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US IL5 Ban Appeal - TheLaughingMan

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Love this server, been having a blast on it.

I was killed in Electro, went through the usual process to respawn and then randomly received an admin ban. Not sure what this is from, but I assure you I am not a scripter or hacker.

Any way possible to get this overturned?

My in-game name is Kn1ght.


Edited by GBkn1ght
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Not sure if this is the same server your talking about but im pretty sure it is. I got drunk last night and may have been screaming on side chat for an hour or two straight, didn't realize it was laughingmans. and then i recieved an STFU ban, i sincerly apologize. It wont happen again, please unban me =(

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One day I was playing normally, was running through elektro died, was waiting through the long load and while I was loading in a message appeared saying: "Banned: Herp Derp. Hacker." I DONT HACK! I Love your server and would really like to be unbanned. Please take action to this. -My in game name is "Nathan B." -With the period

Edited by Hazzium

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One day I was playing normally, was running through elektro died, was waiting through the long load and while I was loading in a message appeared saying: "Banned: Herp Derp. Hacker." I DONT HACK! I Love your server and would really like to be unbanned. Please take action to this. -My in game name is "Nathan B." -With the period

Don't hijack someone else's post.

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I didnt steal it. It is seriously what happened. Please I would just like to be unbanned, don't want any drama caused. I wouldn't go through the trouble to make an account on Dayz forums if I didnt like your server. I made an account just so I could post a ban appeal. Please just unban me

Edited by Hazzium

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Please unban me, I played on the servers so much and would like to be unbanned! My name is Nathan B. If you unban me you can watch me whenever I get on. Please reply or unban me.

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i dont hack, I record sometimes and I have no idea what the hud for hacks looks like, ill upload one of my videos and you'll clearly see I dont hack

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I didnt steal it. It is seriously what happened. Please I would just like to be unbanned, don't want any drama caused. I wouldn't go through the trouble to make an account on Dayz forums if I didnt like your server. I made an account just so I could post a ban appeal. Please just unban me

Ergh, you just hijacked the OP's ban appeal and placed your own on there.

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I typed that myself omg! I didnt hijack anyones ban appeal! I came up with that myself! Please, please just unban me!

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I typed that myself omg! I didnt hijack anyones ban appeal! I came up with that myself! Please, please just unban me!


You HIJACKED the OP's ban appeal topic by commenting with your appeal.

Make your own topic about it.

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I was playing on the server, I got off one day. I don't know whether I was in elektro or not. I was just playing got off, tried to get on the next day and it said herp derp hacker

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If you lack the competence to listen to the mods, how did you manage to even start your pc up? In short. leave.

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I said how I was banned and the mod still didnt reply, Im not trying to cause a huge problem. I just want to play with some friends and this is getting harder than expected.

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I said how I was banned and the mod still didnt reply, Im not trying to cause a huge problem. I just want to play with some friends and this is getting harder than expected.

By mod are you referring to myself?

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I said how I was banned and the mod still didnt reply, Im not trying to cause a huge problem. I just want to play with some friends and this is getting harder than expected.

If you had half an IQ point then you would have read the moderator's suggestion and actioned it. The fact that you're still here QQing left right and centre is more comical because had you listened, you probably would have had your ban lifted by now.

Exit this thread, and click 'Create a Topic' at the top of the listing - it's really not too much of a challenge.

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I've been playing on your server this whole time anyway, I have several cd keys



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I've been playing on your server this whole time anyway, I have several cd keys



Sounds legit.

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OP Here.

Hazzium, why don't you just make your own thread? You would probably be unbanned at this point. It took me 3 minutes to find out the owner of the server and the appropriate medium to get a hold of him. I don't understand why you heeded the advice of pretty much every other poster in this thread. Good thing you have multiple CD keys.

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Smells like troll in here :facepalm:

Edited by SiiriXX

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