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FR 34 / FR 129 RAID WINE Servers Thread

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ok so i seem to be banned again for no reason . WHY is this please . 19.15 gmt

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ok so i seem to be banned again for no reason . WHY is this please . 19.15 gmt


Ask this question to BattlEye. I am not responsible of this.

Do not stay in the lobby during the restart.

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Why I was banned. I'm not a cheater. Just jumped between servers. I'm not a cheater. My nickname in the game was Skorostrel. Thank you.

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Dear admin, I would like to draw your attention to some facts. I often play with a friend on your server and we enjoy fights that happen honestly. We play DayZ since she appeared and this vast experience allows to feel "like a fish in water." Yesterday's game showed that aiming rifles in some players sight begins to shake as if my character ran 10 miles, I was not injured and not needed a blood analgesic 12,000, did not run before. A similar situation and my friend, it does not matter at what distance of the target, whether it is 400 or 100 meters. One of those to whom I hunted managed to kill me through a concrete wall kulgaza top floor, this would have been impossible even as50 and M107 as he shot from DMR and killed with the first shot that was no longer possible. Cheater blow buildings turning them into ruin. Ram kulgaz helicopters, then managing to survive. I understand that we could anger other players killing all life in the city, but it does not mean that them need to include a cheat. Please keep track of these fellows.

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Thanks for your feedback.


1/Yesterday's game showed that aiming rifles in some players sight begins to shake as if my character ran 10 miles, I was not injured and not needed a blood analgesic 12,000, did not run before.

2/ One of those to whom I hunted managed to kill me through a concrete wall kulgaza top floor, this would have been impossible even as50 and M107 as he shot from DMR and killed with the first shot

3/ Ram kulgaz helicopters, then managing to survive.


1/ I would need more information. do you shake when you hold your breath? Have you checked the temperature, is it fine? Is it a shake on the sight only, or a heavy shake like when you need some medic? In which server (FR34=recruit, FR129=veteran) ?

2/ Since few days I log the damage and I am building some statistics in order to reveal strange behavior. Meanwhile, you should tell me the name of your killer if you suspect someone.

3/ you will survive too, any player will. For now, I can't make the difference between a known hack (a hacker crashing localvehicles to other players) and a regular crash, so I don't register damage in this case.

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The temperature was was normal for me and my friend. Played on FR34. Nicknames do not remember.

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I have been playing on FR34 for a number of weeks and really enjoying DayZ as it once was, unfortunately when I tried to join last night I got the following error message:


You were kicked off the game. (BattlEye: Admin Ban (ESP FR3420-Apr-2014 18:16:55 GMT+02)) 


I can only presume BattlEye thinks I have used an ESP hack... Something I would never do. Is there anyway the server admins could look into this for me.





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you won't be unbanned.


Response via private message from Facoptere


you are considered as a cheater since you stay on a roof that no one can be except with a helicopter drop.

I don't even know how you get your ammo.

You are staring the tiles, and since on my admin camera I have an ESP, I know that you are checking incoming players.

You won't be unbanned.





you are considered as a cheater since you stay on a roof that no one can be except with a helicopter drop.

Yes, you are correct, I was dropped on that rooftop on another server, the beauty of Day Z and its hive servers are you spawn in the same place on whatever server you join. I used a legitimate means to gain access to that roof top that anybody could do, at no time did I cheat.

Nowhere in your server rules does it state that inaccessible rooftops are out of bounds. to be banned from the server for using them seems unfair.

I don't even know how you get your ammo.


I have clan mates to thank for my kit, two in our team for one reason or another don't work during the day. they spend a huge amount of time searching barracks and downed helicopters gathering kit for our entire team. this kit is stored in various weapon caches dotted around the map on quieter servers. This means after we have been killed it is a quick process of running to the nearest cache and getting back into the action. I'm quite sure this is something a lot of people do.

You are staring the tiles, and since on my admin camera I have an ESP, I know that you are checking incoming players.

Again untrue, I play with a group of friends, and when we are player hunting we spread our team members over an area to spot incoming prey and using team speak report their position to coordinate attacks. Yes I will have been staring at the tiles because like most people I use 3rd person to look around cover (in this case the apex of the roof), to prevent giving my position away until I'm actually firing at a target.

