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Found 94 results

  1. I posted in the discussion thread but it was almost instantly buried (good to see a very active community 😄) I'm sort of in two minds about it. I should state that I've not played the game in ages and although I am a long time player I should be considered a noob for information's sake. I believe it is needed. In my head this will make bases more secure, no ghosting through walls for example. It should also help with combat logging and flanking on a different server. Additionally, I like the idea of being able to change server and instantly appear at the coast from waaaay inland to meet friends. If one team member dies or a new player joins us we can all swap server and meet up on the coast, handy AF. Conversely: I sort of think being sent all the way back to the coast is a little heavy-handed, even though I'm not totally against it. I'd have thought that perhaps you would be sent to the outskirts of the nearest town/village. Kinda makes transferring loot from one server to another a bit difficult now (I have caches on multiple servers). Perhaps I was abusing the way servers worked by jumping between them like that and I totally get it if that is your opinion. If you have any input I'd love to hear it!
  2. Anthony Adkins

    Ghosting problems on ps4

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=128_MvJ4QFI there is no way to get up on the roof of the building with out getting past me and my friends. these guys switched to another server and ghosted us. does anyone else see this happening on their server? also is there a way to report it?
  3. alphagamer1981

    ghosting and base gate bug

    So we added the hotfix patch that was added last week and we have had nothing but problems. It didn't fix combination locks, it didn't fix the invisible wall when you open your gate, and now people on my server are getting frustrated and starting to give up playing dayz because of this ghosting glitch where numerous items stop working properly like opening cans, using tools to build base parts and the ghost bullets that do no damage. When is this getting fixed because its game breaking at the moment
  4. I think basebuilding is useless on public servers if all the attackers have to do is just log out, and log inside the base from a different server. Are there any plans to fix this, especially at the launch of the game? Some of us really dislike playing on private hives since you can't control if it's day/night/rainy (I even hate that word now). It'd be very nice to see a fix following 1.0 release since it will really benefit basebuilders.
  5. Ryan JG


    Have you done it? Has it happened to you? How can we stop it?
  6. Hearingjet74


    Trying to help fresh spawns in berezino against bandits me and my team killed 6 from granes then they jumped servers and respawned behind us need to sort this out roll on private servers
  7. BigTunaDaBoss

    you are ghosting try again

    So i run a server and i keep getting this error cuz im editing the files and i finally got vehicles to spawn after a while and now i keep getting this error. I got my server through gamingdeluxe.co.uk and how do i disable this ghosting? I saw somewhere it said to edit in the init.sqf file but i cant find that file CLOSE LEGIT JUST FOUND IT
  8. Worsley87

    Ghosting Error

    Hi all, I'm seeking some help from the DayZ mod community. I ran a server using our own custom mod, the mod closed down around 6 months ago now, we have been approached by another community and they have asked if they can use the mod. We have allowed them and are now setting it all up for them on there machine. So we have set it all up now and have gone to join the server, I am now seeing and error on the splash screen saying checking for ghosted player, I have checked the RPT and found nothing, I have also disabled this in the init.sqf as you can see below //Gamesettingsdayz_antihack = 0; // DayZ Antihack / 1 = enabled // 0 = disableddayz_REsec = 1; // DayZ RE Security / 1 = enabled // 0 = disableddayz_enableGhosting = false; //Enable disable the ghosting system.dayz_ghostTimer = 0; //Sets how long in seconds a player must be dissconnected before being able to login again.dayz_spawnselection = 0; //Turn on spawn selection 0 = random only spawns, 1 = Spawn choice based on limitsdayz_DisplayGenderSelect = 0;dayz_spawncarepkgs_clutterCutter = 2; //0 = loot hidden in grass, 1 = loot lifted and 2 = no grassdayz_spawnCrashSite_clutterCutter = 2; // heli crash options 0 = loot hidden in grass, 1 = loot lifted and 2 = no grassdayz_spawnInfectedSite_clutterCutter = 2; // infected base spawn... 0: loot hidden in grass, 1: loot lifted, 2: no grass dayz_enableRules = false; //Enables a nice little news/rules feed on player login (make sure to keep the lists quick).dayz_quickSwitch = false; //Turns on forced animation for weapon switch. (hotkeys 1,2,3) False = enable animations, True = disable animationsdayz_POIs = true;setViewDistance 1200;0 setFog 0;dayz_ForcefullmoonNights = 0; // Forces night time to be full moon. Now the mod is running an older version of DayZ (1.8.2) I want to know if there is any way round this on this build or if I have to merge the mod with 1.8.5 to get it to work, I have google the crap out of this error and found a few different fixes both client side and server side. Any help any one can give me would be massively helpful. Thanks all. -edit So I have been doing some more digging and i'm finding all sorts of things that may be coursing this issue, firstly in the RPT file I have this22:38:48 "ERROR: Cannot Sync Character Tom Harris as no characterID"So I have looked around and that's all telling me that the steam beta patch needs ports opening, which they are! I have checked the firewall and all incoming and outgoing ports for steam are open, I have also made sure that everything in the server.cfg is correct, (I think so anyway). //ArmA2 OA : 1.63 SETTINGS steamport = 8766; steamqueryport = 27016; I know that this is getting old etc but its really frustrating knowing that its all set up but these few little things are stopping the MOD. Please can some one cast a light on this and help me out!
  9. Much has been discussed about it. I'm just brainstorming a bit. Maybe there should be some kind of penalty (at least not worth changing your position in a 'magical' way) when you leave a server and join the same server at a different position (maybe with a tolerance of 3 metres 3D distance) within 15 minutes, no matter how many other server have been meanwhile. (Btw, using fired bullets near you to determine whether you are combat logging is quite stupid and very unrealiable. Don't know who came up with this first.)
  10. A lot of things my group wants to do are ruined by ghosting. It makes it pretty much impossible to trap someone in a building or hold someone hostage when they can just ghost to a different location. What can be done to stop ghosting? I know you can buy a private server but I'd hope the only solution planned is to force users to buy private shards
  11. Hey guys, hope you can help. I have my UI resolution set to 1920x1080 the native resolution of my screen. However, when I change my rendering resolution to 1920x1080(100%) I get ghosting terrain. It goes away at the next lowest rendering reso (88%). Is it important to have this at 100%? Am I losing graphic quality. I'm not getting any blurriness at the 88%. Anybody have any ideas? Thanks in advance for any replies.
  12. gibonez

