Penny Sue 77 Posted October 22, 2012 I like the idea of having the same name until you die. If your name and appearence are persistant even after death then you have essentially negated the entire "perma death" feature of this game. You didn't die... you're back with the same name and appearence. How do you explain that nobody really dies; they just wash up on shore everytime they get knocked out? Perma death is a big draw for me to this game and really simulates the notion that this is a harsh, gritty, world where almost nobody makes it. Those who do survive truly have achieved something that is very difficult and rare. In other games your character was simply ressurected. That doesn't seem to be the case here; there is no magic to bring life back to those that have died. Under the covers there should be a unique account name that can not be changed. Some ID number or whatever. So that administrators and developers can track people, weed out hackers / cheaters, and deal with other administration problems that stem from anonymous players. However this should not be visible in game. Your characters' name should be different. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DZR_Mikhail 2424 Posted October 22, 2012 (edited) You miss the point completely. It's you, the player, who neglects permadeath completely and resurrecta magically, reincarnate every time with a new body and name BUT WITH THE SAME PLAYER PERSON IN HIS HEAD, SAME OPERATOR IN CONTROL. Player is not dying in front of the screen hopefully. Neither they have an amnesia for the previous survival attempt. His CDKEY is not revoked and banned. His nasty actions are not erased or forgotten. His words and promises and lies are remembered. So in fact, your location is reset and your lewt is taken away. Dear lord, what a painful permadeath, considering the fact you can walk up your corpse, tent, car and have it all back in half an hour. That all seems more of a magic cheat to me.True permadeath would be if you cant join the server you died on for lets say 6 months. Youll soon value your life and suffer from being forced to play on some sub polar Russian servers with 1500 ping and a drunken bear in the lobby, because you died on all servers already. But if you try to think deeper, what I suggest is not an easy way, not a magic cheat or simplifying gameplay feature, not a single attempt to help you and make DayZ casual as other MMO.JUST THE OPPOSITE.I expose and eliminate the last exploit in DayZ concept, the last dirty legit cheat - full anonymousity and no consequenses, no reputation or responsibility for your actions, not a single regret about a survival attempt (besides lost lewt and time), NO VALUE TO YOUR CHARACTER LIFE. "You are Dead"? Oh, well. Sad, but pffffff, whatever, restart in Electro, run and lewt again, kill em all, mwahaha.Just get me right. I restore the missing link between your NOT DEAD player personality, and your NOT DEAD (though new) character. He is NOT DEAD, he is reset to zero. But you are not reset. YOU CONTINUE SURVIVING.So my feature brings immense realistic and authentic psychological brutality to your next survival attempt - you will suffer and enjoy the consequences you triggered in your past life, your former presence changed the world and other people, the world was not reset as your character, and you are back in this changed world, and now you either hide your face an take a warpath of a bandit/renegade and be freed of fame/infamy and reputation problems, or show your face and gain fame/infamy you deserve for your NOT DEAD PERSONALITY in the world you changed.That is authenticity. You think before you act, you know how people react to it, you value reputation, no one likes disgrace, shame and betrayal, and you do not rely on a cheaty perspective of gaining new name, face, identity and a chance to neglect any lessons and burdens of your past deeds.In real life you really have permadeath. No BS. You make mistake, you mess with wrong people, you act like a psycho with a sniper rifle, you KOS, you rob or rape... you eventually die because of that, or worse... You live with it and everyone knows it was you. Sometimes you get more sneaky, more stealth, more pro, COVER YOUR FACE, and dont get caught. So noone knows your dirty biography. You dont get all the punishment. Unreliable, risky path it is, but you can choose it.You can choose another path. Honest, open, heroic, but even more difficult than the above. Because you oppose the anonymous legion of face-covered crimes. You are hunted more than a simple newb. You inspire and help others, you are famous and noble man. By just your presence you decrease the crime influence. Coverfaced envy you and hate you. And they KNOW YOU as everyone else does. This makes your Path even more dangerous.I offer you a genuine Freedom and Choice, but remember the price if you get caught without the mask, even if you are a hero.Do you understand now what I meant for this feature and what it brings to Dayz?So far DayZ was about physical survival...This feature makes survival complete with psychological survival. Survival as a personality, not another clone from the coast. Edited October 23, 2012 by -=PA=-Mikhail Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
