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War Machine Gaming Community | Multiple Servers | Website & Forums | TeamSpeak | Active Admins|220 Vehicles| 6 Choppers|

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Looking for a good Private hive with a lot of custom features but no bullshit? Come join WarMachine Gaming's Chernarus.

We are a active gaming community with over 70+ active members who are always looking for more people to play with. We don't only play DayZ but a ton of other games as well.

We have been running DayZ servers now for over 7 Months and playing DayZ even longer. We know how much it sucks playing on a server with abusive admins you won't find any of that shit here. Trust me.

  • J.S.R.S Enabled
  • Custom loading screen
  • custom debug monitor
  • Dedicated Server
  • Custom towns
  • Custom buildings
  • Custom load-out
  • +200 Vehicles
  • Side Chat Enabled (No VOIP Please !)
  • Care Packages enabled
  • Wrecks enabled
  • Active Admins
  • 3 Hour restarts
  • 50 slot server
  • Lag free server running on dedicated hardware.
  • server rollback enabled to return lost gear due hacker
  • 6 Choppers including choppers including two variants of the MI17 and Little bird As well as a osprey and Black hawk.
  • Custom bases given to players on request!
  • Biplanes enabled!
  • Custom loot tables(Weapons)
  • Daytime 24/7
  • Auto Refuel at all stations
  • Custom Skins(over 7 custom solider skins)
  • Bridge to Skalisty
  • Survivor Colony on Skalisty Protected by AI patrols
  • Animated Heli Crashes
  • JSRS & STmovement allowed on server
  • Multiple server side anti-hacks

Website: http://warmachinegaming.com/

Community YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube....r/WarMachineEnt

Forums: http://warmachinegaming.com/forums/

Teamspeak: Ts.WarMachineGaming.Com


Edited by ElPingu
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We are looking for a active player base and possibly Admins!

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Active admins, enough vehicles that you need... wow perfect :D. the server is a big thumbs up, srsly guys join this. THUMBS UP! hackers get banned immediately when spotted so yeh good thing

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The Admins are great on this server. Have a problem? Just message one of them and you'll get an answer right away. Hackers? Banned as soon as you can spot em. This server is an awesome playground for both survivors and bandits alike!

Edited by (Fl4sh) pvt.Maletizer

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Epic server! its a nice friendly server with hardly any bandits admins are nice and will help you when ever possible! :)

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  On 10/19/2012 at 11:23 PM, Pegz said:

There are muffins

  On 10/19/2012 at 11:23 PM, Pegz said:

There are muffins

Muffins,Muffins Everywhere

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  On 10/19/2012 at 11:50 PM, Insanity Stroke said:

This server is fucking amazing, jizz in my pants. 'Nuff said.

  On 10/19/2012 at 11:50 PM, Insanity Stroke said:

This server is fucking amazing, jizz in my pants. 'Nuff said.


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Thanks for all that joined last night we hit a server record! Hope to see you online again soon,had tons of fun.

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  On 10/20/2012 at 4:04 PM, Bubbletea said:

Was pretty fun. The admins aren't pissy about you killing them too. Its a plus ;D.

  On 10/20/2012 at 4:04 PM, Bubbletea said:

Was pretty fun. The admins aren't pissy about you killing them too. Its a plus ;D.

Nice to have you on the server:)

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  On 10/20/2012 at 4:04 PM, Bubbletea said:

Was pretty fun. The admins aren't pissy about you killing them too. Its a plus ;D.

Welcome to the party. We welcome any competition, would be nice to have another clan to show up lol we have 3 right now and it makes for some interesting times to say the least

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Thanks for all the feedback on the server guys! hope to see you all online tonight:)

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Nice big group tonight hit 35 players tonight, come check us out!

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What time is the daytime on the server ?

I'm european and i need to know that for playing


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  On 10/21/2012 at 6:18 AM, Pegz said:

Nice big group tonight hit 35 players tonight, come check us out!

  On 10/21/2012 at 6:18 AM, Pegz said:

Nice big group tonight hit 35 players tonight, come check us out!

lots of fun last night were finally developing a big player base

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great server, still gets hackers but they get insta banned...

Edited by Nadger

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  On 10/21/2012 at 11:14 PM, Nadger said:

great server, still gets hackers but they get insta banned...

  On 10/21/2012 at 11:14 PM, Nadger said:

great server, still gets hackers but they get insta banned...

Thanks man !;)

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Seems like just another server with childish admins who kick you when things dont go their way. Earlier today I was driving my UAZ past factory above Solnechniy when some chopper started trailing me and eventually killed me. Fortunately I happen to respawn right in Solnichiy and proceeded to run back to my body. I also happen to notice that apparently the same chopper that killed me was refueling at that same factory. I snuck up into firing range and opened fire at whoever was refueling it. Long story short, person logs off and I get kicked out with 'GG' message. Just heads up that this is not a fair server and admins will do things as they see fit.

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  On 10/22/2012 at 12:31 AM, JBassit said:

Seems like just another server with childish admins who kick you when things dont go their way. Earlier today I was driving my UAZ past factory above Solnechniy when some chopper started trailing me and eventually killed me. Fortunately I happen to respawn right in Solnichiy and proceeded to run back to my body. I also happen to notice that apparently the same chopper that killed me was refueling at that same factory. I snuck up into firing range and opened fire at whoever was refueling it. Long story short, person logs off and I get kicked out with 'GG' message. Just heads up that this is not a fair server and admins will do things as they see fit.

  On 10/22/2012 at 12:31 AM, JBassit said:

Seems like just another server with childish admins who kick you when things dont go their way. Earlier today I was driving my UAZ past factory above Solnechniy when some chopper started trailing me and eventually killed me. Fortunately I happen to respawn right in Solnichiy and proceeded to run back to my body. I also happen to notice that apparently the same chopper that killed me was refueling at that same factory. I snuck up into firing range and opened fire at whoever was refueling it. Long story short, person logs off and I get kicked out with 'GG' message. Just heads up that this is not a fair server and admins will do things as they see fit.

First off the reason i logged off during combat is because you were teleporting, i have the logs to prove it Edited by ElPingu

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I don't have time for script kiddies who get butt hurt when they get killed and teleport to get revenge.

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