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[Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

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Profile Name: Matt

Player ID (Not SteamID): 6211782

Why do you wish to join the Militia: I'm looking to find a group of people i can play with that just want to enjoy the game for what it is, im tired of coming across people in the game whos first instinct is to shoot everything that moves, from what ive read in this thread you guys seem like the kind of group im looking for. you're first interest isnt killing everything but to help when needed, you seem fairly organized and from other posts ive read its mostly positive feedback

What can you offer the Militia:

-an honest player who has a very relaxed attitude when it comes to things. i dont get stressed out all that often and i can get along with pretty much anyone unless they have little kid syndrome. im not the most talented player in the world but i can handle my own in most situations. when i make commitments i keep those commitments the best i can. in terms of dedication i rate myself very high on the scale.

Are you a team player:

-very much so, ive played many multiplayer based games in the past and am currently part of an xbox 360 team that plays in online based tournaments here and there. ive also taken part in various MMOs over the years that required some form of teamwork in order to get things accomplished

Are you willing to lose your gear if required:

-gear doesnt really matter to me all that much, what keeps me playing games is the community of people i play with, if someone needs something that i have that will help them then i would gladly give it up

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which:

-since playing this game ive mostly played by myself, its hard finding people that dont try to kill me on sight

Extra Information:

-Age: 26

-Location: Canada (Est time zone)

-TS3 currently installed

if you have any questions or feedback please feel free to send me a message, i will gladly jump on your TS server im just not available at the moment..

Tahnks for taking the time to read this,

Cheers, Matt

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Yes it was you, yes you did fire on us.

You can also tell your fellow clan-mate Harry and his friend Maggyfix that they're welcome at our camp any time. Only, please don't combat log next time, be more accurate with your shots, and try not to get lit up regardless of your usage of exploits.

Your clan has quite the reputation.

Ok I didn't wanted to answer in first hand but accusing [LOL] members and friends of intentional exploit is enough.

First, I would like to clarify what happens when you killed Muerte. He NEVER fired on your group, a random guy did. You searched this random guy, found Muerte AFK in the forest and killed him thinking it was the random guy. Then you invented a nice story on how you flanked and killed him "without any losses". But the truth is you killed an AFK guy "without any losses".

About Harry's story. Yes he was killed lately while searching camps north of the map. You should be proud since you killed him on sight. He didn't even know you were here and was not a threat for you or your group. Maybe you forgot the Rule #1 and #3 of your organization. A group who kill on sight are bandits in my book. Maybe people who apply for your group should know that since it's written exactly the opposite in the first page. Harry has been killed in PvP combat and didn't disconnected. Nobody in our group is doing that, period.

You are accusing [LOL] clan and friends about exploit. But what about your multiple tent cities north of the map full of duplicated items? I know it sometimes happens to dupliacte a tent by mistake but tent cities as big as yours and full of hight end gear is an exploit. A lot of your tents are clearly duplicated on purpose. Before giving lesson to others you should be irreproachable and it's not the case.

About Maggyfix story. I never heard about this guy and he never played with us. So maybe he was also searching camps and combat logged when you engaged him but he's not affiliate to [LOL] in any way.

I don't want to start a war on your topic but things must be clarified.

NB: english is not my native language sorry about bad grammar.



Edited by Nikiller

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Yes it was you, yes you did fire on us.

You can also tell your fellow clan-mate Harry and his friend Maggyfix that they're welcome at our camp any time. Only, please don't combat log next time, be more accurate with your shots, and try not to get lit up regardless of your usage of exploits.

Your clan has quite the reputation.

I still say you were mistaken and I do not combat log or exploit. You can ask anyone that knows me, I do not cheat or exploit and am probably the most honorable and truthful person you will ever come across. I asked you to explain, just not come in and say it was me. I wanted to hear the story of my assumed deeds otherwise I think you really don't know what the hell you are talking about. That maybe I am the one telling the truth and you are the one that should not be trusted at your word. You do know the difference between respond and react don't you? It's not important really it's only a game and if I did something like that I would have admitted it. I just don't like to have my name slandered in real life or in games. I would agree Harry is a great guy and I will pass on what you said. As for our clans rep yes it is highly possible that it has been earned but we all do our own thing and I am very sure some of them have earned some of the labels you may have given them. Good luck, have fun.

