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About AlkwardzzSeaturtlzz

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Hey guys, if you clicked on this then you are interested so i will cut to the chase. I'm looking for a few guys to play dayz origins with. Join the teamspeak: or contact me via skype (skype name is alkwardzzseaturtlzz). I'd perfer ages 15 and up, and I am 17. Hope to see some of you soon!
  2. AlkwardzzSeaturtlzz

    [RS] Revolutionary Sharpshooters - Recruiting - [TS3]

    TeamSpeak Name. AlkwardzSeaturtlz Steam Name.(Optional) AlkwardzzSeaturtlzz Why we should recruit you. (Anything your specifically good at etc...) Sniping, being stealthy, communicated enemy positions, setting up ambushes Age. 17 Location Us, East Coast Expericence playing DayZ. 1 year, started in june of last year Give an Honest rating of your self. 1 - 10* 8
  3. AlkwardzzSeaturtlzz

    Things that kills realism

    I second that as well, but if they have the current zombie spawning system, which they won't (i know), it would be a disaster having zombies spawn in front of you while u are sneaking haha
  4. Good Server, highly recommend it, has a teamspeak which is nice for groups or solo players looking for a group. Nice and friendly player base.
  5. AlkwardzzSeaturtlzz

    US.Nyc2 Origins Private Hive

    Hey guys, check out this server it is awesome and has friendly people who play on it. It is a nice Origins server and I enjoy it alot. Ip: Server Name: US.NYC2 Dayz Origins Private Hive
  6. AlkwardzzSeaturtlzz

    tutorial suggestion for STANDALONE

    How i learned was trial and error after I took an hour on the coast fiddling with my keyboard. I soon after adjusted some keys in the menu in arma, which could be cut down alot in standalone to my liking took about 2 weeks to learn most and after that it was the map and tactics.
  7. AlkwardzzSeaturtlzz

    Looking to join/create a tactical bandit squad

    Age: 16 (almost 17) Location: East Coast U.S.A. Occupation: School... Timezone: Eastern Standard Time How long have you played the game: Since early July Which "DayZ" do you play? (Vanilla, Origins, Breaking Point, etc.): Wanting to play origins since standard dayz is getting dull What is your favourite gun: Dmr/m14 combo What is your playstyle: Stealth, no rambo shit What is your favourite role: sniper/ assault What are your strenghts: everything really, played the game so long that im very good What are your weaknesses: playing it 'too' safe i guess What is your in-game name: AlkwardzSeaturtlz What is your Skype username: alkwardzzseaturtlzz Tell me your favourite DayZ story that happened to you: Looting a industrial building in origins a few days after i killed a guy and his group (he was mad bro). He saw me looting the building so waited for me to walk out and shot me twice, almost killing me, I ran back inside bandaged and quickly jumped in my scrap apc and ran as I had 3k or lower blood. He had a chopper following me and a truck, and when he got out of the truck i ran him over, then drove off on an hour long chase. Finally I met up with 2 guys at the airfield we exchanged blood bags, they hopped in and we drove to a town where i gave them some wheels for a car and drove into the woods, a nice way to end my night haha.
  8. AlkwardzzSeaturtlzz

    Winchester 1866

    When i start the game I hope for a m4 or this, I've killed many players with automatics with this gun. It almost always kills/knocks out in one shot, thanks to the shotgun round spread. I love this gun as well but I prefer the m14 and m40 as "end game" gear, but the ol' whiny is up there for looting with low risk.
  9. AlkwardzzSeaturtlzz

    Slower ATV's

    They have fixed that, you can unflip your atvs now
  10. AlkwardzzSeaturtlzz

    Dayz Suggestions - weapon mods

    This might have been already suggested (mind my spelling errors too as I am doing this on my phone), but with weapons bring able to take a mp5sd and take the silencer out, destroying the weapon but taking out the integrated silencer and making a make shift one. Also for silenced weapons having SD mags for every gun,almost, and if you have no silencer the SD mags are quieter, but with a silencer they are next to silent. Finnally, when you have a silencer with no SD mags the gun is quiet, not silent. Got to finish this for now I'm at school. I'll touch it up later.
  11. Back in the day of public hives you couldn't, just haven't changed it
  12. Name: AlkwardzSeaturtlz Location: East Coast, U.S.A. Guid: 1632526dda5797575deb0605d5cf1b4b I want an active server to play on with added in weapons, not 24h daytime like most servers, and fun events (Fixed it, forgot one 5 my bad)
  13. Good server, i like the normal-ish vehicle spawns keeps it fun, and no name plates
  14. Not a big fan of the hotbar, i like the old inventory better as of now but we shall see, everything else is amazing great work rocket keep it up!