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About loui5d

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  1. loui5d


    Im no server hoster but those timestamps are very close together. it could just be someone dropping a bag then picking it back up.
  2. I messed with the wrong door.
  3. Basically our server (The one in my sig) is almost always empty and obviously like to increase our traffic/playerbase, so im asking for some bandits to come and have fun; we have a camp in the horseshoe near lopatino with quite alot of gear.
  4. loui5d


  5. loui5d

    Roaming Zombies in SA

    Zombies eat meat, you are meat run away!
  6. loui5d

    US 3480 - Banned Players

    You have been busy, GJ!
  7. loui5d


    Worried you'll lose all your stuff when stand alone is released? This is a private hive, we can edit plenty of things at the DB level, so that could mean we could replace gear (If neccesary) as long as we have proof. The same goes for being killed by a haxor, provide proof and we'll ban the bugger forever and ou'll get your stuff back.
  8. loui5d


    We're a friendly bunch, if you run into trouble we can assist.
  9. loui5d


    Managed to get some more vehicles in, now up to a maximum of 93 (from 66.)
  10. loui5d

    Ammo refill

    Date - Have noticed this on many occasions Where i was - irelevant Version - Current (1.7..4.4 i think) Server - the one in my sig If you fire a primary weapon, and reload without the entire clip being fired, you can refill the used clip back up to full by simply relogging. If approved and required i can record a quick video for evidence.
  11. loui5d

    Team Avolition hacking on dayz

    It's Dielan that hacks (the 5 year old chopper pilot)
  12. With the maneuverability of a LB why would you want to parachute when you can land them exactly where you want?
  13. Cigarettes to raise temperature, like a similar implementation to that in MGS. Include smokers cough so it sounds like they could be infected/have a cold and also smoke.
  14. If you lack the competence to listen to the mods, how did you manage to even start your pc up? In short. leave.
  15. loui5d

    L85 Should it stay or go

    Even if you do remove it, hacks and dupers will allow it to be spread like wildfire.