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7.62 Rounds, 1 Shot Kill Under?....

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Is it possible for a 7.62 round be a 1 shot kill if it were to come from a DMR/M24/SVD under 50M or so? NO HEADSHOT- Just curious is all. Thanks.

Edited by Nirvana620

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8000 damage, so not instantly.. would leave you messed up though.. probably broken bone, shaking, bleeding rapidly.

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Are you asking a "why did I die?" question, or a speculative game-mechanics question? If it's the former, are you sure it was only one shot?

Not being rude, just curious.


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Are you asking a "why did I die?" question, or a speculative game-mechanics question? If it's the former, are you sure it was only one shot?

Not being rude, just curious.


No sir, I'm not a noob. I'm just asking a game-mechanic question.

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DMR, M24 or SVD cannot kill in one hit unless it's to the head.

M24 to the chest tends to knock you out pretty often, though. I haven't been able to knock people out with a DMR all that often, and I've only killed one person with an SVD, and that was a headshot. But I've been shot at by all three weapons quite often..

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man
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Yes. If you are disregarding the amount of blood your target is on, then it is perfectly possible. All they need have is 8k or less blood.

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without the debug is hard to tell if you were above 8000 blood..unless you say you were never hit by zombies or so..

then it's sure that one of those kicks can put you down bleeding like a pig..or you could have heard only the first shot of a good double tap

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without the debug is hard to tell if you were above 8000 blood..unless you say you were never hit by zombies or so..

then it's sure that one of those kicks can put you down bleeding like a pig..or you could have heard only the first shot of a good double tap

Not really... Just stay on full blood, it's not hard when you have matches and a knife

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Maybe the hit mechanics should be changed slightly, i mean imagine being shot in the groin area with a 7.62... you wont survive that for long in the wasteland...

But yeah only the headshot provides the 1 shot kill, i sometimes see my firing 4 or 5 times with the AK on single shot before a target finally drops...

No don't remove .50cals... i need them for shooting you in the pesky Heli or driving off in my UAZ...

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What I find ridiculous is that a DMR or .50cal is 10x easier to find than an SVD or M24.

On our server we removed the AS50,M107,DMR, L85,Mk48 and NVGs from chopper crashes. It has made the game 100x better. Now we have m40s,M24s,SVDs, AK-107 PSOs

Community modding ftw

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but why remove the MK 48, its an essential piece of squad kit... always have one in the group, constant successive 7.62 fire on a position allows everyone else to maneuver apart from the target... You need the MK 48. to survive lol,

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They should be buffed, .50cals and DMRs removed

Wait...Why the DMR? Because it works with NVG's?

Aren't those AKM rounds? if so its 1shot 1 kill to zombies.

No they're not AKM rounds. Those arent as powerful, although they are 7.62x39mm. But they arent as powerful as NATO 7.62x51mm rounds, AKM rounds are more powerful than the NATO 5.56mm (stanag rounds for M16 etc.).

What I find ridiculous is that a DMR or .50cal is 10x easier to find than an SVD or M24.

On our server we removed the AS50,M107,DMR, L85,Mk48 and NVGs from chopper crashes. It has made the game 100x better. Now we have m40s,M24s,SVDs, AK-107 PSOs

Community modding ftw

Hmmm while I would agree with some of those, I would like to see L85 (just the thermals, I like the gun though) .50cals and NVG's removed completely. I disagree with taking the DMRs and Mk 48's. Would prefer if they were just lowered and the others you mention were just upped in numbers (IF I played that server I mean ofc). I really like the DMR and the Mk 48 too I dont think either of the are over powered tbh, just too common.

And why is it ridiculous that the DMR is more common than the M24? DMR is just a designated marksmans rifle, whereas the M24 is a proper snipers rifle. The DMR would be more common I imagine as there's more marksmen than snipers usually.

Edited by Rooneye
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The only real problem with any of this is that chopper crash sites are usually more common and easier to get to than the NWAF Barracks. The problem of L85 and AS50 being too common would be solved if chopper crash sites were staggered spawns. The reason chopper crashes are so common currently is because the really popular servers have to reset once every three hours. When they do, BAM, five new chopper crash sites.

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The only real problem with any of this is that chopper crash sites are usually more common and easier to get to than the NWAF Barracks. The problem of L85 and AS50 being too common would be solved if chopper crash sites were staggered spawns. The reason chopper crashes are so common currently is because the really popular servers have to reset once every three hours. When they do, BAM, five new chopper crash sites.

Yeah you're right about the whole server restart thing. Sucks that it has to be that way, is the net-code or whatever so bad? It must be.

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No, it is because everything the server keeps track of is also repeated on your client. Every new dead body, item pile and destroyed building is loaded client-side when you try to log in.

All this is fixed for standalone.

Hopefully they will stagger chopper spawns like they should be.

Edited by Erizid

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Back to the point though....

No unfortunately the 7.62mm round is not a 1 hit kill unless it happens to be a headshot, the chest area causes critical damage, knockdowns and possible bleed outs, anywhere else and it's a fair amount of damage, maybe a knockdown but certainly a high chance of breaking bones... no matter where you hit them they will require medical help.

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The last time I got shot by a DMR, my blood icon went from green to greenish yellow and all I had to do was bandage. DMR has a higher distance damage drop off than any other sniper rifle. It is also the least accurate.

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I wish some more guns could be a 1 hit knock out, so much more useful if you want to keep a guy down without killing him. As for the topic of removing guns, the L85 is the only gun I don't like, as it ruins the sneaky sneak aspect of my ghillie and SVD. Thankfully it will be removed in the coming update, which I cannot wait for.

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but why remove the MK 48, its an essential piece of squad kit... always have one in the group, constant successive 7.62 fire on a position allows everyone else to maneuver apart from the target... You need the MK 48. to survive lol,

They still spawn in the barracks :)

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remember that arma has a really bad death animation, in SA ragdoll is being implemented and 2 bullets will kill, right now there is lag before the person actually drops.

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I wish some more guns could be a 1 hit knock out, so much more useful if you want to keep a guy down without killing him. As for the topic of removing guns, the L85 is the only gun I don't like, as it ruins the sneaky sneak aspect of my ghillie and SVD. Thankfully it will be removed in the coming update, which I cannot wait for.

Wait...what?! This is awesome, did Rocket say this or? If this is true I cant wait tbh.

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