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Wallets (add to the immersion)

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The intrusive HUD study body text could be replaced by an immersive "view wallet" screen.

That's actually what I had in mind and I think it's quite a good solution for that. Instead of magically knowing how that dead guy was you have to look at the wallet and if someone already took it your all out of luck and you'll never know who that guy was.

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I'm not offended, it's actually kind of entertaining to read.

Good, the following comments will not sound like an argument.

Another contradiction would be going on about the pointlessness of adding pointless features, but still want to throw in your suggestion for a pointless diary.

It wasn't my idea, but i found it to be a good idea for when a player came across your body to add more story to the game.

Oh, and your argument about living in the past. DayZ the Z stands for zero. When you spawn is day number zero, the start of your new life in a zombie apocalypse. You're free to discard your wallet and embrace your new life or hold on to the past and hope to god you can go home one day.

There was no argument about living in the past, It was a statement about an apocalypse and someone showing me a wallet! not necessarily in DayZ! There is no story to DayZ, you make it up. If there was, then perhaps a wallet would be a game breaking item and i could find my way home (If it was still there in an apocalypse) but somehow i don't think a wallet will add much to the game besides slight distractions.

What's next? Beans or wallet? I mentioned adding it to toolbelt, so yeah, no conflict.

Add it where you want, I still think it's a poor and badly concieved idea! can't change that (people forget the 2nd post OP made and the fact opinions can't all be the same)

The intrusive HUD study body text could be replaced by an immersive "view wallet" screen.

Lets add more pointless menus to a game when they have just been removed!

I think you kinda contradict yourself in your response to the quotes. On one hand you say 'part of the pull for DayZ is because it does not conform to other games' but then you gon on and say 'do you have a wallet in any other game?'.

I don't see any contradiction, DayZ is not like other games and nor have I played a game with a wallet in! Perhaps context was out?

Just because 'items' might not have a use doesn't mean there is no value in adding them to the game. For example look at games like Fallout or the Elder Scrolls franchise, they have all sorts of useless items lying around, what it does is add to the immersion. To me DayZ is all about 'authenticity' and 'immersion' into the world and in my opinion a few 'useless' items can go along way.

I agree, but I honestly think adding a wallet as a tool for what the OP stated in 1st post (Just have a read of it and tell me you would add wallets for this reason) would be a bad use for an idea. would you like to customise to synthetic or natural? How would starting a car have anything to do with a wallet? in Russia? I like scenery and some items like a wallet could become useful down the line. but please read again the OP! i would find more use for a diary than a wallet.

But I can see why one might think it a bad or rather useless idea. I think it should surely take a back seat priority wise but it should not be discarded entirely.

Opinions are all different, some fit, some don't ;)

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25

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This has to be the best idea for a wallet yet also i think using the money as tinder/fire starter is brilliant, Also is "Pooing" is put in the standalone as Rocket said it could be! you can use the money to wipe your arse XD

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This topic made me lol till my sides ached.

The wallet is very easy to implement. As stated before many players want a trophy for their kills. IDs are great for that which would be found in a wallet. It doesn't need to be an option but perhaps a function. Example: You walk up the the corpse of a player and you use the wheel to highlight "Check wallet" the game will then tell you "They where Playername from playerdefinedlocation" Or better yet show your player picking it up and viewing it in first person for increased immersion. Yes I know we have "examine body" now but there's not much immersion to it. You look at the body and learn everything about them as if we're cyborg aliens with neural scanners.

Also, just because someone has an idea, or view that differs from yours don't get in a tiff just simply and calmly state how you disagree and why. Perhaps you can both eventually find a common ground.

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I agree. Of course there is going to be the odd person that put retarded info in their wallet but that's human beings :)

Perhaps people might start feeling a little guilty if they pick up a wallet of one of their victims and they seem like a nice fella, and this guilt would not be imposed by the game at all, I would hate that. However I think that getting to know the person you just killed/found dead a little beyond a simple internet name which gives no information whatsoever would be a good addition to the game so yeah, HAV MAH BEANZ.

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plz, only post constructive criticism, thank you

I posted constructive criticism and you didn't like it I gave you my thoughts, if you don't like them that's fine. I'm over it!

consider the face as me walking away from a bad idea :thumbsup:

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25
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Hmmm it's a hit n miss idea...

Would be a nice little trinket thing as you go about collecting dead peoples wallet. Then collecting from other so on and so forth till you have a little collection...

on the downside though Butthurt will increase ten fold, collecting "tags" or "wallets" in this case, The morn wallets you have the more of a target you become, even if you have just decided you like the picture on the dead newspawns passport.

My final thought though is to turn this idea down im afraid, a nice and original concept i must admit but i just can't see it bein implemented or even bein a feature players would use even if it was there,

To be honest i would rather see more clothin ie Uniforms or more varied Civvy clothing, so not everyone is running about in a white top, blue jeans and a damn baseball cap....