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Story time children:

1) Multiple Militia members can verify my story. Not too hung up about it though, and can understand how a mix-up could've occurred. All I know, is that due to recent circumstances involving encounters with your group, it's not unreasonable to come to the conclusion that Muerte did in fact fire upon us. It is NOT, however, Muerte I'm accusing of combat logging. That single encounter was the only time we have ever come across him so I apologize if I made it sound like you were grouped in with Harry and his friend.

2) When militia members are fired upon, and we identify a target in the immediate area WITH NOBODY ELSE AROUND, we are not about to act like sitting ducks and politely ask the lone gunman if they were the ones shooting on us. Facts: We heard Winchester gunfire coming from southeast of Berizino. We investigated while on a supply mission. We take fire from lone Winchester rifleman. We identify a single person in the woods with us wielding a winchester. We take him out. End of story. If your man was, by some miracle , not the one firing on us, I apologize.

3) Facts about incident with Harry: Myself and a fellow member take fire while at our LONE camp at the North of the map by 2 gunmen with DMR'S. After several shots, I take a hit and crawl under a tree to bandage myself. Our Pick-up truck at camp starts and begins to drive away. Pickup stops half-way out of camp for some reason. Silence for about 10 mins. Militia member and I use THERMALS to scan area. I spot someone by the truck, fire, man immediately disappears into thin air. I spot second gunmen on the hill directly to our west. I, not thinking straight (I will from now on always fire on hostile targets with my AS50 first, as to prevent future combat logging), take fire on gunman with L85. Gunman immediately disappears. Two DMR's are seen lying on the ground next to the pick-up truck as well as both our AS50's missing from it.

Thorough scan of the area is conducted, when 5 mins later 3 AS50 shots are heard, one taking down my fellow soldier. I run to treeline to the west on the hill and wait. 15 minutes pass, I find Harry directly north of our camp, take him out with one shot. 15 more minutes pass, I find his buddy directly on the hill east of our camp trying to snipe, take him out also. Both had AS50's on them.

You were not there, I was. This is exactly how it happened. As you can see, we did not shoot on site, they did.

As for multiple "tent cities" north, we have ONE camp. I have no idea how long you've been on this server or even playing this mod, but you should know that camps up north are frequent and tents are EVERYWHERE. As for 'duped' items, The Walking Militia has been around since the start of this mod and have acquired a vast arsenal through legit hard work. Your baseless accusations are nothing more than childish in nature, so I suggest you withhold those until you have concrete evidence.

As for Maggie, you should know that while maintaining a guild, you are responsible for the actions of anyone you raid with. To say that you are not completely liable for Maggy's actions are irresponsible of you. I know that I would make sure who I recruit into the Miltia, and that I wouldn't be wary of their actions because it may reflect badly on the group as a whole.

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me via PM as this is a recruiting thread and would like it to stay that way.


Edited by MarshallLaw

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Let me also add to Marshall's statement that your "friendly" group is stalking one of our members around in a red car, if I am not mistaken. For what reason, may I know?

Edited by Dantheman221

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I was on TS with Harry who was playing alone when he was killed. He had just found your camp or one near it & was actually alt/tabbed logging its coordinates in notepad when you shot him (that's 2 "high risk" AFKers to add to your tally). He hadn't seen a soul up there and was shocked and disappointed on TS when he alt/tabbed back and saw "You Are Dead". This Maggie is not a friend of LOL and was not with Harry.

I was on TS and on the other side of the map when Muerte was killed for taking a leak. He had joined only a short time earlier and traveled as he described to the point where he said, "I gotta pee. Be right back." Moments later I saw "Muerte LOL was killed" and he was not yet back on TS. Like Harry he was pretty disappointed to have lost at a gunfight he didn't know he was in.

