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im me

Are you still enjoying dayz?

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Simple question isn't it? I have to admit i can barely stand playing dayz any more because i know what ever cool stuff i find car, boats, good guns, choppers what ever i'm going to lose it most likely to a hacker.

Edited by im me

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Enjoy the little things

Is there any interest out there for a masturbation joke right now?

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I play atleast an hour or two most every day on private hives and offical hive alike on all the maps commander offers and honestly I havent been killed by a hacker in I'd say a month or so.

Death is near unavoidable anyhow. Dont get attached to anything and just have fun.

Gears like pussy. The hunts 90% the fun.

edit: almost forgot yes I'm loving every moment of it.

Edited by humandirty
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I quit for a while before private hives started popping up. Now i'm loving it more then ever. I play on a private hive with 120+ vehicles and can find several vehicles a day now.

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Not anymore. I've sent the past week spending hours each day trying to fix up various vehicles, only to die moments before success nearly every time. Every PvP engagement I'm in results in my death within seconds, and everyone I meet is out to kill me now. I tried ignoring all of this and continued playing for awhile, but it's just too much now. I spent 30 minutes gearing up, getting basic supplies and such, and then I'm dead within 10 seconds of seeing someone, I often die without seeing anyone at all. I've forsaken my previous commitment to helping everyone I meet and I try to kill everyone I see now, yet even when I get the jump on people I get my ass handed to me. I rock in ARMA II, but in a solo DayZ environment I'm useless in a fight. The only group fight I've been in in months I was too wounded from the opening shots to see correctly, and killed one of my allies mistaking him for the shooter. I've been sticking to private hives, but every vehicle I find is in some state of disrepair and I die before I can fix them.

Yes I'm mad and yes this is a rant, but it's driving me insane lately. All of the friends I had that I would group up with quit DayZ months ago. It's incredibly frustrating. I shot a guy with half a clip of AKM earlier today, he lives and kills me with a pistol while I'm taking cover and reloading. Later, I run into a guy who kills me in one shot with an AKM while I'm pumping him full of M9. It sucks to be me. :(

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I am still enjoying it but some aspects are becomming very tedious (like travel if you have no car) or waiting around to ambush bandits etc. Or the 90% chance that players will shoot at you on sight (seriously this is NOT a deathmatch people!).

The actual game is not boring but i have to admit when playing with my friends and i ask what they want to do and they respond,

"lets look for heli crash sites and better gear!"

I kinda just sigh silently and go along with it. I prefer to just go with the flow and see what happens if i just wonder around and who i meet (mostly a bullet or two).

But challenge yourself! I try to hunt down snipers around Cherno, Stary with nothing but a Hatchet. Or throw tin cans at new spawns and listen as they freak out thinking they are getting shot at.

Its a game where your free to do what you want which makes it much longer lasting then say Borderlands which after awhile gets boring when you got some rare weapons.

Edit: I'm gonna try being a medic and see where that leads me.

Edited by Grey Warden

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I am still enjoying it but some aspects are becomming very tedious (like travel if you have no car) or waiting around to ambush bandits etc. Or the 90% chance that players will shoot at you on sight (seriously this is NOT a deathmatch people!).

The actual game is not boring but i have to admit when playing with my friends and i ask what they want to do and they respond,

"lets look for heli crash sites and better gear!"

I kinda just sigh silently and go along with it. I prefer to just go with the flow and see what happens if i just wonder around and who i meet (mostly a bullet or two).

But challenge yourself! I try to hunt down snipers around Cherno, Stary with nothing but a Hatchet. Or throw tin cans at new spawns and listen as they freak out thinking they are getting shot at.

Its a game where your free to do what you want which makes it much longer lasting then say Borderlands which after awhile gets boring when you got some rare weapons.

Edit: I'm gonna try being a medic and see where that leads me.

Being a medic was fun for me for awhile. I may try to get back into it sometime, I'm not even sure where they've gone now that the old thread is dead though. It's probably not hard to find.

It's certainly fulfilling, assuming you can get it going smoothly. Be prepared to get shot a lot and be prepared for a lot of tedium, though! Walking across the entirety of Chernarus is especially fun when you do it 5-6 times a day ;)

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That gave me a good laugh. Beanz for you!

Well the hunt is no fun it the one you hunt turns out to be fucking iron man and turns around and blasts you half way to hell :/

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Honestly, I am getting a bit bored. I feel like there isn't much to do besides run through vast wilderness or go into Cherno or Electro and stir up trouble.

Today I spawned in Kamenka and decided to just run along the coast agroing zombies to see how many I could get to chase me. I got to Cherno with about a dozen, then got killed by some player.