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That was my point, I would rather see something more useful and I thought a diary would add some real immersion to the game. Something besides a single item which became a one in ten collectors item, that spoke to survivors and bandits alike. I'm sure these little items could be added to the game as rocket stated only up to a year of development after release would be allocated.

Imagine opening a diary / note book up and there are pictures and tales of the now dead players lives, stories of locations and maybe even stashes! torn pages leaving questions etc (Like money use as toilet roll!) That IMO would appeal to me, and don't be misguided in thinking i was getting in a tiff, I was doing what post 2 asked!

But each to his / her own. No harm meant!

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A diary would be epic. making notes of player encounters, camps, loot spots etc but yeah you can tear out pieces of Co-ords etc so your camp stays hidden, so on so forth.... kinda ting i would love to see implemented!

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consider the face as me walking away from a bad idea

i thought you were walking away from my so called bad idea but i see you came crawling back.

on the downside though Butthurt will increase ten fold, collecting "tags" or "wallets" in this case, The morn wallets you have the more of a target you become, even if you have just decided you like the picture on the dead newspawns passport.

Wow my first brony on the thread and here I thought I was the only…*clears throat* people getting mad upon losing their wallets should not be considered a negative aspect for this idea, using this logic i can say the same thing for why diaries shouldn't be implemented.

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Wow my first brony on the thread and here I thought I was the only…*clears throat* people getting mad upon losing their wallets should not be considered a negative aspect for this idea, using this logic i can say the same thing for why diaries shouldn't be implemented.

Haha you are far from the "Only" one here, we are many!!

It's kinda hit and miss for both sides of the argument but from a Diary you can have a hell of alot more info, stories, camps loot tree's etc, Just alot more can come from a Diary than a wallet...

Plus come the end of the world im pretty sure remembering to take my wallet would be the last thing on my mind, but i would always take a notebook/diary for keeping notes and keeping me sane!

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Maybe not make the wallet/diary an actual item to gain or lose. Just when you study a body you got much more info such as name, days survived, stats of zomb/bandit/survivor kills and small note your can write at anytime or choose not.

Me personally I'd value my paper as a fire starter more than a diary or even a relief from wiping me ass with foliage

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Love this idea! It's far from useless or pointless plus gives players more tools and/or props to play with!


  • Photo ID - You now know who this dead person is. Would love to be able to fill out height, weight, address, etc etc. People could collect them from dead bodies... bandits would use them as trophies, some may pick them up and throw away theirs as a means of tricking other players, others may pick them up for RP reasons. It's a tool... people will come up with all kinds of intended and unintended uses for it! You should be able to discard yours as well. Maybe I don't want people knowing who I am? Maybe I want to leave it as a clue? Maybe there's another reason I'm not thinking of? It's far from pointless or useless.
  • Show ID - Instead of magical floating nameplates above people... have an action or mechanism to show an ID. Want to know who someone is? Ask to see their ID... maybe they show you their legit ID... maybe they show you a stolen one... maybe they say "fuck off" and shoot at you.
  • Photos - T'would be awesome if we could somehow upload images that appear as photos in our wallets. Obviously some will use it stupid and bad reasons. Many of us will use it for good reasons. Again other players could take them from a dead persons wallet for many reasons. Would be cool if you could write a note on the back of it too. Maybe it gets left as a clue with a note on it? Maybe I write something on it that's totally pointless. Maybe you write something on it that's useful? Again it's a tool and people will come up with all kinds of uses for it... it's not pointless or useless.
  • Style - There should be two kinds; typical man's wallet and typical women's wallet.
  • Function - Could be a separate, small. limited container. So you can take and hold the entire wallet and add or remove things from it separate from other wallets. Or you could take stuff out of the wallet, put it into another wallet, and discard ones you don't want to keep.
  • I agree with bad_mojo - It shouldn't have meta data like cause of death, days survived, hero/bandit/survivor status Although maybe there's a note in everyone's wallet that indicates days survived by hash marks?

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It don't like it, it's a small and meaningless addition that serves no purpose. Don't get me wrong, notes as a separate idea is good, money in an apocalypse? But character information is not something I personally play for, I come across your body and I'll bury you, wallet wasted! I don't see th point of Death tallies in a game where your aim is to survive.

I'm running from an infected zed and I have nothing to defend myself I could throw my wallet as a distraction like a flare. That's as much use it would be, information without a story driven background would be a bit pointless.

Not tryin to be negative or piss on your idea.

of course you are being negative. anyway he didn't mean wallets for money, he meant it for identifying people instead of HUD or the 'examine body' option. imo it would be a great idea, really hope they add it.
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What if people kept their wallets in their diaries?

now you're just being silly

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Oh I forgot about this thread, still a bad idea IMO

ok we get it you dont have to keep repeating yourself buddy

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With the debug monitor gone, wallets could be a good away to track humanity. Either by collecting ids or having the game automatically record kills on a piece of paper with hash marks. There should be a hotkey to open your wallet and have everything be displayed all at once (much like it is now when you open your gear) so it won’t be that bothersome for players to check it.

Also works as good way to show other people your humanity.

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