indominator 95 Posted October 22, 2012 holy crap, this is so win, only bad thing, memorizing players names would only work if the player number decreases and most people play only in few servers or focus in only one. Like in BC2, my clan has a server, and we end up knowing who the hackers are, thus we memorize it. Only problem now is that almost all players are KOS, so we would have all to hide our faces, but when the game starts and most of the people.Also, we can see whos on a server already KOVE, just press I or was it J? dunno.Maybe a function controlled by the players to decide who is a murder. So after logging off and before closing the pc to go to sleep you can have the option to vote about all the players who you have laid eyes upon. Like a common sense, transformed and created by the common man, one nice thing, a page for every player, like a social app outside of the game, and in the game you could see where your friends at which server, so you could join them anytime you want, making easier for groups to be formed and maintained for a long time, it could be like factions, but without the bureaucracy of a clan but more organic just like a group of survivors. I have suggested this lots of time, this could end banditry for a long time because them becoming part of a group would be just the need to type or talk, but it appears rocket is going to "authenticity" and he is not going to add a system to represent the social part of the survival camp, with your idea and this maybe we could end the KOS problem and the cod kiddieshe wont, but your idea he might. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DZR_Mikhail 2424 Posted October 22, 2012 (edited) Dude, you gave me a freaking more crazy idea! Custom standings/reputation portal. Like a public DayZ lore library! But anyone contributes.Do you know the websites who collect feedback for other sites or services? Ppl come in and praise or complain about the subject. So finally a service has a reputation bound to bad/good feedback ratio. Then an owner enters this page. Verifies his ownership somehow and starts gaining his reputation back by satisfying demands or explaining issues. Those who got satisfied or convinced change the standing/reputation.So imagine board, or some database, where you can add any nickname and create a profile for him. You add info or facts, or even lies or rumours to this page and save it. Not a real player database, not connected to DayZ account db. You cant search real players, only contributed profiles.But the crazy thing is, that you can only post it exposing exactly your real DayZ nickname! This unique face of yours! So you cant simply pour some BS in, because you once again exposed to everyone, both ingame and on this profile database. Another huge feature here is that if your dayz nickname and custom public profile nickname are identical you can verify and claim its about you. Or you can create such profile yourself.So anyone seeking vengeance or needs to reward a savior just types in a nickname, studies some info and, well, has a chance to find or contact his target.Lets call it S.P.I.NSurvivor Public Identity NetworkSo, what would be your DayZ story, written by the others? Will you be a good boy next time in Cherno or you are a true balaclava gangsta with your own rules, whatever those sissy clean handed heroes say about you  Edited October 22, 2012 by -=PA=-Mikhail Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mibz0r 141 Posted October 23, 2012 I disagree with the idea completely, say what you want I'm not going to agree with it, loads of other games allow this kind of change and I would hate it of DayZ didn't allow it.One big reason I have is that Trolls and the like can use it to follow you across servers, yes they can use it to grief also by changing their own name but I do not want some little sh1t following me because he feels like it and being able to change my name or create a new character with a different name is what I want. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DZR_Mikhail 2424 Posted October 23, 2012 (edited) Problem: Exposing identity will attract griefers and abusers, allowing them to follow you on servers and track you down.Soultion: is under the spoiler.I disagree with the idea completely, say what you want I'm not going to agree with it, loads of other games allow this kind of change and I would hate it of DayZ didn't allow it.One big reason I have is that Trolls and the like can use it to follow you across servers, yes they can use it to grief also by changing their own name but I do not want some little sh1t following me because he feels like it and being able to change my name or create a new character with a different name is what I want.Oh, I will say what I want, that's for sure, and I hope you don't leave disappointed :)Apart from detailed explanation of this feature I wrote a dozen posts expanding my idea and the only one drawback\issue\error you have yet found was this? Gosh, what a compliment to my work. Thank you sir. I can solve your issue easily. Hope you won't get offended and feel relieved.Method 1. Persuasion.I can't understand how they can use it? They know your name, so what? How can they track you down in Chernarus easily? Describe the howto. Can you reproduce the possible actions of a troll or griefer to do something to you? As far as I can gueess, to track Oldy1Kenobi in DayZ a troll\griefer\small\sh1t: Must check thousands of servers and check every playerlist to find your nickname. It's easy, some hour or two browsing the servers.WHEN\IF he finds you on some server, he logs in and rubs his hands. Easy. 2-5 minutes approximately.He then he thoroughly checks all the 225 square kilometers of Chernarus to find you. It's easy, just run for 9 hours checking the land with Thermal Scope (Chernarus is 15x15km. 5 kmPerHour. 