Perhaps you are a benevolent bunch but you have killed two of our clan members who were AFK at the time and hadn't fired on you. There are a lot of a$$holes on US 10 but the two players you have singled out are not the droids you are looking for. :(

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Seems kind of strange that your members are AFK and not disconnect from the server but, when we engage them, they start to disconnect? No matter what you might have heard, I've seen different with my own character.

I hear a fellow member in desperate need of help at base, I give him a bloodbag, I get shot and die, member shoots my killer and then kills another player (seemingly unrelated to your clan)

We do not want conflict but, Harry put as much gear as the truck can fit into it (some items fell out of the truck) and started to drive away. What other options do we have? Dont tell us that he was "AFK" because I know he wasn't. I do not want to accuse anyone of lying but, someone is holding out the truth and it is not us.

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Does LoL own a red car on US 10?

Edited by teapot

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Does LoL own a red car on US 10?

No we have no vehicles since we are too disrupt to own one :). Even if we would steal one we would be too lazy to take care of it.



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Does LoL own a red car on US 10?

Not that I am aware of, but I have not been on since the hackers started in. I would not take a vehicle anyway, way to noisy. I prefer hoofing it, easier to hide, easier to react. To me they are nothing but death waiting to happen.

Marshal thank you for your explanation, I will assure you it was not me that fired on you guys and it appears that this was truly a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and mistaken identity..no harm no foul, stuff happens. I have actually started a thread in our forums private section a couple weeks ago about rounding up friendlies to gain group size.

Yes we do stay connected when we are AFK (well I speak for myself) kind of like cheating if you don't isn't it? If I were going to be afk for more than 5-10 minutes then yes but I'm not quite that old yet and can still pee fairly quickly. You should know, and as I said before, we each play our own way. I know there are a couple clan members that will do the things you described but for the most part most of us don't. I detest cheating and cheaters. I will stay and take my lumps to the end, to do otherwise is cowardly and is not in my nature one iota in real life or in game.

Hopefully if we encounter one another you will see the truth in what I tell you. If I hadn't already fired on you then most likely I'm not going to, you will get the first move. Sorry to hijack your thread..Good gaming..Good luck.

Edited by Muerte LOL

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My mistake then, I was stalked by a red car with 2-3 shooters, trying to hijack a cargo truck. Also have been killed by them before. :(

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Sorry to hijack your thread..Good gaming..Good luck.

Yep enough threat hijacking.

I wish you good luck and hope we could work together in future. If not good luck all the same.



Edited by Nikiller

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Hey there,

Sounds like an awesome group you have.

Is there an area on the US10 server that would be safer to travel in. Just looking to survive on my own right now, but it would be nice to be on a server where you don't immediately get shot at when you run into someone else. I have even saved some people from being eaten, only to be shot in the back.

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Joining the teamspeak is your best bet. I just linked up with someone else and gave them a care package to get em going. As far as "safe areas" there are none I know of.

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I know there aren't really any "safe" areas. I was just trying to see if there were areas that were better controlled by the Militia,

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I know there aren't really any "safe" areas. I was just trying to see if there were areas that were better controlled by the Militia,

While we don't necessarily 'control' parts of the map, we do freqently perform raids on certain towns. If you are ever in need of supplies of any kind, don't hesitate to join our teamspeak and ask.

Edited by MarshallLaw

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Joined the team speak. I'll be sure to ask if I need anything, the same goes for the militia if I am ever to be called upon..

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Cyan's Application

Profile Name: Cyan

Player ID (Not SteamID): 10750342

Why do you wish to join the Militia: I haven't been part of an organized clan in DayZ before, and the thought interested me. I like playing with my friends, but generally there's never more than one of them online at once, and they tend to troll, even shooting me on occasion. I think joining an organized group would give me a completely new group aspect to DayZ, and I'd like to try that.

What can you offer the Militia: I've played DayZ for a good while now. I'm pretty experienced with the game's mechanics, so I know how the basics work. I'd like to offer my teamwork, and I don't think my skills with guns is too shabby, but I'd prefer to sneak around and grab loot rather than going in guns-blazing anytime. Seeing how organized this group seems, this might not matter much, but I've a ghillie suit I can give as well. I've found it useful for getting around other survivors without confrontation.