    Anti- Ghosting measures

    Pretty simple suggestion. Do not allow people to spawn into a server if there is already a player within 100m of the place you are attempting to spawn into. This would stop ghosting to some degree .
  13. DuckBucket

    What exactly is Ghosting?!?

    What exactly is ghosting and how is it done? First off let me get things clear and say I will not be ghosting unless it involves hackers because I have died to hackers twice before and I'm tired of it. So, I've tried doing it once before but it didn't work? I left my server i usually play on and went to a different one and it set me a new spawn rather then keeping me at my old location? So, how exactly do you do it? Do certain servers only work for certain servers? I'm confused?
  14. Sorry if there was already a thread on this, I didn't see one but I admittedly didn't look so hard =P http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/2742is/once_base_building_is_added_how_will_they_go/chx7hn0?context=3 So this seems like a pretty straightforward solution. I could see potential issues if the footprint of the zone is poorly defined, but hopefully they make it extend past the actual structure. Potential issues with say, barricading a single room in an apartment/multistory house could arise (does this zone register vertically? That could cause issues with logging out above/below), but perhaps that just won't be a possibility or their system will be good enough for it to work. We'll just have to wait and see!
  15. Has anyone else noticed that heroes have no shame in ghosting? I never have seen so much ghosting on a consistent basis than when you kill a few people when my friends lock down an area and the dead players probably complain to friends/heroes because every night we see highly geared players magically spawn right behind us minutes after almost half our kills. Its fucking ridiculous. My friends and I get greatly immersed, locking down areas by interacting with people who roll through.... Soemtimes we kill if they ont follow simple commands.... But we play legitimately without ghosting which is cheating. So to all the so called heroes who ghost in behind players using cheated intelligence to pathetically try and get the drop on peope who legitimately killed your friends or random people on your server........ You are pathetic cheaters.
  16. Hey guys, as a server admin I've run into a few challenges, most of which have been possible to find solutions to online. However lately, an issue that has been in the back of my head for a while has proved difficult to find the answer to. The implementation of timeouts for server hopping is great and all, but in prolonged firefights (ones lasting from 10-15 minutes to an hour) ghosting is still a possibility and a nuisance. I know how to kick/ban people, but how to tell what player is guilty? On highly populated servers people join and leave all the time, and keeping an eye on the player list alone won't give anyone an overview of who joined when and where. The server logs are difficult to read as well, and promising to ban any player caught ghosting seems moot when there is no way to know who the ghosting players are - there are no notifiers to tell a person who killed you, and "check pulse" will in most cases only give you "Unknown identity has no pulse.." instead of an actual nickname. Is there a way to read the server logs to see who just killed who, for example? Or are there any improvements in the works to tell; Who killed me? Who did I just kill?I feel this is a very important issue for anyone running a server (which, for the record, is an expensive affair), trying to prevent and ban ghosting/cheating. Any feedback would be highly appreciated.
  17. There was a guy on my server who kept getting kicked for hacks by battle eye. I could read him getting kicked over 15 times for "hacks #38" So apparently people are hacking and just getting away with it because battle eye seems to not care at all. The same person, same name ZombieLand something logged back on over and over. I then found him. The only other person on the small server I was in. I was in electro trying to find better melee weapon than a wrench when I ran into him standing in middle of intersection by the police station. I said hi with my gun drawn. He just stood there. He replied,"hey just gathering some things. I ran into the police station after saying bye and went upstairs and saw a Mosin. Started running towards it. and ...it vanished. Just gone. In fact there was nothing in the entire police station anymore including the assault vest i walked past. I went back outside and he was standing there this time with a zombie attacking him... He didnt seem to die. I shot at him this time thinking cool Im going to kill a hacker. But he just stood there. Then he disappeared. About 10 mins later I saw him get kicked again for the same reason "Hacks #38" sure enough though...he was back a few mins later. This is depressing. I feel battle eye should be a little more harsh. Ghosting: Later that day I was being shot at from someone on a hill. I ducked for cover and returned fire with my mosin/PU scope. I hit him in the legs saw him go down behind a tree. He fixed himself up and tried to run to another location, He took 2 in the back and I saw him bleeding bad. He made it behind a rock and i didn't see him for awhile. I carfully panned the area and waited, in my nice safe spot. A min or 2 goes by and I turn around just in time to see same guy with a red bandana/paydaymask and mosin with scope appearing behind me... I KO'd him and took his weapons and pants and all his food. When He regained consciousness i called him out on it and he just laughed and said he was a different person. 3 people on server....... red bandana/payday mask and same gun.... Is there future plans to curb this behavior?