15km \ 5kmh = 3 hours each. 3 hours * 3 hours = 9 hours).At last! He finds a survivor! Now he must politely ask this survivor to come up at the distance when his nickname will get visible to him. If it's Oldy1Kenobi. BINGO! Kill the survivor. If not... Apologize and continue the search.If he encounters a survivor in balaclava or headwrap and his nickname is invisble, he must politely an carefully ask a survivor to remove the disguise and reveal his nickname. Be sure you reveal yours first. Piece a cake!!!! WARNING !!! IMPORTANT NOTES TO TROLL\GRIEFER !!! WARNING !!!Check playerlist every 20 minutes, to be sure your target hasn't left the server.Be aware of the fact, that Oldy1Kenobi may have already walked to the place you already checked. So go back and doublecheck often. (9 hours * 2 = 18 hours)Be aware that thermal imaging is blocked by trees and hills.Be cautious, because you can be shot by randomly encountered bandits, especially when you be thoroughly checking Sobor, Cherno, Electro, Berezino, Krasnostav, Airfields, Komarovo, Solnichniy, Mogilevka etc.Be sure that you have enough ingame food and water for 9-18 hour long run.Be sure that you have enough REAL food and water for 9-18 hour long play.Be sure you have plenty of ammunition for your automatic rifle, so that you don't stop running while being attacked by a horde of zombies.I mean, seriously! You still not convinced it's not an issue?!Method 2. Technical game changes.We can disable playerlist in DayZ. But you're wise and you say someone can be sneaky enough to query gametracker or check PlayWithSix and still get the server playerlist?Fair enough.Solution: We make your real nickname only available in DayZ database. It is tied to your character upon respawn based on your UID. In servers playerlist poeple will only see your profile username, not you global unique DayZ nickname. Go to your profile, change it whenever you want, and you're safe. Your INGAME nickname is only shown INGAME.Bulletproof! Aren't you convinced? Edited October 23, 2012 by -=PA=-Mikhail Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeppa 562 Posted October 23, 2012 (edited) Sort of like it... but you can know someones name when you look at him? Are we wearing a nam tag or something?There should be option for "ask name" and then you can choose share or not to share. Its same thing as with the facemask, you can choose to hide, better yet... you should able to lie aswell, you name I mean. Voice chat ftw. Edited October 23, 2012 by Zeppa Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DZR_Mikhail 2424 Posted October 23, 2012 (edited) Sort of like it... but you can know someones name when you look at him? Are we wearing a nam tag or something?There should be option for "ask name" and then you can choose share or not to share. Its same thing as with the facemask, you can choose to hide, better yet... you should able to lie aswell, you name I mean. Voice chat ftw.The problem is that I suggest transferring FACE function to your nickname. You can't LIE your face or RESTRICT people from seeing your face... Except taht the only solution is the golden one:"If some of you don't want to show everyone your nickname - COVER YOUR FACE! SIMPLE." ™Discussion gets easier and easier with time :) The concept strengthens and gets mature! Thanks guys! Edited October 23, 2012 by -=PA=-Mikhail Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DZR_Mikhail 2424 Posted October 23, 2012 (edited) Are we wearing a nam tag or something?I haven't yet came up with a good graphic design for this. It's a text displayed under your crosshair. Remember vanilla arma 2 object name labelling? Nametag is not attached to a player model, not hanging above his head. It only shown under the cursor while you look at a person which face is turned towards you. If you look at the back of his head, it must not show anything. Edited October 23, 2012 by -=PA=-Mikhail Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DZR_Mikhail 2424 Posted October 23, 2012 First post is updated with new sectionHOTFIXES - Solutions to subsequently discovered drawbacks, disadvantages and issues.Where I collected most crucial questions and problems you exposed in my idea. And I gave replies and explanations.Enjoy! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YZ250 248 Posted October 23, 2012 great idea perma identity, well thought through 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DZR_Mikhail 2424 Posted October 23, 2012 The "GAME MECHANICS RULES" section in first post is updated after recent discussion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeppa 562 Posted October 23, 2012 (edited) Yes I understood that you "hide" your name by covering your face, but IMO that is not realistic... I can walk to you without mask telling you that Im chuck norris without you knowing my real name. It shoudnt be visual that you want to hide your true identity.That is why I said that are we wearing name tags on our clothes if you can know my name without me giving it out.With these separated you could be indentified from your face and clothes, rather than the name glowing above you. If you decide to tell your name (or lie) that would be seen as nametag. Edited October 23, 2012 by Zeppa Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DZR_Mikhail 2424 Posted October 23, 2012 1)Yes I understood that you "hide" your name by covering your face, but IMO that is not realistic...2) I can walk to you without mask telling you that Im chuck norris without you know my real name. It shoudnt be visual that you want to hide your true identity. That is why I said that are we wearing name tags on our clothes if you can know my name without me giving it out.3) With these separated you could be indentified from your face and clothes, rather than the name glowing above you. If you decide to tell your name (or lie) that would be seen as nametag.1) I understand what you mean. We must sometimes sacrifice realism for gameplay and authenticity. If we want realism, then Rocket must invent SIMS3-like extensive system of body\face customization, with an ability to upload your own face photograph\texture for your character. Apart