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Dammit this game is stressful!

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I've managed to be alive for 3 solid days. 3! Haven't seen a player and I'd like to keep it that way since I'd gotten killed 4 times in 2 hours on my 3rd day playing. By the way I'd like to suggest that we be required to put our names and addresses on here so I can go and strangle the little douchebag kid that told me "I was just gonna break your legs dude but you turned around" after he shot me to death while I was staking out a building....without a gun! Anyways, I've managed to stay alive, get way north to a town I didn't really wanna end up at, one of the military bases, and get some food, like 4 water bottles, an Alice pack and a sniper rifle, which I keep in the pack because I've heard that people will automatically blast you or having one. I don't wanna confront anyone, I'd like to team up but I don't have the desire to shoot a player. But I know if you're that far north, you mean business and you didn't get there by being nice more than likely. What do you guys do? I'm doing what the games about, surviving. Ill drop down into a town, grab some food and drinks an hit the road. I haven't taken a shot at a player this life (I've seen a couple in my scope driving and looting choppers) and I just wanna keep it moving. How do you approach people about teaming up or trading? Every single player I've come across has killed me and the o my one I took a shot at had a bandit skin. But he was probably just better at not being a victim haha.

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Its a hard world ;)

I know the feeling i played for the first time in months last night ( i had a ak cobra, 5 mags, coyote backpack, full of morphine, blood bags, meat, etc etc, Night vision, compass, map, m9 etc.) And i got shot in the head by a bloke with a makarov who snuck up behind me.

I have pretty much given up trying to get along with people i dont know! but i find that the most realistic thing about the game. in a real apocalypse would you trust the random person you ran into not to bash your skull in to take all you hard earned loot?

The best way is to sneak up on a player, type in local chat and say you are about and if he is friendly ( this is of course if you want to team up.) Tell him to lower his gun and you will do the same. The problem is that still backfires on you i partied up with a guy, ran about with him for about 2-3 hours, ended up adding him on skype and chatting. Then he got bored and emptied a whole clip into my face.

Its a risk you take. There is no right way to do it. Unless im with IRL mates, i tend to stay in the shadows. I occasionally like to do the robin hood thing, See a poor newbie being hunted by ghillied bandits. Snipe the pursuers from a KM away ;)

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I'm very cautious on servers wihout side chat on. I try to spend as little time looting an area as possible and avoid confrontation if it would be unnecessary. I do kill people, but usually it's because I really need something they have. Like a gun with more ammo or some food. I never try and team up with someone unless I know them outside of the game, or I had been talking to them on side chat and they seem trustworthy.

I never, NEVER announce myself to a nearby player if I have the drop on them. That's basically saying "Hey, just letting you know I'm here so you can shoot me if you like."

Sometimes I get bored with the survival playstyle and just like to run rampant in Elektro/Cherno either throwing around glowsticks or killing people in different ways. :)

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If you don't want to shoot someone your playing the wrong game and IMO your going to get very bored VERY quickly, find a crew you xcan run with get used to the idea of killing other players (when you need to) and you'll have way more fun.

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If you don't want to shoot someone your playing the wrong game and IMO your going to get very bored VERY quickly, find a crew you xcan run with get used to the idea of killing other players (when you need to) and you'll have way more fun.

Or you could be nice and only shoot other bandits.

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Yeah, it's a pretty stressful game. There's constantly some form of stress like finding food, drink, avoiding zeds, negotiating with other players...

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I had the same problem until I joined a whitelisted private-hive server to avoid hackers, and started hanging out on their teamspeak.

I befriended a couple of different groups on there (at different times though), to the point they trust me with their base and vehicles.

I still keep to my own little survival missions most of the time, just listening to them on TS (which can be entertaining in itself), but

sometimes join them when I hear they are doing up a chopper or going on an adventure into bandit territory. Occasionally I'll offer

them lifts back to base when they die.

I just let strangers go by most of the time - trying to befriend them at your first meeting is too dangerous, and killing them is fairly pointless.

If they're heading into the middle of nowhere, I'd try to follow them back to their base and raid it later. Or maybe to steal their vehicle.

The only time I'd confront someone is if they were trying to loot the same place as me, or searching too close to my tents.

Edited by Anti

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Don't listen to all the kill on sight killers, play the game exactly how you want to.

You have to go to populated areas to find other people. The populated areas north, Stary and the airfields are very comeptative and people will usually shoot first, because they have alot gear to lose or risk a long run, if they died themselves. The easiest way to meet people is to go to either Elektro or Cherno, but that's also the easiest way to meet bandits.

