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About BigTunaDaBoss

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Bio
    Try to Be A hero, get shot at too much so probably a bandit.
  1. BigTunaDaBoss

    what is value for mh6j

    what is the script value for the mh6j little bird and value. I have the ah6x but not the mh6j as id like to get the black little bird in
  2. BigTunaDaBoss

    you are ghosting try again

    So i run a server and i keep getting this error cuz im editing the files and i finally got vehicles to spawn after a while and now i keep getting this error. I got my server through gamingdeluxe.co.uk and how do i disable this ghosting? I saw somewhere it said to edit in the init.sqf file but i cant find that file CLOSE LEGIT JUST FOUND IT
  3. BigTunaDaBoss

    How do I build a wooden wall

    yeah I got it thanks, also is anyone else getting the heli is leaking fuel, I Have a huey and its fully repaired and not leaking but the Grey LB is leaking, even though everything is in perfect condtion, including the glass.
  4. BigTunaDaBoss

    How do I build a wooden wall

    This is going to make me seem like a total noob but how do I buil a wall? I have a gate and fence DIY but do you need one for a wooden wall. Also if you had like a wiki or page full of all the building recipes that would be extremely helpful and I'd love you.
  5. BigTunaDaBoss

    Where Do You Find Combo Locks?

    also im playing on vanilla
  6. Where do you find combo locks in the mod? Ive asked the admin on the server I am on and he said he doesn't know so I came here looking for help.