I'm not using an ESP, if you are then I question who is actually cheating.

I understand this is your server and are quite entitled not to lift my ban, I only hope I have proved that at no point did I cheat, or indeed break your rules.

Edited by Leftuppa

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Just a point of order.......

Could I possibly point out number 10 on the list.



If you are found breaking the following rules, your server will more than likely be suspended at most server providers and if it's not suspended it will result in the entire ip range being BLACKLISTED by DayZ support staff.

1. Your server must follow the DayZ name convention.

DayZ - Location ID (version/beta buildnr) [difficulty][timezone] dayzmod.com - hosted by Customtext.

2. Your server slots must be 40 slots minimum.

Please also note no server provider is allowed to provide servers below 40 slots. However there is an exception for developing countries or countries where bandwidth is expensive, for those countries minimum slot count is now 30.

3. Your server must not be password protected or locked.

BEC connection flood #lock is allowed but must be set to no more then five minutes.

Servers may also be locked briefly before scheduled restarts, again, this may not exceed five minutes.

4. Your server must have BattlEye = 1; set within the server.cfg.

(as of the hive will not allow you to play if this is set to 0).

5. Your server must have reportingIP = "arma2oapc.master.gamespy.com"; set within your server.cfg.

6. Your server must have requiredBuild = replace with newest beta build; set within your config file.

7. Your server must have verifySignature = 2; set within your config file.

8. Your server must have kickDuplicate = 1; set within your config file.

9. All server problems must be reported to http://support.dayzmod.com.

10. As a server admin you must not:

You are not permitted to ban players for killing yourself or clan members.

You are not permitted to shutdown your server when your killed.

You are not permitted to shutdown your server when you lose a vehicle.

You are not permitted to kick or ban for smacktalk.

You are not permitted to ban for suspected cheats or exploits, you need solid evidence, IE logs.

11. You are permitted to kick or ban for hate speech, including racism and homophobia.

12. You are permitted to kick or ban for cheating/hacking/exploiting that is affecting players in a server-disruptive way, providing you have solid evidence.

13. You are permitted to kick for illegitimate weapons/items not intended to be in the game, however please remember, many players do not and should not be expected to know every item that is legitimate and as such we would prefer you do not ban for this.

14. PVP is enabled at all times no matter the rpg element the admin tries to set.

15. Do NOT request un-necessary instance IDs, location IDs, or whitelisting from us. If you abuse the system all of your servers may be blacklisted.

16. Private Hives are allowed however we may not be able to help with problems relating to them, any issues you have with these servers should be reported to the server owner.



:) :)

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can someone help me, I think my humanity counter is glitched. I frequently play on the FR 34 server, where your humanity is displayed in the journal and it wont go up. I know that it doesnt replenish automatically since I am at -22.000 but I have done a lot of blood-bagging and shooting bandits who had negative humanity but nothing changes. On the other hand if I commit a murder my humanity is almost decreased instantly.... :( . Also when my bandit buddy blood-bags me. his counter goes up immediately.


addendum: ingame name is LO0C1F3R also, first letter "O" , then number zero!

Edited by LO0C1F3R

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Only the 2 most significant digits are displayed on the card. So you can't see precisely whether your humanity goes up or not.
You are on the good way, but you should stop killing people.
See all your humanity changes during the last 24 hours:


2014-05-01 20:26:40 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Elektrozavodsk [104:128] at 6kmh, holds AKS-74 Kobra<11>. Humanity=-19816(+15) Health=11552 

2014-05-01 20:38:32 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Elektrozavodsk [104:129] at 2kmh, holds Hatchet<1>. Humanity=-19801(+15) Health=9397 

2014-05-01 20:55:40 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Elektrozavodsk (near player 'A Friendly Zebra') [105:130] at 1kmh, holds AKM<12>. Humanity=-19786(+15) Health=11388 injured

2014-05-01 21:23:29 'LO0C1F3R' drives into Elektrozavodsk [104:129] at 0kmh, holds AKS-74 Kobra<11>. Humanity=-19771(+15) Health=3971 

