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[Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

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oh I thought TS was only reserved to those who gets chosen through application

you'll see me around there for sure

Good to know! If we're down in one of the member's only rooms, don't hesitate to poke us and send one of us a message.

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Profile Name: prediter5657

Player ID (Not SteamID):38438598

Why do you wish to join the Militia: tired of being pked and wish to punish pkers/help friendlys

What can you offer the Militia: 2 hands and a back pack

Are you a team player: I love to act in a squad though I have little to no experience doing it

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: I have never had any uber rare equipment so there is a chance I would get attached to that

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: no

Extra Information:

Edited by prediter5657

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Profile Name: prediter5657

Player ID (Not SteamID):38438598

Why do you wish to join the Militia: tired of being pked and wish to punish pkers/help friendlys

What can you offer the Militia: 2 hands and a back pack

Are you a team player: I love to act in a squad though I have little to no experience doing it

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: I have never had any uber rare equipment so there is a chance I would get attached to that

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: no

Extra Information:

Make sure you jump into our teamspeak when you can, and poke one of us! We'll bring you along for a couple of raids and see if we can't get you something nicer than that backpack of yours.

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Profile Name:Rofl

Player ID (Not SteamID):76561198000525415

Why do you wish to join the Militia:Fight back! clear towns and make them safe for survivors!

What can you offer the Militia: Good shot! My alice pack is always open to help out. Love to cook around the campfire if I have hatchet,matches and knife

Are you a team player: Yep, team play is a blast with DayZ

Are you willing to lose your gear if required:Yep, death is a big part or DayZ

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: Yep, Group of 4 or 5 friends. They might join us also.

Extra Information: Looking to play with a big survivor group and have fun! Hopefully see you guys soon! Take care. :)

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Player ID (Not SteamID): paddette

Why do you wish to join the Militia: I am very tired of being a bandit as every time we've tried to survive we just end up getting killed due to the lack of trust in the game as of late, so I want to try, along with my friends, to do it properly with an organized group.

What can you offer the Militia: Good knowledge of banditry(to counter), quick looting and a good driver.

Are you a team player: Yes, this game is 100* better with friends.

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Re-gearing is my favourite part of the game.

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: Group of friends.

Extra Information: As we all started together we were just playing on a wing and a prayer, but it stemmed into us killing people for gear. We're really tired of being 'bandits' per-se, as we never set out to be a bandit, we only shot back at people at the start, and then refused to trust anyone outside of our group, so shot anyone we didn't know for loot.

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Player ID (Not SteamID): Paltos

Why do you wish to join the Militia: When I started the game it was a simple case of noob surviving. Basically, any time I found a player they would instantly try to kill me, usually, and I ended up trying to kill them. Which then lead to me becoming just an ordinary bandit. While it's a fun aspect of the game I'm very interested in trying out a pure survival aspect, just to change everything up.

What can you offer the Militia: I ended up being a pretty good bandit, so I knew a few good places to avoid when in certain towns. I'm a better driver than Paddette (he sucks), and the best damn bus driver around! I think I've got enough knowledge of the game and map to be able to survive in any place that we end up.

Are you a team player: Absolutely. This game is so much better with a group of friends to play with.

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Much like Paddette, re-gearing is one of my favourite parts of the game.

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: Just the small group of friends that I play with.

Extra Information: Pretty much everything Paddette said and everything I mentioned above.

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Profile Name: Justin

Player ID (Not SteamID): 40446470

Why do you wish to join the Militia: because i feel its pointless to wander the wasteland alone and its important to have a group to travel and raid with.

What can you offer the Militia: im willing to share my resources as needed and can follow orders

Are you a team player: of course

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: sure. you wont keep your items forever

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: nope

Extra Information: i do have a mic and i can be very active. i can be on almost every day. im not exactly a veteran player but i know my way around dayz pretty well! i think of myself as a good sniper. i like the idea of providing overwatch to my teammates as well as being effective in combat.