  18. Solution for spawning players outside/inside of bases. Topic brought up here in relation to Rocket's talk today, and as promised here's a possible solution with workable prototype. Basic idea: When a player spawns, they "drift" 1-2km away from their login point.This "drift" would only happen on joining a new server and when the timer would be applied.The drift is influenced by nearby players, if there are any. A nearby player will push the player's spawn position away, meaning players will not spawn on top of other players.If there are no players nearby, drift is in a random direction.This does not happen if the influencing player is on the spawning player's friends list.Zombies apply a smaller push than players."Attractors" can be added (like camping parts, bases, vehicles, etc) that pull the player to spawn there.Attractors only apply if a player has interacted with that item (vehicles) or the player is on the friends list of the player that "owns" that item.Unaffiliated Attractors would severely push players away (someone else's base).Attached is a zip with a simple mockup in Unity. Extract it to your desktop or wherever and open the .html file and everything should work. Click to place a repeller (player, zombie, etc)Shift Click to place an attractor (a base you're a part of)Click an attractor/repeller to remove itEscape clears both itemsPlayer would spawn in the green wedge.Also included is the source, which can be opened as a project in Unity. If a mod wants to sticky this or promote these kinds of suggestions (with code or prototypes) I'd be more than OK with that. Hint hint. Welp, I've got a game jam to run off to, ciao. DayZ Spawn Mechanic.zip DayZ Spawn Mechanic Source.zip
  19. While server-hopping is not nearly as much of an issue as it used to be with the new timers, it still is very much possible to do so any many people do. Instead of just staying in one building and hopping every 30 seconds, they now cover a wider area so the timers dont hit them as hard. So basically, for example on the NEAF, hoppers will just log in in the western prison, clear all the buildings and log out in the eastern prison, rinse repeat. Another, issue, which imho is much more important is ghosting. This also got harder with the timers and the 30 second logout dummy, but for players who are in a team this is still being abused a lot. Some group is camping in a building you can't storm? Just have 2 of yours log out, switch, and log in behind them somewhere. Takes longer than it used to, but otherwise this is still possible and people still abuse it. So heres my suggestion how to fix this: Just like the 30 second logout dummy to prevent Combat Log, add a 30 second login "dummy". Basically all the devs would have to do is to add a 30 second state of "unconsciousness" after joining a server, where you cannot control your character at all and cant see. And 30 seconds after you have logged in, you are good to go. This should be very easy to implement, and in combination with the login "reload" sound would make any attempt to ghost suicidal, because nearby players will hear that you logged in behind them, and then have 30 seconds to kill you before you can react. On top of fixing the ghosting abuse, it would also make server hopping significantly more risky. This should be easy to implement for the devs, and is only a minor annoyance for legit players. You already have to find a safe spot to log out now anyway, so the only players affected by this are the ones who do so in high risk areas. It would also prevent server hopping snipers, from going on a low-pop server, climbing the highest building in the area, and then switch to a full one. Unless they like standing on the highest building in town for 30 seconds for everyone to see.
  20. I consistently see suggestions on here about how to fix server hopping and almost all of them have some sort of major restriction. Everything from timeouts to restricting server choices to seperate characters on every server. A big problem most of you don't think about is how do these suggestions impact a players ability to actually play? Timeouts currently cause delays and punish the innocent as well as guilty. Server Disconnect or Crashed several times in a row? Enjoy your wait. It only minimally slows down server hoppers/ghosting and isn't all that effective. Restricting server choices how can I play with my friends? Not to mention how can I find the best server for me not only ping based but general play style of other players who visit the server regularly? While the one character per server would be a decent solution it has it's own problems. First it means anytime I want to play on another server I have to start over. Plus what happens when the server I've been playing on for months goes broke or no longer exists? I lose my character and whatever else. The friend issue can crop up again. As I see it the best solutions are only two. 1. Timeout instituted with a server memory so that