2014-05-01 21:30:08 'LO0C1F3R' drives into Elektrozavodsk [104:129] at 0kmh, holds AKS-74 Kobra<11>. Humanity=-19756(+15) Health=9592 injured

2014-05-01 22:22:52 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Elektrozavodsk [101:133] at 10kmh, holds M4A1<13>. Humanity=-19711(+15) Inventory=ItemMorphine,M4A1,18xITEM   Backpack=DZ_British_ACU,ItemMorphine,13xITEM   Health=10506 

2014-05-01 22:29:15 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Elektrozavodsk [091:131] at 16kmh, holds M4A1<13>. Humanity=-19696(+15) Health=10041 

2014-05-01 22:34:34 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Prigorodky [086:127] at 2kmh, holds M4A1<13>, kills 1 players. Humanity=-22825(-3129.54) Health=10041 

2014-05-01 22:37:48 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Prigorodky [084:126] at 2kmh, holds M4A1 CCO SD<15>. Humanity=-22810(+15) Inventory=ItemMorphine,M4A1_Aim,21xITEM   Backpack=DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1,ItemMorphine,13xITEM   Health=10041 

2014-05-01 22:38:32 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Prigorodky [084:126] at 6kmh, holds M4A1 CCO SD<15>. Humanity=-22610(+200) Health=10041 

2014-05-01 22:44:35 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Prigorodky [077:119] at 10kmh, holds M4A1 CCO SD<15>. Humanity=-22595(+15) Health=11907 

2014-05-01 22:50:32 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Chernogorsk [071:126] at 6kmh, holds M4A1 CCO SD<15>. Humanity=-22580(+15) Inventory=ItemMorphine,M4A1_Aim,20xITEM   Backpack=DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1,ItemMorphine,13xITEM   Health=11056 

2014-05-01 22:57:35 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Chernogorsk [064:125] at 10kmh, holds M4A1 CCO SD<15>. Humanity=-22565(+15) Health=11160 

2014-05-01 23:06:24 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Chernogorsk [057:128] at 18kmh, holds M4A1 CCO SD<15>. Humanity=-22550(+15) Health=10431 

2014-05-01 23:11:35 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Balota (near player 'Clemens') [046:125] at 7kmh, holds M4A1 CCO SD<15>. Humanity=-22535(+15) Health=10431 

2014-05-01 23:16:46 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Balota (near player 'Clemens', player '0102rekoJ') [047:125] at 1kmh, holds M4A1 CCO SD<15>. Humanity=-22435(+100) Health=10431 

2014-05-01 23:21:31 'LO0C1F3R' walks into South [049:117] at 9kmh. Humanity=-22420(+15) Inventory=ItemMorphine,M4A1_Aim,MakarovSD,23xITEM   Backpack=DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1,ItemMorphine,15xITEM   Health=10431 

2014-05-01 23:30:00 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Kozlovka [050:106] at 17kmh, holds M4A1 CCO SD<15>. Humanity=-22405(+15) Health=11429 

2014-05-01 23:36:57 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Pulkovo [053:094] at 17kmh, holds M4A1 CCO SD<15>. Humanity=-22390(+15) Health=11429 

2014-05-01 23:42:34 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Stary Sobor [060:083] at 17kmh, holds M4A1 CCO SD<15>. Humanity=-22375(+15) Health=10731 

2014-05-01 23:50:44 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Stary Sobor [062:075] at 8kmh, holds M1911A1<3>. Humanity=-22360(+15) Health=11402 

2014-05-01 23:55:08 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Stary Sobor [064:073] at 1kmh, holds M4A3 CCO<13>. Humanity=-22310(+50) Health=11402 

2014-05-01 23:58:12 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Stary Sobor (near player '0102rekoJ') [064:073] at 2kmh, holds M4A3 CCO<13>. Humanity=-22260(+50) Health=11402 

2014-05-02 00:01:22 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Kabanino [058:068] at 16kmh, holds M4A3 CCO<13>. Humanity=-22245(+15) Health=11402 

2014-05-02 00:07:03 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Kabanino [052:061] at 11kmh, holds M4A3 CCO<13>. Humanity=-22230(+15) Health=10971 

