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DayZ standalone micro-transactions

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I was wondering if DayZ standalone will have any type of micro-transactions implemented? Like a store where you can purchase, say, food for real money. Will the only thing I will have to pay for is the game itself to get the full experience (I know about the gambling system)? I can't find any information on this on the net, so maybe someone knows here.


Edited by Username

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Thank you! That was a very quick answer. The fact that this game won't have a micro-transaction system makes me extremely excited for this game.

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Rocket is absolutely against the idea, he's posted a few times on the subject.

If by part of DayZ you mean, part of the list of things that would make me eviscerate myself and jump out a window, then yes. But if you mean an actual feature. No, quite the opposite. I am strongly opposed. However, curiously enough, there seems to be a large number of people who not only don't seem to mind marketplaces but actively defend them.


Edited by smasht_AU

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Rocket is absolutely against them, he's commented a few times.

I see. I watched some interviews and presentations but he didn't mention it in those. I should start spending time on the forum.

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You should take a look through it. There's loads of info on the standalone.

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Not to derail, but wasn't that gambling server/site supposed to shutdown?

Correct. That has nothing to do with the standalone game either.

We believe that the elements of gambling that DayZ Bounty introduces challenges the basic game design aspects that DayZ is built upon. It changes the focus of DayZ from being a creative, enjoyable, gritty gaming experience to a game that is based almost solely on financial gain and that is not something we want to be associated with.

We will be contacting the owners of the DayZ Bounty website directly over the coming days, to ask that they cease their activities in their current form.


Edited by smasht_AU
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I'm quite thankful there are no micro-transactions.

Games with a real money type store tend to be very imbalanced towards those that can afford to throw money at the game for advantages.

I'm a poor student, I only have money to throw towards food. Lots of beans, everyone loves beans.

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This is great news as I would have had to reconsider playing actively SA if you wouldn't have denied this accusation.

I too - though can afford - am against micro-transactions, I find them mostly game breaking and I think everything should only be obtainable via gameplay and not real-life currency.

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Good Guy Rocket:

Doesn't define existence by money-whoring Dayz

Edited by fathairybeast

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