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HATCHET RELOADED UK PRIVATE HIVE(v1.7.7.1) [GMT-4]Spawn With Hatchet & map|Air Lift Vehicles|Auto Fuel|250+ Vehicles|Custom Bases & Hero/Bandit Reward

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nothing is decided yet. i am just asking what people think as a member asked for the green zone to be smaller and to include the med base and ether cherno or elec. not both

so i am asking for peoples thoughts on it and then i will have a chat with the other admins.

so at the moment nothing has changed, the green zone is still the same as it has been

I think for the moment at least the green zone will stay how it is. its a small part of the map and even though its 2 of the main towns, its only because that's where new players spawn. will have a think about it another day.

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have now sorted out custom load out for individual players. this means that docs will now spawn in from death with the medic skin on.

now its up to you guys but you can ether have the red beret skin or an actual doctor skin (white coat) let me know :)

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Settled on the Red Beret skin or possibly the Blue beret if you can, as it's slightly more visible than the red one.

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server will now always have full moon at night. it gets real dark in dayz so this should help out those people with out nvg's well so you can atleast see your feet any way lol :)

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Thank goodness!! It has been d a r k out. I know we talked briefly about me doing the doc thing, I'd still like to do it. Hat, no coat for me.

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Just an FYI Dom.:

No warning prior to server going down for restart. No 15, 10, 5 or 1 minute warnings.

We had a half hour message last night before midnight, I'll check for the 6pm restart today.

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Great server and nice people.

Currently setting myself up a bandit outpost somewhere remote-ish.

Come join me, I am starting a bandito family :)

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0600 UTC (-6UTC or 1200 CST), did not receive the warnings. Neither Avantar nor I received them and we were in conversation over Comms at that time.

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0600 UTC (-6UTC or 1200 CST), did not receive the warnings. Neither Avantar nor I received them and we were in conversation over Comms at that time.

All messages came up today on every six hour interval, not sure why it didn't at the time you specified, maybe it was an unscheduled restart by an admin but usually they'll say if they're doing that and players are online.

Awesome server! Needs some improvements but its future is bright

All suggestions are welcome! :)

Edited by Dr.Duff

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ok the issues with the full moon should all be sorted now and should work fine. if for some reason its not let me know. make sure that there are no clouds in the way of the moon b4 you tell me it dosnt work! lol

was also thinking of activating the street lights but cant get this to work. what I have managed to do though is make some ambient lighting in some of the buildings. that flicker. at the moment I have only added them to the high rise flats in Cherno. they will only be there for a little while so if people could tell me what they think I may add more or remove them all depending on what you guys think

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I absolutly love this server. Its so awsome. Love the people. And i love the extra vehicals and greenzone.

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Great server with no hackers. I enjoy my time I spend on here. Met alot of cool people.

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Vehicles can now be air lifted!!

at the moment the only chopper that is able to lift vehicles is the big Russian chopper (mi17)

all you need to do is hover over the vehicle you wish to lift and scroll mouse wheel. u will see an option to left the vehicle. select it and the vehicle will now be attached to the chopper.

to drop a vehicle, scroll the mouse wheel and select drop selected vehicle.

be warned that if you drop a vehicle to high it will damage it.

Have fun :)

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Ok so lots of changes to server over the last couple of days so will now list.

Auto fuel:

Recently added auto fuel, but its been tweaked so that if your in a Helli it wont empty your fuel until you turn of your engine. you have around 9 seconds to do this or the auto fuel wont fill vehicle up.


Also added a marker on ground to show you its the auto fuel point.

Auto Fuel Locations

1. Centre of med base

2. Fuel station west of Cherno 058 , 131

3. Fuel station west of Elektro 095 , 133

How it works:

1. Drive on to the marker

2. Will tell you in vehicle chat that auto fuel has started and that you have 9 seconds to switch off your engine (If engine is not switched off you vehicle will not be fuelled)

3. Once engine is off wait until it tells you that it is fuelling.

4. You vehicle will now start to be Fuelled (if you turn on your engine at any point the auto fuel will stop but leave you with the fuel it has already put in vehicle)

5. Once fuelled a message will appear in vehicle chat to tell you that the car is refuelled.

6. You may now switch on your engine and drive off

Note: You do not have to sit in your vehicle for auto fuel to work. You may get out of the vehicle and auto fuel will still continue.

vehicle ammo reload:

this also has been tweaked in the same way as the auto fuel. you will have 9 seconds to switch of engine or your vehicle will not reload.

how it works:

1. Drive on to the vehicle reload point ( the Hello landing pad at the Klen base)

2. Will tell you in vehicle chat that you have 9 seconds to switch off your engine (If engine is not switched off you vehicle will not be reloaded)

3. Once engine is off wait until it tells you that it is reloading.

4. Your ammo will now start reloading (if you turn on your engine at any point the reloading will stop)

5. Wait patiently until a message in vehicle chat appears telling you that the vehicle is reloaded.

6. You may now drive off

Note: After reloading your fuel will drop to 25% this is compensation for the ammo

Other changes:

Radars have been blocked in new vehicles with Radars

Three new vehicles have been added to the map. Chinook, osprey and Stryker (Stryker has no guns)

The Russian Helli's can now only lift motorcycles and cars.

The Chinook can lift all ground vehicles.

Med vehicle changes:

Ambulance has been replaced with the Vodnik (Ambulance)

The med Helli has been replaced with the UH-60M MEV.

The med Helli can now lift players.

Please remember the rules regarding the med vehicles. only to be used for medi assist by a designated midic (red beret). no transporting players and no looting whilst using a med vehicle. also once your done with medi assist vehicle should be returned to med base.

I don't want to have to kick players for this so please respect the rules.

Hope you enjoy guys and let me know of any bugs, or just feedback in general would be great

Thanx :)

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applied please respond soon im bored lol looking forward to tryin ur system out

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