from that anyone must be able to customize his character's height, weight, muscles, limb proportions, special features like scars and etc., moustache, beard, haircut, form of ears, eye colour, very detailed face form editor and etc.Only this way we achieve almost the same effect I suggest here with nickname. But let us be frank. This editor will never happen ti be implemented in DayZ. At most we'll see beard\hair growth, a huge variety of clothes and a couple of survivor models to choose. So the problem will remain.Sacrifice here is the idea of merging the function of IMPOSSIBLE UNIQUE FACE with the only unique thing you can have in this game - UNIQUE NICKNAME.Let's agree we strive for authenticity. And my idea covers it completely. You must think about your identity. You will want to preserve your reputation. You will think twice before trusting somebody who is not willing to reval his identity. All that stuff I described above, a lot of examples. So, as a result, you have all the REALISTIC problems INGAME which you have to experience with your real face and personality in real life. Apart from the fact, that in DayZ you can start from scratch, invent your FACE\NAME and follow your principles... or COVER YOUR FACE and ignore the rest...2) Same here. You walk to me and say you're Chuck Norris. This may be truth or a lie, because your nickname is not necessarily your real name. But I understand your point here too. I deprive you of the name to lie about. It's a fair sacrifice again. We transferred this function to compensate the absence of unique appearance.3) Ok. Pretend we've went your way. You strive for realism and require we must be able to lie about our names. So I walk up to you and lie about my name saying I'm Chuck Norris. My nickname is hidden too. I have no face you will ever recognize. I walk away, change clothes. Come up to you and say, I'm Bruce Lee. Then I put on balaclava and say, I'm Bruce Willis.You WILL NOT EVER BE ABLE TO LEARN:was it me or some other personOr was it me first two times, and the last one was somebody elsewas I Chuck Norris or Bruce Lee or Bruce WillisTwo faceless, poor solitudes meet. You will gain nothing from meeting me, not a single bit of social usefullness. You never know who I am. Just another cloneface from the coast. An now you have both initial problems arise and strike us in the game. You can see these problems described in the first post.In real life I will see and remember your face. Tell me whatever you want, lie your name, but I will recognize you later.ORYou come to me with a balaclava on and I ran away from you screaming "Call the Police!!!!!". I'll never know you or recognize you.Does this makes any sense to you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ashes 1 Posted October 23, 2012 In my opinion there should be a system where you have one account to connect, but the ability to create 'characters', much like an MMO. Could be limited to one at a time, but I feel this gives people a lot more freedom. Maybe one character is a bandit, then another is a hero, or a trader. Full character customization, name, appearance, (gender?). More time to create a character will mean they have more attachment to their character, less desire to get them killed.Don't turn this game into just another shooter with a larger map and some silly zombies annoying you while you're running around till someone shoots you and you basically just respawn. The game can be much more than that and I hope Rocket wants it to be more than just that. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mirza (DayZ) 10 Posted October 23, 2012 Not too sure how I feel about this. Think it could be a great idea, but I also agree it could bring some problems. Think it could be run the way DayZ was made, trial and error. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DZR_Mikhail 2424 Posted October 23, 2012 (edited) In my opinion there should be a system where you have one account to connect, but the ability to create 'characters', much like an MMO. Could be limited to one at a time, but I feel this gives people a lot more freedom. Maybe one character is a bandit, then another is a hero, or a trader. Full character customization, name, appearance, (gender?). More time to create a character will mean they have more attachment to their character, less desire to get them killed.Thank you very much! I was waiting for someone to mention this. That idea is always in our portfolie of features. If my feature with permamnent nickname is too much and creates a massive outrage, then there are dozens of balancing ideas of how to make it less hardcore and give more freedom.Here are the ideas1) Classic, mainstream, comfortable way - the one you mentioned. Limited amount of character per account. Nick is permamnent per character. Not sure if you can change it in WoW, I guess not. This feature is here in WoW and major MMO's because it is comfortable, it's pleasing the player. But I don't think we are in DayZ to be pleased, feel comfortable and play it easily. In early ages Rocket said he want the game to make people think hard, enjoy emotional reward after struggling for life, after shock and fear... May it is changed, but we all want DayZ become more difficult and intense. Everyone remembers the first time they respawned on the coast some 3-4 months ago... Never forget it, this experience was given to you because Rocket followed his brutal concepts.2) Tweaked #1 idea. Only three characters per account. All with DIFFERENT permanent nicknames. So one is to spare, make mistakes and get to know the value of your permidentity. The second one is thoroughly chosen, crafted and well thought character. The main creation of yours. The third one will be an utter perfection of your