2014-05-02 00:29:57 'LO0C1F3R' walks into North Airfield [048:051] at 19kmh, holds M4A3 CCO<13>. Humanity=-22215(+15) Health=10924 

2014-05-02 00:41:34 'LO0C1F3R' walks into North Airfield (near Skoda van S1203 #24123829) [044:040] at 0kmh, holds M4A3 CCO<13>. Humanity=-22200(+15) Health=10924 

2014-05-02 01:08:07 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Krasnostav (near Tent #24129922) [xxx:xxx] at 0kmh, holds M4A3 CCO<13>. Humanity=-22100(+100) Health=10396 

2014-05-02 16:31:38 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Elektrozavodsk [xxx:xxx] at 4kmh, holds M4A3 CCO<13>. Humanity=-22040(+15) Health=11994 

2014-05-02 16:39:04 'LO0C1F3R' drives into Elektrozavodsk [xxx:xxx] at 0kmh, holds M4A3 CCO<13>. Humanity=-21990(+50) Inventory=Colt1911,ItemMorphine,M4A3_CCO_EP1,23xITEM   Backpack=DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1,14xITEM   Health=11994 

2014-05-02 16:43:27 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Elektrozavodsk [105:126] at 13kmh, holds M4A3 CCO<13>. Humanity=-21975(+15) Health=11994 

2014-05-02 16:49:27 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Elektrozavodsk [105:127] at 8kmh, holds M4A3 CCO<13>. Humanity=-21960(+15) Health=11912 

2014-05-02 17:11:05 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Elektrozavodsk [xxx:xxx] at 4kmh, holds Binoculars<5>. Humanity=-21945(+15) Health=12000 

2014-05-02 17:26:17 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Elektrozavodsk (near Stash medium #24058545) [xxx:xxx] at 10kmh, holds M4A3 CCO<13>. Humanity=-21930(+15) Health=12000 

2014-05-02 17:32:38 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Kamyshovo [xxx:xxx] at 5kmh, holds M4A3 CCO<13>. Humanity=-21915(+15) Health=12000 

2014-05-02 17:41:38 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Elektrozavodsk [110:124] at 6kmh, holds M4A3 CCO<13>. Humanity=-21900(+15) Health=9101 

2014-05-02 17:48:05 'LO0C1F3R' walks into Kamyshovo [110:123] at 0kmh, holds M4A3 CCO<13>. Humanity=-21850(+50) Inventory=Colt1911,M4A3_CCO_EP1,18xITEM   Backpack=DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1,ItemMorphine,15xITEM   Health=9101 

2014-05-02 17:51:38 'LO0C1F3R' drives into Elektrozavodsk (near player '0102rekoJ') [110:125] at 0kmh, holds M4A3 CCO<13>. Humanity=-21825(+25) Health=9676 

2014-05-02 17:52:21 'LO0C1F3R' drives into Elektrozavodsk [110:125] at 0kmh, holds M4A3 CCO<13>. Humanity=-21710(+115) Health=9676 

Edited by facoptere
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Great, thanks for the quick answer, at least now I know its not a glitch but I am still a little confused:


According to the dayzWiki you get 250 Humanity for administering a blood bag and 200 for killing a bandit who has a humanity level of lower then zero, yet as you can see in the logs almost all the increases are just good for about +15 humanity.


This is where I got my information from:



Is this article dated? Because all those increases of +15 in the logs seem to be auto-replenishing, which I should not even be getting at -21.000h. Not once have I gotten +250 even though I administered about 6 blood bags in the last 24 hours. (although my mate often had to relog because we were getting the immediate "transfusion successfull" - bug).


I know I have a lot of evil to pay for, but at this rate it will take weeks, probably months just to get back to "0" .....

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"200 for killing a bandit" has always been wrong, since it's depends on victim humanity (it's not fixed to 200)

+15 is when you walk/run, it has always been.

Do not make all your transfusions in a row.

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alright then, I will head onto the long and windy road to being the good guy ! it sucks the dayzwiki is that inaccurate but oh well. I appreciate your help, you may have my beans !