Are you a team player: Yes. I get a bit of a thrill doing something as an efficient team, with planned out strategies for different situations. It's also nice to know that the people I'm teaming up with won't suddenly shoot me in the back.

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Sure. I'm not saying that I'm invulnerable to that horrible feeling of loss after you realize the gear you spent hours getting was taken away in a second by some guy with a shotgun, but I'm able to easily move on, convincing myself that I can just as easily find the gear again and that dying is half the thrill of the game.

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: No, I haven't. This is my first time trying to join any official group.

Extra Information:

Two things:

I know I'm new to the forums, but I've pretty much just been a lurker until now. I'm not new to the mod, as I actually bought the game when the mod was in very low stages of popularity and started playing it then. I wasn't exactly impressed, as it was less then than it is now, but imagine my surprise a couple months later when suddenly it's making gaming headlines everywhere.

Also, I'm not sure if age is a requirement, but I'm 14. I wouldn't say my voice is squeaky, but it is a tad higher-pitched than average, as pointed out by pretty much every single person in my old middle school. I don't tend to just talk without reason, and I'm very conscious about annoying people. Just thought I'd add that beforehand. :P

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Profile Name: Navx

Player ID (Not SteamID): 50020998

Why do you wish to join the Militia: I love playing DayZ with a group of people. I enjoy helping players who actually need it (RedditRescueForce). I think it would be a great experience to join the Militia and help other's out.

What can you offer the Militia: Scavenged items, potential medic. I'm pretty good and surviving on my own enough to offer players assistance when they need it. I could go out and hunt for items the Militia needs and return them to where-ever they need to go.

Are you a team player: Yes.

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Yes, it's DayZ after all. It's fun to lose your gear and start over. In it for the hunt.

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: Not really; I've done some Reddit rescue tasks, but nothing enough to become a real member.

Extra Information: I'm 21, and located in US-East [-4 GMT]. Thanks for your consideration.

Edited by navx2810

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Profile Name: April

Player ID: 23119686

Why do you wish to join the Militia: Initially, I went on the forums today to find a clan to play DayZ with but after reading this I would really be interested in joining due to the fact that this is an interesting concept and I would like to get rid of the stereotype of "there's no one friendly in DayZ".

What can you offer the Millita: I can offer my time, organisation skills ability to talk to people and my skills in DayZ.

Are you a team player: When I have the opportunity to be in a team - I am. I enjoy playing with other people than being alone. It adds to the experience and it means I can ensure my own and others safety.

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Yes. When playing DayZ I find the best thing to do is to carry just what you need. At the end of the day you can just find the gear again.

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: No, not any notable groups. So far in DayZ the only group I have played with is my two friends.

Steam name: Mrbenybob

I live in the UK but I can play at any time.

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Profile Name: xKunaiKnight

Player ID (Not SteamID): 64061574

Why do you wish to join the Militia: I don't like the fact that people think there is absolutely no one "Friendly" in the DayZ community. I want to change the way people think when they start the game.

What can you offer the Militia: I can carry medical supplies and extra supplies for people if needed.

Are you a team player: Definitely

Are you willing to lose your gear if required: I don't mind losing my gear at all. Just because I lost a pair of NGV's or a M4 doesn't mean I won't be able to get another one.

Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: Just a misfit group of friends playing around once in a while.

Extra Information: I'm 15, my timezone is CST. I can play anywhere from 12 PM CST-4 AM CST

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Grr, I somehow got glitched when scavenging the NW Airbase, sooo, next time I log in I am probably gonna die and there is probably no way to get from the coast to the airbase before someone gets my stuff. So when I log back in I will get on teamspeak and give someone the location of my body someone I know can get it. Just picked up the M4A3 CCO so this sucks to lose it so soon.

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Unless you catch someone in a adventurous/suicidal mood, I don't think anyone will go get your stuff from the NWAF. Although, we do have some adventurous people..

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Unless you catch someone in a adventurous/suicidal mood, I don't think anyone will go get your stuff from the NWAF. Although, we do have some adventurous people..

Well if I could drop off my stuff with someone I'll run back up there, I just ran off the airfield two days ago cause I ran out of ammo

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