developed DayZ personality and will comprise the best experience you had in the Game.It can be subtweaked to have 2 characters or 5.3) Less hardcore. Same as #2 but with the feature of changing your nickname once in 6 months. Or make it one character with this 6-months-cooldown ability.4) Last, but not the least! Remember Rocket saying he will make some couple of preset difficulties a server admin will be able to choose from? Remember he told you will never have a character created on EXTREME difficulty server be able to connect to server with EASY difficulty? Now we approach a most realistic scenario for this feature. Let's say we'll have 4 difficulty levels.ChildZplayEaZyInZaneand the utmost brutal DayZDifficulties explained.So, on ChildZplay, you can change your nickname pretty much the same as you're doing it now. At will, at any time. Or you can add this #1 WoW-like Classic, mainstream, comfortable character creation. You can have bandit skin enabled. May be somebody liked it. Additionally you have more loot spawn. Top military guns etc.On EaZy you have some #2 character system implemented. Loot is observably decreased. Less top guns.On InZane you have #3 accordingly. Loot is a problem. Top gunz are rare as monkeys in Cherno.And if you finally want to play DayZ (I bet you can't wait) you have my most brutal, most merciless PERMAIDENTITY feature enabled. Loot is what Rocket decides it most authentic. Gunz are limited to what he decides better too :)So, you have a widest choice. You can go any difficulty you like and enjoy either old times with bandit skin or WoW like servers... you can raise your difficulty. Or you can dive in the extremes of DayZ difficulty servers.How do you like this?EDIT: Damn poll is broken again. IPB forum engine kills me :( Edited October 23, 2012 by -=PA=-Mikhail Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetstaine 10852 Posted October 23, 2012 (edited) It is a solid idea as someone above said.You have the choice to reveal your perma nick and that choice is totally yours in most situations. Bandits can force your hand to reveal as well... which may make you more cautious as you will not want to be found by them for whatever reason..possibly they are hunting your named char because you nailed a few of them after you gained their trust and then stole their gear. They will know your nick obviously and are now running around forcing everyone to lift their face wrap to find you. Certainly will add to the tension if you have the balls to stay on the same server ;) Dropping your veil will also be something that will instill trust, you are showing them..hey this me. And the opposite if you wish..hey this is me..BLAM! BLAM! :DThe building of a legend, a regular joe or a bandit. A lot of this is done by forums anyway..Dr wasteland for example,,everyone knows who he is, but i have met plenty of guys that do not post here and are known on certain servers only. Being bandaged and morphed as you lay bleeding from a zed hit by some random guy. Just before he leaves he drops his veil and you realise ' Al Caponesta ' the most feared killer and thief of the dayz servers has just helped you !I like it :beans: Edited October 23, 2012 by Hetstaine 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeppa 562 Posted October 23, 2012 (edited) *SNIP*Does this makes any sense to you?Yes it makes "sense" in the way that I know what you mean. I know everything is not achivable within the game engine and makes alot of work even if its possible.But it doesnt change my opinnion about this. If something like this would be implemented it woudnt turn me away from the game, I wouldnt like it but I could learn to live with it.I dont know hard it would be to make custom face from picture taken from your face with some kind of editor, but then again people would take stupid pictures from their Dck, cat, dog or what ever and use those... abuse is a problem.One aspect could be your voice, but people that cant speak.. mic isnt an option.What comes to multible account that Is a bigger no.If you can change your name ofter, and/or have multible characters takes away consequenses from your actions. In the game like this that there is no classes it could be almost "impossible" to tie your two chars to same person playing, speacially if the name is changeable and its takes away the authenticity if you pop on the server every other day with bandit char and next day hero.You could rape people with the bandit char and switch to hero for more trust among the people, even if the nickname is the same on both chars.IMO only one character and your actions reflects to your next life, as your character reflects you. Your reputation should not "reset" everytime you die. Even if you change your name shoudnt reset your "reputation", if system something like humanity is kept. Edited October 23, 2012 by Zeppa Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arcticia 1 Posted October 23, 2012 I love the idea, I only have a slight problem with seeing the nicknames.To make it authentic you should not know the persons nickname from a distance away, maybe if you are within 5-10 m it shows their name, but at a distance it will show "survivor" if they players face is not covered and just have nothing appear for bandits.Maybe only apply it for the "veteran/hardcore" players. The fact that you telepathically know a persons name at 5-10 m would still bother me, maybe have it only if you are within 5-10 m and you talk to them through voip/direct text and they reply back. Have different variations of text distances, whisper/talk/yell.These are just my thoughts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Miltrivd 17 Posted October 23, 2012 (edited) I don't like it at all. The solutions to the problems