if you get disconnected or whatever happens as long as you connect to the same server again you don't get a timeout. This is the most likely solution to be enacted as it has minimal impact on playability for most players and still enables switching servers to join your friends or whatever else. The major drawback is it doesn't really address issues of ghosting or server hopping it merely implements a delay and forces it to take more time. 2. Position Reset would be the other. If you keep connecting to the same server it saves your logout position and you start there again. However if you jump to a new server your location is reset to a new spawn location. This basically does two things. People will tend to play on the same server consistently and while it doesn't completely eliminate ghosting or server hopping it will make it much more difficult as now you have to run all the way across the map again. It doesn't have any negatives as far as playing with friends other than having to run to meet up with them. Major negative is the whole spawning in a new location people would abuse this and switch servers until they got a spawn point they liked. It might work better if they added another set of spawnpoints out in the middle of the woods rather than the current new spawn points. Still pretty much it would all be abused for changing location. Granted a lot of what people want to do to prevent server hopping/ghosting will have to adapt with the introduction of persistent backpacks, base building, and vehicles. I don't think we can accurately determine what the impact those will have on server hopping/ghosting will be. Anyways just food for thought. If your gonna post all these suggestions try to analyze things. Think about what the Pros and Cons of your idea are and then post those along with your idea.
  21. Screw my original (deleted) idea! I like ^ in addition to the "server-hopper fix" from the last patch.
  22. Give the players that are already there a fighting chance. Let's face it, even if a player isn't server hopping or ghosting he or she can still end up with an unfair advantage when logging in for the day/night. People can pop in out of nowhere at any time and it doesn't matter if it's right next door to you or 200m away, they weren't there 5 mins ago, but they are there now. What can be done about it? You have to let people login whenever they want and at the same spot they logged off. So what I suggest is to have a bit of an environmental alarm in the form of a loud, unique zombie growl play any time a player logs in within 100-200 meters of your location. That way it's something that still fits within the environment while being a loud enough sound to be heard a fair distance away. This zombie growl would not indicate the direction or distance the player is from you, but just as a heads up that there is a new threat to worry about somewhere in the surrounding area. The growl should sound pretty far way, echoing from over the hills, so that an area that is cleared of zombies doesn't have some unrealistic invisible zombie yapping away. I think this would also be a great way of instilling fear among players, like in the case of a lone survivor looting away when suddenly hearing 3 consecutive blood curdling howls. Oh shit! And yes, the players logging in would also hear the screams, so they too know they are not alone.
  23. 1. Develop an in-game friends system - might contain friends and "temporary" friends etc. 2. Permit player logout when there are only friendly players around in the vicinity you are in. As long as there are players that aren't friendly in the vicinity, make log-out time something like 5 minutes. 3. If you want to come back to the same server up to 30 minutes after you have left while enemy players were there (and you waited for 5 minutes to do so) spawn in the same location you left from (display warning message on log-in to inform that you will be spawned at the location you left from).
  24. Dunxel

    Ghosting Deathsquad

    Holy crap.. Friend & I just watched a pair of guys Ghost 3 or 4 groups in Elektro. 2 very well geared guys with M4's. All we had was Pistols. We watched from our window off in the distance. As they would come up on buildings leaning into the walls.. Then poof disappear. Shortly later.. M4's going off like CRAZY.. then the guys we saw log out just outside of the buildings. come walking out of that very same building untouched.. One by one, building after building. It was as if they knew where EVERY single camping person/group was. They finally came to our building.. We couldn't believe it.. How did they even know we were here!? When they logged into the rooms we were in. and mow us down. We both unloaded our Mag's into them point blank range & it did NOTHING to them. We have noticed when we log into a server we can't do shit for about 5 seconds. Even after that we get that wonderful Desync for another 5 seconds. Be lucky to see our guns get placed in our hands. Pretty much a 5-10 seconds sitting duck.. But these guys.. Holy crap. Appeared.. less than a second later gun in hand. maybe the 2nd second.. begin to unload it on us... I wonder if it could be possible to be told who killed you.. This way we could report any possible cheaters/hackers. Name - Server - Time. Description of what happened. We could FRAPS it all day but that wouldn't mean crap if we don't know who it is on a 40 person server.