Edited by Justin619

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Application Format

Profile Name:Doctor Friendly

Player ID (Not SteamID):2018050

Why do you wish to join the Militia:i dont like killing people for loot...in this apocalypse we should all stick togehter.

What can you offer the Militia:regular playing, skill, honesty

Are you a team player:definetly yes

Are you willing to lose your gear if required:yes..i will just go and find me new equipment

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which:nope..not yet..although i have played with 2 friends of mine as a group.

Extra Information:i am german, which means i mainly play on european servers.

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Interestingly enough, we've had quite the few people join our Teamspeak. I encourage and enjoying eager people such as themselves looking forward to a greater cause.

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Profile Name: Topsu

Player ID (Not SteamID): 27381062

Why do you wish to join the Militia: I have bandits, and I want to help you to clear every single of them.

What can you offer the Militia: Loyal and good teammate, that it is always nice to play with.

Are you a team player: Ofcourse. I will do anything for my team. ;)

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Yes.

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which:

Extra Information: My timezome is GMT+2 + my ping in US server are a bit over 100, I hope it does not matter

Edited by Topsu

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Profile Name: Tatortodd22

Player ID: Tatortodd22

Why do you wish to join the Militia: I enjoy playing with more purpose than scavenging and "losing more slowly" gameplay. I want to help people and make a difference. I'm looking for organized aid for survivors and each other.

Perhaps transporting fresh players or providing security for one of the medical services that are also available.

What can you offer the Militia: Great leadership skills, tactical awareness, reliable team player etc.

Are you a team player: Yes

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Absolutely

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: Tactical Gaming, but never for DayZ. I was a member of Squad Staff with 10+ guys underneath me,

and I was given the job mentor (teaching other leaders in my position how to lead effectively and appropriately)

Extra Information: I'm Central Standard time, just died and have nothing (final straw from bandits that inspired me to join), and I'm

relatively fresh to DayZ. But as always, I'm picking it up quickly. I'm a very adept gamer.

Chernarbarus is hell: I hope to see you in hell! :)

Edited by tatortodd22

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Profile Name: Dantheman221

Player ID (Not SteamID): 4675204

Why do you wish to join the Militia: I want to help others survive but everytime I try to help someone, that person shoots me in the head!

What can you offer the Militia: Excelent English and Russian, I know how to fly the Venom(almost perfectly), good spoting skills, I always carry an extra can of

:beans: !

Are you a team player: I'm a team player and will listen to almost any command my superior gives me!

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Already lost my gear more than once, doesn't even frustrate me.

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: No.

Extra Information: Currently live in Ukraine but moving back to the US in a month or so. Cant wait to help out others and finally not worry about being alone in the wasteland and having someone watch my back! :)

Also, currently well stocked with meds, beans, coke and guns to share!

Edited by Dantheman221

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Profile Name:MajorSkillz

Player ID (Not SteamID): MajorSkillz

Why do you wish to join the Militia: I'm tired of playing along and I could do with a clan to contribute and play this game with.

What can you offer the Militia: Excellent English and I'm a good sniper with good tactics. Usually always carry round spare steaks.

Are you a team player: Yes as to progress in most games you need to be involved in a team.

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Yeah, it's not exactly hard to get back anyway.

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: No

Extra Information: Live in Britain and will be on for quite a while each day as I have just finished my exams

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Keep the apps coming guys! We already have a solid core of players who are consistently online, but we could always use more! Remember to hop into our teamspeak and chat it up with us as well.

We will NOT bring you along on operations unless you join and chat with us, as applications are not enough to go off of.

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Profile Name: Faulty

Player ID (Not SteamID): 29169030

Why do you wish to join the Militia: Tired of running around in circles and getting lost alone and getting PKed.

What can you offer the Militia: A newbie that catches on quick and willing to join any raids if I'm on. Usually love being the stealthy one.

Are you a team player: Yes~!

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: No problem with losing my gear since once you die it'll go poof anyways.

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: No.