people have pointed out are not, just opinions, and seems to be aimed at penalizing unfriendly players.So, for starters, I've always played in servers with no nameplates, no side chat or anything that eases up the survival experience (except 3rd person, I do use that handicap). When you meet me for the first time there should be no way for you to know who I am or what my name is unless I explicitly tell you, and even then, you'll have to take my word for it. This bring a whole set of possibilities that your system denies. I can't fake identities to people I don't trust completely. I can't fake to get away with something, trick, scam, or just because... I don't know, don't want some random guy or gal know who I am. Is up to the players to offer the information.Then again, any kind of identification belongs to lower difficulty settings, so maybe this idea could lead to be implemented in those sections. I've seen and lived (once) the rare situation when an enemy player is literally in front of you, looking directly at you, and the dead of the night, shadows, or ghillie, plus staying perfectly still can save your hide.Identification also makes the game easier. You wouldn't need to check where the players are by communicating, simple use the crosshair to locate them, again, this is already in game in easier difficulty settings. So it applies there, not on the game as a whole.Changing names when dying brings to discussion the possibilities of role playing. Some people like it, some not, some do it, some don't. Humanity is already a fixed, account wide stat, so I don't think Rocket is aiming for allowing *fresh starts* with different lives, but that's not set on stone. Your system denies completely any player choice in the matter.---Said all that, I think there are some good things that could come up from this, here are my suggestions to your system and how to apply them to all difficulties.Instead of showing the player name, allow for tagging after several encounter.Example: I find a survivor (Nameplates ON: in the crosshair I see Unidentified survivor. Nameplates OFF: nothing), after spending a set amount of time in one sitting or split through different encounters, the game allows me to tag (assign a name to said player), this will simulate the ability to remember the voice and the face of the survivor after sharing some time together.This should be tweaked according distance and time, since it's easier to remember someone that was next to you 2 hours, than someone that has shot you from afar 4 times. In NP:OFF (Nameplates:OFF) servers this could be replaced for the assigned name tag being shown to the player that set it when the recognized survivor used Direct Communication, voice or written chat.Tagging allows for flexibility. Let's say I pair up with a guy, 3 hours, we help each other and fix 2 vehicles, when we are about to part ways I get the trigger that after several encounters or time together now you can recognize this survivor. I ask him What's your name? If he gives me a name, I use it on the tag (there could also be a space for a short description that we could check in some kind of notebook) but he doesn't want to give me his name I could write *the guy that helped me fix a vehicle*. I would remember *that guy*, but I wouldn't be forcing his name out of him and I couldn't know if the name he gave me was real or not. This could lead to interesting mechanics and people finding out if he was who he claimed to be in later encounters or whatever.I don't think Rocket will take the system if it restricts player choice in any way.P. S.: I do however like quite a lot the idea that covering your face could make more difficult for people to recognize you.I answered your Reddit post with the same. Edited October 23, 2012 by Miltrivd 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DZR_Mikhail 2424 Posted October 23, 2012 1) To make it authentic you should not know the persons nickname from a distance away, maybe if you are within 5-10 m it shows their name, but at a distance it will show "survivor" if they players face is not covered and just have nothing appear for bandits.2) The fact that you telepathically know a persons name at 5-10 m would still bother me, maybe have it only if you are within 5-10 m and you talk to them through voip/direct text and they reply back. Have different variations of text distances, whisper/talk/yell.1) Hmmm... I agree, because I stated just exactly the same idea at Game Mechanics Rules, #88) Fade nickname readability (colour\transparency) at distance. Fully visible at 10m, less visible at 40, Almost vaguely visible at 50 and seems almost non visible at 60m.This feature is about giving you ability to "see the face" of a person at close distance, the person who is willing to show it, or accidentally was close enough to show it. As far as we don't have any faces and unique features, I tried using nickname as a replacement for face. I agree It's not realistic, but it's authentic. Authenticity is about thinking. Before you commit something, you think about your "face" being exposed and everyone can recognize you later and accuse you or praise you for your deed. 2) I explained it. You see, you're not bothered by the fact that you see a persons face at this distance? But we have no faces, an we never will. But we have nicknames. How can I possibly not notice\recognize\remember\don't see a persons face until I talked to him. Here he is. His face turned to me. I need barely a minute or less to remember it and recognize later. With nickname functioning as a substitute to impossible face in DayZ you have all in place. