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if i drop my stuffs in the wood do i lose it

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If you put your items in a tent, and assuming no one else finds it... Then yes. :)

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You can drop your stuff, but if the server restarts it will be gone.

But you can just drop for a couple of minutes, i do it myself too.

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There is about a 20% chance that when you drop it, it will just stone cold disappear immediately.

This should not in any way be true, but it is.

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I thought it was a philosophical question.

Never use the "drop" button on the lower right side of the inventory window, unless you're discarding an item. Using the drop button is highly unreliable, items either disappear completely or spawn randomly somewhere around you after 10-30 seconds. If you want to make sure you can pick up the item again, use the < arrow buttons > on the left side of the inventory window.

Dropped items usually stays put for 20-40 minutes, but you really should search supermarkets for tents.

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Sometimes I store gear in campfire if I need to stash it temporarily. Works every time.

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why are you leaving a pile of shit in the woods in the first place?

Hes preparing for the Stand Alone, where he can finally achive his one true dream - shitting in the woods. ;)

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Sometimes I store gear in campfire if I need to stash it temporarily. Works every time.

Me too, I do it all the time. IMO It's the safest way to temporarily stash loot in the woods. But remember it has only 8 free slots.

If I have to drop stuff on the ground I always create a lootpile first:

First drop a can of beans or a bandage or something. Something inexpensive. If you lose that, it doesn't really matter.

It will create a little lootpile for you and you can drop your other (expensive) stuff safely on that lootpile.

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Yeah I dropped painkillers on the ground, it was fine, then I targeted it and dropped a DMR onto it (I clicked the drop button) and the DMR disappeared. It is an enigma attempting to work out how to move loot around your inventories without making things disappear. My loot always disappears e.g. I spawn in Namalsk swimming ON the ground, if after a couple of minutes I am not on land, I lose all of my main inventory items and my ammo for pistol too...

Edited by Noface

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Yeah I dropped painkillers on the ground, it was fine, then I targeted it and dropped a DMR onto it (I clicked the drop button) and the DMR disappeared...

You should have used the arrows in your inventory to drop the DMR onto the lootpile, NOT the dropbutton. Too bad you lost it, though.

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Hes preparing for the Stand Alone, where he can finally achive his one true dream - shitting in the woods. ;)

Or maybe He is leaving it there for some one else?!?

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Never click the drop button, it's a coin flip, whether you "disappear" the item.

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