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FR 34 / FR 129 RAID WINE Servers Thread

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I think someone combatlogged on me (ingame name Hideki Tojo) and my friend (Dimitri Poloska) today, around 17:00 GMT+0. My friend shot two guys with a DMR on the NW airfield. We were about to loot the bodies, only to notice that there was only one dead body. We did catch the name of the player who possibly combat logged, he was called "v1". 

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yes he did not wait for the 28 seconds left.

he got banned for 10 hours, it's the standard punishment for such infamy.

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I've been playing on the FR34 server a little bit recently until a couple of days ago when I became unconscious.


The problem I now have is the hourglass is on screen and is empty but it hasn't gone away, I'm stuck in limbo, I can't type, respawn, nothing.


Does anyone know how I can fix this..?


I've waited and waited and other than waiting hours to die of starvation I can't see another way out of this.



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Just checked back in, seems I am awake now.


Not sure if a server admin did anything but thanks anyway ... all is now good :)



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Hey man, I really like your server and just started playing DayZ in general about 3 days ago. But today, after I left the server because of the anounced restart, I wanted to rejoin but it says I got an admin ban, this is the full message: "You were kicked off the game. (BattlEye: Admin Ban (BP-setdamage-1 Wilhelm 07.03.2014 21:13:28 <<8ef54c8bb7391131bfa))

What does that mean, does the system think I cheated? I don't cheat and the only thing I did was check out our camp a friend and I built last night, then I went to Gorka. Killed a pig, a cow (cow kinda bugged and had 12 steaks instead of 6) and a few zombies. Didn't kill any person.

I gotta say though, I was really late when leaving the server during restart, maybe the server restart caught me, when I was a short time in the lobby after aborting?

I just tried joining again, the next restart should have happened already, but I still get the same message.

Could you please tell me what's the problem and please unban me?

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Could you please tell me what's the problem and please unban me?


You are unbanned.

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Best factopere,


I had a problem joining the FR 129 server.

When i got on the server my screen was black and the game was stuck and not reacting in windows so there was no way to close it. After some time there was a dead screen and was put back in the lobby so i died.

So my question is if there was a way to give me my gear back?


Thanks in advance fer0xx

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Best factopere,





Thanks in advance fer0xx


I can't see you on FR129 or on FR34. What is your name in game?

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My in game name is Robbert

Thank you for responding so fast!


You are not dead, Health=11471

If you are still stuck at login, I suggest you check you have the latest ArmA2OA 1.62 version ( ArmA2OA build 108074)  you can download there: http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php

If this does not do any good, I will need your ArmA2OA.RPT logs you will find on your hard drive.

Edited by facoptere
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I don't think you understand I had pretty good gear and i died because my screen was black and my game was stuck when i was finally able to get in, I died because of a zombie. So basicly i lost really good gear and i would like it back.

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I have been playing on your servers with friends for weeks and suddently I just can't connect to them anymore!

It seems it detects a script but my game has always been up to date from DayZ Commander and I have never add anything to the game directory.

Can you please unban me? (If you could tell me what to delete too not to be banned anymore from your servers it would be nice)


Sinon je peux aussi la faire en français si besoin. ;)


My nickname ingame is Shadow.


Merci! Thanks

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J'ai 3 "Shadow" comme joueurs, il me faut ton adresse IP.

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ok so i have been playing on this server for a while now and i get banned for to many hits / or on reset ban for so called alt/F4 . and now i have been banned for a so called hacked weapon . i have on me a dmr and a m4 . found dmr at a downed chopper and m4 at barracks .  WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH THIS SERVER PLEASE !!!  admin can you please lift the ban ,i do not use hacked guns you can clearly see the kit i have on me so please sort it out . you have a great server and i would like to keep playing on there  .. 


please sort it for me . 



my in game name is johnnyfaulty ..



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ok so i have been playing on this server for a while now and i get banned for to many hits / or on reset ban for so called alt/F4 . and now i have been banned for a so called hacked weapon . i have on me a dmr and a m4 . found dmr at a downed chopper and m4 at barracks .  WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH THIS SERVER PLEASE !!!  admin can you please lift the ban ,i do not use hacked guns you can clearly see the kit i have on me so please sort it out . you have a great server and i would like to keep playing on there  .. 


please sort it for me . 



my in game name is johnnyfaulty ..




All these bans are temporary bans. just wait for 3 hours.

- hacked weapons = hacked/infinite ammos suspicion.

- "too many hit" is self explanatory

- alt-F4 should not occur anymore since today.

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but if it were an admin ban that means an admin has to push the button on ban .. ( i am not sure i have never run a server ) eather way . any how can we not have it again please as 3 hours to put up with the wife while the rest of my clan/friends carry on playing on your server is tooooooo much .. i cant take any more eastenders


cheers faulty..

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but if it were an admin ban that means an admin has to push the button on ban 


Most of the bans are automatic, reading server logs sent by the clients.

Other ban I do is when watching players on GCAM.

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ok cool so you CAN see i am not hacking then . thanks maybe see you on tonight .. p.s is side chat not on your server ? 

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p.s is side chat not on your server ? 


channels 0,1,2,6 are disabled. I don't which one is the 'side chat', but I won't change the config.

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no probs wasn't asking you to change them just asked thats all .. 

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