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 2416 Posted October 23, 2012 (edited) I already liked this idea on day 1, the thought process here is a grand example of how the "suggestions" section should work.Even if we do get the holy grail of facial editors, there is no way to be certain you would ever recognise anybody just from their face. Computer generated characters based on the same models will always look similar.This idea fills in the gap of necessary player recognition, with a little bit of a logical compromise. I like it.I have never liked the way vehicles and player tags are shown clearly for 100s of meters and through solid objects. I just wanted them out of DayZ altogether.Even with the fade/colour/transparency over distance, the tags MUST take into account direct LOS, or any tags, including this nameface function, will simply become a tool for hidden-faced players to stalk non-hiding players.With a functional "Line Of Sight" mechanic in game, this could work brilliantly!I love the idea of, even with my rag-tag flock of heroes, covering up our faces for a night time trek into unknown territory, but then how could we recognise eachother?Example: I find a survivor (Nameplates ON: in the crosshair I see Unidentified survivor. Nameplates OFF: nothing), after spending a set amount of time in one sitting or split through different encounters, the game allows me to tag (assign a name to said player), this will simulate the ability to remember the voice and the face of the survivor after sharing some time together.IMO, Nametags, as they are in ArmA, should always be off, but this "nameface" tag, if properly implemented, should allow people to recognise close allies, even through disguise. I don't believe this would have any bearing on "difficulty"This is certainly not penalizing unfriendly players, it's simply allowing the community the potential to make decisions about players, based on an earned reputation. (or lack thereof)There would be nothing preventing people from recognising you through the means we currently have, (eg. telling people who you are) but this suggestion could allow for word of mouth to have a greater effect on how other players would interact when they encountered you.Just one thought. I would prefer it if a players' name only shows up when you mousewheel over them, as opposed to whenever you look at them.Could mean the difference between actively trying to identify someone, and simply looking in their direction IRL.Perhaps unrealistic, but still strikes me as more authentic. I suppose it's a matter of perspective. Edited October 23, 2012 by Chabowski Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DZR_Mikhail 2424 Posted October 23, 2012 Miltrivd, thank you for the critics. Mainly people just love it so now I have a challenge and a chance to test my concepts. So I defend my self :) No flame intended. I'll be replying to statements that bother me.1) The solutions to the problems people have pointed out are not, just opinionsI'm not a developer. I can only suggest, fantasize and give out my thought and opinions. But I construct my opinions to follow some logics and enforce the main concept of my feature. So I call it a solution, because if you would be a developer and would try to implement this feature, you would stumble upon this problem for sure. At this moment you will have no need to think about it a lot, because I explained it already and thought about it. It's much easier to work further on your own opinion afterwards.2) and seems to be aimed at penalizing unfriendly players.Oh god. This is amazing! You said that yourself. All I suggested is to give a player freedom to reveal or conceal their identity! And you projected it into what you want to see, not what I really wrote or explained in a huuuuge original post. Please, comment, how my feature penalizes unfriendly players? Does it deprive you of loot? Cause damage? Puts a headwrap around your head? Makes anyone hear heartbeat when looking at you? Marks you on the map as a bandit? Places a large banner on your back?For further reference. Facts you can't disagree with.FACT1: MASK\BALACLAVA\HEADWRAP = ANONYMITY.FACT2: HAVING NO FACE, NO NAME OR MEANS TO IDENTIFY PLAYER = ANONYMITY.FACT3: IN DAYZ NOW EVERYONE IS FACELESS, NAMELESS AND CANT BE IDENTIFIED.LOGICAL RESULT: IN DAYZ NOW EVERYONE IS ANONYMOUS AND WEARING A KIND OF MASK\BALACLAVA\HEADWRAP, AND CAN'T REMOVE IT, CAN'T GET NON-ANONYMOUS.So ask yourself, why friendlies are penalized now by wearing this invisible mask\anonymity?My feature simply makes the mask visible! And give all the player a choice to wear it or not.So what is restricting freedom now?We all, every player, we pay one common price, we agree to have a common attribute - our unique name, that can be shown or hidden. We pay the price, this toll, this tax, for being able to use our freedom at full. Not forced to be anonymous, not forced to wear headwrap, but decide it all yourself.How could I be possibly be accused of attmpting to deprive DayZ players of their freedom? I'm not twisting facts or playing stupid games with you. I'm frankly confident that I'm saying truth and want better DayZ, equal rights to everyone, right and freedom of choice.3) servers with no nameplates, no side chat or anything that eases up the survival experience ... ... Identification also makes the game easier. You wouldn't need to check where the players are by communicating, simple use the crosshair to locate them, again, this is already in game in easier difficulty settings. So it applies there, not on the game as a whole.You read my feature not very attentively. It's not a nameplate floating around player's head all the time. It's vague text at your crosshair when person turns you face at you an you point your crosshair at him within a close ditance. This won't ease up anything. Nor it gives you cheat of being able to scan