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Banned players on FR34 FR129 servers:


DATE:16.05.2014 18:25:53   GUID:8f61a0bf3898884e47d16ed05c11f534   NAME:"PETROVICH"

SOURCE:publicvariable   PATTERN:#7  "Plants texture hack for type picea"


DATE:16.05.2014 23:58:57   GUID:c87820136b38fc2270e51cb0b07960bb   NAME:"Byrd"

SOURCE:scripts   PATTERN:#76 "private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\LoganNZL\LoganNZL@start.sqf""


DATE:17.05.2014 00:34:29   GUID:09fafd714454119c658b865d744afa13   NAME:"Ancient Muslim Spearmen"

SOURCE:publicvariable   PATTERN:#7  "Plants texture hack for type picea"


DATE:17.05.2014 02:08:11   GUID:0a7929a7ff30b3f0defc2c4a696d426b   NAME:"Emmanuel"

SOURCE:publicvariable   PATTERN:#7  "Plants texture hack for type picea"


DATE:17.05.2014 14:34:00   GUID:b89ed44458d66b401d9de3d64281cb6c   NAME:"user"

SOURCE:publicvariable   PATTERN:#7  "Plants texture hack for type grass"


DATE:17.05.2014 17:14:51   GUID:b4dedfc2eeef82de218effa46b7b4fe3   NAME:"ErickSm360"

SOURCE:publicvariable   PATTERN:#7  "Plants texture hack for type picea"

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Permanent bans on FR34:

DATE:18.05.2014 12:13:13   GUID:6b9841686441cf1b507a7a590828198c   NAME:"Oh Shit It's VG"
SOURCE:scripts   PATTERN:#64 "execVM "\infiSTAR_SSH\Startup.sqf";"

DATE:18.05.2014 12:16:47   GUID:f94c4a0e501b46741e0325be647a9e5b   NAME:"the friendly bandit"
SOURCE:publicvariable   PATTERN:#7  "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:18.05.2014 14:12:21   GUID:e12646e4d2a63ee87fe908a4b98ee335   NAME:"Nathan"
SOURCE:publicvariable   PATTERN:#7  "Plants texture hack for type grass"

DATE:18.05.2014 18:05:40   GUID:9a8cd0f80c0676b85afd716b8ba2f65a   NAME:"Minys71rus"
SOURCE:scripts   PATTERN:#3 "hen {\nplayer addMagazine [_item,_val];\n} else {\nplayer addMagazine _item;\n};\n};\n_idc = _idc + 1;\n} forEach _mags;\n\n\n\n{\n\n_isOK = "

DATE:18.05.2014 19:31:31   GUID:4de2e2f770edd0df79a8087a57d7dad4   NAME:"[~OPQ~] MeowAtMe"
SOURCE:attachto   PATTERN:#0 110:24 Bandit1_DZ 71:337 Bandit1_DZ  [0,-1,0]

DATE:18.05.2014 22:27:29   GUID:0cb15e192f34699699305044bacd4496   NAME:"Semen"
SOURCE:scripts   PATTERN:#7 "#line 1 "vscripts\Startup.sqf"\nplayer addweapon "m4a1";\nplayer addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";\nplayer addMagazine "30Rnd_556x"

... and ofc JohnnyLube and Johnnyfaulty aka roscoo



Permanent bans on FR129:

DATE:17.05.2014 23:15:40   GUID:627f6f7d5eb7a3d5f774ea98c44dbf36   NAME:"Russellrv"
SOURCE:scripts   PATTERN:#7 "[] spawn {\nplayer addweapon "ItemGPS";\nopenMap true;\nplayer setVariable["lastPos",0, true];\nonMapSingleClick "player set"

DATE:18.05.2014 21:00:37   GUID:f73ccac75fba1217ca00b0ded14e983e   NAME:"dobro"
SOURCE:publicvariable   PATTERN:#7  "Plants texture hack for type picea"

Edited by facoptere

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Yay!!! Banned for being on a roof you shouldn't be on :) So if it's built in to the game but doesn't meet the admins expectations it's a bannable offence? Admin you're a cunt full stop


Please do not jump on here and throw around those words, especially not if you're looking to be unbanned.


Member warned.

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Do not make accusations based on nothing. If you look to be unbanned, this is not the way to go.