Extra Information: As stated in the "What can I offer" part I'm still a newbie when it comes to DayZ tactics. Other then that I have the gist of how my play style is.

Edited by Faulty

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Profile Name: Kasumih

Player ID (Not SteamID): 44283398

Why do you wish to join the Militia: I'm sick of having no one to play with and getting killed by so called 'friendly's'

What can you offer the Militia: A good eye and a good sniper shot and I'm Irish so I have loads of luck about me :P ;)

Are you a team player:Very much so

Are you willing to lose your gear if required:Of course, it's a big part of the game

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which:I played with a group of people the other day, the person who got the group together(from what I recall) was called Upshot.

Extra Information: I haven't been playing this game very long but would like to think I'm a smart player and will help people out as much as I can

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Profile Name:teapot

Player ID (Not SteamID):40514310

Why do you wish to join the Militia:I would really like some people to play with mainly but you guys seemed to be deticated to helping other players rather than yourselves to their corpse

What can you offer the Militia:I'm a good scout and pointman that is also skilled at perperation and logistics for any mission.

Are you a team player:Yeah, i've been apart of realism units for Red Orchestra.

Are you willing to lose your gear if required:Yep, I do anyway.

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which:Nothing for this game but im looking to change that.

Extra Information:Im chill 28 year old, live on east coast. I play on 3P:off servers only, usually play nights sometimes days.

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[application withdrawn]

Edited by Dr.Lyme

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Do you accept SEA region people?

Nvm... Your main server kicked me due to 260 ping ( too high ping ), so I think it's a no I suppose. Being in other region sucks. :( Guess I'll just do my daily solo adventure like usual then. G'luck, guys. ;)

Edited by Jean Jacques Serrault

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Sounds like a great idea.

I'll try and join you on TS sometime. I won't put in an application now, as just like you want to hear me on TS i want to get to know/hear you too. :)

Right now I'm heavily armed.. M14, M249 & NVG and am looking for some revenge on some bandits! Teaming up with some other with good intentions sounds great.

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Do you accept SEA region people?

Nvm... Your main server kicked me due to 260 ping ( too high ping ), so I think it's a no I suppose. Being in other region sucks. :( Guess I'll just do my daily solo adventure like usual then. G'luck, guys. ;)

We've been looking into other servers actually. Doesn't hurt to stop by and ask for help or if you want to play.

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We've been looking into other servers actually. Doesn't hurt to stop by and ask for help or if you want to play.

Nice. I'll try to contact you tomorrow then. Currently playing at SEA servers ( SG, AUS, NZ with low ping ). Hope to walk together with you, guys. :D

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Profile Name: PV1 B. Getchell

Player ID (Not SteamID): 10989062

Why do you wish to join the Militia: I want to join a pure survivor group, I am tired of gray or gray combination area groups....

What can you offer the Militia: A possible medic and pathfinder, I am very crafty and I have great navigation skills, I know how to defuse most situations

involving armed players who think we are bandits....

Are you a team player: Yessir!

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Sure, I have been killed with coyote packs by a serverhopper and sighed and moved on..

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: FOXFALL, Diplomats....

Extra Information: Do I really need extra? haha? I have around 4 months of Arma 2 OA ACE AND ACRE WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING about DayZ, 2 Months of DayZ....

In almost all groups I join I am considered the "Most experienced" Even in groups that have existed when the mod started....

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ProfileName: iMartyr

Player ID (NotSteamID): 11088262

Why do you wish to join the Militia: got bored of running around up north more interested currently in securing a zone in a city environment.

What can you offer the Militia: great tactical sense, along with a point man or rear guard duty.

Are you a team player: very much so social interaction make this mod better then playing solo

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: I've done it numerous times, still hasn't bothered me.

Have you been with any other groups,and if so state which: my own group that i started with some friends who i have played numerous games with over the years, we generally wear the =ION= tag.

Extra Information: my land nav skills aren't half bad, i know how to clear most buildings safely, and i don't mind dying to protect or save another.

Edited by Muller

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