horizons or forest to catch a glimpse of somebodys name even in concealed position. I explained it many times:Fully visible nick is only at 10m, with persons face turned at you.If he goes prone. Distance goes shorter. Let's say 5m.If he is not moving while prone. Distance is reduced from 1m to not showing at all.Another thing that can be technically done is that nickname is slowly fedes in after 2 seconds of your pointing at somebody. So it will not flash instantly when crosshair is on somebody.You see, it's all about the design. Don't think I'm so stupid to create this madness, this walls of text to simply introduce a stupid cheat to reveal hidden players, or you think it was all done to introduce nameplates in DayZ. "I'm disappoint". I'm thinking about improving scial life in DayZ. It's non existent now. The only thing is the forums. While any other MMO enjoys social at full. I suggest not classic MMO socium. I propose brutal, authentic, truthful concept.4) When you meet me for the first time there should be no way for you to know who I am or what my name is unless I explicitly tell you, and even then, you'll have to take my word for it. This bring a whole set of possibilities that your system denies.I repeat. We sacrifice the name to act and function as a face. Because we don't have any face or unique features in the game. Clothes are not enough, even with hundreds or thousands of them you risk meeting same outfit. Not reliable. But together with my feature it will shine at full.5) I can't fake identities to people I don't trust completely. I can't fake to get away with something, trick, scam, or just because... How my system denies these awesome possibilities? What are you talking about. You think I would advertise this all and go defending if I was such a twofaced mean person to introduce a feature that is aginst bandits and fully for the friendly ponies? Of course I like banditry. DayZ is nothing without bandits. I would be "dissapoint" if someone takes away the ability to fake to get away with something, trick, scam etc.Do this freely, do this realistically and authentically. Fake, trick, scam... Expect the person you've this with to remember you. Why? Imagine real world situation. How could you getaway or trick somebody without showing your face or wearing a mask or disguise? It's impossible! Many street robbers and tricksters sacrifice and risk their face being remembered and recognized. Why? Because showing their face among friendlies is a disguise! They pretend to be friendlies and than do something and have profit. It's a risk. Imagine a person coming up to you in a balaclava saying "Hi how are you. Let's be friends". You would call the police and runaway. Or smash his face or balls first.Do you see where my feature is leading us?6) I don't know, don't want some random guy or gal know who I am. Is up to the players to offer the information.Please, suggest something to substitute unique human face effectively and I'll forget the nickname. But so far it's the most suitable thing. Yes, it is weird that name serves as face, but it fits well.7) Then again, any kind of identification belongs to lower difficulty settings, so maybe this idea could lead to be implemented in those sections. I tell you, thing get more intense, more brutal and you'll find it far more harder to survive in DayZ.8) I've seen and lived (once) the rare situation when an enemy player is literally in front of you, looking directly at you, and the dead of the night, shadows, or ghillie, plus staying perfectly still can save your hide.I gave all technical suggestions to deal with light, shadow and head concealment means that I could think of. read the MECHANICS RULES.I'd be glad if there is a way to make nickname less visible in dark. Of course I thought about it.9) Changing names when dying brings to discussion the possibilities of role playing. Some people like it, some not, some do it, some don't. How can you roleplay with your names if you play on servers without nameplates? You are not consistent at this point. Previously you say we don't need names at all, we must be able to lie about them. Now you say we need the ability to change names. "I'm confuse"10) Humanity is already a fixed, account wide stat, so I don't think Rocket is aiming for allowing *fresh starts* with different lives, but that's not set on stoneRead problem #2 in the original post an the analysis of this feature... I think headwrap is obviously ineffective. I think Rocket agreed on that too.11) Instead of showing the player name, allow for tagging after several encounter. I find a survivor (Nameplates ON: in the crosshair I see Unidentified survivor. Nameplates OFF: nothing), after spending a set amount of time in one sitting or split through different encounters, the game allows me to tag (assign a name to said player), this will simulate the ability to remember the voice and the face of the survivor after sharing some time together.Why not just simulate a face recognition and you will remember it yourself. You're inventing some virtual notepad system. How can this be authentic?12) ..I wouldn't be forcing his name out of him...Me neither! I show not names, your name is your face. I know it's tough to think metaphorically, but please, try to get my point.13) I don't think Rocket will take the system if it restricts player choice in any way.So I'm glad my feature is not restricting it.At this point I'd want Rocket to come and say "Mikhail, shut the hell up. It's ridiculous. Forget it. Topic closed."I'll be releaved. Because I get tired of writing and explaining everything over and over again :) But It's my choice. I'll stand up for it and live it up till it gets pointless. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites