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Standalone - add "check magazine" action to realistically determine how much ammunition remains

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Right now we have a HUD element dedicated to telling us how many bullets we have in our current magazine. My suggestion is to get rid of that and add a "check magazine" action or hotkey, which would engage a custom animation that causes your character to remove the mag from his gun and hold it up so that you can visually inspect the magazine and see how full it is--like you would in real life. This would increase immersion and simplify the UI a bit.

I just had this idea about two minutes ago so it may need some refining. This concept could be expanded by adding another animation for checking the firing selector on the gun. Also, for further immersion and simplification, the name of the gun you are holding and the number of magazines you have left could be completely removed from the UI; the player knows what gun he is using and he can just check his gear to determine the number of mags he has.

These concepts wouldn't be appropriate for a lot of games, but for a simulator I think they make sense and would make the game more immersive.

Edited by PCJake
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I say make this an option in like veteran servers or something, can be a big incovience while on the run from zombies

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It'll be the day when someone actually makes a new, useful suggestion. This one is neat, but yeah, most everything's taken.

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I vote no hud that tells you ammo, and unless it's a pistol or a clear magazine there is no indicators (aside from weight) that tells you how many bullets remain even with a visual inspection. Unless only a few bullets remain and you can see the follower. So I say no to this idea.

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The game already does tactical reloads, where you place your half used magazines in the back of your ammo pouches.

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@Dreygar - A lot of magazines are made with a transparent section so you can see how much ammo you have left. If not, when you can see the follower, you should probably reload.

Anyone ever play Condemned or Condemned 2 ? They have a similar system for actually having to look and remember how many bullets you have left. It worked well, and would REALLY suit DayZ.

This suggestion is a good one, beans for OP.

EDIT: Replacing HUD with a bit of meta-gaming is always good in my book.

Edited by Chabowski

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I say make this an option in like veteran servers or something, can be a big incovience while on the run from zombies

These game is ment be one big inconvience... if you have been careless not keep track of your shooting and have to run from zeds, that too bad... you made your mistake.

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Something like Red Orchestra and ACE mod have is welcome. For example press shift+R and you get a text which says "Magazine feels heavy, average or light"

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the action could be related to R button, if held the magazine will we held and will see the bullets, maybe right mouse button to reload single bullets, and yes this would leave you open and almost helpless, to put it back just release R. this combination would feel clumsy but would be made to encumber and slow down reaction, making the action more dangerous

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I say make this an option in like veteran servers or something, can be a big incovience while on the run from zombies

That's kind of the point. As little information as possible should come from the game itself.

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Keep it simple.... remove the HUD element for weapons and ammo.

Want to know how many shots you have? Count them.

Lost count in the heat of battle? Life is hard. Wait till you run out or reload when convenient just to be safe.

Don't know how many bullets are held in different magazines? Life is hard. Figure it out or die trying.

T'would be nice to have an action to combine magazines. Not done automagically but you have to actually crouch and spend a few seconds doing it. That way if you are the type to just spray and reload whenever you could combine your 3 used magazines into one.

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