Whenever I feel the need to socialize, I place any nice gear in my tent and head to Cherno. Cherno is much larger than Elektro, has more access and escape routes and it's size makes it hard for snipers to dominate the area. There are lots of structures and walls, so as long as you stay on the move and not stop in exposed areas, you're a hard target for snipers. If you come across hostile players, just simply take off running, don't return fire, unless you have good cover or are trapped. By running unpredictable and placing as many obstacles between you and the shooter, you should be able to make good distance and disappear. You might alarm zombies, when you take off running, but just run, run and run some more.

Whenever I meet another person, I place some kind of solid cover between us and say friendly, friendly! By breaking line of sight/fire, it takes away some of the immediate tension, it's hard to begin a friendly conversation, if you know someone is pointing a big gun in your face. If the person doesn't try to flank you to get a clear shot, there might be room to strike up a friendly conversation. Just always keep in mind, that what you want to hear and what you actually hear, might not always be the same. If you too desperately want to team up with somebody, you might miss the warning signs. If you at all get the sense that the guy you're talking to is ridiculing you, mocking you or being condescending, he will most likely turn around and shoot you in the back. If he's unnatural friendly, offering your promises of great loot, he might be playing you for a fool and will have no problem shooting you, as soon as he gets tired of his new toy. If you feel alarmed, cover your ass, politely say your goodbyes and try to get away, without exposing yourself too much. However if you have a nice little conversation about the game, you can ask him, where he's going.

Sometime a short peaceful conversation is enough and you'll go your own ways, other times you can end up grouping up for a short or longer session. Ask for the player's name as soon as you decided to group up and remember a group talking on direct channel is very vunrable to stalking bandits. Decide how you should react if you meet hostile players, what to do in case one of you die and make sure you don't slow so much down, thatyou expose yourself to snipers ect.

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when i'm geared, my sessions become shorter and i just make some looting sessions in towns, or search for something in particular (tent, vehicles), do some hunting, go for antibiotics, camp somewhere to spot players...easy stuff. unless you play in groups when you can go to have fun in the military areas..

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Get your self a private hive server and password that mug for you and your friends and let the fun begin. I loved this game before and can play it all day now. We have built up a good bsae around the Stary tents to farm them. Everybody has a chopper and a duce and ahalf to fill with loot and go anywhere. No one is there to murder you! We spent a little while up on top of the control tower at NWAF with FN Fals and Aim14's blasting zombies and watching more spawn. We had an enormous pile of bodies and it was a ton of fun!

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Get your self a private hive server and password that mug for you and your friends and let the fun begin. I loved this game before and can play it all day now. We have built up a good bsae around the Stary tents to farm them. Everybody has a chopper and a duce and ahalf to fill with loot and go anywhere. No one is there to murder you! We spent a little while up on top of the control tower at NWAF with FN Fals and Aim14's blasting zombies and watching more spawn. We had an enormous pile of bodies and it was a ton of fun!

So you play PVE only? That sounds painfully boring. OP if you want to check out private hives, click my sig. We've got a large community and both vanilla and mod servers.

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Its quite easy to team up if neither of you have a weapon. You could also try helping someone but that's quite risky.

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I never, NEVER announce myself to a nearby player if I have the drop on them. That's basically saying "Hey, just letting you know I'm here so you can shoot me if you like."

Maybe im lucky but i have had good success with announcing myself to others. usually say something like "I see you and as long as you keep your distance im cool." I have ended up teamed with other players like this short term and it has never ended badly. They are usually better equipped than me tho.

Had a guy in a bandit skin pop out of a tent in Berezino while back, scared the crap out me. He was unarmed and said "friendly" I kept my FN FAL trained on him. He asked if i needed anything i said no. He musta looked in my pack cuz he said "make room in your pack" i told him no im good. He then ran over to an approaching zed and near as i could tell killed it unarmed. Came back towards me and ask again if i needed anything. I was thinking hacker at this point. and i told him blood (i was just below 7K- had the blood in my pack) He gave me blood and his bandit skin went away. I did not trust him, figured if he is a hacker he can have me anytime he wants me. He then pulls out a big gun, probably an M240 and trains it on me. I consider shooting but don't. I wanna see how this plays. He starts mowing down Zeds. I pick off a few that get close but they are mostly agroing to him. I manage to drift off behind the tent breaking his line of sight, and the off behind the little shed. He is still blasting away. making my way up the hillside never taking my eyes off of him. Couple times i hit the deck when a few rounds come my way. Intentional or stray i don't know, im just putting distance between us. Again knowing if he is a hacker he can have his way at anytime. I get across the road, high tail it zig zag style across the field to a stand of trees. Dunno what his game was, maybe he was an ok dude and he killed that Zed with an axe i didn't see. He had every opportunity to off me and didn't. I could have done the same. An encounter survived. I wonder if the zeds got him. He was burning a lot of ammo. It was his choice to start blasting away not mine.

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