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rubbish  total rubbish  .. and why hide my post ?? so others dont see whats happening i spose ,   .. that  and i can speak my mind for others to read and make there own mind up that is what the idea of forums are for .. damn power happy admins get all the fun i spose and to tell me not to make accusations based on nothing . bull .. tell that to server admins ..

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Latest permanent bans on FR34:

DATE:19.05.2014 19:46:43 GUID:bc51f1f032830551dc418f28c8c61f16 NAME:"VANGOG"

SOURCE:arma2oaserver PATTERN:"ATP HACK PID#64(VANGOG) moving from Prigorodki [73:120^6.9] to Cap Golova [83:123^7] (1074m) at speed:464 dt:1.3" (teleporting)

DATE:19.05.2014 20:14:30 GUID:2cbd953ceb587d66fa7147043ec34bdb NAME:"Raag"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

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YAY!!! I'm back lets see how long it is before the over zealous mods on here dish out more warnings...


Right let's put all this nonsense to bed once and for all.

A brief history.

 The JohnnyClan has been playing together since Quake LAN partys. It took off in a big way in 2003 with Call of Duty. We also play the Battlefield,Arma and Far Cry series of games and  over those years with over 260 members all over 25  years in age  not one member has ever been caught using hacks or cheats by any of the anticheat programs Vac,Battleye,Punkbuster etc. So for you to state in an open forum that Johnnys were cheating without any hard evidence is both slanderous and a down right lie. Johnnys never have and never will cheat

We came on to your server tore it up, slaughtered a shed load of players and you got your arse in your hands about it. Nothing more nothing less. Other servers (UK410) we  play on using the same style welcome it as a challenge and take great joy at claiming a Johnny scalp.

Facoptere. You accuse Johnnys of using ESP .....You allow on your server the use of 3rd person view. Anyone who has played Arma will tell you by looking in 3rd person and using the free view camera you can "look" over and around solid objects. Your accusations of using "esp" hacks is shot down at this point. Solution disable 3rd person.

Facoptere. You accuse Johnnys of being where they shouldn't be......... Your servers are part of what was the "official" hive. This allows players to come and go with their kit onto different servers. You accuse us of being in places we could only get to using a helicopter and yes we do get to places that are difficult to reach BUT "server hopping" has been a part of Dayz as long as the hive has been alive. It is not illegal in the game sense however, it might be questionable as a style of play.  Who hasn't been shot by snipers "hopping" from server to server in the Cherno towers this has been a part of the mod for as long as it's been around. Solution use a private hive.

Facoptere. You try and pass yourself of as a respectable admin who abides by the rules but this is not the case. I posted the rules here in an earlier post to which you failed to reply. Now no one really takes any notice of those rules now that Rocket has sold his soul to Bohemia (and who can blame him) and everyone is concentrating on the Standalone version. I personally do not care that I have been banned from your server but the reason "Get of those roofs" is hardly a bannable offence according to the rules. Then you add quite pedantically to your post "... and ofc JohnnyLube and Johnnyfaulty aka roscoo" as if it is some sort of moral victory. Very mature So, if you as an admin refuse to abide by the rules why should your players?

 We got banned because we do not fit into your idea of how the game should be played and yes you can argue "I pay for them I will run them as I like" which is fair enough BUT at least have the balls to stand up and say that.
Just admit it,  you threw your toys out of your pram and dropped the ban hammer. You have no proof of cheating even when using your "gcam" thing you're the same as every other lame arse player who, if they cannot explain what happened immediately calls cheat\hack.

 You would get more respect for being honest and saying "Look lads that's not the way I want it on my server" . But then of course that would be seen as being honest......

Oh, and talking of honesty the admins on this forum.. Kichilron you are quick enough to suspend people for personal insults you should at least apply a similar approach to posts of a slanderous nature. You warn people for accusing server admins of abuse without any supporting evidence but allow people to openly throw around cheat\hack allegations again without any supporting evidence. You really need to look at the moderation of this forum.

 Enough said.

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Since the public hive is temporary down, the two servers FR34 and FR129 are connected to the same private hive (character data is shared between the 2 servers). The servers will be connected to the public hive a soon as possible.

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FR34 and FR129 are back to public hive.

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