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You could possibly join the Reddit Rescue Rangers. There, you would watch over the medics. I think they also have a Reddit Taxi Force, where you can get a ride somewhere in exchange for some item (value depends of distance I think). So you would be able to get a ride straight to the NWAF or somewhere in exchange for a ghille suit.

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Very much so, despite some hiccups on some very poorly run servers. I don't play on public and I think that is where the longevity of gameplay comes from. Less arseholes, more fun. I recently discovered a passion for dirt biking in DayZ and love to find more spectaular ways to coming within an inch of nearly killing myself.

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The magic is gone for me. I have become familiar with basically every aspect of the game. I guess this happens with every game though, and we eventually move on. I'm playing The WarZ at the moment, it's unexplored territory for me and so far I'm enjoying it. Perhaps when the standalone comes out I will shift my focus once again.

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Dayz is like a fine wine for me better with age

words of truth and wisdom. appreciating the finer things in life (DayZ)

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Its all down to how you approach the game.. I know i'll be playing well into the foreseeable future.

I Will Survive..........

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To be honest my video card slot on my motherboard has died and I havn't been able to play so i've been watching videos and videos are just as fun for me as playing the game which is very rare for me. To actually be interested in someone else.

Do you remember the scene from dawn of the dead 2004 version where they saw a helicopter in the sky and was waving it down. Well I had that happen once and I literally fell inlove with the game cause you make your own movie each life.

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if ur asking about DayZ in general then YES on all the new maps that keep rolling out..

if ur asking about purely Chernarus.. then NO. i prolly wouldnt be playing anymore if there were no other maps.

new maps keep the game fun and interesting for me as its all new places and adventures to explore..

gotta say as of rite now the idea of teh SA being in Chernarus with just more open buildings isnt exactly liting my inner fire. i suspect if the SA doesnt support custom maps out of the box, that my interest in it will fizzle quickly. prolly really quickly actualy.

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Since everyone is giving there honest feedback.

From my observation the game has turned into nothing more than a PvP shooter. It has not evolved into the game i had hoped.

Im guilty of playing the bandit, im also guilty of playing the hero, i stick with hero when playing on official hive since humanity actually works on them servers. But as for the private hives, it benefits the bandit.

As i see it, the DayZ community splits into 3 catogories.

1) -Bandit- = This type of gamer while varied has no interest in your feelings, most will kill you just for the LOL's and pleasure of knowing the one they just killed will rage and get upset, that is why most do it, they get some satisfaction causing others grief, lets be honest, its not because you might have some food or drink, or gear they wish to steal, they do it for self gratification. they are selfish.

2) -Hero- = This type of gamer gets joy out of helping other players out, they enjoy the excitement of meeting new people and feelings needed, wanting to have a purpose in life, to give something back to humanity and help fight against the zombie infested world now everyone has to endure. They are selfless.

3) -Survivor- = This type of gamer is unsure of his destiny, as they walk down the road the paths split into 2, they have now been shot at, killed, helped out by strangers, they ask themself "who am i?". The majority will turn into bandits unfortunatly, fact is, once you have been shot at or killed 9 out of 10 encounters with other human beings, you tend to think thats the norm and best way to survive. Its called "conditioning" They create the mindset that hero's are either complete idiots and have a deathwish, or they have balls of steel.

It all comes down to survival and no one wants to loose there gear, so for the survivor, the choice becomes clear, if you cant beat em, join em, become yet another bandit who will KoS, get a few laughs & drink from the victims tears, better they spawn on the beach somewhere with nothing than you right? the saying "Trust no one" is the conditioning everyone has adopted. Opportunity to meet new players while ingame have been greatly reduced due to this conditioning, the threat to life in DayZ does not come from flesh eating zombies, it comes from the other players, someone please remind me what this game is called? it has become more about surviving against other players rather than surviving against the zombies.

In closing, i have my doubts about the stand alone being the game i emagined, but then again, perhaps its a reflection of what humanity is like here in the real world, humanitys future always rests in the next generation.

This game is giving us an example of what the world might turn out like, thats if you take your game simulations seriously, because thats what i thought this game was about...

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Immensely and to the above I dissagree entirely. Friendly player encounters are only getting better and better for me, in terms of interesting things happenening. Once standalone gives us so tools for long term planning and more hardcore survivial elements cooperation will increase.

Edited by Trizzo

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Simple question isn't it? I have to admit i can barely stand playing dayz any more because i know what ever cool stuff i find car, boats, good guns, choppers what ever i'm going to lose it most likely to a hacker.

You sir have a "gear fetish". Until you break the bondage of this terrible and insidious internet gaming disease you will be miserable no matter who you loose to.

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