this story is true. Names and locations have been changed to protect the living :P:) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites